@ -26,39 +26,38 @@
(set-field! _gradCount this 0))
(define/contract (_normalizeColor this color)
((or/c string? (listof number?)) . ->m . (or/c (listof number?) #f))
(define/contract (_normalizeColor color)
((or/c string? (listof number?)) . -> . (or/c (listof number?) #f))
;; parses color string into list of values
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient) color] ; todo
;; 3-digit hex becomes 6-digit hex
[(and (string? color)
(regexp-match #px"^#(?i:[0-9A-F]){3}$" color))
(_normalizeColor this
(list->string (cdr (apply append
(for/list ([c (in-string color)])
(list c c))))))] ; change #abc to ##aabbcc then drop the first char
;; 6-digit hexish string becomes list of hex numbers and maybe #f vals
[(and (string? color) (= 7 (string-length color)) (string-prefix? color "#"))
(_normalizeColor this
(for/list ([str (in-list (regexp-match* #rx".." (string-trim color "#")))])
(string->number str 16)))] ; match two at a time and convert to hex
;; named color
[(and (string? color) (hash-ref namedColors color #f)) => (curry _normalizeColor this)]
;; array of numbers
[(and (list? color) (andmap number? color))
(for/list ([i (in-list color)])
(define x (/ i (case (length color)
[(3) 255.0] ; RGB
[(4) 100.0] ; CMYK
[else 1.0])))
(if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))]
[else #f]))
(let loop ([color color])
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient) color] ; todo
;; 3-digit hex becomes 6-digit hex
[(and (string? color)
(regexp-match #px"^#(?i:[0-9A-F]){3}$" color))
(loop (list->string (cdr (apply append
(for/list ([c (in-string color)])
(list c c))))))] ; change #abc to ##aabbcc then drop the first char
;; 6-digit hexish string becomes list of hex numbers and maybe #f vals
[(and (string? color) (= 7 (string-length color)) (string-prefix? color "#"))
(loop (for/list ([str (in-list (regexp-match* #rx".." (string-trim color "#")))])
(string->number str 16)))] ; match two at a time and convert to hex
;; named color
[(and (string? color) (hash-ref namedColors color #f)) => loop]
;; array of numbers
[(and (list? color) (andmap number? color))
(for/list ([i (in-list color)])
(define x (/ i (case (length color)
[(3) 255.0] ; RGB
[(4) 100.0] ; CMYK
[else 1.0])))
(if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))]
[else #f])))
(define/contract (_setColor this color stroke)
(color-string? (or/c #f number?) . ->m . boolean?)
(let ([color (_normalizeColor this color)]
(let ([color (_normalizeColor color)]
[op (if stroke "SCN" "scn")])
[(not color)]
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@
(define/contract (fillColor this color [opacity 1])
((color-string?) ((or/c number? #f)) . ->*m . object?)
(unless (_normalizeColor this color)
(unless (_normalizeColor color)
(raise-argument-error 'fillColor "valid color string" color))
(when (_setColor this color #f) (fillOpacity this opacity))
@ -280,9 +279,9 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define c (new (color-mixin)))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor c "#6699Cc") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (_normalizeColor c "#88aaCCC"))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor c "#69C") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor c "#69c") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (_normalizeColor c "#8aCC"))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor c "aqua") '(0 1 1)))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor "#6699Cc") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (_normalizeColor "#88aaCCC"))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor "#69C") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor "#69c") '(0.4 0.6 0.8))
(check-false (_normalizeColor "#8aCC"))
(check-equal? (_normalizeColor "aqua") '(0 1 1)))