make way for atomize

Matthew Butterick 3 years ago
parent 7a9ac1c43f
commit 5b48d5b1fc

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/match
(provide atomize)
@ -11,3 +15,11 @@ For instance, the top-level attrs represent a list object
that will eventually be the tail of the attrs in every atomized quad.
(define-pass (atomize q)
#:precondition quad?
#:postcondition (list-of quad?)
(match (quad-elems q)
[(cons str _)
(for/list ([c (in-string str)])
(make-quad #:attrs (make-quad-attrs (list (cons 'char c)))))]
[_ (error 'atomize-branch-unimplemented)]))

@ -1,114 +1,29 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/contract
(require racket/match
(provide quad-compile quad-compile-to-stack stackify valid-tokens)
(define/contract (posn-add p0 p1)
($point? $size? . -> . $point?)
($point (+ ($point-x p0) ($size-width p1)) (+ ($point-y p0) ($size-height p1))))
(define/contract (size char)
(quad? . -> . $size?)
($size 1 1))
(define/contract (advance char)
(quad? . -> . $size?)
($size 1 0))
(define/contract (quadify str)
(string? . -> . (listof quad?))
(for/list ([c (in-string str)])
(make-quad #f (make-quad-attrs (list (cons 'char c))))))
(define (make-compiler . passes)
(apply compose1 (reverse (cons quadify passes))))
(define (min-x rect) ($point-x ($rect-origin rect)))
(define (width rect) ($size-width ($rect-size rect)))
(define (max-x rect) (+ (min-x rect) (width rect)))
(define (min-y rect) ($point-y ($rect-origin rect)))
(define (height rect) ($size-height ($rect-size rect)))
(define (max-y rect) (+ (min-y rect) (height rect)))
(define/contract (rect-contains-point? rect pt)
($rect? $point? . -> . boolean?)
(and (<= (min-x rect) ($point-x pt) (max-x rect))
(<= (min-y rect) ($point-y pt) (max-y rect))))
(define/contract (rect-contains-rect? outer inner)
($rect? $rect? . -> . boolean?)
(and (rect-contains-point? outer ($rect-origin inner))
(rect-contains-point? outer ($point (max-x inner) (max-y inner)))))
(define (has-position? q) (not (eq? (quad-posn q) #false)))
(define-pass (layout qs)
#:precondition (λ (qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap (λ (q) (not (has-position? q))) qs)))
#:postcondition (λ (qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap has-position? qs)))
(define frame ($rect ($point 0 0) ($size (current-wrap-width) 30)))
(define (quad-fits? q posn)
(define q-size (size q))
(define quad-rect ($rect posn q-size))
(and (rect-contains-rect? frame quad-rect) posn))
(for/fold ([posn ($point 0 0)]
#:result qs)
([q (in-list qs)])
(define first-posn-on-next-line ($point 0 (add1 ($point-y posn))))
(define winning-posn (or (ormap (λ (posn) (quad-fits? q posn)) (list posn first-posn-on-next-line)) (error 'no-posn-that-fits)))
(set-quad-posn! q winning-posn)
(posn-add winning-posn (advance q))))
(define-pass (make-drawing-insts qs)
#:precondition (λ (qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap has-position? qs)))
#:postcondition (λ (qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap $drawing-inst? qs)))
(list ($doc 'start) ($page 'start)
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
[(quad? q)
(list ($move (quad-posn q)) ($text (char->integer (quad-char q))))]
[else (error 'render-unknown-thing)]))
($page 'end) ($doc 'end))))
(define valid-tokens '(doc-start doc-end page-start page-end text move))
(define-pass (stackify xs)
#:precondition (λ (xs) (and (list? xs) (andmap $drawing-inst? xs)))
#:postcondition string?
(define move-points (map $move-posn (filter $move? xs)))
(define xmax (add1 (apply max (map $point-x move-points))))
(define ymax (add1 (apply max (map $point-y move-points))))
(for/list ([x (in-list xs)])
(string-join (map ~a (match x
[($move ($point x y)) (list y x 'move)]
[($text charint) (list charint 'text)]
[($doc 'start) '(doc-start)]
[($doc 'end) '(doc-end)]
[($page 'start) (list ymax xmax 'page-start)]
[($page 'end) '(page-end)]
[_ (error 'unknown-drawing-inst)])) " ")) "\n"))
(define quad-compile-to-stack (make-compiler layout make-drawing-insts stackify))
(define quad-compile (make-compiler layout make-drawing-insts))
($quad ($point 0 0) #\H)
($quad ($point 1 0) #\e)
($quad ($point 2 0) #\l)
($quad ($point 3 0) #\l)
($quad ($point 4 0) #\o)
($quad ($point 0 1) #\space)
($quad ($point 1 1) #\w)
($quad ($point 2 1) #\o)
($quad ($point 3 1) #\r)
($quad ($point 4 1) #\l)
($quad ($point 0 2) #\d)))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct compiler (passes)
#:constructor-name make-compiler
#:guard (λ (procs name)
(unless ((list-of procedure?) procs)
(raise-argument-error 'bad-input-to-compiler-constructor "list of procedures" procs))
#:property prop:procedure
(λ (self input) ((apply compose1 (reverse (compiler-passes self))) input)))
(define (compiler-append c passes)
(make-compiler (append (compiler-passes c) passes)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-pass (PASS-NAME ARG OTHER-ARG ...)
#:precondition PRECOND-PROC
#:postcondition POSTCOND-PROC
EXPRS ...)
(define PASS-NAME
(make-compiler (list (λ (ARG OTHER-ARG ...)
(error 'PASS-NAME (format "precondition failed: ~a for value ~v" 'PRECOND-PROC ARG)))
(define res (let () EXPRS ...))
(unless (POSTCOND-PROC res)
(error 'PASS-NAME (format "postcondition failed: ~a for value ~v" 'POSTCOND-PROC res)))

