Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 197acdd78c
commit 614a10babb

@ -75,25 +75,18 @@ Grab key chunks from PNG. Doesn't require heavy lifting from libpng.
(read-bytes 4) ; skip crc
(define/contract (decodePixels imgData pixelBitLength width height fn)
(bytes? number? number? number? procedure? . -> . any/c)
(define data (inflate imgData))
(define/contract (decodePixels imgData pixelBitLength width height)
(bytes? number? number? number? . -> . any/c)
(define pixelBytes (/ pixelBitLength 8))
(define scanlineLength (* pixelBytes width))
(define pixels (make-bytes (* scanlineLength height)))
(define length (bytes-length data))
(define row 0)
(define pos 0)
(define c 0)
#;(report* width height)
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes data)])
(for/fold ([_ #f]) ([row (in-naturals)]
#:break (eof-object? (peek-byte)))
#;(report row)
(define b (read-byte))
(case b
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (inflate imgData))])
(for ([row (in-naturals)]
#:break (eof-object? (peek-byte)))
(case (read-byte)
[(0) ; none
(for ([i (in-range scanlineLength)])
(define b (read-byte))
@ -170,10 +163,8 @@ Grab key chunks from PNG. Doesn't require heavy lifting from libpng.
(increment! c)
[else (error 'invalid-filter-algorithm (format "~a" b))])))
#;(report (bytes-length pixels) 'decoded-pixels-length)
#;(report (bytes->hex (subbytes pixels 0 20)))
(fn pixels))
[else (error 'invalid-png-filter-algorithm )])))
(define (read-32bit-integer)

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
(define/contract (embed this doc-in)
(object? . ->m . void?)
(set-field! document this doc-in)
(unless (· this obj)
@ -57,20 +57,17 @@
[(hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency #f)
[(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'grayscale #f)
(error 'transparency-grayscale-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'rgb #f)
(error 'transparency-rgb-not-implemented)]
[(hash-ref (hash-ref (· this image) 'transparency) 'indexed #f)
(error 'transparency-indexed-not-implemented)])]
[(hash-ref (· this image) 'hasAlphaChannel #f)
;; For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
;; channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an
;; SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.]
(· this splitAlphaChannel)]
[else (· this finalize)])))
(· this splitAlphaChannel)]))
(define/contract (finalize this)
(->m void?)
(when (· this alphaChannel)
(define sMask
(send (· this document) ref
@ -88,60 +85,22 @@
;; embed the actual image data
(send (· this obj) end (· this imgData)))
(define/contract (splitAlphaChannel this)
(->m void?)
(define (pixel-proc pixels)
(define colorByteSize (* (· this image colors) (/ (· this image bits) 8)))
(define pixelCount (* (· this width) (· this height)))
#;(define imgData (make-bytes (* pixelCount colorByteSize)))
#;(define alphaChannel (make-bytes pixelCount))
(define len (bytes-length pixels))
#;(report* len (* pixelCount colorByteSize) pixelCount)
(define-values (imgBytes alphaBytes)
(for/fold ([img-bytes empty]
[alpha-bytes empty])
([b (in-bytes pixels)]
[i (in-naturals)])
(if (= (modulo i 4) 3)
(values img-bytes (cons b alpha-bytes))
(values (cons b img-bytes) alpha-bytes))))
(define imgData (apply bytes (reverse imgBytes)))
(define alphaChannel (apply bytes (reverse alphaBytes)))
#;(report (bytes-length imgData) 'uncompressed-imgdata-length)
#;(report (bytes->hex (subbytes imgData 0 20)) 'uncompressed-imgdata)
#;(report (bytes-length alphaChannel) 'uncompressed-alphaChannel-length)
#;(report (bytes->hex (subbytes alphaChannel 0 20)) 'uncompressed-alphaChannel)
#;(report* (bytes-length imgData) (bytes-length alphaChannel))
#;(error 'in-pixel-proc)
(define imgDataCompressed (deflate imgData))
(define alphaChannelCompressed (deflate alphaChannel))
#;(report (bytes-length alphaChannelCompressed) 'alphaChannelCompressed-length)
#;(report (bytes->hex (subbytes alphaChannelCompressed 0 20)) 'alphaChannelCompressed)
#;(report (bytes-length imgDataCompressed) 'imgDataCompressed-length)
#;(report (bytes->hex (subbytes imgDataCompressed 0 20)) 'imgDataCompressed)
(set-field! imgData this imgDataCompressed)
(set-field! alphaChannel this alphaChannelCompressed)
(· this finalize)
#;(report* 'done)
(decodePixels (· this imgData) (· this pixelBitlength) (· this width) (· this height) pixel-proc))
(define pixels
(decodePixels (· this imgData) (· this pixelBitlength) (· this width) (· this height)))
(define-values (imgBytes alphaBytes)
(for/fold ([img-bytes empty]
[alpha-bytes empty])
([b (in-bytes pixels)]
[which (in-cycle '(img img img alpha))])
(if (eq? which 'alpha)
(values img-bytes (cons b alpha-bytes))
(values (cons b img-bytes) alpha-bytes))))
(set-field! imgData this (deflate (apply bytes (reverse imgBytes))))
(set-field! alphaChannel this (deflate (apply bytes (reverse alphaBytes)))))
#;(module+ test
(define pic (make-object PNG (file->bytes "test/assets/test.png")))
