better break conversion

Matthew Butterick 4 years ago
parent 111adae426
commit 7a01ac7878

@ -121,18 +121,22 @@
(list string-size (quad-ref q :line-height default-line-height))))
(define (convert-break-quad q)
(define break-quad-type (match (quad-ref q :break)
["para" para-break-quad]
["line" line-break-quad]
["page" page-break-quad]
["column" column-break-quad]
["hr" hr-break-quad]
["section" section-break-quad]
[_ #false]))
(if break-quad-type
(make-quad #:type break-quad-type
#:attrs (quad-attrs q))
;; this is verbose & ugly because `struct-copy` is a macro
;; we want to use break prototypes but also preserve their type
(match (quad-ref q :break)
["para" (struct-copy para-break-quad q:para-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
["line" (struct-copy line-break-quad q:line-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
["page" (struct-copy page-break-quad q:page-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
["column" (struct-copy column-break-quad q:column-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
["hr" (struct-copy hr-break-quad q:hr-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
["section" (struct-copy section-break-quad q:section-break
[attrs #:parent quad (quad-attrs q)])]
[_ q]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (quad-ref (convert-break-quad (qexpr->quad '(q ((break "page") (foo "bar"))))) 'foo) "bar"))
@ -259,15 +263,16 @@
(define (consolidate-runs pcs ending-q)
(let loop ([runs empty][pcs pcs])
(match pcs
[(? empty?) (reverse runs)]
[(cons (? string-quad? strq) rest)
(define-values (run-pcs rest) (splitf-at pcs (λ (p) (same-run? strq p))))
(define new-run (quad-copy q:string
[attrs (quad-attrs strq)]
[elems (merge-adjacent-strings (apply append (map quad-elems run-pcs)))]
[size (delay (pt (sum-x run-pcs) (pt-y (size strq))))]))
(define new-run
(quad-copy q:string
[attrs (quad-attrs strq)]
[elems (merge-adjacent-strings (apply append (map quad-elems run-pcs)))]
[size (delay (pt (sum-x run-pcs) (pt-y (size strq))))]))
(loop (cons new-run runs) rest)]
[(cons first rest) (loop (cons first runs) rest)])))
[(cons first rest) (loop (cons first runs) rest)]
[_ (reverse runs)])))
(define (render-hyphen qs ending-q)
;; naive handling of soft hyphen:
@ -327,9 +332,9 @@
(append sublists (list last-sublist))])]
[_ word-sublists]))
(define word-width (for/sum ([qs (in-list hung-word-sublists)])
(sum-x qs)))
(sum-x qs)))
(define word-space-width (for/sum ([qs (in-list word-space-sublists)])
(sum-x qs)))
(sum-x qs)))
(define empty-hspace (- line-width
(quad-ref (car qs) :inset-left 0)
@ -390,7 +395,7 @@
;; remove unused soft hyphens so they don't affect final shaping
(define pcs-printing (for/list ([pc (in-list pcs-in)]
#:unless (equal? (quad-elems pc) '("\u00AD")))
(define new-lines
[(empty? pcs-printing) null]
@ -405,49 +410,54 @@
[(? pair? elems)
(define elem (unsafe-car elems))
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size line-q))
(define new-size (let ()
(define line-heights
(filter-map (λ (q) (or (quad-ref q :line-height) (pt-y (size q)))) pcs))
(pt line-width (if (empty? line-heights) line-height (apply max line-heights)))))
(define new-size
(let ([line-heights
(λ (q) (or (quad-ref q :line-height) (pt-y (size q))))
(pt line-width (if (empty? line-heights)
(apply max line-heights)))))
(quad-copy line-q
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in col wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs line-q)))]
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size new-size]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
;; we assume here that a list item has already had extra inset-left
;; with room for a bullet
;; which we just insert at the front.
;; this is safe because line has already been filled.
