@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
[(= (length fonts-in-this-directory) 1) 'r]
;; cases where fonts are in subdirectories named by style
;; infer style from subdir name
[(member "bold-italic" path-parts) 'bi]
[(and (member "bold" path-parts) (member "italic" path-parts)) 'bi]
[(member "bold" path-parts) 'b]
[(member "italic" path-parts) 'i]
@ -159,35 +159,44 @@
#:pre (list-of quad?)
#:post (list-of quad?)
(define (resolve-font-size-once attrs)
;; FIXME: this technique no longer works because
;; it depends on resolving values while attrs are being cascaded
(define (resolve-font-size-once attrs parent-attrs)
(define base-size-adjusted
(match (hash-ref attrs :font-size default-font-size)
(match (hash-ref attrs :font-size 'missing)
;; if our value represents an adjustment,
;; we apply the adjustment to the previous value
[(? procedure? proc) (proc (hash-ref attrs :font-size-previous default-font-size))]
[(? procedure? proc)
(define previous-font-size (cond
[(and parent-attrs (hash-ref parent-attrs :font-size-previous #false))]
[else default-font-size]))
(proc previous-font-size)]
;; otherwise we use our value directly
[val val]))
[(? number? num) num]
[other (raise-user-error 'resolve-font-sizes "procedure or number" other)]))
;; we write our new value into both font-size and font-size-previous
;; because as we cascade down, we're likely to come across superseding values
;; of font-size (but font-size-previous will persist)
(hash-set! attrs :font-size base-size-adjusted)
(hash-set! attrs :font-size-previous base-size-adjusted))
(define font-paths (setup-font-path-table))
(do-attr-iteration qs
#:attr-proc (λ (_ __ attrs) (resolve-font-size-once attrs))))
;; of font-size
;; but the font-size-previous will persist
;; because on the next recursion, the current `attrs` will be `parent-attrs`
(hash-set*! attrs :font-size base-size-adjusted
:font-size-previous base-size-adjusted))
(for-each-attrs qs resolve-font-size-once))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define-attr-list debug-attrs
[:font-family (make-attr-uncased-string-key 'font-family)])
(parameterize ([current-attrs debug-attrs])
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "Heading") (string->path "fira-sans-light.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "CODE") (string->path "fira-mono.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "blockquote" #:bold #t) (string->path "fira-sans-bold.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "nonexistent-fam") (string->path "SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf")))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "Heading") (build-path "fira-sans-light.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "CODE") (build-path "fira-mono.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "blockquote" #:bold #t) (build-path "fira-sans-bold.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "nonexistent-fam") (build-path "SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf")))
(define qs (bootstrap-input (make-quad #:tag 'div #:attrs (make-hasheq (list (cons :font-size "100pt"))) #:elems (list (make-quad #:tag 'span #:attrs (make-hasheq (list (cons :font-size-previous "100pt") (cons :font-size "1.5em"))))))))
#;(resolve-font-sizes (parse-dimension-strings qs)))
(define qs (bootstrap-input
(make-quad #:tag 'div
#:attrs (make-hasheq (list (cons :font-size "100pt")))
#:elems (list (make-quad #:tag 'span
#:attrs (make-hasheq (list (cons :font-size "1.5em")))
#:elems (list (make-quad #:tag 'span
#:attrs (make-hasheq (list (cons :font-size "200%"))))))))))
(check-equal? (quad-ref (quad-elems (car (resolve-font-sizes (parse-dimension-strings qs)))) :font-size) 150))