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/list
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-pass (make-drawing-insts qs)
#:precondition (list-of has-position?)
#:postcondition (list-of $drawing-inst?)
(list ($doc 'start) ($page 'start)
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
[(quad? q)
(list ($move (quad-posn q)) ($text (char->integer (quad-char q))))]
[else (error 'render-unknown-thing)]))
($page 'end) ($doc 'end))))
(define valid-tokens '(doc-start doc-end page-start page-end text move))
(define-pass (stackify xs)
#:precondition (λ (xs) (and (list? xs) (andmap $drawing-inst? xs)))
#:postcondition string?
(define move-points (map $move-posn (filter $move? xs)))
(define xmax (add1 (apply max (map $point-x move-points))))
(define ymax (add1 (apply max (map $point-y move-points))))
(for/list ([x (in-list xs)])
(string-join (map ~a (match x
[($move ($point x y)) (list y x 'move)]
[($text charint) (list charint 'text)]
[($doc 'start) '(doc-start)]
[($doc 'end) '(doc-end)]
[($page 'start) (list ymax xmax 'page-start)]
[($page 'end) '(page-end)]
[_ (error 'unknown-drawing-inst)])) " ")) "\n"))

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/contract
(provide layout)
(define/contract (posn-add p0 p1)
($point? $size? . -> . $point?)
($point (+ ($point-x p0) ($size-width p1)) (+ ($point-y p0) ($size-height p1))))
(define/contract (size char)
(quad? . -> . $size?)
($size 1 1))
(define/contract (advance char)
(quad? . -> . $size?)
($size 1 0))
(define (min-x rect) ($point-x ($rect-origin rect)))
(define (width rect) ($size-width ($rect-size rect)))
(define (max-x rect) (+ (min-x rect) (width rect)))
(define (min-y rect) ($point-y ($rect-origin rect)))
(define (height rect) ($size-height ($rect-size rect)))
(define (max-y rect) (+ (min-y rect) (height rect)))
(define/contract (rect-contains-point? rect pt)
($rect? $point? . -> . boolean?)
(and (<= (min-x rect) ($point-x pt) (max-x rect))
(<= (min-y rect) ($point-y pt) (max-y rect))))
(define/contract (rect-contains-rect? outer inner)
($rect? $rect? . -> . boolean?)
(and (rect-contains-point? outer ($rect-origin inner))
(rect-contains-point? outer ($point (max-x inner) (max-y inner)))))
(define-pass (layout qs)
#:precondition (list-of has-no-position?)
#:postcondition (list-of has-position?)
(define frame ($rect ($point 0 0) ($size (current-wrap-width) 30)))
(define (quad-fits? q posn)
(define q-size (size q))
(define quad-rect ($rect posn q-size))
(and (rect-contains-rect? frame quad-rect) posn))
(for/fold ([posn ($point 0 0)]
#:result qs)
([q (in-list qs)])
(define first-posn-on-next-line ($point 0 (add1 ($point-y posn))))
(define winning-posn (or (ormap (λ (posn) (quad-fits? q posn)) (list posn first-posn-on-next-line)) (error 'no-posn-that-fits)))
(set-quad-posn! q winning-posn)
(posn-add winning-posn (advance q))))

