let us rename

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent a92116be22
commit 7a07c250e2

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/subset/TTFSubset.js
;; because they just get copied entirely into the subset.
;; it's just used to detect composite glyphs and handle them specially.
;; so an optimization would be to detect composite / noncomposite without full glyph-decode.
(define glyf (glyph-decode glyph))
(define ttf-glyf-data (glyph-decode glyph))
;; get the offset to the glyph from the loca table
(match-define (list curOffset nextOffset) (take (drop (· this font loca offsets) gid) 2))
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/subset/TTFSubset.js
(define buffer (read-bytes (- nextOffset curOffset) port))
;; if it is a compound glyph, include its components
(when (and glyf (negative? (· glyf numberOfContours)))
(for ([component (in-list (· glyf components))])
(define gid (send this includeGlyph (Component-glyphID component)))
;; note: this (Component-pos component) is correct. It's a field of a Component object, not a port
(bytes-copy! buffer (Component-pos component) (send uint16be encode #f gid))))
(when (and ttf-glyf-data (negative? (· ttf-glyf-data numberOfContours)))
(for ([ttf-glyph-component (in-list (· ttf-glyf-data components))])
(define gid (send this includeGlyph (ttf-glyph-component-glyph-id ttf-glyph-component)))
;; note: this (ttf-glyph-component-pos component) is correct. It's a field of a Component object, not a port
(bytes-copy! buffer (ttf-glyph-component-pos ttf-glyph-component) (send uint16be encode #f gid))))
;; skip variation shit

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ approximates
;; Represents a TrueType glyph.
#;(define-subclass Glyph (TTFGlyph)
(inherit-field _font id))
@ -63,26 +62,23 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/glyph/TTFGlyph.js
;; Represents a point in a simple glyph
(struct Point (onCurve endContour x y) #:transparent #:mutable)
(struct ttf-glyph-point (on-curve end-contour x y) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (+Point onCurve endContour [x 0] [y 0])
(Point onCurve endContour x y))
(define (+tff-glyph-point on-curve end-contour [x 0] [y 0])
(ttf-glyph-point on-curve end-contour x y))
(define (copy pt)
(apply +Point (struct->list pt)))
(apply +tff-glyph-point (struct->list pt)))
;; Represents a component in a composite glyph
(struct Component (glyphID dx dy pos scaleX scaleY scale01 scale10) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (+Component glyphID dx dy [pos 0]
[scaleX 1]
[scaleY 1]
[scale01 0]
[scale10 0])
(Component glyphID dx dy pos scaleX scaleY scale01 scale10))
(struct ttf-glyph-component (glyph-id dx dy pos scale-x scale-y scale-01 scale-10) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (+ttf-glyph-component glyph-id dx dy [pos 0]
[scale-x 1]
[scale-y 1]
[scale-01 0]
[scale-10 0])
(ttf-glyph-component glyph-id dx dy pos scale-x scale-y scale-01 scale-10))
;; Parses just the glyph header and returns the bounding box
@ -90,13 +86,13 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/glyph/TTFGlyph.js
;; Parses a single glyph coordinate
(define (_parseGlyphCoord port prev short same)
(define (parse-glyph-coord port prev short same)
(unless (input-port? port)
(raise-argument-error '_parseGlyphCoord "input port" port))
(raise-argument-error 'parse-glyph-coord "input port" port))
(unless (number? prev)
(raise-argument-error '_parseGlyphCoord "number" prev))
(raise-argument-error 'parse-glyph-coord "number" prev))
(unless (and (boolean? short) (boolean? same))
(raise-argument-error '_parseGlyphCoord "booleans" (list short same)))
(raise-argument-error 'parse-glyph-coord "booleans" (list short same)))
(+ prev (if short
((if (not same) - +) (decode uint8 port))
(if same 0 (decode int16be port)))))
@ -116,11 +112,11 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/glyph/TTFGlyph.js
(define startPos (pos port))
(define glyph-data (decode GlyfHeader port))
(match (· glyph-data numberOfContours)
[(? positive?) (_decodeSimple glyph-data port)]
[(? negative?) (_decodeComposite glyph-data port startPos)])
[(? positive?) (decode-simple glyph-data port)]
[(? negative?) (decode-composite glyph-data port startPos)])
(define (_decodeSimple glyph-data port)
(define (decode-simple glyph-data port)
(unless (dict? glyph-data)
(raise-argument-error 'TTFGlyph-_decodeSimple "decoded RGlyfHeader" glyph-data))
@ -147,15 +143,16 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/glyph/TTFGlyph.js
(points _ _)
(for/fold ([points empty] [px 0] [py 0])
([(flag i) (in-indexed flags)])
(define point (+Point (zero? (bitwise-and flag ON_CURVE)) (and (index-of endPtsOfContours i) #t) 0 0))
(define next-px (_parseGlyphCoord port px (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag X_SHORT_VECTOR))) (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag SAME_X)))))
(define next-py (_parseGlyphCoord port py (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag Y_SHORT_VECTOR))) (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag SAME_Y)))))
(set-Point-x! point next-px)
(set-Point-y! point next-py)
(define point (+tff-glyph-point (zero? (bitwise-and flag ON_CURVE)) (and (index-of endPtsOfContours i) #t) 0 0))
(define next-px (parse-glyph-coord port px (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag X_SHORT_VECTOR))) (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag SAME_X)))))
(define next-py (parse-glyph-coord port py (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag Y_SHORT_VECTOR))) (not (zero? (bitwise-and flag SAME_Y)))))
(set-ttf-glyph-point-x! point next-px)
(set-ttf-glyph-point-y! point next-py)
(values (cons point points) next-px next-py)))
(dict-set! glyph-data 'points (reverse points)))
(define (_decodeComposite glyph-data port [offset 0])
(define (decode-composite glyph-data port [offset 0])
;; this is a composite glyph
(dict-set! glyph-data 'components empty)
(define haveInstructions #f)
@ -175,22 +172,22 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/glyph/TTFGlyph.js
(let ([decoder (if (not (zero? (bitwise-and flags ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS))) int16be int8)])
(list (send decoder decode port) (send decoder decode port))))
(define component (+Component glyphID dx dy))
(set-Component-pos! component gPos)
(define component (+ttf-glyph-component glyphID dx dy))
(set-ttf-glyph-component-pos! component gPos)
[(not (zero? (bitwise-and flags WE_HAVE_A_SCALE)))
(define scale (read-fixed14 port))
(set-Component-scaleX! component scale)
(set-Component-scaleY! component scale)]
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-x! component scale)
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-y! component scale)]
[(not (zero? (bitwise-and flags WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE)))
(set-Component-scaleX! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-Component-scaleY! component (read-fixed14 port))]
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-x! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-y! component (read-fixed14 port))]
[(not (zero? (bitwise-and flags WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO)))
(set-Component-scaleX! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-Component-scale01! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-Component-scale10! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-Component-scaleY! component (read-fixed14 port))])
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-x! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-01! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-10! component (read-fixed14 port))
(set-ttf-glyph-component-scale-y! component (read-fixed14 port))])
