flushing sound
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require br/cond)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass object%
(GlyphIterator glyphs [flags (mhasheq)])
(field [index #f])
(reset flags)
(define/public (reset flags)
(set-field! flags this flags)
(set-field! index this 0))
(define/public (cur)
(and (< (· this index) (length (· this glyphs)))
(list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index))))
(define/public (shouldIgnore glyph flags)
(or (and (· flags ignoreMarks) (· glyph isMark))
(and (· flags ignoreBaseGlyphs) (not (· glyph isMark)))
(and (· flags ignoreLigatures) (· glyph isLigature))))
(define/public (move dir)
(unless (= (abs dir) 1)
(raise-argument-error 'GlyphIterator:move "1 or -1" dir))
(increment-field! index this dir)
(while (and (<= 0 (· this index))
(< (· this index) (length (· this glyphs)))
(send this shouldIgnore (list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index)) (· this flags)))
(increment-field! index this dir))
(if (or (> 0 (· this index))
(>= (· this index) (length (· this glyphs))))
(list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index))))
(define/public (next) (move 1))
(define/public (prev) (move -1))
(define/public (peek [count 1])
(define idx (· this index))
(define res (send this increment count))
(set-field! index this idx)
(define/public (peekIndex [count 1])
(define idx (· this index))
(send this increment count)
(define res (· this index))
(set-field! index this idx)
(define/public (increment [count 1])
(for/last ([i (in-range (abs count))])
(send this move (if (negative? count) -1 1)))))
(define gi (+GlyphIterator '(a b c)))
(check-equal? (· gi index) 0)
(check-equal? (send gi cur) 'a)
(check-equal? (send gi move 1) 'b)
(check-equal? (send gi move 1) 'c)
(check-false (send gi move 1))
(check-false (send gi cur))
(check-equal? (send gi increment -3) 'a)
(check-equal? (send gi cur) 'a)
(check-equal? (send gi peek 1) 'b)
(check-equal? (send gi peek 2) 'c)
(check-equal? (send gi peek 3) #f)
(check-equal? (send gi cur) 'a)
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require fontland "gpos-processor.rkt" rackunit xenomorph racket/serialize describe)
(define fira-path "assets/fira.ttf")
(define f (openSync fira-path))
(define gpos (· f GPOS))
(define proc (+GPOSProcessor f gpos))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc features))
'((cpsp (lookupCount . 1) (lookupListIndexes 0) (featureParams . 0))
(mkmk (lookupCount . 5) (lookupListIndexes 8 9 10 11 12) (featureParams . 0))
(mark (lookupCount . 3) (lookupListIndexes 5 6 7) (featureParams . 0))
(kern (lookupCount . 4) (lookupListIndexes 1 2 3 4) (featureParams . 0))))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc script))
'((count . 0)
(defaultLangSys (featureIndexes 0 14 28 42)
(reserved . 0)
(reqFeatureIndex . 65535)
(featureCount . 4))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc scriptTag)) 'DFLT)
(check-equal? (dump (· proc language))
'((featureIndexes 0 14 28 42)
(reserved . 0)
(reqFeatureIndex . 65535)
(featureCount . 4)))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc languageTag)) #f)
(check-equal? (dump (· proc lookups)) empty)
(check-equal? (dump (· proc direction)) 'ltr)
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require fontland "gsub-processor.rkt" rackunit xenomorph racket/serialize describe)
(define fira-path "assets/fira.ttf")
(define f (openSync fira-path))
(define gsub (· f GSUB))
(define proc (+GSUBProcessor f gsub))
(check-equal? (map car (dump (· proc features)))
'(c2sc pnum liga tnum onum ss01 dlig lnum sups zero ss02 aalt subs ss03 ordn calt dnom smcp salt case numr frac mgrk))
(check-equal? (dict-ref (dump (· proc language)) 'featureIndexes)
