Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent da930c1532
commit 797a7ca95c

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#lang racket
(require racket/list)
(define (F)
(flatten '(1 2 3)))

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Typed versions of common library functions, to avoid require/typed
(: empty? (Any . -> . Boolean : Null))
(define (empty? l)
(null? l))
(: empty Null)
(define empty '())
#;(: flatten (Any . -> . (Listof Any)))
#;(define (flatten orig-sexp)
(let loop ([sexp orig-sexp] [acc null])
(cond [(null? sexp) acc]
[(pair? sexp) (loop (car sexp) (loop (cdr sexp) acc))]
[else (cons sexp acc)])))

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax typed/racket/base racket/syntax racket/string))
(require/typed racket/list [empty? (All (A) ((Listof A) -> Boolean))]
[last ((Listof Any) . -> . Any)]
(require "lib-typed.rkt")
;; note to self: a require/typed function with proper typing
;; is faster than a generic function + type assertion at location of call
(require/typed racket/list
[flatten ((Listof QuadAttrPair) . -> . HashableList)])
(require/typed sugar/list [trimf (All (A) ((Listof A) (A . -> . Boolean) -> (Listof A)))]
[filter-split (All (A) ((Listof A) (A . -> . Boolean) -> (Listof (Listof A))))])
@ -49,17 +51,19 @@
(define-type QuadAttrValue Any)
(define-predicate QuadAttrValue? QuadAttrValue)
(define-type QuadAttrs (HashTable QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue))
;;(define-predicate QuadAttrs? QuadAttrs) ;; won't work because it generates a chaperone contract
(define-type HashableList (Rec duo (U Null (List* QuadAttrKey Any duo))))
(provide HashableList?)
(define-predicate HashableList? HashableList)
(: quad-attrs? (Any . -> . Boolean))
(define (quad-attrs? x)
(and (hash? x) (andmap QuadAttrKey? (hash-keys x))))
(define-type QuadListItem (U Quad String))
(define-predicate QuadListItem? QuadListItem)
(define-type QuadList (Listof QuadListItem))
(define-predicate QuadList? QuadList)
(define-type (Treeof A) (Rec as (U A (Listof as))))
(struct quad ([name : QuadName] [attrs : QuadAttrs] [list : QuadList]) #:transparent)
@ -90,7 +94,7 @@
(define (quad-ends-with? q str)
[(not (empty? (quad-list q)))
(define last-item (last (quad-list q)))
(define last-item (list-ref (quad-list q) (length (quad-list q))))
[(string? last-item) (ends-with? last-item str)]
[(quad? last-item) (quad-ends-with? last-item str)]
@ -132,12 +136,13 @@
;; todo: reconsider type interface between output of this function and input to quadattrs
[else (loop (cdr qs) (filter (λ([cap : QuadAttrPair]) (check-cap (car qs) cap)) candidate-attr-pairs))]))))
(: quadattrs ((Listof Any) . -> . QuadAttrs))
(define (quadattrs xs)
(define/typed (quadattrs xs)
((Listof (U QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue)) . -> . QuadAttrs)
(let-values ([(ks vs even?) (for/fold
([ks : (Listof QuadAttrKey) null][vs : (Listof QuadAttrValue) null][even? : Boolean #t])
([x (in-list xs)])
(if even?
;; todo: how to avoid cast here by using HashableList typing?
(values (cons (cast x QuadAttrKey) ks) vs #f)
(values ks (cons (cast x QuadAttrValue) vs) #t)))])
(when (not even?) (error 'quadattrs "odd number of elements in ~a" xs))
@ -153,21 +158,36 @@
[quads->id (format-id #'id "quads->~a" #'id)])
;; quad converter
(: quads->id ((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad))
(define (quads->id qs)
(define/typed (quads->id qs)
((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad)
(apply id (gather-common-attrs qs) qs))
(: id (case->
(-> Quad)
((U QuadAttrs (Listof Any) False) (U String Quad) * . -> . Quad)))
(define (id [attrs #f] . xs)
#;(define/typed (id [attrs #f] . xs)
(-> Quad)
(((U False QuadAttrs HashableList)) #:rest QuadListItem . ->* . Quad))
(quad 'id (cond
;; need this cast because no predicate can be made for QuadAttrs
[(quad-attrs? attrs) (cast attrs QuadAttrs)]
[(list? attrs)
(if (HashableList? attrs)
(quadattrs attrs)
(error 'id "got non-hashable list ~a" attrs))]
[else (quadattrs '())]) (cast xs QuadList)))
[else (quadattrs '())]) (assert xs QuadList?)))
;; much slower than version above ... why?
(define/typed id
(((U False QuadAttrs HashableList)) #:rest QuadListItem . ->* . Quad)
(-> Quad))
[(attrs . xs)
(quad 'id (if attrs
(if (list? attrs)
(quadattrs attrs)
(quadattrs null)) xs)]
[else (displayln "making quado") (quad 'id (quadattrs null) null)]))
(: id? (Any . -> . Boolean))
(define (id? x)
@ -175,9 +195,8 @@
(: whitespace? ((Any) (Boolean) . ->* . Boolean))
(define (whitespace? x [nbsp? #f])
;((any/c)(boolean?) . ->* . coerce/boolean?)
(define/typed (whitespace? x [nbsp? #f])
((Any) (Boolean) . ->* . Boolean)
[(quad? x) (whitespace? (quad-list x) nbsp?)]
[(string? x) (or (and (regexp-match #px"\\p{Zs}" x) ; Zs = unicode whitespace category
@ -210,23 +229,28 @@
(define quad= equal?)
(define-syntax (define-quad-list-function stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ proc)
(with-syntax ([quad-proc (format-id stx "quad-~a" #'proc)])
#'(define/typed (quad-proc q)
(Quad . -> . Any)
(proc (quad-list q))))]))
(define/typed (quad-car q)
(Quad . -> . QuadListItem)
(define ql (quad-list q))
(if (not (empty? ql))
((inst car QuadListItem QuadList) ql)
(error 'quad-car "quad-list empty")))
#;(define-quad-list-function first)
(define-quad-list-function car)
(define-quad-list-function cdr)
#;(define-quad-list-function last)
(define/typed (quad-cdr q)
(Quad . -> . QuadList)
(define ql (quad-list q))
(if (not (empty? ql))
((inst cdr QuadListItem QuadList) ql)
(error 'quad-car "quad-list empty")))
(: quad-has-attr? (Quad QuadAttrKey . -> . Boolean))
(define (quad-has-attr? q key)
(hash-has-key? (quad-attrs q) key))
(define-quad-type box)
(define-quad-type spacer)
(define-quad-type kern)
(define-quad-type optical-kern)
@ -235,15 +259,17 @@
(define-quad-type input)
(define-quad-type piece)
(define-quad-type run)
(define-quad-type box)
(define-break-type word)
(: word-string (Quad . -> . String))
(define (word-string c)
(cast ((inst car QuadListItem Any) (quad-list c)) String))
(define/typed (word-string c)
(Quad . -> . String)
(define ql (quad-list c))
(if (and (not (null? ql)) (string? (car ql)))
(car ql)
(define-break-type page)
(define-break-type column)
(define-break-type block)
(define-break-type line)
(define-break-type line))
