.gitignore is now working

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent fd2708fc28
commit 540b9f4614

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Devon Govett
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
.PHONY: js
./node_modules/.bin/coffee -o js -c lib/
cp -r lib/font/data js/font/data
browser: lib/**/*.coffee
mkdir -p build/
./node_modules/.bin/browserify \
--standalone PDFDocument \
--debug \
--transform coffeeify \
--extension .coffee \
lib/document.coffee \
| ./node_modules/.bin/exorcist build/pdfkit.js.map > build/pdfkit.js
browser-demo: js demo/browser.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify demo/browser.js > demo/bundle.js
docs: pdf-guide website browser-demo
./node_modules/.bin/coffee docs/generate.coffee
mkdir -p docs/img
./node_modules/.bin/coffee docs/generate_website.coffee
rm -rf js build demo/bundle.js

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
# PDFKit
A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser.
## Description
PDFKit is a PDF document generation library for Node and the browser that makes creating complex, multi-page, printable documents easy.
It's written in CoffeeScript, but you can choose to use the API in plain 'ol JavaScript if you like. The API embraces
chainability, and includes both low level functions as well as abstractions for higher level functionality. The PDFKit API
is designed to be simple, so generating complex documents is often as simple as a few function calls.
Check out some of the [documentation and examples](http://pdfkit.org/docs/getting_started.html) to see for yourself!
You can also read the guide as a [self-generated PDF](http://pdfkit.org/docs/guide.pdf) with example output displayed inline.
If you'd like to see how it was generated, check out the README in the [docs](https://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/tree/master/docs)
You can also try out an interactive in-browser demo of PDFKit [here](http://pdfkit.org/demo/browser.html).
## Installation
Installation uses the [npm](http://npmjs.org/) package manager. Just type the following command after installing npm.
npm install pdfkit
## Features
* Vector graphics
* HTML5 canvas-like API
* Path operations
* SVG path parser for easy path creation
* Transformations
* Linear and radial gradients
* Text
* Line wrapping
* Text alignments
* Bulleted lists
* Font embedding
* Supports TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.otf), WOFF, WOFF2, TrueType Collections (.ttc), and Datafork TrueType (.dfont) fonts
* Font subsetting
* See [fontkit](http://github.com/devongovett/fontkit) for more details on advanced glyph layout support.
* Image embedding
* Supports JPEG and PNG files (including indexed PNGs, and PNGs with transparency)
* Annotations
* Links
* Notes
* Highlights
* Underlines
* etc.
## Coming soon!
* Patterns fills
* Outlines
* PDF Security
* Higher level APIs for creating tables and laying out content
* More performance optimizations
* Even more awesomeness, perhaps written by you! Please fork this repository and send me pull requests.
## Example
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
# Create a document
doc = new PDFDocument
# Pipe its output somewhere, like to a file or HTTP response
# See below for browser usage
doc.pipe fs.createWriteStream('output.pdf')
# Embed a font, set the font size, and render some text
.text('Some text with an embedded font!', 100, 100)
# Add an image, constrain it to a given size, and center it vertically and horizontally
doc.image('path/to/image.png', {
fit: [250, 300],
align: 'center',
valign: 'center'
# Add another page
.text('Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 100)
# Draw a triangle
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
# Apply some transforms and render an SVG path with the 'even-odd' fill rule
.translate(470, -380)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')
.fill('red', 'even-odd')
# Add some text with annotations
.text('Here is a link!', 100, 100)
.underline(100, 100, 160, 27, color: "#0000FF")
.link(100, 100, 160, 27, 'http://google.com/')
# Finalize PDF file
[The PDF output from this example](http://pdfkit.org/demo/out.pdf) (with a few additions) shows the power of PDFKit — producing
complex documents with a very small amount of code. For more, see the `demo` folder and the
[PDFKit programming guide](http://pdfkit.org/docs/getting_started.html).
## Browser Usage
There are two ways to use PDFKit in the browser. The first is to use [Browserify](http://browserify.org/),
which is a Node module packager for the browser with the familiar `require` syntax. The second is to use
a prebuilt version of PDFKit, which you can [download from Github](https://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/releases).
In addition to PDFKit, you'll need somewhere to stream the output to. HTML5 has a
[Blob](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob) object which can be used to store binary data, and
get URLs to this data in order to display PDF output inside an iframe, or upload to a server, etc. In order to
get a Blob from the output of PDFKit, you can use the [blob-stream](https://github.com/devongovett/blob-stream)
The following example uses Browserify to load `PDFKit` and `blob-stream`, but if you're not using Browserify,
you can load them in whatever way you'd like (e.g. script tags).
# require dependencies
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
blobStream = require 'blob-stream'
# create a document the same way as above
doc = new PDFDocument
# pipe the document to a blob
stream = doc.pipe(blobStream())
# add your content to the document here, as usual
# get a blob when you're done
stream.on 'finish', ->
# get a blob you can do whatever you like with
blob = stream.toBlob('application/pdf')
# or get a blob URL for display in the browser
url = stream.toBlobURL('application/pdf')
iframe.src = url
You can see an interactive in-browser demo of PDFKit [here](http://pdfkit.org/demo/browser.html).
Note that in order to Browserify a project using PDFKit, you need to install the `brfs` module with npm,
which is used to load built-in font data into the package. It is listed as a `devDependency` in
PDFKit's `package.json`, so it isn't installed by default for Node users.
If you forget to install it, Browserify will print an error message.
## Documentation
For complete API documentation and more examples, see the [PDFKit website](http://pdfkit.org/).
## License
PDFKit is available under the MIT license.

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
width: 1230px;
margin: 20px auto;
font-family: Georgia;
h1 {
margin: 0;
a {
color: blue;
#editor {
width: 600px;
height: 775px;
margin-right: 20px;
display: inline-block;
iframe {
border: 1px solid black;
<h1>PDFKit Browser Demo</h1>
<p><a href="http://pdfkit.org/">Website</a> | <a href="http://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit">Github</a></p>
<div id="editor"></div>
<iframe width="600" height="775"></iframe>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-48340245-1', 'pdfkit.org');
ga('send', 'pageview');

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
var PDFDocument = require('../');
var blobStream = require('blob-stream');
var ace = require('brace');
var lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;\nMauris at ante tellus. Vestibulum a metus lectus. Praesent tempor purus a lacus blandit eget gravida ante hendrerit. Cras et eros metus. Sed commodo malesuada eros, vitae interdum augue semper quis. Fusce id magna nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin placerat semper. Cras et mi neque, a dignissim risus. Nulla venenatis porta lacus, vel rhoncus lectus tempor vitae. Duis sagittis venenatis rutrum. Curabitur tempor massa tortor.';
function makePDF(PDFDocument, blobStream, lorem, iframe) {
// create a document and pipe to a blob
var doc = new PDFDocument();
var stream = doc.pipe(blobStream());
// draw some text
.text('Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 80);
// some vector graphics
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
doc.circle(280, 200, 50)
// an SVG path
.translate(470, 130)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')
.fill('red', 'even-odd')
// and some justified text wrapped into columns
doc.text('And here is some wrapped text...', 100, 300)
.font('Times-Roman', 13)
.text(lorem, {
width: 412,
align: 'justify',
indent: 30,
columns: 2,
height: 300,
ellipsis: true
// end and display the document in the iframe to the right
stream.on('finish', function() {
iframe.src = stream.toBlobURL('application/pdf');
var editor = ace.edit('editor');
.split('\n').slice(1, -1).join('\n')
.replace(/^ /mg, '')
var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
makePDF(PDFDocument, blobStream, lorem, iframe);
editor.getSession().on('change', function() {
try {
var fn = new Function("PDFDocument", "blobStream", "lorem", "iframe", editor.getValue());
fn(PDFDocument, blobStream, lorem, iframe);
} catch (e) {

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.3 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 340 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 391 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 56 KiB

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
PDFDocument = require '../'
tiger = require './tiger'
fs = require 'fs'
# Create a new PDFDocument
doc = new PDFDocument
doc.pipe fs.createWriteStream('out.pdf')
# Set some meta data
doc.info['Title'] = 'Test Document'
doc.info['Author'] = 'Devon Govett'
# Register a font name for use later
doc.registerFont('Palatino', 'fonts/PalatinoBold.ttf')
# Set the font, draw some text, and embed an image
.text('Some text with an embedded font!', 100, 100)
.text('PNG and JPEG images:')
.image('images/test.png', 100, 160, width: 412)
.image('images/test.jpeg', 190, 400, height: 300)
# Add another page
.text 'Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 100
# Draw a triangle and a circle
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
doc.circle(280, 200, 50)
.translate(470, -380)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z') # render an SVG path
.fill('red', 'even-odd') # fill using the even-odd winding rule
loremIpsum = '''
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Mauris at ante tellus. Vestibulum a metus lectus. Praesent tempor purus a lacus blandit eget gravida ante hendrerit. Cras et eros metus. Sed commodo malesuada eros, vitae interdum augue semper quis. Fusce id magna nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin placerat semper. Cras et mi neque, a dignissim risus. Nulla venenatis porta lacus, vel rhoncus lectus tempor vitae. Duis sagittis venenatis rutrum. Curabitur tempor massa tortor.
# Draw some text wrapped to 412 points wide
doc.text('And here is some wrapped text...', 100, 300)
.font('Helvetica', 13)
.moveDown() # move down 1 line
.text(loremIpsum, width: 412, align: 'justify', indent: 30, paragraphGap: 5)
# Add another page, and set the font back
.font('Palatino', 25)
.text('Rendering some SVG paths...', 100, 100)
.translate(220, 300)
# Render each path that makes up the tiger image
for part in tiger
doc.path(part.path) # render an SVG path
if part['stroke-width']
doc.lineWidth part['stroke-width']
if part.fill isnt 'none' and part.stroke isnt 'none'
doc.fillAndStroke(part.fill, part.stroke)
unless part.fill is 'none'
unless part.stroke is 'none'
# Add some text with annotations
.text('Here is a link!', 100, 100, { link: 'http://google.com/', underline: true })
# Add a list with a font loaded from a TrueType collection file
.font('fonts/Chalkboard.ttc', 'Chalkboard', 16)
.list(['One', 'Two', 'Three'], 100, 150)

