chars do wrap

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 4188f8d2c8
commit 7cc85ac28f

@ -80,91 +80,125 @@
(define (nonprinting-at-start? x) (if (quad? x) (not (printable? x 'start)) #t))
(define (nonprinting-at-end? x) (if (quad? x) (not (printable? x 'end)) #t))
(define (break-softs xs
(define (break-softs qs
(define start-signal (gensym))
(let loop ([wraps null][wrap-pieces null][dist-so-far start-signal][xs xs])
(match xs
;; qs = list of quads
;; current-dist = integer
;; current-wrap = list of quads ending in previous `soft-break?`
;; current-partial = list of unbreakable quads
;; wraps = list of (list of quads)
(let loop ([wraps null][current-wrap null][current-partial null][current-dist start-signal][qs qs])
(match qs
[(== empty)
(when debug (report x 'end-of-the-line))
(when debug (report 'all-quads-wrapped))
;; combine the segments into a flat list, and drop any trailing breaks
;; (on the idea that breaks should separate things, and there's nothing left to separate)
;; wraps alternate with breaks
(for/list ([pcs (in-list (cons wrap-pieces wraps))])
(match pcs
[(list (? nonprinting-at-end?)) pcs] ; matches break signals
;; pieces will have been accumulated in reverse order
;; thus beginning of list represents the end of the wrap
[(list (? (conjoin soft-break? nonprinting-at-end?)) ... rest ...)
(finish-wrap-proc (reverse rest))]))]
[(cons x _)
(when debug (report x 'one-x))
(define at-start? (eq? dist-so-far start-signal))
(define underflow?
(and (not at-start?)
(<= (+ dist-so-far (if (and (quad? x) (printable? x 'end))
(distance x)
0)) target-size)))
(define (values-for-insert-break [before? #f])
;; a break can be inserted before or after the current quad.
;; At an ordinary break (hard or soft) it goes after the wrap point.
;; The wrap signal consumes the break if it's nonprinting (e.g., word space or hard break)
;; but not if it's printing (e.g., hyphen).
;; But if no ordinary break can be found for a line, the wrap will happen before the quad.
;; The wrap signal will not consume the quad (rather, it will become the first quad in the next wrap)
;; (we do this by resetting next-xs to the whole xs list)
;; In both cases, the `finish-wrap` proc will strip off any trailing white breaks from the new segment.
(if before?
(values wrap-pieces xs)
; omit nonprinting quad
(values (if (and (quad? x) (nonprinting-at-end? x))
(cons x wrap-pieces)) (cdr xs))))
(for/list ([wrap (in-list (cons (append current-partial current-wrap) wraps))])
(match wrap
[(list (? nonprinting-at-end?)) wrap] ; matches break signals
;; pieces will have been accumulated in reverse order
;; thus beginning of list represents the end of the wrap
[(list (? (conjoin soft-break? nonprinting-at-end?)) ... rest ...) (finish-wrap-proc (reverse rest))]))]
[(cons q other-qs)
(when debug (report q 'next-q))
(define at-start? (eq? current-dist start-signal))
#;(define underflow?
(and (not at-start?)
(<= (+ current-dist (if (and (quad? q) (printable? q 'end))
(distance q)
0)) target-size)))
#;(define (values-for-insert-break [before? #f])
;; a break can be inserted before or after the current quad.
;; At an ordinary break (hard or soft) it goes after the wrap point.
;; The wrap signal consumes the break if it's nonprinting (e.g., word space or hard break)
;; but not if it's printing (e.g., hyphen).
;; But if no ordinary break can be found for a line, the wrap will happen before the quad.
;; The wrap signal will not consume the quad (rather, it will become the first quad in the next wrap)
;; (we do this by resetting next-xs to the whole xs list)
;; In both cases, the `finish-wrap` proc will strip off any trailing white breaks from the new segment.
(if before?
