@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class sugar/container "helper.rkt" "variable.rkt")
(require racket/class sugar/container sugar/debug racket/list "helper.rkt" "variable.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define constraint%
@ -29,41 +29,32 @@
(define variable (car variables))
(define domain (hash-ref domains variable))
(set-field! _list domain
(for/fold ([domain-values (get-field _list domain)])
([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))]
(for/fold ([domain-values (send domain get-values)])
([value (in-list (send domain get-values))]
#:when (not (call variables domains (make-hash (list (cons variable value))))))
(remove value domain-values)))
(set! constraints (remove (list this variables) constraints))
(hash-update! vconstraints variable (λ(val) (remove (list this variables) val)))))
;; Helper method for generic forward checking
;; Currently, this method acts only when there's a single
;; unassigned variable.
(define/public (forward-check variables domains assignments [_unassigned Unassigned])
;; Helper method for generic forward checking
;; Currently, this method acts only when there's a single
;; unassigned variable.
(define return-result (void))
(let/ec break
(set! return-result #t)
(define unassignedvariable _unassigned)
(for ([variable (in-list variables)]
#:when (not (hash-has-key? assignments variable)))
(if (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned)
(set! unassignedvariable variable)
(when (not (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned))
;; Remove from the unassigned variable's domain all
;; values which break our variable's constraints.
(define domain (hash-ref domains unassignedvariable))
(when (not (null? (get-field _list domain)))
(for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))])
(hash-set! assignments unassignedvariable value)
(when (not (send this call variables domains assignments))
(send domain hide-value value)))
(hash-remove! assignments unassignedvariable))
(when (null? (get-field _list domain))
(set! return-result #f)
(define unassigned-variables
(filter-not (λ(v) (hash-has-key? assignments v)) variables))
;; Remove from the unassigned variable's domain
;; all values that break our variable's constraints.
[(= (length unassigned-variables) 1)
(define unassigned-variable (car unassigned-variables))
(define domain (hash-ref domains unassigned-variable))
(for ([value (in-list (send domain get-values))])
(hash-set! assignments unassigned-variable value)
(when (not (call variables domains assignments))
(send domain hide-value value)))
(hash-remove! assignments unassigned-variable)
(not (send domain values-empty?))]
[else #t]))
(define constraint%? (is-a?/c constraint%))
@ -160,10 +151,10 @@
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(when (not (variable . in? . assignments))
(set! domain (hash-ref domains variable))
(when (not (singlevalue . in? . (get-field _list domain)))
(when (not (singlevalue . in? . (send domain get-values)))
(set! return-value #f)
(for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))])
(for ([value (in-list (send domain get-values))])
(when (not (equal? value singlevalue))
(send domain hide-value value))))))
(set! return-value #t)