Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 01c41aad48
commit 6c29d71f45

@ -29,3 +29,9 @@
(make-hasheq (list (cons 'logical-screen-descriptor '(162 162 (#f #t #f #f #f #t #f #t) 0 0))
'(signature . "GIF")
'(version . "87a")))))
(define-rule bad-bitfield (:bitfield [reserved (:bits 3)]
[disposal (:bits 3 #:type integer?)]))
(bad-bitfield (bad-bitfield (open-input-bytes #"A")))

@ -158,7 +158,10 @@
(define-seq-style-rule :bitfield bitfield-inner)
(define (bitfield-inner #:type [type list?] . rule-procs)
((make-inner-proc (λ (xs) (bitfield->bytes (append* xs))) 'bitfield) type rule-procs))
((make-inner-proc (λ (xs) (let ([bf (append* xs)])
(unless (zero? (modulo (length bf) 8))
(raise-result-error ':bitfield (format "total field length is multiple of 8, got length ~a" (length bf)) bf))
(bitfield->bytes bf))) 'bitfield) type rule-procs))
(define-seq-style-rule :seq seq-inner)
@ -170,18 +173,18 @@
(λ (x) (define-values (input-proc output-proc output-check)
(case-proc type
(define rule-proc-names (resolve-duplicates (map procedure-name rule-procs)))
(values (curry list->hash-with-keys rule-proc-names)
(curry hash->list-with-keys rule-proc-names)
(λ (x)
(unless (and (hash? x) (hash-has-keys? x rule-proc-names))
(raise (binary-problem (format "hash with ~a keys, namely ~a" (length rule-procs) rule-proc-names) x)))))]
[list? (values identity identity
(λ (x)
(unless (and (list? x) (= (length rule-procs) (length x)))
(raise (binary-problem (format "list of ~a values" (length rule-procs)) x)))))]
[else (raise-argument-error sym "not a supported type" type)]))
(define rule-proc-names (resolve-duplicates (map procedure-name rule-procs)))
(values (curry list->hash-with-keys rule-proc-names)
(curry hash->list-with-keys rule-proc-names)
(λ (x)
(unless (and (hash? x) (hash-has-keys? x rule-proc-names))
(raise (binary-problem (format "hash with ~a keys, namely ~a" (length rule-procs) rule-proc-names) x)))))]
[list? (values identity identity
(λ (x)
(unless (and (list? x) (= (length rule-procs) (length x)))
(raise (binary-problem (format "list of ~a values" (length rule-procs)) x)))))]
[else (raise-argument-error sym "not a supported type" type)]))
(match x
[(? input-port? p) (input-proc (map (λ (rule-proc) (rule-proc p)) rule-procs))]