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# PDFKit Guide
The PDFKit guide can be read a number of ways. The first is online at [pdfkit.org](http://pdfkit.org/).
You can also read the guide in PDF form, in this directory or [online](http://pdfkit.org/docs/guide.pdf).
Both the website and the PDF guide are generated from the Literate CoffeeScript (runnable Markdown) files
in this directory. The examples are actually run when generating the PDF in order to show the results inline.
The `generate.coffee` file in this directory is actually quite short. It parses the markdown files into a
tree structure using [markdown-js](https://github.com/evilstreak/markdown-js), syntax highlights the code
examples using [codemirror](https://github.com/marijnh/codemirror), compiles and runs the code examples and puts the results
inline, and generates the PDF using PDFKit. You can read the generator script source code to get a feeling for
how you might do something slightly more complex than the guide itself shows.
The markdown syntax used is pretty much standard, with a couple tweaks.
1. Code example output is references using the image notation, using the alt text as the example number starting from
zero in the current file, and the title as the example output height. E.g. `![x](name "height")`.
2. Page breaks are added before `h1` and `h2`s, unless there are two in a row. `h3` is treated the same as `h2` but
can be used to avoid this in the case you need multiple `h2`s on the same page.
3. The horizontal rule syntax (`* * *`) denotes an explicit page break

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
# Annotations in PDFKit
Annotations are interactive features of the PDF format, and they make it
possible to include things like links and attached notes, or to highlight,
underline or strikeout portions of text. Annotations are added using the
various helper methods, and each type of annotation is defined by a rectangle
and some other properties. Here is a list of the available annotation methods:
* `note(x, y, width, height, contents, options)`
* `link(x, y, width, height, url, options)`
* `highlight(x, y, width, height, options)`
* `underline(x, y, width, height, options)`
* `strike(x, y, width, height, options)`
* `lineAnnotation(x1, y1, x2, y2, options)`
* `rectAnnotation(x, y, width, height, options)`
* `ellipseAnnotation(x, y, width, height, options)`
* `textAnnotation(x, y, width, height, text, options)`
Many of the annotations have a `color` option that you can specify. You can
use an array of RGB values, a hex color, or a named CSS color value for that
If you are adding an annotation to a piece of text, such as a link or
underline, you will need to know the width and height of the text in order to
create the required rectangle for the annotation. There are two methods that
you can use to do that. To get the width of any piece of text in the current
font, just call the `widthOfString` method with the string you want to
measure. To get the line height in the current font, just call the
`currentLineHeight` method.
You must remember that annotations have a stacking order. If you are putting
more than one annotation on a single area and one of those annotations is a
link, make sure that the link is the last one you add, otherwise it will be
covered by another annotation and the user won't be able to click it.
* * *
Here is an example that uses a few of the annotation types.
# Add the link text
.text('This is a link!', 20, 0)
# Measure the text
width = doc.widthOfString('This is a link!')
height = doc.currentLineHeight()
# Add the underline and link annotations
doc.underline(20, 0, width, height, color: 'blue')
.link(20, 0, width, height, 'http://google.com/')
# Create the highlighted text
.highlight(20, doc.y, doc.widthOfString('This text is highlighted!'), height)
.text('This text is highlighted!')
# Create the crossed out text
.strike(20, doc.y, doc.widthOfString('STRIKE!'), height)
The output of this example looks like this.
Annotations are currently not the easiest things to add to PDF documents, but
that is the fault of the PDF spec itself. Calculating a rectangle manually isn't
fun, but PDFKit makes it easier for a few common annotations applied to text, including
links, underlines, and strikes. Here's an example showing two of them:
doc.fontSize 20
.fillColor 'red'
.text 'Another link!', 20, 0,
link: 'http://apple.com/',
underline: true
The output is as you'd expect:
# You made it!
That's all there is to creating PDF documents in PDFKit. It's really quite
simple to create beautiful multi-page printable documents using Node.js!
This guide was generated from Markdown/Literate CoffeeScript files using a
PDFKit generation script. The examples are actually run to generate the output shown
inline. The script generates both the website and the PDF guide, and
can be found [on Github](http://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/tree/master/docs/generate.coffee).
Check it out if you want to see an example of a slightly more complicated renderer using
a parser for Markdown and a syntax highlighter.
If you have any questions about what you've learned in this guide, please don't
hesitate to [ask the author](http://twitter.com/devongovett) or post an issue
on [Github](http://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/issues). Enjoy!

@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
fs = require 'fs'
vm = require 'vm'
md = require('markdown').markdown
coffee = require 'coffee-script'
CodeMirror = require 'codemirror/addon/runmode/runmode.node'
PDFDocument = require '../'
# setup code mirror coffeescript mode
filename = require.resolve('codemirror/mode/coffeescript/coffeescript')
coffeeMode = fs.readFileSync filename, 'utf8'
vm.runInNewContext coffeeMode, CodeMirror: CodeMirror
# style definitions for markdown
styles =
font: 'fonts/Alegreya-Bold.ttf'
fontSize: 25
padding: 15
font: 'fonts/Alegreya-Bold.ttf'
fontSize: 18
padding: 10
font: 'fonts/Alegreya-Bold.ttf'
fontSize: 18
padding: 10
font: 'fonts/Merriweather-Regular.ttf'
fontSize: 10
padding: 10
font: 'fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf'
fontSize: 9
padding: 10
background: '#2c2c2c'
font: 'fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf'
fontSize: 10
font: 'fonts/Merriweather-Regular.ttf'
fontSize: 10
padding: 6
font: 'fonts/Merriweather-Regular.ttf'
fontSize: 10
color: 'blue'
underline: true
font: 'Helvetica'
fontSize: 9
color: 'black'
padding: 10
# syntax highlighting colors
# based on Github's theme
colors =
keyword: '#cb4b16'
atom: '#d33682'
number: '#009999'
def: '#2aa198'
variable: '#108888'
'variable-2': '#b58900'
'variable-3': '#6c71c4'
property: '#2aa198'
operator: '#6c71c4'
comment: '#999988'
string: '#dd1144'
'string-2': '#009926'
meta: '#768E04'
qualifier: '#b58900'
builtin: '#d33682'
bracket: '#cb4b16'
tag: '#93a1a1'
attribute: '#2aa198'
header: '#586e75'
quote: '#93a1a1'
link: '#93a1a1'
special: '#6c71c4'
default: '#002b36'
# shared lorem ipsum text so we don't need to copy it into every example
lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;'
codeBlocks = []
lastType = null
# This class represents a node in the markdown tree, and can render it to pdf
class Node
constructor: (tree) ->
# special case for text nodes
if typeof tree is 'string'
@type = 'text'
@text = tree
@type = tree.shift()
@attrs = {}
if typeof tree[0] is 'object' and not Array.isArray tree[0]
@attrs = tree.shift()
# parse sub nodes
@content = while tree.length
new Node tree.shift()
switch @type
when 'header'
@type = 'h' + @attrs.level
when 'code_block'
# use code mirror to syntax highlight the code block
code = @content[0].text
@content = []
CodeMirror.runMode code, 'coffeescript', (text, style) =>
color = colors[style] or colors.default
opts =
color: color
continued: text isnt '\n'
@content.push new Node ['code', opts, text]
@content[@content.length - 1]?.attrs.continued = false
codeBlocks.push code
when 'img'
# images are used to generate inline example output
# compiles the coffeescript to JS so it can be run
# in the render method
@type = 'example'
code = codeBlocks[@attrs.alt]
@code = coffee.compile code if code
@height = +@attrs.title or 0
@style = styles[@type] or styles.para
# sets the styles on the document for this node
setStyle: (doc) ->
if @style.font
doc.font @style.font
if @style.fontSize
doc.fontSize @style.fontSize
if @style.color or @attrs.color
doc.fillColor @style.color or @attrs.color
doc.fillColor 'black'
options = {}
options.align = @style.align
options.link = @attrs.href or false # override continued link
options.continued = @attrs.continued if @attrs.continued?
return options
# renders this node and its subnodes to the document
render: (doc, continued = false) ->
switch @type
when 'example'
@setStyle doc
# translate all points in the example code to
# the current point in the document
doc.translate(doc.x, doc.y)
x = doc.x
y = doc.y
doc.x = doc.y = 0
# run the example code with the document
vm.runInNewContext @code,
doc: doc
lorem: lorem
# restore points and styles
y += doc.y
doc.x = x
doc.y = y + @height
when 'hr'
# loop through subnodes and render them
for fragment, index in @content
if fragment.type is 'text'
# add a new page for each heading, unless it follows another heading
if @type in ['h1', 'h2'] and lastType? and lastType isnt 'h1'
# set styles and whether this fragment is continued (for rich text wrapping)
options = @setStyle doc
options.continued ?= continued or index < @content.length - 1
# remove newlines unless this is code
unless @type is 'code'
fragment.text = fragment.text.replace(/[\r\n]\s*/g, ' ')
doc.text fragment.text, options
fragment.render doc, index < @content.length - 1 and @type isnt 'bulletlist'
lastType = @type
if @style.padding
doc.y += @style.padding
# reads and renders a markdown/literate coffeescript file to the document
render = (doc, filename) ->
codeBlocks = []
tree = md.parse fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')
while tree.length
node = new Node tree.shift()
# renders the title page of the guide
renderTitlePage = (doc) ->
title = 'PDFKit Guide'
author = 'By Devon Govett'
version = 'Version ' + require('../package.json').version
doc.font 'fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light.ttf', 60
doc.y = doc.page.height / 2 - doc.currentLineHeight()
doc.text title, align: 'center'
w = doc.widthOfString(title)
doc.fontSize 20
doc.y -= 10
doc.text author,
align: 'center'
indent: w - doc.widthOfString(author)
doc.font styles.para.font, 10
doc.text version,
align: 'center'
indent: w - doc.widthOfString(version)
# render all sections of the guide and write the pdf file
do ->
doc = new PDFDocument
doc.pipe fs.createWriteStream('guide.pdf')
renderTitlePage doc
render doc, 'getting_started.coffee.md'
render doc, 'vector.coffee.md'
render doc, 'text.coffee.md'
render doc, 'images.coffee.md'
render doc, 'annotations.coffee.md'

