@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
(define draw-debug? #t)
(define draw-debug-line? #t)
(define draw-debug-line? #f)
(define draw-debug-block? #f)
(define draw-debug-string? #f)
@ -241,17 +241,17 @@
(define (line-wrap xs wrap-size)
(wrap #R xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size
(wrap xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size
(quad-ref q 'inset-left 0)
(quad-ref q 'inset-right 0)))
#:hard-break line-break?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
(λ (pcs q idx)
(λ (pcs ending-q idx)
[(empty? pcs) null]
[(hr-break? q)
[(hr-break? ending-q)
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
[draw-start (λ (dq doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
@ -275,28 +275,34 @@
(match-define (list w h) (quad-size q:line))
(pt w (if (empty? line-heights) h (apply max line-heights))))]
[elems (append
(match (and (or (para-break? q) (not q))
[elems (let ()
;; problem here is that ending-q tells us the quad that ends the wrap
;; but not the quad that started the wrap
;; which is what we need to detect whether we are
;; in the first line of a list item.
#R (car elems)
(match (and #R ending-q (or #R (para-break? ending-q) #R (not ending-q))
(quad-ref elem 'list-index))
[#false null]
[bullet (list (make-quad
#:in 'sw
#:out 'sw
#:size (pt 10 10)
#:draw-end (λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "red" "red"))
#:elems (list (struct-copy quad (car elems)
[elems (list (if (number? bullet)
(format "~a." bullet)
#:in 'sw
#:out 'sw
#:size (pt 10 10)
#:draw-end (λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "red" "red"))
#:elems (list (struct-copy quad (car elems)
[elems (list (if (number? bullet)
(format "~a." bullet)
(list (make-quad
#:in 'nw
#:out 'nw
#:size (pt 15 15)
#:draw-end (λ (q doc) (draw-debug q doc "blue" "blue"))
#:offset (pt (quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0) 0)
#:elems elems)))]))]
#:elems elems))))]))]
[_ null])])
(if (and (para-break? q) (not (hr-break? q)))
(if (and (para-break? ending-q) (not (hr-break? ending-q)))
(list q:line-spacer)