@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require "compile.rkt" "render.rkt" "quad.rkt" racket/string)
(require "layout.rkt"
(define-pass (bootstrap x)
#:precondition values
#:postcondition quad?
(match x
[(? quad?) x]
[(list (? quad?) ...) (make-quad #:elems (list x))]
[_ (make-quad #:elems (list x))]))
(define quad-compile (make-compiler (list
(define quad-compile-to-stack (compiler-append quad-compile
(list stackify)))
(define drawing-insts (parameterize ([current-wrap-width 13])
(quad-compile-to-stack "Hello this is the earth")))

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-syntax-rule (define-pass (PASS-NAME ARG OTHER-ARG ...)
#:precondition PRECOND-PROC
#:postcondition POSTCOND-PROC
EXPRS ...)
(error 'PASS-NAME (format "precondition failed: ~a" 'PRECOND-PROC)))
(define res (let () EXPRS ...))
(unless (POSTCOND-PROC res)
(error 'PASS-NAME (format "postcondition failed: ~a" 'POSTCOND-PROC)))

@ -9,31 +9,31 @@
(define current-wrap-width (make-parameter 5))
(define current-page-size (make-parameter ($size 10 10)))
(define (quad? x)
(match x
[($quad (? quad-tag?)
(? quad-attrs?)
(? quad-elems?)) #true]
[_ #false]))
(struct $quad (tag attrs elems) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define quad-tag $quad-tag)
(define (list-of proc) (λ (x) (and (list? x) (andmap proc x))))
(struct quad (tag attrs elems) #:transparent #:mutable
#:constructor-name quad-constructor
#:guard (λ (tag attrs elems name)
(unless (match (list tag attrs elems)
[(list (? quad-tag?)
(? quad-attrs?)
(? quad-elems?)) #true]
[_ #false])
(error 'no-dice))
(values tag attrs elems)))
(define (quad-tag? x) (match x
[(or (? symbol?) #false) #true]
[_ #false]))
(define set-quad-tag! set-$quad-tag!)
(define quad-attrs $quad-attrs)
(define (make-quad-attrs alist) (make-hasheq alist))
(define (quad-attrs? x) (hash-eq? x))
(define set-quad-attrs! set-$quad-attrs!)
(define quad-elems $quad-elems)
(define (quad-elems? x) (list? x))
(define set-quad-elems! set-$quad-elems!)
(define/contract (make-quad tag attrs . elems)
((quad-tag? quad-attrs?) #:rest quad-elems? . ->* . quad?)
($quad tag attrs elems))
(define/contract (make-quad #:tag [tag #false]
#:attrs [attrs (make-quad-attrs null)]
#:elems [elems null])
(() (#:tag quad-tag? #:attrs quad-attrs? #:elems quad-elems?) . ->* . quad?)
(quad-constructor tag attrs elems))
(define (quad-ref q key [default-val #false])
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) key default-val))
@ -52,4 +52,8 @@
(define-quad-field posn)
(define-quad-field char)
#;(define q (make-quad 'div (make-hasheq '((hello . "world"))) "fine"))
(define (has-no-position? q) (not (has-position? q)))
(define (has-position? q) (quad-posn q))
(module+ test
(define q (make-quad #:tag 'div #:attrs (make-hasheq '((hello . "world"))) #:elems (list "fine"))))

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require "pass.rkt" "quad.rkt" "compile.rkt")
(require "compile.rkt" "draw.rkt" "layout.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct $renderer (doc-start-func
@ -68,9 +68,7 @@
(λ (x y) (set! current-loc (make-rectangular x y)))
(λ () (for-each displayln (map (λ (target) (make-object image-snip% target)) targets))))))
(define-pass (render inst-str #:using [renderer (current-renderer)])
#:precondition string?
#:postcondition any/c
(define (render inst-str #:using [renderer (current-renderer)])
(let/ec exit
(for/fold ([stack null]
#:result (void))