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
jade = require 'jade'
markdown = require('markdown').markdown
fs = require 'fs'
vm = require 'vm'
coffee = require 'coffee-script'
{exec} = require 'child_process'
PDFDocument = require '../'
files = [
# shared lorem ipsum text so we don't need to copy it into every example
lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;'
extractHeaders = (tree) ->
headers = []
for node, index in tree
if node[0] is 'header' and (headers.length is 0 or node[1].level > 1)
node[1].level = 2 if node[1].level > 2
hash = node[2].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '_')
node[1].id = hash
hash: hash
title: node[2]
return headers
imageIndex = 0
generateImages = (tree) ->
# find code blocks
codeBlocks = []
for node in tree
if node[0] is 'code_block'
codeBlocks.push node[1]
for node in tree
if node[0] is 'para' and Array.isArray(node[1]) and node[1][0] is 'img'
# compile the code
attrs = node[1][1]
code = codeBlocks[attrs.alt]
code = coffee.compile code if code
delete attrs.height # used for pdf generation
# create a PDF and run the example
doc = new PDFDocument
f = "img/#{imageIndex++}"
file = fs.createWriteStream "#{f}.pdf"
doc.pipe file
doc.translate doc.x, doc.y
doc.scale 0.8
doc.x = doc.y = 0
vm.runInNewContext code,
doc: doc
lorem: lorem
delete attrs.title
delete attrs.alt
attrs.href = "#{f}.png"
# write the PDF, convert to PNG using the mac `sips`
# command line tool, and trim with graphicsmagick
do (f) ->
file.on 'finish', ->
exec "sips -s format png #{f}.pdf --out #{f}.png", ->
fs.unlink "#{f}.pdf"
exec "gm convert #{f}.png -trim #{f}.png"
pages = []
for file in files
content = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf8'
# turn github highlighted code blocks into normal markdown code blocks
content = content.replace /^```coffeescript\n((:?.|\n)*?)\n```/mg, (m, $1) ->
' ' + $1.split('\n').join('\n ')
tree = markdown.parse(content)
headers = extractHeaders(tree)
file = file
.replace(/\.coffee\.md$/, '')
.replace(/README\.md/, 'index')
file: file
url: '/docs/' + file + '.html'
title: headers[0].title
headers: headers.slice(1)
content: markdown.toHTML(tree)
for page, index in pages
page.pages = pages
page.index = index
html = jade.renderFile 'template.jade', page
fs.writeFileSync page.file + '.html', html, 'utf8'

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
# Getting Started with PDFKit
### Installation
Installation uses the [npm](http://npmjs.org/) package manager. Just type the
following command after installing npm.
npm install pdfkit
### Creating a document
Creating a PDFKit document is quite simple. Just require the `pdfkit` module
in your CoffeeScript or JavaScript source file and create an instance of the
`PDFDocument` class.
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
doc = new PDFDocument
`PDFDocument` instances are readable Node streams. They don't get saved anywhere automatically,
but you can call the `pipe` method to send the output of the PDF document to another
writable Node stream as it is being written. When you're done with your document, call
the `end` method to finalize it. Here is an example showing how to pipe to a file or an HTTP response.
doc.pipe fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/file.pdf') # write to PDF
doc.pipe res # HTTP response
# add stuff to PDF here using methods described below...
# finalize the PDF and end the stream
The `write` and `output` methods found in PDFKit before version 0.5 are now deprecated.
## Using PDFKit in the browser
As of version 0.6, PDFKit can be used in the browser as well as in Node!
There are two ways to use PDFKit in the browser. The first is to use [Browserify](http://browserify.org/),
which is a Node module packager for the browser with the familiar `require` syntax. The second is to use
a prebuilt version of PDFKit, which you can [download from Github](https://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/releases).
Using PDFKit in the browser is exactly the same as using it in Node, except you'll want to pipe the
output to a destination supported in the browser, such as a
[Blob](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob). Blobs can be used
to generate a URL to allow display of generated PDFs directly in the browser via an `iframe`, or they can
be used to upload the PDF to a server, or trigger a download in the user's browser.
To get a Blob from a `PDFDocument`, you should pipe it to a [blob-stream](https://github.com/devongovett/blob-stream),
which is a module that generates a Blob from any Node-style stream. The following example uses Browserify to load
`PDFKit` and `blob-stream`, but if you're not using Browserify, you can load them in whatever way you'd like (e.g. script tags).
# require dependencies
PDFDocument = require 'pdfkit'
blobStream = require 'blob-stream'
# create a document the same way as above
doc = new PDFDocument
# pipe the document to a blob
stream = doc.pipe(blobStream())
# add your content to the document here, as usual
# get a blob when you're done
stream.on 'finish', ->
# get a blob you can do whatever you like with
blob = stream.toBlob('application/pdf')
# or get a blob URL for display in the browser
url = stream.toBlobURL('application/pdf')
iframe.src = url
You can see an interactive in-browser demo of PDFKit [here](http://pdfkit.org/demo/browser.html).
Note that in order to Browserify a project using PDFKit, you need to install the `brfs` module with npm,
which is used to load built-in font data into the package. It is listed as a `devDependency` in
PDFKit's `package.json`, so it isn't installed by default for Node users.
If you forget to install it, Browserify will print an error message.
## Adding pages
The first page of a PDFKit document is added for you automatically when you
create the document unless you provide `autoFirstPage: false`. Subsequent pages must be added by you. Luckily, it is
quite simple!
To add some content every time a page is created, either by calling `addPage()` or automatically, you can use the `pageAdded` event.
doc.on 'pageAdded', ->
doc.text "Page Title"
You can also set some options for the page, such as it's size and orientation.
The `layout` property can be either `portrait` (the default) or `landscape`.
The `size` property can be either an array specifying `[width, height]` in PDF
points (72 per inch), or a string specifying a predefined size. A
list of the predefined paper sizes can be seen [here](https://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit/blob/b13423bf0a391ed1c33a2e277bc06c00cabd6bf9/lib/page.coffee#L72-L122). The
default is `letter`.
Passing a page options object to the `PDFDocument` constructor will
set the default paper size and layout for every page in the document, which is
then overridden by individual options passed to the `addPage` method.
You can set the page margins in two ways. The first is by setting the `margin`
property (singular) to a number, which applies that margin to all edges. The
other way is to set the `margins` property (plural) to an object with `top`,
`bottom`, `left`, and `right` values. The default is a 1 inch (72 point) margin
on all sides.
For example:
# Add a 50 point margin on all sides
margin: 50
# Add different margins on each side
top: 50
bottom: 50
left: 72
right: 72
## Switching to previous pages
PDFKit normally flushes pages to the output file immediately when a new page is created, making
it impossible to jump back and add content to previous pages. This is normally not an issue, but
in some circumstances it can be useful to add content to pages after the whole document, or a part
of the document, has been created already. Examples include adding page numbers, or filling in other
parts of information you don't have until the rest of the document has been created.
PDFKit has a `bufferPages` option in versions v0.7.0 and later that allows you to control when
pages are flushed to the output file yourself rather than letting PDFKit handle that for you. To use
it, just pass `bufferPages: true` as an option to the `PDFDocument` constructor. Then, you can call
`doc.switchToPage(pageNumber)` to switch to a previous page (page numbers start at 0).
When you're ready to flush the buffered pages to the output file, call `flushPages`.
This method is automatically called by `doc.end()`, so if you just want to buffer all pages in the document, you
never need to call it. Finally, there is a `bufferedPageRange` method, which returns the range
of pages that are currently buffered. Here is a small example that shows how you might add page
numbers to a document.
# create a document, and enable bufferPages mode
doc = new PDFDocument
bufferPages: true
# add some content...
# ...
# see the range of buffered pages
range = doc.bufferedPageRange() # => { start: 0, count: 2 }
for i in [range.start...range.start + range.count]
doc.text "Page #{i + 1} of #{range.count}"
# manually flush pages that have been buffered
# or, if you are at the end of the document anyway,
# doc.end() will call it for you automatically.
## Setting document metadata
PDF documents can have various metadata associated with them, such as the
title, or author of the document. You can add that information by adding it to
the `doc.info` object, or by passing an info object into the document at
creation time.
Here is a list of all of the properties you can add to the document metadata.
According to the PDF spec, each property must have it's first letter
* `Title` - the title of the document
* `Author` - the name of the author
* `Subject` - the subject of the document
* `Keywords` - keywords associated with the document
* `CreationDate` - the date the document was created (added automatically by PDFKit)
* `ModDate` - the date the document was last modified
### Adding content
Once you've created a `PDFDocument` instance, you can add content to the
document. Check out the other sections described in this document to
learn about each type of content you can add.
That's the basics! Now let's move on to PDFKit's powerful vector graphics

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# Images in PDFKit
Adding images to PDFKit documents is an easy task. Just pass an image path, buffer, or data uri with base64 encoded data to
the `image` method along with some optional arguments. PDFKit supports the
JPEG and PNG formats. If an X and Y position are not provided, the image is
rendered at the current point in the text flow (below the last line of text).
Otherwise, it is positioned absolutely at the specified point. The image will
be scaled according to the following options.
* Neither `width` or `height` provided - image is rendered at full size
* `width` provided but not `height` - image is scaled proportionally to fit in the provided `width`
* `height` provided but not `width` - image is scaled proportionally to fit in the provided `height`
* Both `width` and `height` provided - image is stretched to the dimensions provided
* `scale` factor provided - image is scaled proportionally by the provided scale factor
* `fit` array provided - image is scaled proportionally to fit within the passed width and height
* `cover` array provided - image is scaled proportionally to completely cover the rectangle defined by the passed width and height
When a `fit` or `cover` array is provided, PDFKit accepts these additional options:
* `align` - horizontally align the image, the possible values are `'left'`, `'center'` and `'right'`
* `valign` - vertically align the image, the possible values are `'top'`, `'center'` and `'bottom'`
Here is an example showing some of these options.
# Scale proprotionally to the specified width
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', 0, 15, width: 300)
.text('Proportional to width', 0, 0)
# Fit the image within the dimensions
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', 320, 15, fit: [100, 100])
.rect(320, 15, 100, 100)
.text('Fit', 320, 0)
# Stretch the image
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', 320, 145, width: 200, height: 100)
.text('Stretch', 320, 130)
# Scale the image
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', 320, 280, scale: 0.25)
.text('Scale', 320, 265)
# Fit the image in the dimensions, and center it both horizontally and vertically
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', 430, 15, fit: [100, 100], align: 'center', valign: 'center')
.rect(430, 15, 100, 100)
.text('Centered', 430, 0)
* * *
This example produces the following output:
![0](images/images.png "150")
That is all there is to adding images to your PDF documents with PDFKit. Now
let's look at adding annotations.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
doctype html
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro:400,700|Alegreya:700|Merriweather')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/docs/css/index.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/docs/css/github.css')
a(href='/', class=(/index/.test(url) ? 'selected' : '')) Home
a(href=pages[0].url) Documentation
each page in pages.slice(1)
a(href=page.url, class=page.title == title ? 'selected' : '')
= page.title.replace(/(with|in) PDFKit/, '')
- if (page.title == title && headers.length)
each header in headers
a(href='#' + header.hash)= header.title
a(href='/docs/guide.pdf') PDF Guide
a(href='/demo/out.pdf') Example PDF
a(href='/demo/browser.html') Interactive Browser Demo
a(href='http://github.com/devongovett/pdfkit') Source Code
!= content
- if (index > 0)
a(href=pages[index - 1].url, class='previous') Previous
- if (index < pages.length - 1)
a(href=pages[index + 1].url, class='next') Next
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-48340245-1', 'pdfkit.org');
ga('send', 'pageview');