(values current-wrap qs)
; omit nonprinting quad
(values (if (and (quad? q) (nonprinting-at-end? q))
(cons q current-wrap)) (cdr qs))))
(define dist (and (quad? q) (printable? q (and at-start? 'start)) (distance q)))
#R dist
[(and at-start? (soft-break? x) (nonprinting-at-start? x))
(when debug (report x 'skipping-soft-break-at-beginning))
[at-start? ; assume printing char
(when debug (report 'at-start))
(loop wraps current-wrap (cons q current-partial) dist (cdr qs))]
(define would-overflow? (> (+ dist current-dist) target-size))
(when debug (report 'would-overflow))
;; finish the wrap & reset the line without consuming a q
(loop (list* (list break-val) (append current-partial current-wrap) wraps)
(when debug (report 'would-not-overflow))
;; add to partial
(loop wraps
(cons q current-partial)
(+ dist current-dist)
#;[(and at-start? (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-start? q))
(when debug (report q 'skipping-soft-break-at-beginning))
;; skip it
(loop wraps null dist-so-far (cdr xs))]
[(and underflow? (soft-break? x))
(when debug (report x 'underflow-soft-break))
(define-values (pieces-for-this-wrap next-xs) (values-for-insert-break))
(loop wraps null null current-dist (cdr qs))]
#;[(and underflow? (soft-break? q))
(when debug (report q 'underflow-soft-break))
(loop (list* (list break-val) pieces-for-this-wrap wraps)
;; the easy case of accumulating quads in the middle of a wrap
[(or (and underflow? (when debug (report x 'add-underflow)) #t)
;; the easy case of accumulating quads in the middle of a wrap
#;[(or (and underflow? (when debug (report q 'add-underflow)) #t)
;; assume printing (nonprinting were handled in first case)
;; this branch reached if the first quad on the line causes an overflow
;; That sounds weird, but maybe it's just really big.
(and at-start? (when debug (report x 'add-at-start)) #t)
(and at-start? (when debug (report q 'add-at-start)) #t)
;; we do want to accumulate nonprinting soft breaks (like wordspaces and soft hyphens) in the middle.
;; in case we eventually encounter a printing quad that fits on the line.
;; if we don't (ie. the line overflows) then they will get stripped by `finish-wrap`
(and (soft-break? x) (nonprinting-at-end? x) (when debug (report x 'add-nonprinting-soft-break)) #t))
(define printable (and (quad? x) (printable? x (and at-start? 'start))))
(define dist (and printable (distance x)))
(and (soft-break? q) (nonprinting-at-end? q) (when debug (report q 'add-nonprinting-soft-break)) #t))
(define printable (and (quad? q) (printable? q (and at-start? 'start))))
(define dist (and printable (distance q)))
(loop wraps
(if (and (quad? x) (not printable)) wrap-pieces (cons x wrap-pieces)) ; omit nonprinting quad
(if at-start? (or dist start-signal) (+ dist-so-far (or dist 0)))
(cdr xs))]
;; the previous branch will catch all `underflow?` cases
;; therefore, in these last two cases, we have overflow
(if (and (quad? q) (not printable)) current-wrap (cons q current-wrap)) ; omit nonprinting quad
(if at-start? (or dist start-signal) (+ current-dist (or dist 0)))
(cdr qs))]
;; the previous branch will catch all `underflow?` cases
;; therefore, in these last two cases, we have overflow
[else ;; overflow implied
#;[else ;; overflow implied
;; if we don't have an soft break stored, we need to just end the wrap and move on
;; we insert the break `before` so that the current quad is moved to the next wrap
;; no, it's not going to look good, but if we reach this point, we are in weird conditions
(when debug (report x 'falling-back))
(when debug (report q 'falling-back))
(define-values (pieces-for-this-wrap next-xs) (values-for-insert-break 'before))
(loop (list* (list break-val) pieces-for-this-wrap wraps)
(define x (q (list 'size (pt 1 1)) #\x))
@ -191,132 +225,129 @@
#:hard-break-proc (λ (q) (and (quad? q) (memv (car (elems q)) '(#\newline))))
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3 #true) (list a sp b)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(require rackunit)
(module+ test
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) null)
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x) 1) (list x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list x x x x x))))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list) 1) null)
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a) 1) (list a))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b) 1) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 1) (list a 'lb b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b c) 2) (list a b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x x) 10) (list x x x x x))))
#;(module+ test
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp x) 1) (list x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x sp x) 2) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list a sp b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp x x) 3) (list x 'lb x x))))
"chars and spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp x) 1) (list x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x sp x) 2) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b) 3) (list a sp b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b c) 3) (list a 'lb b c))))
(module+ test
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list x 'lb x))))
#;(module+ test
"leading & trailing spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list x 'lb x))))
#;(module+ test
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list x 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb hyph 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 2) (list x x 'lb hyph x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 3) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list x x hyph x x))))
"hard hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph) 1) (list hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 1) (list hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list hyph hyph hyph) 2) (list hyph hyph 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x hyph) 1) (list x 'lb hyph))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb hyph 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 2) (list x x 'lb hyph x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 3) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 4) (list x x hyph 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x hyph x x) 5) (list x x hyph x x))))