'(0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 136 150 164 178 192 206 220 234 248 262 276 290 304 318))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc scriptTag)) 'DFLT)
(check-equal? (dict-ref (dump (· proc language)) 'featureIndexes)
'(0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 136 150 164 178 192 206 220 234 248 262 276 290 304 318))
(check-equal? (dump (· proc languageTag)) #f)
(check-equal? (dump (· proc lookups)) empty)
(check-equal? (dump (· proc direction)) 'ltr)
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require "ot-processor.rkt" "glyphinfo.rkt" br/cond)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass OTProcessor (GSUBProcessor)
(define/override (applyLookup lookupType table)
#;(report lookupType 'GSUBProcessor:applyLookup)
(case lookupType
[(1) ;; Single Substitution
#;(report 'single-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define glyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
(send glyph id
(case (· table version)
[(1) (bitwise-and (+ (· glyph id) (· table deltaGlyphID)) #xffff)]
[(2) (send (· table substitute) get index)]))
[(2) ;; Multiple Substitution
#;(report 'multiple-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define sequence (send (· table sequences) get index))
(send (· this glyphIterator cur) id (list-ref sequence 0))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (· this glyphIterator cur) 0)
(define features (· this glyphIterator cur features))
(define curGlyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
(define replacement (for/list ([(gid i) (in-indexed (cdr sequence))])
(define glyph (+GlyphInfo (· this font) gid #f features))
(set-field! shaperInfo glyph (· curGlyph shaperInfo))
(set-field! isLigated glyph (· curGlyph isLigated))
(set-field! ligatureComponent glyph (add1 i))
(set-field! substituted glyph #t)
(set-field! glyphs this (let-values ([(head tail) (split-at (· this glyphs) (add1 (· this glyphIterator index)))])
(append head replacement tail)))
[(3) ;; Alternate substitution
#;(report 'alternate-substitution)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (define USER_INDEX 0)
(send (· this glyphIterator cur) id (list-ref (send (· table alternateSet) get index) USER_INDEX))
[(4) ;; Ligature substitution
#;(report '---------------------------)
#;(report 'ligature-substitution)
#;(report* lookupType (· table coverage glyphs))
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
#;(report index 'forker)
[(= index -1) #f]
[(for*/or ([ligature (in-list (send (· table ligatureSets) get index))]
[matched (in-value (send this sequenceMatchIndices 1 (· ligature components)))]
#:when matched)
(define curGlyph (· this glyphIterator cur))
;; Concatenate all of the characters the new ligature will represent
(define characters
(append (· curGlyph codePoints)
(append* (for/list ([index (in-list matched)])
(get-field codePoints (list-ref (· this glyphs) index))))))
;; Create the replacement ligature glyph
(define ligatureGlyph (+GlyphInfo (· this font) (· ligature glyph) characters (· curGlyph features)))
(· ligatureGlyph id)
(set-field! shaperInfo ligatureGlyph (· curGlyph shaperInfo))
(set-field! isLigated ligatureGlyph #t)
(set-field! substituted ligatureGlyph #t)
(define isMarkLigature
(and (· curGlyph isMark)
(for/and ([match-idx (in-list matched)])
(· (list-ref (· this glyphs) match-idx) isMark))))
(set-field! ligatureID ligatureGlyph (cond
[isMarkLigature #f]
[else (define id (· this ligatureID))
(increment-field! ligatureID this)
(define lastLigID (· curGlyph ligatureID))
(define lastNumComps (length (· curGlyph codePoints)))
(define curComps lastNumComps)
(define idx (add1 (· this glyphIterator index)))
;; Set ligatureID and ligatureComponent on glyphs that were skipped in the matched sequence.
;; This allows GPOS to attach marks to the correct ligature components.