@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
# Text in PDFKit
## The basics
PDFKit makes adding text to documents quite simple, and includes many options
to customize the display of the output. Adding text to a document is as simple
as calling the `text` method.
doc.text 'Hello world!'
Internally, PDFKit keeps track of the current X and Y position of text as it
is added to the document. This way, subsequent calls to the `text` method will
automatically appear as new lines below the previous line. However, you can
modify the position of text by passing X and Y coordinates to the `text`
method after the text itself.
doc.text 'Hello world!', 100, 100
If you want to move down or up by lines, just call the `moveDown` or `moveUp`
method with the number of lines you'd like to move (1 by default).
## Line wrapping and justification
PDFKit includes support for line wrapping out of the box! If no options are
given, text is automatically wrapped within the page margins and placed in the
document flow below any previous text, or at the top of the page. PDFKit
automatically inserts new pages as necessary so you don't have to worry about
doing that for long pieces of text. PDFKit can also automatically wrap text
into multiple columns.
The text will automatically wrap unless you set the `lineBreak` option to `false`.
By default it will wrap to the page margin, but the `width` option allows
you to set a different width the text should be wrapped to.
If you set the `height` option, the text will be clipped to the number of
lines that can fit in that height.
When line wrapping is enabled, you can choose a text justification. There are
four options: `left` (the default), `center`, `right`, and `justify`. They
work just as they do in your favorite word processor, but here is an example
showing their use in a text box.
lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl.'
doc.fontSize 8
doc.text 'This text is left aligned. ' + lorem,
width: 410
align: 'left'
doc.text 'This text is centered. ' + lorem,
width: 410
align: 'center'
doc.text 'This text is right aligned. ' + lorem,
width: 410
align: 'right'
doc.text 'This text is justified. ' + lorem,
width: 410
align: 'justify'
# draw bounding rectangle
doc.rect(doc.x, 0, 410, doc.y).stroke()
The output of this example, looks like this:
## Text styling
PDFKit has many options for controlling the look of text added to PDF
documents, which can be passed to the `text` method. They are enumerated
* `lineBreak` - set to `false` to disable line wrapping all together
* `width` - the width that text should be wrapped to (by default, the page width minus the left and right margin)
* `height` - the maximum height that text should be clipped to
* `ellipsis` - the character to display at the end of the text when it is too long. Set to `true` to use the default character.
* `columns` - the number of columns to flow the text into
* `columnGap` - the amount of space between each column (1/4 inch by default)
* `indent` - the amount in PDF points (72 per inch) to indent each paragraph of text
* `paragraphGap` - the amount of space between each paragraph of text
* `lineGap` - the amount of space between each line of text
* `wordSpacing` - the amount of space between each word in the text
* `characterSpacing` - the amount of space between each character in the text
* `fill` - whether to fill the text (`true` by default)
* `stroke` - whether to stroke the text
* `link` - a URL to link this text to (shortcut to create an annotation)
* `underline` - whether to underline the text
* `strike` - whether to strike out the text
* `continued` - whether the text segment will be followed immediately by another segment. Useful for changing styling in the middle of a paragraph.
* `features` - an array of [OpenType feature tags](https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featuretags.htm) to apply. If not provided, a set of defaults is used.
Additionally, the fill and stroke color and opacity methods described in the
[vector graphics section](vector.html) are applied to text content as well.
* * *
Here is an example combining some of the options above, wrapping a piece of text into three columns, in a specified width and height.
lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in suscipit purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus nec hendrerit felis. Morbi aliquam facilisis risus eu lacinia. Sed eu leo in turpis fringilla hendrerit. Ut nec accumsan nisl. Suspendisse rhoncus nisl posuere tortor tempus et dapibus elit porta. Cras leo neque, elementum a rhoncus ut, vestibulum non nibh. Phasellus pretium justo turpis. Etiam vulputate, odio vitae tincidunt ultricies, eros odio dapibus nisi, ut tincidunt lacus arcu eu elit. Aenean velit erat, vehicula eget lacinia ut, dignissim non tellus. Aliquam nec lacus mi, sed vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vitae sem turpis. Vestibulum sed neque eget dolor dapibus porttitor at sit amet sem. Fusce a turpis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;'
doc.text lorem,
columns: 3
columnGap: 15
height: 100
width: 465
align: 'justify'
The output looks like this:
## Text measurements
If you're working with documents that require precise layout, you may need to know the
size of a piece of text. PDFKit has two methods to achieve this: `widthOfString(text, options)`
and `heightOfString(text, options)`. Both methods use the same options described in the
Text styling section, and take into account the eventual line wrapping.
## Lists
The `list` method creates a bulleted list. It accepts as arguments an array of strings,
and the optional `x`, `y` position. You can create complex multilevel lists by using nested arrays.
Lists use the following additional options:
* `bulletRadius`
* `textIndent`
* `bulletIndent`
## Rich Text
As mentioned above, PDFKit supports a simple form of rich text via the `continued` option.
When set to true, PDFKit will retain the text wrapping state between `text` calls. This way,
when you call text again after changing the text styles, the wrapping will continue right
where it left off.
The options given to the first `text` call are also retained for subsequent calls after a
`continued` one, but of course you can override them. In the following example, the `width`
option from the first `text` call is retained by the second call.
doc.fillColor 'green'
.text lorem.slice(0, 500),
width: 465
continued: yes
.fillColor 'red'
.text lorem.slice(500)
Here is the output:
## Fonts
The PDF format defines 14 standard fonts that can be used in PDF documents. PDFKit supports each of them out of the box.
Besides Symbol and Zapf Dingbats this includes 4 styles (regular, bold, italic/oblique, bold+italic) of Helvetica,
Courier, and Times. To switch between standard fonts, call the `font` method with the corresponding Label:
* `'Courier'`
* `'Courier-Bold'`
* `'Courier-Oblique'`
* `'Courier-BoldOblique'`
* `'Helvetica'`
* `'Helvetica-Bold'`
* `'Helvetica-Oblique'`
* `'Helvetica-BoldOblique'`
* `'Symbol'`
* `'Times-Roman'`
* `'Times-Bold'`
* `'Times-Italic'`
* `'Times-BoldItalic'`
* `'ZapfDingbats'`
The PDF format also allows fonts to be embedded right in the document. PDFKit supports
embedding TrueType (`.ttf`), OpenType (`.otf`), WOFF, WOFF2, TrueType Collection (`.ttc`),
and Datafork TrueType (`.dfont`) fonts.
To change the font used to render text, just call the `font` method. If you
are using a standard PDF font, just pass the name to the `font` method.
Otherwise, pass the path to the font file, or a `Buffer` containing the font data.
If the font is a collection font (`.ttc` and `.dfont` files), meaning that it
contains multiple styles in the same file, you should pass the name of the style
to be extracted from the collection.
Here is an example showing how to set the font in each case.
# Set the font size
# Using a standard PDF font
.text('Hello from Times Roman!')
# Using a TrueType font (.ttf)
.text('This is Good Dog!')
# Using a collection font (.ttc or .dfont)
doc.font('fonts/Chalkboard.ttc', 'Chalkboard-Bold')
.text('This is Chalkboard, not Comic Sans.')
The output of this example looks like this:
Another nice feature of the PDFKit font support, is the ability to register a
font file under a name for use later rather than entering the path to the font
every time you want to use it.
# Register a font
doc.registerFont('Heading Font', 'fonts/Chalkboard.ttc', 'Chalkboard-Bold')
# Use the font later
doc.font('Heading Font')
.text('This is a heading.')
That's about all there is too it for text in PDFKit. Let's move on now to