;; only put bullet into line if we're at the first line of the list item
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem :list-index))
[#false null]
(define bq (quad-copy q:string ;; copy q:string to get draw routine
;; borrow attrs from elem
[attrs (quad-attrs elem)]
;; use bullet as elems
[elems (list (if (number? bullet) (format "~a." bullet) bullet))]
;; size doesn't matter because nothing refers to this quad
;; just for debugging box
[size (pt 15 (pt-y (size line-q)))]))
(from-parent (list bq) 'sw)])
(match (quad-ref elem :inset-left 0)
[0 elems]
(cons (make-quad
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:to 'sw
#:size (pt inset-val 5)
#:type offsetter-quad)
elems)]) 'sw))]))]
;; move block attrs up, so they are visible in col wrap
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs line-q)))]
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size new-size]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
;; we assume here that a list item has already had extra inset-left
;; with room for a bullet
;; which we just insert at the front.
;; this is safe because line has already been filled.
;; only put bullet into line if we're at the first line of the list item
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem :list-index))
[#false null]
(define bq (quad-copy q:string ;; copy q:string to get draw routine
;; borrow attrs from elem
[attrs (quad-attrs elem)]
;; use bullet as elems
[elems (list (if (number? bullet) (format "~a." bullet) bullet))]
;; size doesn't matter because nothing refers to this quad
;; just for debugging box
[size (pt 15 (pt-y (size line-q)))]))
(from-parent (list bq) 'sw)])
(match (quad-ref elem :inset-left 0)
[0 elems]
(cons (make-quad
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:to 'sw
#:size (pt inset-val 5)
#:type offsetter-quad)
elems)]) 'sw))]))]
[_ null])]))
(define maybe-first-line (and (pair? new-lines) (car new-lines)))
(append (match opening-q
@ -486,32 +496,34 @@
(loop rest (cons bq acc))]
[(list* (and (not (? para-break-quad?)) nbqs) ... rest)
(loop rest (cons nbqs acc))])))
(apply append
(define res
(apply append
(for/list ([para-qs (in-list para-qss)])
(match para-qs
[(? break-quad? bq) (list bq)]
[(cons pq _)
(wrap para-qs
(* (- wrap-size
(quad-ref pq :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref pq :inset-right 0))
#:nicely (match (or (current-line-wrap) (quad-ref pq :line-wrap))
[(or "best" "kp") #true]
[_ #false])
#:hard-break line-break-quad?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (line-wrap-finish line-q))])))]
(match para-qs
[(? break-quad? bq) (list bq)]
[(cons pq _)
(wrap para-qs
(* (- wrap-size
(quad-ref pq :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref pq :inset-right 0))
#:nicely (match (or (current-line-wrap) (quad-ref pq :line-wrap))
[(or "best" "kp") #true]
[_ #false])
#:hard-break line-break-quad?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (line-wrap-finish line-q))]))))
[_ null]))
(module+ test
(line-wrap (list (make-quad "foo" #:type string-quad)
(make-quad #:type column-break-quad)
(make-quad "foo2" #:type string-quad) ) 10 #t)
(line-wrap (list (make-quad "foo" #:type string-quad)
(make-quad #:type column-break-quad)
(make-quad "foo2" #:type string-quad) ) 10 #t)
(line-wrap (list (make-quad "foo" #:type string-quad)
(make-quad #:type column-break-quad)) 10 #t))
(line-wrap (list (make-quad "foo" #:type string-quad)
(make-quad #:type column-break-quad)) 10 #t))
(define (make-nobreak! q) (quad-set! q :no-colbr #true)) ; scooperates with col-wrap
@ -561,9 +573,9 @@
;; explicit measurements from page-height and page-width supersede those from page-size.