(for ([matchIndex (in-list matched)])
;; Don't assign new ligature components for mark ligatures (see above)
[isMarkLigature (set! idx matchIndex)]
[else (while (< idx matchIndex)
(define ligatureComponent (+ curComps (- lastNumComps) (min (or (get-field ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx)) 1) lastNumComps)))
(set-field! ligatureID (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) (· ligatureGlyph ligatureID))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureComponent)
(increment! idx))])
(define lastLigID (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureID))
(define lastNumComps (length (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) codePoints)))
(increment! curComps lastNumComps)
(increment! idx)) ;; skip base glyph
;; Adjust ligature components for any marks following
(when (and lastLigID (not isMarkLigature))
(for ([i (in-range idx (length (· this glyphs)))]
#:when (= (· (list-ref (· this glyphs) idx) ligatureID) lastLigID))
(define ligatureComponent (+ curComps (- lastNumComps) (min (or (get-field ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) i)) 1) lastNumComps)))
(set-field! ligatureComponent (list-ref (· this glyphs) i) ligatureComponent)))
;; Delete the matched glyphs, and replace the current glyph with the ligature glyph
#;(report (for/list ([g (· this glyphs)]) (· g id)) 'step-a)
#;(report matched)
#;(report (· this glyphIterator index))
(set-field! glyphs this (for*/list ([(glyph idx) (in-indexed (· this glyphs))]
[midx (in-list matched)]
#:unless (= idx midx))
(if (= idx (· this glyphIterator index))
(set-field! glyphs (· this glyphIterator) (· this glyphs)) ; update glyph iterator to keep it in sync <sigh>
#;(report (for/list ([g (· this glyphs)]) (· g id)) 'step-c)
#;(report (· this glyphIterator index))
[else #f])]
[(5) ;; Contextual Substitution
(send this applyContext table)]
[(6) ;; Chaining Contextual Substitution
(send this applyChainingContext table)]
[(7) ;; Extension Substitution
(send this applyLookup (· table lookupType) (· table extension))]
[else (error 'unimplemented-gsub-lookup)])))
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt") "glyph.rkt" "glyphrun.rkt" "glyph-position.rkt" "ot-layout-engine.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass object% (LayoutEngine font)
(field [unicodeLayoutEngine #f]
[kernProcessor #f]
;; Choose an advanced layout engine.
;; We try the AAT morx table first since more
;; scripts are currently supported because
;; the shaping logic is built into the font.
[(· this font has-morx-table?) (error 'morx-layout-unimplemented)]
[(or (· this font has-gsub-table?) (· this font has-gpos-table?))
#;(report/file 'starting-layout-engine)
(+OTLayoutEngine (· this font))]
[else #f])])
(define/contract (layout this str-or-glyphs [features #f]
;; Attempt to detect the script if not provided.
[script (if (string? str-or-glyphs)
(Script-forString str-or-glyphs)
(Script-forCodePoints (append-map (λ (g) (· g codePoints)) str-or-glyphs)))]
[language #f])
(((or/c string? (listof Glyph?))) ((option/c list?) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?)) . ->*m . GlyphRun?)
(define glyphs
;; Map string to glyphs if needed
(if (string? str-or-glyphs)
(send (· this font) glyphsForString str-or-glyphs)
#;(report*/file 'starting-layout-in-layout-engine glyphs)
[(empty? glyphs) (+GlyphRun glyphs empty)] ; Return early if there are no glyphs
;; Setup the advanced layout engine
(when (and (· this engine) #;(·? engine setup))
(send (· this engine) setup glyphs features script language))
;; Substitute and position the glyphs
(set! glyphs (send this substitute glyphs features script language))
#;(report*/file 'end-sub glyphs)
#;(error 'stop)
#;(report/file 'ready-position)
#;(report (for/list ((g (in-list glyphs))) (· g id)) 'shecky)
(define positions (send this position glyphs features script language))
#;(report (for/list ((p (in-list positions))) (list (· p xAdvance) (· p xOffset))))
#;(report/file 'fired-position)
;; Let the layout engine clean up any state it might have
(when (and (· this engine) #;(·? this engine cleanup))
(· this engine cleanup))
(+GlyphRun glyphs positions)]))
(define (substitute this glyphs features script language)
#;((is-a?/c GlyphRun) . ->m . void?)