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
# Vector Graphics in PDFKit
## An introduction to vector graphics
Unlike images which are defined by pixels, vector graphics are defined through
a series of drawing commands. This makes vector graphics scalable to any size
without a reduction in quality (pixelization). The PDF format was designed
with vector graphics in mind, so creating vector drawings is very easy. The
PDFKit vector graphics APIs are very similar to that of the HTML5 canvas
element, so if you are familiar at all with that API, you will find PDFKit
easy to pick up.
### Creating basic shapes
Shapes are defined by a series of lines and curves. `lineTo`, `bezierCurveTo`
and `quadraticCurveTo` all draw from the current point (which you can set with
`moveTo`) to the specified point (always the last two arguments). Bezier
curves use two control points and quadratic curves use just one. Here is an
example that illustrates defining a path.
doc.moveTo(0, 20) # set the current point
.lineTo(100, 160) # draw a line
.quadraticCurveTo(130, 200, 150, 120) # draw a quadratic curve
.bezierCurveTo(190, -40, 200, 200, 300, 150) # draw a bezier curve
.lineTo(400, 90) # draw another line
.stroke() # stroke the path
The output of this example looks like this:
![0](images/path.png "170")
One thing to notice about this example is the use of method chaining. All
methods in PDFKit are chainable, meaning that you can call one method right
after the other without referencing the `doc` variable again. Of course, this
is an option, so if you don't like how the code looks when chained, you don't
have to write it that way.
## SVG paths
PDFKit includes an SVG path parser, so you can include paths written in the
SVG path syntax in your PDF documents. This makes it simple to include vector
graphics elements produced in many popular editors such as Inkscape or Adobe
Illustrator. The previous example could also be written using the SVG path
syntax like this.
doc.path('M 0,20 L 100,160 Q 130,200 150,120 C 190,-40 200,200 300,150 L 400,90')
![1](images/path.png "170")
The PDFKit SVG parser supports all of the command types supported by SVG, so
any valid SVG path you throw at it should work as expected.
## Shape helpers
PDFKit also includes some helpers that make defining common shapes much
easier. Here is a list of the helpers.
* `rect(x, y, width, height)`
* `roundedRect(x, y, width, height, cornerRadius)`
* `ellipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY = radiusX)`
* `circle(centerX, centerY, radius)`
* `polygon(points...)`
The last one, `polygon`, allows you to pass in a list of points (arrays of x,y
pairs), and it will create the shape by moving to the first point, and then
drawing lines to each consecutive point. Here is how you'd draw a triangle
with the polygon helper.
doc.polygon [100, 0], [50, 100], [150, 100]
The output of this example looks like this:
![2](images/triangle.png "100")
## Fill and stroke styles
So far we have only been stroking our paths, but you can also fill them with
the `fill` method, and both fill and stroke the same path with the
`fillAndStroke` method. Note that calling `fill` and then `stroke`
consecutively will not work because of a limitation in the PDF spec. Use the
`fillAndStroke` method if you want to accomplish both operations on the same
In order to make our drawings interesting, we really need to give them some
style. PDFKit has many methods designed to do just that.
* `lineWidth`
* `lineCap`
* `lineJoin`
* `miterLimit`
* `dash`
* `fillColor`
* `strokeColor`
* `opacity`
* `fillOpacity`
* `strokeOpacity`
Some of these are pretty self explanatory, but let's go through a few of them.
## Line cap and line join
The `lineCap` and `lineJoin` properties accept constants describing what they
should do. This is best illustrated by an example.
# these examples are easier to see with a large line width
# line cap settings
.moveTo(50, 20)
.lineTo(100, 20)
.moveTo(150, 20)
.lineTo(200, 20)
# square line cap shown with a circle instead of a line so you can see it
.moveTo(250, 20)
.circle(275, 30, 15)
# line join settings
.rect(50, 100, 50, 50)
.rect(150, 100, 50, 50)
.rect(250, 100, 50, 50)
The output of this example looks like this.
![3](images/line_styles.png "220")
## Dashed lines
The `dash` method allows you to create non-continuous dashed lines. It takes a
length specifying how long each dash should be, as well as an optional hash
describing the additional properties `space` and `phase`.
The `space` option defines the length of the space between each dash, and the `phase` option
defines the starting point of the sequence of dashes. By default the `space`
attribute is equal to the `length` and the `phase` attribute is set to `0`.
You can use the `undash` method to make the line solid again.
The following example draws a circle with a dashed line where the space
between the dashes is double the length of each dash.
doc.circle(100, 50, 50)
.dash(5, space: 10)
The output of this example looks like this:
![4](images/dash.png "100")
## Color
What is a drawing without color? PDFKit makes it simple to set the fill and
stroke color and opacity. You can pass an array specifying an RGB or CMYK
color, a hex color string, or use any of the named CSS colors.
The `fillColor` and `strokeColor` methods accept an optional second argument as a shortcut for
setting the `fillOpacity` and `strokeOpacity`. Finally, the `opacity` method
is a convenience method that sets both the fill and stroke opacity to the same
The `fill` and `stroke` methods also accept a color as an argument so
that you don't have to call `fillColor` or `strokeColor` beforehand. The
`fillAndStroke` method accepts both fill and stroke colors as arguments.
doc.circle(100, 50, 50)
.fillAndStroke("red", "#900")
This example produces the following output:
![5](images/color.png "100")
## Gradients
PDFKit also supports gradient fills. Gradients can be used just like color fills,
and are applied with the same methods (e.g. `fillColor`, or just `fill`). Before
you can apply a gradient with these methods, however, you must create a gradient object.
There are two types of gradients: linear and radial. They are created by the `linearGradient`
and `radialGradient` methods. Their function signatures are listed below:
* `linearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2)` - `x1,y1` is the start point, `x2,y2` is the end point
* `radialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2)` - `r1` is the inner radius, `r2` is the outer radius
Once you have a gradient object, you need to create color stops at points along that gradient.
Stops are defined at percentage values (0 to 1), and take a color value (any usable by the
fillColor method), and an optional opacity.
You can see both linear and radial gradients in the following example:
# Create a linear gradient
grad = doc.linearGradient(50, 0, 150, 100)
grad.stop(0, 'green')
.stop(1, 'red')
doc.rect 50, 0, 100, 100
doc.fill grad
# Create a radial gradient
grad = doc.radialGradient(300, 50, 0, 300, 50, 50)
grad.stop(0, 'orange', 0)
.stop(1, 'orange', 1)
doc.circle 300, 50, 50
doc.fill grad
Here is the output from the this example:
## Winding rules
Winding rules define how a path is filled and are best illustrated by an
example. The winding rule is an optional attribute to the `fill` and
`fillAndStroke` methods, and there are two values to choose from: `non-zero`
and `even-odd`.
# Initial setup
.translate(-100, -50)
# Draw the path with the non-zero winding rule
doc.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')
# Draw the path with the even-odd winding rule
doc.translate(280, 0)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')
You'll notice that I used the `scale` and `translate` transformations in this
example. We'll cover those in a minute. The output of this example, with some
added labels, is below.
![7](images/winding_rules.png "200")
## Saving and restoring the graphics stack
Once you start producing more complex vector drawings, you will want to be
able to save and restore the state of the graphics context. The graphics state
is basically a snapshot of all the styles and transformations (see below) that
have been applied, and many states can be created and stored on a stack. Every
time the `save` method is called, the current graphics state is pushed onto
the stack, and when you call `restore`, the last state on the stack is applied
to the context again. This way, you can save the state, change some styles,
and then restore it to how it was before you made those changes.
### Transformations
Transformations allow you to modify the look of a drawing without modifying
the drawing itself. There are three types of transformations available, as
well as a method for setting the transformation matrix yourself. They are
`translate`, `rotate` and `scale`.
The `translate` transformation takes two arguments, x and y, and effectively
moves the origin of the document which is (0, 0) by default, to the left and
right x and y units.
The `rotate` transformation takes an angle and optionally, an object with an
`origin` property. It rotates the document `angle` degrees around the passed
`origin` or by default, the center of the page.
The `scale` transformation takes a scale factor and an optional `origin`
passed in an options hash as with the `rotate` transformation. It is used to
increase or decrease the size of the units in the drawing, or change it's
size. For example, applying a scale of `0.5` would make the drawing appear at
half size, and a scale of `2` would make it appear twice as large.
If you are feeling particularly smart, you can modify the transformation
matrix yourself using the `transform` method.
We used the `scale` and `translate` transformations above, so here is an
example of using the `rotate` transformation. We'll set the origin of the
rotation to the center of the rectangle.
doc.rotate(20, origin: [150, 70])
.rect(100, 20, 100, 100)
This example produces the following effect.
![8](images/rotate.png "200")
## Clipping
A clipping path is a path defined using the normal path creation methods, but
instead of being filled or stroked, it becomes a mask that hides unwanted
parts of the drawing. Everything falling inside the clipping path after it is
created is visible, and everything outside the path is invisible. Here is an
example that clips a checkerboard pattern to the shape of a circle.
# Create a clipping path
doc.circle(100, 100, 100)
# Draw a checkerboard pattern
for row in [0...10]
for col in [0...10]
color = if (col % 2) - (row % 2) then '#eee' else '#4183C4'
doc.rect(row * 20, col * 20, 20, 20)
The result of this example is the following:
![9](images/clipping.png "200")
That's it for vector graphics in PDFKit. Now let's move on to learning about
PDFKit's text support!

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Load CoffeeScript, and the main PDFKit files
module.exports = require('./lib/document');

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
class Data
constructor: (@data = []) ->
@pos = 0
@length = @data.length
readByte: ->
writeByte: (byte) ->
@data[@pos++] = byte
byteAt: (index) ->
readBool: ->
return !!@readByte()
writeBool: (val) ->
@writeByte if val then 1 else 0
readUInt32: ->
b1 = @readByte() * 0x1000000
b2 = @readByte() << 16
b3 = @readByte() << 8
b4 = @readByte()
b1 + b2 + b3 + b4
writeUInt32: (val) ->
@writeByte (val >>> 24) & 0xff
@writeByte (val >> 16) & 0xff
@writeByte (val >> 8) & 0xff
@writeByte val & 0xff
readInt32: ->
int = @readUInt32()
if int >= 0x80000000 then int - 0x100000000 else int
writeInt32: (val) ->
val += 0x100000000 if val < 0
@writeUInt32 val
readUInt16: ->
b1 = @readByte() << 8
b2 = @readByte()
b1 | b2
writeUInt16: (val) ->
@writeByte (val >> 8) & 0xff
@writeByte val & 0xff
readInt16: ->
int = @readUInt16()
if int >= 0x8000 then int - 0x10000 else int
writeInt16: (val) ->
val += 0x10000 if val < 0
@writeUInt16 val
readString: (length) ->
ret = []
for i in [0...length]
ret[i] = String.fromCharCode @readByte()
return ret.join ''
writeString: (val) ->
for i in [0...val.length]
@writeByte val.charCodeAt(i)
stringAt: (@pos, length) ->
@readString length
readShort: ->
writeShort: (val) ->
@writeInt16 val
readLongLong: ->
b1 = @readByte()
b2 = @readByte()
b3 = @readByte()
b4 = @readByte()
b5 = @readByte()
b6 = @readByte()
b7 = @readByte()
b8 = @readByte()
if b1 & 0x80 # sign -> avoid overflow
return ((b1 ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000000000 +
(b2 ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000000000 +
(b3 ^ 0xff) * 0x10000000000 +
(b4 ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000 +
(b5 ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000 +
(b6 ^ 0xff) * 0x10000 +
(b7 ^ 0xff) * 0x100 +
(b8 ^ 0xff) + 1) * -1
return b1 * 0x100000000000000 +
b2 * 0x1000000000000 +
b3 * 0x10000000000 +
b4 * 0x100000000 +
b5 * 0x1000000 +
b6 * 0x10000 +
b7 * 0x100 +
writeLongLong: (val) ->
high = Math.floor(val / 0x100000000)
low = val & 0xffffffff
@writeByte (high >> 24) & 0xff
@writeByte (high >> 16) & 0xff
@writeByte (high >> 8) & 0xff
@writeByte high & 0xff
@writeByte (low >> 24) & 0xff
@writeByte (low >> 16) & 0xff
@writeByte (low >> 8) & 0xff
@writeByte low & 0xff
readInt: ->
writeInt: (val) ->
@writeInt32 val
slice: (start, end) ->
@data.slice start, end
read: (bytes) ->
buf = []
for i in [0...bytes]
buf.push @readByte()
return buf
write: (bytes) ->
for byte in bytes
@writeByte byte
module.exports = Data