#;(module+ test
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list x x shy 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list x x x 'lb x))))
"soft hyphens"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy) 1) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list shy shy shy) 2) (list))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x shy shy shy shy) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 1) (list x 'lb x 'lb x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 3) (list x x shy 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 4) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x x) 5) (list x x x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x shy x sp x) 4) (list x x x 'lb x))))
#;(module+ test
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
"zero width nonbreakers"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx sp sp zwx))))
(module+ test
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list br) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x br x x) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x br x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
#;(module+ test
"hard breaks"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list br) 2) (list)) ;; only insert a break if it's between things
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a b br br) 2) (list a b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x br x x) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x br x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
#;(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list a sp b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces"
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list a 'lb b))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list a sp b 'lb c))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'lb x 'lb x x))
(check-equal? (linewrap (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'lb x x))))
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([atom (atomize str)])
($quad (hash-set (attrs atom) 'size '(1 1))
(elems atom))) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
($quad (hash-set (attrs atom) 'size '(1 1))
(elems atom))) int debug))])
[(quad? b) (car (elems b))]
[else #\|]))))
#;(module+ test
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas")))
"visual breaks"
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 3) "My|dog|has|fle|as")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 4) "My|dog|has|flea|s")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 5) "My|dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 6) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 7) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 8) "My dog|has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 9) "My dog|has fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 10) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 11) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 12) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 13) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 14) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 15) "My dog has|fleas")
(check-equal? (visual-wrap "My dog has fleas" 16) "My dog has fleas")))
(define (pagewrap xs size [debug #f])
@ -327,35 +358,35 @@
#:soft-break-proc (λ (x) (eq? x 'lb))))
(define pbr (q '(size #f) #\page))
(module+ test
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) '(pb))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
#;(module+ test
"soft page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap null 2) '(pb))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x) 2) (list 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 3) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x x x) 4) (list 'pb x x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x 'lb x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
(module+ test
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
#;(module+ test
"hard page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list x pbr pbr x x) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb 'pb x x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (list 'lb x 'lb 'lb pbr 'lb x x 'lb) 2) (list 'pb x 'pb x x))))
#;(module+ test
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) '(pb) )
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))))
"composed line breaks and page breaks"
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap null 1) 2) '(pb) )
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 1) 2) (list 'pb x 'lb x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 2) (list 'pb x x 'pb x))
(check-equal? (pagewrap (linewrap (list x x x) 2) 1) (list 'pb x 'pb x 'pb x))))
(struct $slug $quad () #:transparent)
(define (slug . xs) ($slug #f xs))
@ -367,12 +398,12 @@
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($slug #f pcs)))))
#;(module+ test
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list (slug a) 'lb (slug b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list (slug a sp b) 'lb (slug c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x x)))))
"hard breaks and spurious spaces with slugs"
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp sp sp br b) 2) (list (slug a) 'lb (slug b)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x sp br sp sp x x sp) 3) (list (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list sp sp x x sp sp br sp sp sp x) 3) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list a sp b sp sp br sp c) 3) (list (slug a sp b) 'lb (slug c)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list (slug x x) 'lb (slug x) 'lb (slug x x)))
(check-equal? (linewrap2 (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list (slug x x x) 'lb (slug x x)))))