;; Call the advanced layout engine to make substitutions
(when (and (· this engine) #;(· this engine substitute))
(set! glyphs (send (· this engine) substitute glyphs features script language)))
#;(report/file glyphs)
(define/contract (position this glyphs features script language)
((listof Glyph?) (option/c list?) (option/c symbol?) (option/c symbol?) . ->m . (listof GlyphPosition?))
(define positions (for/list ([glyph (in-list glyphs)])
(make-object GlyphPosition (· glyph advanceWidth))))
;; Call the advanced layout engine. Returns the features applied.
(define positioned
(and (· this engine) #;(· this engine position)
(send (· this engine) position glyphs positions features script language)))
;; if there is no GPOS table, use unicode properties to position marks.
;; todo: unicode layout
#;(unless positioned
(unless (· this unicodeLayoutEngine)
(set! unicodeLayoutEngine (+UnicodeLayoutEngine (· this font))))
(send unicodeLayoutEngine positionGlyphs glyphs positions))
;; if kerning is not supported by GPOS, do kerning with the TrueType/AAT kern table
;; todo: old style kern table
#;(when (and (or (not positioned) (not (· positioned kern))) (· this font kern))
(unless kernProcessor
(set! kernProcessor (+KernProcessor (· this font))))
(send kernProcessor process glyphs positions))
(define/contract (hideDefaultIgnorables this glyphRun)
((is-a?/c GlyphRun) . ->m . void?)
(define space (send (· this font) glyphForCodePoint #x20))
(define-values (new-glyphs new-positions)
(for/lists (ngs nps)
([glyph (in-list (· glyphRun glyphs))]
[pos (in-list (· glyphRun positions))])
[(send this isDefaultIgnorable (car (· glyph codePoints)))
(define new-pos pos)
(set-field! xAdvance new-pos 0)
(set-field! yAdvance new-pos 0)
(values space new-pos)]
[else (values glyph pos)])))
(set-field! glyphs glyphRun new-glyphs)
(set-field! positions glyphRun new-positions))
(define/contract (isDefaultIgnorable this codepoint)
(index? . ->m . boolean?)
#f ; todo: everything
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require "gsub-processor.rkt" "gpos-processor.rkt" "glyphinfo.rkt" (prefix-in Shapers- "shapers.rkt") "shaping-plan.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass object% (OTLayoutEngine font)
(field [glyphInfos #f]
[shaper #f]
[plan #f]
[GSUBProcessor #f]
[GPOSProcessor #f])
#;(report/file 'starting-ot-layout-engine)
(when (· font has-gsub-table?)
(set-field! GSUBProcessor this (+GSUBProcessor font (or (· font GSUB) (error 'no-gsub-table)))))
(when (· font has-gpos-table?)
(set-field! GPOSProcessor this (+GPOSProcessor font (or (· font GPOS) (error 'no-gpos-table)))))
(define/public (setup glyphs features script language)
;; Map glyphs to GlyphInfo objects so data can be passed between
;; GSUB and GPOS without mutating the real (shared) Glyph objects.
(set! glyphInfos (map (λ (glyph) (+GlyphInfo (· this font) (· glyph id) (· glyph codePoints))) glyphs))
;; Choose a shaper based on the script, and setup a shaping plan.
;; This determines which features to apply to which glyphs.