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var Data;
Data = (function() {
function Data(data) {
this.data = data != null ? data : [];
this.pos = 0;
this.length = this.data.length;
Data.prototype.readByte = function() {
return this.data[this.pos++];
Data.prototype.writeByte = function(byte) {
return this.data[this.pos++] = byte;
Data.prototype.byteAt = function(index) {
return this.data[index];
Data.prototype.readBool = function() {
return !!this.readByte();
Data.prototype.writeBool = function(val) {
return this.writeByte(val ? 1 : 0);
Data.prototype.readUInt32 = function() {
var b1, b2, b3, b4;
b1 = this.readByte() * 0x1000000;
b2 = this.readByte() << 16;
b3 = this.readByte() << 8;
b4 = this.readByte();
return b1 + b2 + b3 + b4;
Data.prototype.writeUInt32 = function(val) {
this.writeByte((val >>> 24) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((val >> 16) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((val >> 8) & 0xff);
return this.writeByte(val & 0xff);
Data.prototype.readInt32 = function() {
var int;
int = this.readUInt32();
if (int >= 0x80000000) {
return int - 0x100000000;
} else {
return int;
Data.prototype.writeInt32 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
val += 0x100000000;
return this.writeUInt32(val);
Data.prototype.readUInt16 = function() {
var b1, b2;
b1 = this.readByte() << 8;
b2 = this.readByte();
return b1 | b2;
Data.prototype.writeUInt16 = function(val) {
this.writeByte((val >> 8) & 0xff);
return this.writeByte(val & 0xff);
Data.prototype.readInt16 = function() {
var int;
int = this.readUInt16();
if (int >= 0x8000) {
return int - 0x10000;
} else {
return int;
Data.prototype.writeInt16 = function(val) {
if (val < 0) {
val += 0x10000;
return this.writeUInt16(val);
Data.prototype.readString = function(length) {
var i, j, ref, ret;
ret = [];
for (i = j = 0, ref = length; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
ret[i] = String.fromCharCode(this.readByte());
return ret.join('');
Data.prototype.writeString = function(val) {
var i, j, ref, results;
results = [];
for (i = j = 0, ref = val.length; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
return results;
Data.prototype.stringAt = function(pos, length) {
this.pos = pos;
return this.readString(length);
Data.prototype.readShort = function() {
return this.readInt16();
Data.prototype.writeShort = function(val) {
return this.writeInt16(val);
Data.prototype.readLongLong = function() {
var b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8;
b1 = this.readByte();
b2 = this.readByte();
b3 = this.readByte();
b4 = this.readByte();
b5 = this.readByte();
b6 = this.readByte();
b7 = this.readByte();
b8 = this.readByte();
if (b1 & 0x80) {
return ((b1 ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000000000 + (b2 ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000000000 + (b3 ^ 0xff) * 0x10000000000 + (b4 ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000 + (b5 ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000 + (b6 ^ 0xff) * 0x10000 + (b7 ^ 0xff) * 0x100 + (b8 ^ 0xff) + 1) * -1;
return b1 * 0x100000000000000 + b2 * 0x1000000000000 + b3 * 0x10000000000 + b4 * 0x100000000 + b5 * 0x1000000 + b6 * 0x10000 + b7 * 0x100 + b8;
Data.prototype.writeLongLong = function(val) {
var high, low;
high = Math.floor(val / 0x100000000);
low = val & 0xffffffff;
this.writeByte((high >> 24) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((high >> 16) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((high >> 8) & 0xff);
this.writeByte(high & 0xff);
this.writeByte((low >> 24) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((low >> 16) & 0xff);
this.writeByte((low >> 8) & 0xff);
return this.writeByte(low & 0xff);
Data.prototype.readInt = function() {
return this.readInt32();
Data.prototype.writeInt = function(val) {
return this.writeInt32(val);
Data.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
return this.data.slice(start, end);
Data.prototype.read = function(bytes) {
var buf, i, j, ref;
buf = [];
for (i = j = 0, ref = bytes; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
return buf;
Data.prototype.write = function(bytes) {
var byte, j, len, results;
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = bytes.length; j < len; j++) {
byte = bytes[j];
return results;
return Data;
module.exports = Data;

@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
PDFDocument - represents an entire PDF document
By Devon Govett
stream = require 'stream'
fs = require 'fs'
PDFObject = require './object'
PDFReference = require './reference'
PDFPage = require './page'
class PDFDocument extends stream.Readable
constructor: (@options = {}) ->
# PDF version
@version = 1.3
# Whether streams should be compressed
@compress = @options.compress ? yes
@_pageBuffer = []
@_pageBufferStart = 0
# The PDF object store
@_offsets = []
@_waiting = 0
@_ended = false
@_offset = 0
@_root = @ref
Type: 'Catalog'
Pages: @ref
Type: 'Pages'
Count: 0
Kids: []
# The current page
@page = null
# Initialize mixins
# Initialize the metadata
@info =
Producer: 'PDFKit'
Creator: 'PDFKit'
CreationDate: new Date()
if @options.info
for key, val of @options.info
@info[key] = val
# Write the header
# PDF version
@_write "%PDF-#{@version}"
# 4 binary chars, as recommended by the spec
@_write "%\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"
# Add the first page
if @options.autoFirstPage isnt false
mixin = (methods) =>
for name, method of methods
this::[name] = method
# Load mixins
mixin require './mixins/color'
mixin require './mixins/vector'
mixin require './mixins/fonts'
mixin require './mixins/text'
mixin require './mixins/images'
mixin require './mixins/annotations'
addPage: (options = @options) ->
# end the current page if needed
@flushPages() unless @options.bufferPages
# create a page object
@page = new PDFPage(this, options)
# add the page to the object store
pages = @_root.data.Pages.data
pages.Kids.push @page.dictionary
# reset x and y coordinates
@x = @page.margins.left
@y = @page.margins.top
# flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in
# the top left rather than the bottom left
@_ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
@transform 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, @page.height
return this
bufferedPageRange: ->
return { start: @_pageBufferStart, count: @_pageBuffer.length }
switchToPage: (n) ->
unless page = @_pageBuffer[n - @_pageBufferStart]
throw new Error "switchToPage(#{n}) out of bounds, current buffer covers pages #{@_pageBufferStart} to #{@_pageBufferStart + @_pageBuffer.length - 1}"
@page = page
flushPages: ->
# this local variable exists so we're future-proof against
# reentrant calls to flushPages.
pages = @_pageBuffer
@_pageBuffer = []
@_pageBufferStart += pages.length
for page in pages
ref: (data) ->
ref = new PDFReference(this, @_offsets.length + 1, data)
@_offsets.push null # placeholder for this object's offset once it is finalized
return ref
_read: ->
# do nothing, but this method is required by node
_write: (data) ->
unless Buffer.isBuffer(data)
data = new Buffer(data + '\n', 'binary')
@push data
@_offset += data.length
addContent: (data) ->
@page.write data
return this
_refEnd: (ref) ->
@_offsets[ref.id - 1] = ref.offset
if --@_waiting is 0 and @_ended
#console.log("finalize") ;
@_ended = false
write: (filename, fn) ->
# print a deprecation warning with a stacktrace
err = new Error '
PDFDocument#write is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of PDFKit.
Please pipe the document into a Node stream.
console.warn err.stack
@pipe fs.createWriteStream(filename)
@once 'end', fn
output: (fn) ->
# more difficult to support this. It would involve concatenating all the buffers together
throw new Error '
PDFDocument#output is deprecated, and has been removed from PDFKit.
Please pipe the document into a Node stream.
end: ->
#console.log("start document end")
@_info = @ref()
for key, val of @info
if typeof val is 'string'
val = new String val
@_info.data[key] = val
for name, font of @_fontFamilies
if @_waiting is 0
#console.log("finalize2") ;
#console.log("ended is true") ;
@_ended = true
_finalize: (fn) ->
# generate xref
xRefOffset = @_offset
@_write "xref"
@_write "0 #{@_offsets.length + 1}"
@_write "0000000000 65535 f "
for offset in @_offsets
offset = ('0000000000' + offset).slice(-10)
@_write offset + ' 00000 n '
# trailer
@_write 'trailer'
@_write PDFObject.convert
Size: @_offsets.length + 1
Root: @_root
Info: @_info
@_write 'startxref'
@_write "#{xRefOffset}"
@_write '%%EOF'
# end the stream
@push null
toString: ->
"[object PDFDocument]"
module.exports = PDFDocument

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
fontkit = require 'fontkit'
class PDFFont
@open: (document, src, family, id) ->
if typeof src is 'string'
if StandardFont.isStandardFont src
return new StandardFont document, src, id
font = fontkit.openSync src, family
else if Buffer.isBuffer(src)
font = fontkit.create src, family
else if src instanceof Uint8Array
font = fontkit.create new Buffer(src), family
else if src instanceof ArrayBuffer
font = fontkit.create new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src)), family
if not font?
throw new Error 'Not a supported font format or standard PDF font.'
return new EmbeddedFont document, font, id
constructor: ->
throw new Error 'Cannot construct a PDFFont directly.'
encode: (text) ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
widthOfString: (text) ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
ref: ->
@dictionary ?= @document.ref()
finalize: ->
return if @embedded or not @dictionary?
@embedded = true
embed: ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
lineHeight: (size, includeGap = false) ->
gap = if includeGap then @lineGap else 0
(@ascender + gap - @descender) / 1000 * size
module.exports = PDFFont
StandardFont = require './font/standard'
EmbeddedFont = require './font/embedded'

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
fs = require 'fs'
class AFMFont
@open: (filename) ->
new AFMFont fs.readFileSync filename, 'utf8'
constructor: (@contents) ->
@attributes = {}
@glyphWidths = {}
@boundingBoxes = {}
@kernPairs = {}
@charWidths = (@glyphWidths[characters[i]] for i in [0..255])
@bbox = (+e for e in @attributes['FontBBox'].split /\s+/)
@ascender = +(@attributes['Ascender'] or 0)
@descender = +(@attributes['Descender'] or 0)
@lineGap = (@bbox[3] - @bbox[1]) - (@ascender - @descender)
parse: ->
section = ''
for line in @contents.split '\n'
if match = line.match /^Start(\w+)/
section = match[1]
else if match = line.match /^End(\w+)/
section = ''
switch section
when 'FontMetrics'
match = line.match /(^\w+)\s+(.*)/
key = match[1]
value = match[2]
if a = @attributes[key]
a = @attributes[key] = [a] if !Array.isArray(a)
@attributes[key] = value
when 'CharMetrics'
continue unless /^CH?\s/.test(line)
name = line.match(/\bN\s+(\.?\w+)\s*;/)[1]
@glyphWidths[name] = +line.match(/\bWX\s+(\d+)\s*;/)[1]
when 'KernPairs'
match = line.match /^KPX\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(-?\d+)/
if match
@kernPairs[match[1] + '\0' + match[2]] = parseInt match[3]
402: 131
8211: 150
8212: 151
8216: 145
8217: 146
8218: 130
8220: 147
8221: 148
8222: 132
8224: 134
8225: 135
8226: 149
8230: 133
8364: 128
8240: 137
8249: 139
8250: 155
710: 136
8482: 153
338: 140
339: 156
732: 152
352: 138
353: 154
376: 159
381: 142
382: 158
encodeText: (text) ->
res = []
for i in [0...text.length]
char = text.charCodeAt(i)
char = WIN_ANSI_MAP[char] or char
res.push char.toString(16)
return res
glyphsForString: (string) ->
glyphs = []
for i in [0...string.length]
charCode = string.charCodeAt(i)
glyphs.push @characterToGlyph charCode
return glyphs
characterToGlyph: (character) ->
return characters[WIN_ANSI_MAP[character] or character] or '.notdef'
widthOfGlyph: (glyph) ->
return @glyphWidths[glyph] or 0
getKernPair: (left, right) ->
return @kernPairs[left + '\0' + right] or 0
advancesForGlyphs: (glyphs) ->
advances = []
for left, index in glyphs
right = glyphs[index + 1]
advances.push @widthOfGlyph(left) + @getKernPair(left, right)
return advances
characters = '''
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
space exclam quotedbl numbersign
dollar percent ampersand quotesingle
parenleft parenright asterisk plus
comma hyphen period slash
zero one two three
four five six seven
eight nine colon semicolon
less equal greater question
at A B C
X Y Z bracketleft
backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore
grave a b c
d e f g
h i j k
l m n o
p q r s
t u v w
x y z braceleft
bar braceright asciitilde .notdef
Euro .notdef quotesinglbase florin
quotedblbase ellipsis dagger daggerdbl
circumflex perthousand Scaron guilsinglleft
OE .notdef Zcaron .notdef
.notdef quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft
quotedblright bullet endash emdash
tilde trademark scaron guilsinglright
oe .notdef zcaron ydieresis
space exclamdown cent sterling
currency yen brokenbar section
dieresis copyright ordfeminine guillemotleft
logicalnot hyphen registered macron
degree plusminus twosuperior threesuperior
acute mu paragraph periodcentered
cedilla onesuperior ordmasculine guillemotright
onequarter onehalf threequarters questiondown
Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde
Adieresis Aring AE Ccedilla
Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis
Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis
Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute
Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis multiply
Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex
Udieresis Yacute Thorn germandbls
agrave aacute acircumflex atilde
adieresis aring ae ccedilla
egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis
igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis
eth ntilde ograve oacute
ocircumflex otilde odieresis divide
oslash ugrave uacute ucircumflex
udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis
module.exports = AFMFont