(match-define (list page-width page-height)
(for/list ([k (list :page-width :page-height)])
(and (quad? q) (match (quad-ref q k)
[#false #false]
[val (inexact->exact (floor val))]))))
(and (quad? q) (match (quad-ref q k)
[#false #false]
[val (inexact->exact (floor val))]))))
(or (debug-page-width) page-width)
(or (debug-page-height) page-height)
@ -633,7 +645,7 @@
;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset
(match-define (list bil bit bir bib)
(for/list ([k (in-list (list :border-inset-left :border-inset-top :border-inset-right :border-inset-bottom))])
(quad-ref first-line k 0)))
(quad-ref first-line k 0)))
(match-define (list left top) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (list bil bit)))
(match-define (list width height) (pt- (size q) (list (+ bil bir) (+ bit bib))))
;; fill rect
@ -671,14 +683,14 @@
(when (eq? (log-clipping?) 'warn)
(for ([line (in-list (quad-elems q))])
(define line-width (pt-x (size line)))
(define line-elem-width (sum-x (quad-elems line)))
(when (< line-width line-elem-width)
(define error-str (apply string-append (for/list ([q (in-list (quad-elems line))])
(match (quad-elems q)
[(list (? string? str)) str]
[_ ""]))))
(log-quadwriter-warning (format "clipping overfull line: ~v" error-str)))))
(define line-width (pt-x (size line)))
(define line-elem-width (sum-x (quad-elems line)))
(when (< line-width line-elem-width)
(define error-str (apply string-append (for/list ([q (in-list (quad-elems line))])
(match (quad-elems q)
[(list (? string? str)) str]
[_ ""]))))
(log-quadwriter-warning (format "clipping overfull line: ~v" error-str)))))
(save doc)
(rect doc left top width height)
(clip doc)]))
@ -715,10 +727,10 @@
(define ((column-wrap-finish col-quad) lns q0 ending-q idx [reversed-fn-lines null])
(define fn-lines
(from-parent (for/list ([fn-line (in-list reversed-fn-lines)])
;; position bottom to top, in reverse
(quad-update! fn-line
[from 'nw]
[to 'sw])) 'sw))
;; position bottom to top, in reverse
(quad-update! fn-line
[from 'nw]
[to 'sw])) 'sw))
(match lns
@ -777,10 +789,10 @@
(raise 'boom)))))
(define reversed-fn-lines
(from-parent (for/list ([fn-line (in-list (reverse fn-lines))])
;; position bottom to top, in reverse
(quad-update! fn-line
[from 'nw]
[to 'sw])) 'sw))
;; position bottom to top, in reverse
(quad-update! fn-line
[from 'nw]
[to 'sw])) 'sw))
(quad-update! (car cols)
[elems (append (quad-elems (car cols)) reversed-fn-lines)])
(define col-spacer (quad-copy q:column-spacer [size (pt column-gap (and 'arbitrary-irrelevant-value 100))]))
@ -789,18 +801,21 @@
(verbose-quad-printing? #t)
(define ((page-wrap-finish make-page-quad path) cols q0 q page-idx)
(define page-quad (make-page-quad (+ (section-pages-used) page-idx)))
;; get attrs from cols if we can, otherwise try q or q0
(define q-for-attrs (cond
[(pair? cols) (car cols)]
(define elems
(match (and (pair? cols) (quad-ref (car cols) :footer-display #true))
(match (quad-ref q-for-attrs :footer-display #true)
[(or #false "none") null]
[_ (list (make-footer-quad (car cols) page-idx path))])
[_ (list (make-footer-quad q-for-attrs page-idx path))])
(from-parent cols 'nw)))
(list (quad-copy page-quad
[elems elems]
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (cond
;; get attrs from cols if we can,
;; otherwise try q or q0
[(or (and (pair? cols) (car cols)) q q0) => quad-attrs]
[q-for-attrs => quad-attrs]
[else (hash)])
(hash-copy (quad-attrs page-quad)))])))
@ -817,9 +832,9 @@
(define (insert-blocks lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x :display)) lines))
(append* (for/list ([line-group (in-list groups-of-lines)])
(if (quad-ref (car line-group) :display)
(list (lines->block line-group))
(if (quad-ref (car line-group) :display)
(list (lines->block line-group))
(define-quad first-line-indent-quad quad)
@ -837,11 +852,11 @@
(apply append
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)]
[next-q (in-list (cdr qs))])
(match (and (para-break-quad? q) (quad-ref next-q :first-line-indent 0))
[(or #false 0) (list next-q)]
[indent-val (list (make-quad #:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:type first-line-indent-quad
#:attrs (quad-attrs next-q)
#:size (pt indent-val 10)) next-q)]))))
(match (and (para-break-quad? q) (quad-ref next-q :first-line-indent 0))
[(or #false 0) (list next-q)]
[indent-val (list (make-quad #:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:type first-line-indent-quad
#:attrs (quad-attrs next-q)
#:size (pt indent-val 10)) next-q)]))))
