@ -412,3 +412,67 @@ In addition, we keep a column index self._tentative, such that
#t)) Boolean))))
(and increasing-minima? monotone?))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define m '((25 42 57 78 90 103 123 142 151)
(21 35 48 65 76 85 105 123 130)
(13 26 35 51 58 67 86 100 104)
(10 20 28 42 48 56 75 86 88)
(20 29 33 44 49 55 73 82 80)
(13 21 24 35 39 44 59 65 59)
(19 25 28 38 42 44 57 61 52)
(35 37 40 48 48 49 62 62 49)
(37 36 37 42 39 39 51 50 37)
(41 39 37 42 35 33 44 43 29)
(58 56 54 55 47 41 50 47 29)
(66 64 61 61 51 44 52 45 24)
(82 76 72 70 56 49 55 46 23)
(99 91 83 80 63 56 59 46 20)
(124 116 107 100 80 71 72 58 28)
(133 125 113 106 86 75 74 59 25)
(156 146 131 120 97 84 80 65 31)
(178 164 146 135 110 96 92 73 39)))
(define m2 (apply map list m))
(check-true (smawky? m))
(check-true (smawky? m2))
;; proc must return a value even for out-of-bounds i and j
(define (simple-proc i j) (with-handlers [(exn:fail? (λ(exn) (* -1 i)))]
(list-ref (list-ref m i) j)))
(define (simple-proc2 i j) (with-handlers [(exn:fail? (λ(exn) (* -1 i)))]
(list-ref (list-ref m2 i) j)))
(check-equal? (simple-proc 0 2) 57) ; 0th row, 2nd col
(check-equal? (simple-proc2 2 0) 57) ; flipped
(define o (make-ocm simple-proc))
(define row-indices (list->vector (range (length m))))
(define col-indices (list->vector (range (length (car m)))))
(define result (concave-minima row-indices col-indices simple-proc identity))
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(define h (hash-ref result j))
(list (hash-ref h 'value) (hash-ref h 'row-idx)))
'((10 3) (20 3) (24 5) (35 5) (35 9) (33 9) (44 9) (43 9) (20 13))) ; checked against SMAWK.py
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices)])
(list (min-value o j) (min-index o j)))
'((0 none) (42 0) (48 1) (51 2) (48 3) (55 4) (59 5) (61 6) (49 7))) ; checked against SMAWK.py
(define o2 (make-ocm simple-proc2))
(define row-indices2 (list->vector (range (length m2))))
(define col-indices2 (list->vector (range (length (car m2)))))
(define result2 (concave-minima row-indices2 col-indices2 simple-proc2 identity))
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(define h (hash-ref result2 j))
(list (hash-ref h 'value) (hash-ref h 'row-idx)))
'((25 0) (21 0) (13 0) (10 0) (20 0) (13 0) (19 0) (35 0) (36 1) (29 8) (29 8) (24 8) (23 8) (20 8) (28 8) (25 8) (31 8) (39 8))) ; checked against SMAWK.py
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof Integer Any)) ([j (in-vector col-indices2)])
(list (min-value o2 j) (min-index o2 j)))
'((0 none) (21 0) (13 0) (10 0) (20 0) (13 0) (19 0) (35 0) (36 1) (29 8) (-9 9) (-10 10) (-11 11) (-12 12) (-13 13) (-14 14) (-15 15) (-16 16))) ; checked against SMAWK.py