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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 523 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 30 -15 668 661 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 20 -15 591 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 47 -206 553 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 597 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 599 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 578 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -9 230 749 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 40 -15 563 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 523 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 523 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 637 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 30 -15 570 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 592 636 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 560 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 40 -15 563 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 30 -146 580 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B -56 -60 656 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 47 -22 553 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 47 -250 553 582 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 22 -18 560 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B -19 -104 473 778 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 594 790 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 609 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -18 578 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 520 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 560 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 523 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 20 -250 585 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 71 203 529 313 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 523 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 592 667 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 58 -27 543 626 ;
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C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 592 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 153 230 447 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 523 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 62 ; WX 600 ; N greater ; B 97 15 589 501 ;
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C 65 ; WX 600 ; N A ; B -9 0 632 562 ;
C 66 ; WX 600 ; N B ; B 30 0 630 562 ;
C 67 ; WX 600 ; N C ; B 74 -18 675 580 ;
C 68 ; WX 600 ; N D ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C 69 ; WX 600 ; N E ; B 25 0 670 562 ;
C 70 ; WX 600 ; N F ; B 39 0 684 562 ;
C 71 ; WX 600 ; N G ; B 74 -18 675 580 ;
C 72 ; WX 600 ; N H ; B 20 0 700 562 ;
C 73 ; WX 600 ; N I ; B 77 0 643 562 ;
C 74 ; WX 600 ; N J ; B 58 -18 721 562 ;
C 75 ; WX 600 ; N K ; B 21 0 692 562 ;
C 76 ; WX 600 ; N L ; B 39 0 636 562 ;
C 77 ; WX 600 ; N M ; B -2 0 722 562 ;
C 78 ; WX 600 ; N N ; B 8 -12 730 562 ;
C 79 ; WX 600 ; N O ; B 74 -18 645 580 ;
C 80 ; WX 600 ; N P ; B 48 0 643 562 ;
C 81 ; WX 600 ; N Q ; B 83 -138 636 580 ;
C 82 ; WX 600 ; N R ; B 24 0 617 562 ;
C 83 ; WX 600 ; N S ; B 54 -22 673 582 ;
C 84 ; WX 600 ; N T ; B 86 0 679 562 ;
C 85 ; WX 600 ; N U ; B 101 -18 716 562 ;
C 86 ; WX 600 ; N V ; B 84 0 733 562 ;
C 87 ; WX 600 ; N W ; B 79 0 738 562 ;
C 88 ; WX 600 ; N X ; B 12 0 690 562 ;
C 89 ; WX 600 ; N Y ; B 109 0 709 562 ;
C 90 ; WX 600 ; N Z ; B 62 0 637 562 ;
C 91 ; WX 600 ; N bracketleft ; B 223 -102 606 616 ;
C 92 ; WX 600 ; N backslash ; B 222 -77 496 626 ;
C 93 ; WX 600 ; N bracketright ; B 103 -102 486 616 ;
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C 95 ; WX 600 ; N underscore ; B -27 -125 585 -75 ;
C 96 ; WX 600 ; N quoteleft ; B 297 277 487 562 ;
C 97 ; WX 600 ; N a ; B 61 -15 593 454 ;
C 98 ; WX 600 ; N b ; B 13 -15 636 626 ;
C 99 ; WX 600 ; N c ; B 81 -15 631 459 ;
C 100 ; WX 600 ; N d ; B 60 -15 645 626 ;
C 101 ; WX 600 ; N e ; B 81 -15 605 454 ;
C 102 ; WX 600 ; N f ; B 83 0 677 626 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
C 103 ; WX 600 ; N g ; B 40 -146 674 454 ;
C 104 ; WX 600 ; N h ; B 18 0 615 626 ;
C 105 ; WX 600 ; N i ; B 77 0 546 658 ;
C 106 ; WX 600 ; N j ; B 36 -146 580 658 ;
C 107 ; WX 600 ; N k ; B 33 0 643 626 ;
C 108 ; WX 600 ; N l ; B 77 0 546 626 ;
C 109 ; WX 600 ; N m ; B -22 0 649 454 ;
C 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 18 0 615 454 ;
C 111 ; WX 600 ; N o ; B 71 -15 622 454 ;
C 112 ; WX 600 ; N p ; B -32 -142 622 454 ;
C 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 60 -142 685 454 ;
C 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 47 0 655 454 ;
C 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 66 -17 608 459 ;
C 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 118 -15 567 562 ;
C 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B 70 -15 592 439 ;
C 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B 70 0 695 439 ;
C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 53 0 712 439 ;
C 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 671 439 ;
C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -21 -142 695 439 ;
C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 614 439 ;
C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 203 -102 595 616 ;
C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 201 -250 505 750 ;
C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 114 -102 506 616 ;
C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 120 153 590 356 ;
C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 196 -146 477 449 ;
C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 121 -49 605 614 ;
C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 106 -28 650 611 ;
C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 22 -60 708 661 ;
C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 98 0 710 562 ;
C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -57 -131 702 616 ;
C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 74 -70 620 580 ;
C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 77 49 644 517 ;
C 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 303 277 493 562 ;
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C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 165 70 514 446 ;
C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 12 0 644 626 ;
C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 12 0 644 626 ;
C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 108 203 602 313 ;
C 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 175 -70 586 580 ;
C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 121 -70 587 580 ;
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C 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 272 508 503 661 ;
C 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 312 508 609 661 ;
C 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 212 483 607 657 ;
C 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 199 493 643 636 ;
C 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 195 505 637 585 ;
C 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 217 468 652 631 ;
C 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 348 498 493 638 ;
C 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 246 498 595 638 ;
C 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 319 481 528 678 ;
C 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 168 -206 368 0 ;
C 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 171 488 729 661 ;
C 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 143 -199 367 0 ;
C 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 238 493 633 667 ;
C 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 33 203 677 313 ;
C 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B -29 0 708 562 ;
C 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 188 196 526 580 ;
C 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 39 0 636 562 ;
C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 48 -22 673 584 ;
C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 26 0 701 562 ;
C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 188 196 543 580 ;
C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 21 -15 652 454 ;
C 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 77 0 546 439 ;
C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 77 0 587 626 ;
C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 54 -24 638 463 ;
C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 18 -15 662 454 ;
C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -15 629 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 643 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 81 -15 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 61 -15 658 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 70 -15 769 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 109 0 709 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 114 16 596 500 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 109 0 709 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 632 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 61 -15 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 101 -18 716 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -21 -142 695 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 66 -250 608 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 81 -15 607 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 101 -18 716 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 101 -18 716 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 61 -199 593 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 70 -199 592 439 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 670 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 151 -250 385 -57 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 25 0 670 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 61 -15 593 678 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 8 -250 730 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 77 0 639 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 61 -15 593 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 86 -250 679 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 74 -18 675 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 61 -15 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 25 0 670 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 66 -17 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 66 -206 608 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 145 0 614 740 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 24 0 659 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 74 -250 675 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 70 -15 597 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 61 -15 607 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B -9 0 633 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 47 0 655 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 81 -206 631 459 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 62 0 637 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 620 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 74 -18 663 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 24 0 665 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 54 -22 673 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 60 -15 861 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 101 -18 716 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 70 -15 592 678 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 193 222 526 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 632 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B -9 0 684 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 104 39 606 478 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 70 -15 599 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 86 0 679 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 91 -38 627 728 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -21 -142 695 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 8 -12 730 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 77 0 577 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 670 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 61 -15 595 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 81 -15 649 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 18 0 639 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 70 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 8 -12 730 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 643 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 76 24 614 515 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 217 -175 489 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 74 -18 684 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 77 0 643 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 672 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 670 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 47 0 655 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 71 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 62 0 665 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 659 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 627 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 664 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 74 -206 675 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 77 -250 546 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 118 -15 627 703 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 81 -199 605 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 101 -199 716 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 655 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 632 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 81 -15 605 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 81 0 614 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 77 -199 546 658 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 71 -15 649 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 61 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 66 -17 609 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 561 618 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 74 -18 645 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 594 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -32 -142 622 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 191 230 542 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 74 -18 645 761 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 49 -142 592 439 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 546 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 71 -15 809 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 25 -199 670 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 60 -15 712 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -60 699 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 54 -206 673 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 731 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 692 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 636 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 86 230 869 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 643 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 663 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 757 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 22 -60 716 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 671 696 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 71 -15 622 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -18 805 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 670 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 81 -15 637 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 40 -146 674 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 13 -60 707 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 54 -22 689 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 54 -250 673 582 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 74 -18 795 784 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 173 243 570 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 71 -15 622 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 74 -18 689 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 70 -15 592 661 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 67 -104 635 778 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 664 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 655 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 730 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 71 -15 643 636 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 24 -250 617 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 39 -250 636 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 669 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B -9 -199 632 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 632 801 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 74 -18 669 759 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 614 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 670 790 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 643 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 33 -250 643 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 114 203 596 313 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 643 780 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 633 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 118 -250 567 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 135 103 617 413 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 71 -15 622 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 70 -15 595 638 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 30 -47 626 563 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 40 -146 674 714 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 93 -27 661 626 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 643 667 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 615 454 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 212 230 514 616 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 575 585 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 76 -10 695 426 ;
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C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -4 -157 683 426 ;
C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 99 0 593 426 ;
C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 233 -108 569 622 ;
C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 222 -250 485 750 ;
C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 140 -108 477 622 ;
C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 116 197 600 320 ;
C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 225 -157 445 430 ;
C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 151 -49 588 614 ;
C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 124 -21 621 611 ;
C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 84 -57 646 665 ;
C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 120 0 693 562 ;
C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -26 -143 671 622 ;
C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 104 -78 590 580 ;
C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 94 58 628 506 ;
C 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 345 328 460 562 ;
C 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 262 328 541 562 ;
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C 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 204 70 540 446 ;
C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 170 70 506 446 ;
C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 3 0 619 629 ;
C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 3 0 619 629 ;
C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 124 231 586 285 ;
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C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 163 -78 546 580 ;
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C 189 ; WX 600 ; N perthousand ; B 59 -15 627 622 ;
C 191 ; WX 600 ; N questiondown ; B 105 -157 466 430 ;
C 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 294 497 484 672 ;
C 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 348 497 612 672 ;
C 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 229 477 581 654 ;
C 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 212 489 629 606 ;
C 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 232 525 600 565 ;
C 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 279 501 576 609 ;
C 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 373 537 478 640 ;
C 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 272 537 579 640 ;
C 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 332 463 500 627 ;
C 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 197 -151 344 10 ;
C 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 239 497 683 672 ;
C 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 189 -172 377 4 ;
C 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 262 492 614 669 ;
C 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 49 231 661 285 ;
C 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B 3 0 655 562 ;
C 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 209 249 512 580 ;
C 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 47 0 607 562 ;
