size with hyphen

Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent f2d20def80
commit 5b86553685

@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
(define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append '((display "block")
(line-align "right")
(background-color "#eee")
(font-family "fira") (font-size "10") (line-height "15")
(border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8")
(border-width-left "3") (border-color-left "gray") (border-inset-left "20")
(border-width-bottom "0.5") (border-color-bottom "gray") (border-inset-bottom "-2")
(border-width-right "0.5") (border-color-right "gray") (border-inset-right "20")
(inset-top "10") (inset-bottom "8") (inset-left "30") (inset-right "30")
(keep-lines "yes"))
attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((display "block")
(line-align "right")
(background-color "#eee")
(font-family "fira") (font-size "10") (line-height "15")
(border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8")
(border-width-left "3") (border-color-left "gray") (border-inset-left "20")
(border-width-bottom "0.5") (border-color-bottom "gray") (border-inset-bottom "-2")
(border-width-right "0.5") (border-color-right "gray") (border-inset-right "20")
(inset-top "10") (inset-bottom "8") (inset-left "30") (inset-right "30")
(keep-lines "yes"))
attrs) exprs))
(define id (default-tag-function 'id))
(define class (default-tag-function 'class))
@ -129,29 +129,29 @@
(define default-font-family "charter")
(define default-font-size 12)
(define (->string-quad doc q)
(define current-doc (make-parameter #f))
(define (make-size-promise q [str #f])
(match (quad-elems q)
[(? pair? elems)
(define doc (current-doc))
(font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size))
(font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key default-font-face)))
(list (string-width doc (or str (unsafe-car elems))) (quad-ref q 'line-height)))]
[_ (delay (list 0 (current-line-height (current-doc))))]))
(define (->string-quad q)
[(line-break? q) q]
(let* ([q-elems (quad-elems q)]
[soft-hyphen? (equal? q-elems '("\u00AD"))])
quad q:string
[attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs q)])
(hash-ref! attrs 'font-size default-font-size)
[elems q-elems]
[printable (if soft-hyphen?
(λ (q [sig #f]) (eq? sig 'end))
(quad-printable q))]
[size (delay
(font-size doc (quad-ref q 'font-size))
(font doc (path->string (quad-ref q font-path-key default-font-face)))
(define str (if (pair? q-elems) (unsafe-car q-elems) ""))
(define line-height (cond
[(and (pair? q-elems) (quad-ref q 'line-height))]
[else (current-line-height doc)]))
(pt (string-width doc str) line-height))]))]))
quad q:string
[attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs q)])
(hash-ref! attrs 'font-size default-font-size)
[elems (quad-elems q)]
[size (make-size-promise q)])]))
(define (draw-debug q doc [fill-color "#f99"] [stroke-color "#fcc"])
@ -278,22 +278,22 @@
(stroke doc "#999"))]))]
(match (consolidate-runs pcs
#:finalize (λ (reversed-runs)
(reverse (if (and ending-q (equal? (quad-elems ending-q) '("\u00AD")))
;; naive handling of soft hyphen:
;; if soft hyphen cause the break, then append a printing hyphen to the end of the run.
;; this assumes that there is room for the hyphen on the line
;; and does not take into account hyphen-break transformations
;; found in other languages.
;; However we do want the hyphen joined into the string
;; so the final shaping / positioning is correct
;; for instance, kerning between last letter and hyphen.
;; todo: this finagle doesn't update the `size` correctly
;; so center & right alignment look wrong
(cons (let ([r (car reversed-runs)])
(struct-copy quad r
[elems (list (string-append (car (quad-elems r)) "-"))])) (cdr reversed-runs))
#:finalize (λ (reversed-runs)
(reverse (if (and ending-q (equal? (quad-elems ending-q) '("\u00AD")))
;; naive handling of soft hyphen:
;; if soft hyphen cause the break, then append a printing hyphen to the end of the run.
;; this assumes that there is room for the hyphen on the line
;; and does not take into account hyphen-break transformations
;; found in other languages.
;; However we do want the hyphen joined into the string
;; so the final shaping / positioning is correct
;; for instance, kerning between last letter and hyphen.
(cons (let ([r (car reversed-runs)])
(define new-str (string-append (car (quad-elems r)) "-"))
(struct-copy quad r
[elems (list new-str)]
[size (make-size-promise r new-str)])) (cdr reversed-runs))
[(? pair? elems)
(define elem (unsafe-car elems))
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size q:line))
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
[elems (append
(match (and (= idx 1) (quad-ref elem 'list-index))
(match (and (eq? idx 1) (quad-ref elem 'list-index))
[#false null]
[bullet (list (make-quad
#:elems (list (struct-copy quad (car elems)
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
(define idx (add1 idx0))
;; always catch last line of block in this case
;; so later cases are guaranteed to have earlier lines.
(unless (= idx group-len)
(unless (eq? idx group-len)
;; if we have 'keep-all we can skip 'keep-first and 'keep-last cases
[(quad-ref ln 'keep-all) (make-nobreak! ln)]
@ -581,15 +581,16 @@
(define line-width (- (pdf-width pdf) (* 2 side-margin)))
(define vertical-height (- (pdf-height pdf) top-margin bottom-margin))
(setup-font-path-table! pdf-path)
(let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr (qexpr->quad xs))]
[x (time-name atomize (atomize x #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs))]
[x (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate x))]
[x (time-name ->string-quad (map (λ (x) (->string-quad pdf x)) x))]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name apply-keeps (apply-keeps x))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x vertical-height pdf-path))]
[x (time-name position (position (struct-copy quad q:doc [elems x])))])
(time-name draw (draw x pdf))))
(parameterize ([current-doc pdf])
(let* ([x (time-name parse-qexpr (qexpr->quad xs))]
[x (time-name atomize (atomize x #:attrs-proc handle-cascading-attrs))]
[x (time-name hyphenate (handle-hyphenate x))]
[x (time-name ->string-quad (map ->string-quad x))]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name apply-keeps (apply-keeps x))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x vertical-height pdf-path))]
[x (time-name position (position (struct-copy quad q:doc [elems x])))])
(time-name draw (draw x pdf)))))
(define-syntax (mb stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