(set! shaper (Shapers-choose script))
(set! plan (+ShapingPlan (· this font) script language))
#;(report/file shaper)
(send (make-object shaper) plan (· this plan) (· this glyphInfos) features))
(define/public (substitute glyphs . _)
[(· this GSUBProcessor)
#;(report/file (· this glyphInfos))
(define new-glyphinfos
(send (· this plan) process (· this GSUBProcessor) (· this glyphInfos)))
(set! glyphInfos new-glyphinfos) ; update OTLayoutEngine state for positioning pass
#;(report/file new-glyphinfos)
;; Map glyph infos back to normal Glyph objects
#;(report/file (for/list ([glyphInfo (in-list new-glyphinfos)])
(send (· this font) getGlyph (· glyphInfo id) (· glyphInfo codePoints))))
(for/list ([glyphInfo (in-list new-glyphinfos)])
(send (· this font) getGlyph (· glyphInfo id) (· glyphInfo codePoints)))]
[else glyphs]))
(define/public (position glyphs positions . _)
#;(report*/file glyphs positions shaper)
(define static-shaper (make-object shaper))
(when (eq? (· static-shaper zeroMarkWidths) 'BEFORE_GPOS)
(zeroMarkAdvances positions))
(when GPOSProcessor
#;(report/file GPOSProcessor)
(send (· this plan) process GPOSProcessor glyphInfos positions))
(when (eq? (· static-shaper zeroMarkWidths) 'AFTER_GPOS)
(zeroMarkAdvances positions))
;; Reverse the glyphs and positions if the script is right-to-left
(when (eq? (· this plan direction) 'rtl)
(set! glyphs (reverse glyphs))
(set! positions (reverse positions)))
#;(report/file (and GPOSProcessor (· GPOSProcessor features)))
(and GPOSProcessor (· GPOSProcessor features)))
(define/public (zeroMarkAdvances positions)
(set! positions
(for/list ([glyphInfo (in-list glyphInfos)]
[position (in-list positions)])
(when (· glyphInfo isMark)
(dict-set*! position
'xAdvance 0
'yAdvance 0))
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "racket.rkt")
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt"))
(provide (all-defined-out))
; * ShapingPlans are used by the OpenType shapers to store which
; * features should by applied, and in what order to apply them.
; * The features are applied in groups called stages. A feature
; * can be applied globally to all glyphs, or locally to only
; * specific glyphs.
(define-subclass object% (ShapingPlan font script language)
(field [direction (Script-direction script)]
[stages empty]
[globalFeatures (mhasheq)]
[allFeatures (mhasheq)])
;; Adds the given features to the last stage.
;; Ignores features that have already been applied.
(define/public (_addFeatures features)
#;(report*/file 'stages-before stages)
(match-define (list head-stages ... last-stage) stages)
(set! stages
,(append last-stage
(for/list ([feature (in-list features)]
#:unless (dict-ref (· this allFeatures) feature #f))
(dict-set! (· this allFeatures) feature #t)
#;(report*/file 'stages-after stages)
;; Adds the given features to the global list
(define/public (_addGlobal features)
(for ([feature (in-list features)])
(dict-set! (· this globalFeatures) feature #t)))
;; Add features to the last stage
(define/public (add arg [global #t])
(when (zero? (length (· this stages)))
(push-end-field! stages this empty))
(when (string? arg)
(set! arg (list arg)))
[(list? arg)
(_addFeatures arg)
(when global (_addGlobal arg))]
[(dict? arg)
(define features (append (or (· arg global) empty)
(or (· arg local) empty)))
(_addFeatures features)
(when (· arg global)
(_addGlobal (· arg global)))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'ShapingPlan:add "valid arg" arg)]))
;; Add a new stage
(define/public (addStage arg global)
[(procedure? arg)
(push-end-field! stages this arg)
(push-end-field! stages this empty)]
[else (push-end-field! stages this empty)
(add arg global)]))
;; Assigns the global features to the given glyphs
(define/public (assignGlobalFeatures glyphs)
#;(report*/file glyphs (· this globalFeatures))
(for* ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]
[feature (in-dict-keys (· this globalFeatures))])
(dict-set! (· glyph features) feature #t)))
;; Executes the planned stages using the given OTProcessor
(define/public (process processor glyphs [positions #f])
#;(report*/file 'shaping-plan-process processor)
(send processor selectScript (· this script) (· this language))
#;(report/file stages)
(for/fold ([glyphs glyphs])
([stage (in-list stages)])
[(and (procedure? stage) (not positions))
(stage (· this font) glyphs positions)]
[(> (length stage) 0)
#;(report*/file 'shaping-plan:applying-features processor)
#;(report/file positions)
#;(report/file (send processor applyFeatures stage glyphs positions))
(send processor applyFeatures stage glyphs positions)]))))
Reference in New Issue