C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 94 -80 625 629 ;
C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 59 0 672 562 ;
C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 210 249 535 580 ;
C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 41 -15 626 441 ;
C 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 515 426 ;
C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 587 629 ;
C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 102 -80 588 506 ;
C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 54 -15 615 441 ;
C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 617 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 623 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 76 -15 576 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -15 723 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 133 0 695 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 136 48 573 467 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 133 0 695 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 607 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 76 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 125 -18 702 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -157 683 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 78 -250 584 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 106 -15 598 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 125 -18 702 760 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 125 -18 702 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 76 -172 569 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 101 -172 572 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 660 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 43 0 645 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 145 -250 323 -58 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 660 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 76 -15 569 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 712 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 76 -15 569 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 108 -250 665 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 93 -18 655 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 76 -15 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 660 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 78 -15 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 78 -151 584 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 94 0 519 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 642 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 83 -250 645 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 101 -15 572 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 76 -15 581 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 607 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 636 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 106 -151 614 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 610 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 606 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 94 -18 628 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 76 -20 650 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 85 -15 849 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 125 -18 702 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 101 -15 572 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 213 240 501 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 94 -18 625 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 607 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 607 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 103 43 607 470 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 101 -15 602 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 108 0 665 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 45 -38 546 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -157 683 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 712 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 551 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 660 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 76 -15 575 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 602 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 101 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 712 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 96 44 594 558 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 238 -175 469 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 83 -18 645 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 623 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 670 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 660 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 636 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 102 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 642 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 594 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 43 0 645 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 93 -151 658 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 515 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 167 -15 587 717 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 106 -172 598 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 124 -172 702 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 660 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 607 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 106 -15 598 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 515 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 94 -18 640 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 102 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 76 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 78 -15 612 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 545 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 94 -18 625 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -24 -157 605 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 230 249 535 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 94 -18 625 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 72 -157 572 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 515 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 102 -15 723 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 660 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 85 -15 704 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 73 -56 659 666 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 76 -151 650 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 667 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 671 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 607 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 75 263 742 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 623 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 628 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 632 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 65 -57 669 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 645 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 102 -15 588 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 125 -18 761 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 670 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 106 -15 600 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 61 -157 657 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 65 -57 674 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 76 -20 672 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 76 -250 650 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 94 -18 751 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 214 269 576 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 102 -15 588 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 93 -18 672 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 101 -15 572 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 85 -15 765 792 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 645 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 636 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 712 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 102 -15 629 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 598 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 607 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 655 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 607 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 607 750 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 94 -18 655 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 593 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 660 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 623 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 58 -250 633 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 129 232 580 283 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 623 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 614 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 165 -250 561 561 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 155 108 591 369 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 102 -15 588 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 101 -15 575 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 43 -16 621 529 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 61 -157 657 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 102 -15 639 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 624 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 585 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 231 249 491 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 543 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 588 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 504 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 53 -15 559 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 21 -15 580 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 66 -15 548 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 24 0 576 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 87 48 513 467 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 24 0 576 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 597 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 17 -18 583 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B 7 -157 592 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 80 -250 513 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 66 -15 548 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 17 -18 583 760 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 17 -18 583 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 53 -172 587 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 21 -172 590 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 550 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 574 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 198 -250 335 -58 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 550 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 66 -15 529 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 53 -15 559 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 593 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 505 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 563 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 41 -18 540 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 53 -15 559 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 550 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 80 -15 513 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 80 -151 513 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 505 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 18 0 443 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 588 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 31 -250 575 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 21 -15 562 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 53 -15 559 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 597 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 559 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 66 -151 529 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 514 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 538 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 43 -18 557 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 588 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 72 -20 529 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 45 -15 715 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 17 -18 583 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 21 -15 562 627 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 155 240 406 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 597 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 597 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 87 43 515 470 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 38 0 563 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 17 -38 459 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B 7 -157 592 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 593 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 94 0 505 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 550 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 53 -15 559 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 66 -15 529 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 575 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 21 -15 562 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 593 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 504 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 87 44 513 558 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 -175 326 675 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 31 -18 575 732 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 504 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 585 706 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 550 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 559 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 62 -15 538 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 514 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 514 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 574 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 41 -151 540 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 505 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 87 -15 530 717 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 66 -172 548 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 17 -172 583 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 597 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 597 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 502 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 505 657 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 53 -15 559 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 80 -15 513 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 505 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 43 -18 557 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -6 -157 555 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 177 249 424 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 43 -18 557 753 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 21 -157 562 426 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 505 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 62 -15 580 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 561 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 45 -15 591 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -56 593 666 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 72 -151 529 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 533 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 582 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 554 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -23 263 623 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 504 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 504 698 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 554 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 0 -57 611 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 62 -15 538 654 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 575 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 17 -18 590 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 550 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 66 -15 548 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 45 -157 566 609 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 0 -57 600 665 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 72 -20 529 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 72 -250 529 580 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 43 -18 580 805 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 123 269 477 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 41 -18 540 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 3 -15 597 792 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 574 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 559 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 593 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 62 -15 538 606 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 588 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 554 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 597 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 608 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 597 750 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 43 -18 557 729 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 502 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 550 802 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 504 562 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 43 -250 580 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 80 232 520 283 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 504 787 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 575 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 87 -250 530 561 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 87 108 513 369 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 62 -15 538 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 21 -15 562 620 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 15 -16 540 529 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 45 -157 566 708 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 62 -15 538 629 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 502 669 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 575 441 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 172 249 428 622 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 505 565 ;
C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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C 32 ; WX 250 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
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C 35 ; WX 500 ; N numbersign ; B 20 -16 481 673 ;
C 36 ; WX 549 ; N existential ; B 25 0 478 707 ;
C 37 ; WX 833 ; N percent ; B 63 -36 771 655 ;
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C 41 ; WX 333 ; N parenright ; B 30 -191 277 673 ;
C 42 ; WX 500 ; N asteriskmath ; B 65 134 427 551 ;
C 43 ; WX 549 ; N plus ; B 10 0 539 533 ;
C 44 ; WX 250 ; N comma ; B 56 -152 194 104 ;
C 45 ; WX 549 ; N minus ; B 11 233 535 288 ;
C 46 ; WX 250 ; N period ; B 69 -17 181 95 ;
C 47 ; WX 278 ; N slash ; B 0 -18 254 646 ;
C 48 ; WX 500 ; N zero ; B 24 -14 476 685 ;
C 49 ; WX 500 ; N one ; B 117 0 390 673 ;
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C 51 ; WX 500 ; N three ; B 43 -14 435 685 ;
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C 53 ; WX 500 ; N five ; B 32 -14 445 690 ;
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C 55 ; WX 500 ; N seven ; B 24 -16 448 673 ;
C 56 ; WX 500 ; N eight ; B 56 -14 445 685 ;
C 57 ; WX 500 ; N nine ; B 30 -18 459 685 ;
C 58 ; WX 278 ; N colon ; B 81 -17 193 460 ;
C 59 ; WX 278 ; N semicolon ; B 83 -152 221 460 ;
C 60 ; WX 549 ; N less ; B 26 0 523 522 ;
C 61 ; WX 549 ; N equal ; B 11 141 537 390 ;
C 62 ; WX 549 ; N greater ; B 26 0 523 522 ;
C 63 ; WX 444 ; N question ; B 70 -17 412 686 ;
C 64 ; WX 549 ; N congruent ; B 11 0 537 475 ;
C 65 ; WX 722 ; N Alpha ; B 4 0 684 673 ;
C 66 ; WX 667 ; N Beta ; B 29 0 592 673 ;
C 67 ; WX 722 ; N Chi ; B -9 0 704 673 ;
C 68 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;
C 69 ; WX 611 ; N Epsilon ; B 32 0 617 673 ;
C 70 ; WX 763 ; N Phi ; B 26 0 741 673 ;
C 71 ; WX 603 ; N Gamma ; B 24 0 609 673 ;
C 72 ; WX 722 ; N Eta ; B 39 0 729 673 ;
C 73 ; WX 333 ; N Iota ; B 32 0 316 673 ;
C 74 ; WX 631 ; N theta1 ; B 18 -18 623 689 ;
C 75 ; WX 722 ; N Kappa ; B 35 0 722 673 ;
C 76 ; WX 686 ; N Lambda ; B 6 0 680 688 ;
C 77 ; WX 889 ; N Mu ; B 28 0 887 673 ;
C 78 ; WX 722 ; N Nu ; B 29 -8 720 673 ;
C 79 ; WX 722 ; N Omicron ; B 41 -17 715 685 ;
C 80 ; WX 768 ; N Pi ; B 25 0 745 673 ;
C 81 ; WX 741 ; N Theta ; B 41 -17 715 685 ;
C 82 ; WX 556 ; N Rho ; B 28 0 563 673 ;
C 83 ; WX 592 ; N Sigma ; B 5 0 589 673 ;
C 84 ; WX 611 ; N Tau ; B 33 0 607 673 ;
C 85 ; WX 690 ; N Upsilon ; B -8 0 694 673 ;
C 86 ; WX 439 ; N sigma1 ; B 40 -233 436 500 ;
C 87 ; WX 768 ; N Omega ; B 34 0 736 688 ;
C 88 ; WX 645 ; N Xi ; B 40 0 599 673 ;
C 89 ; WX 795 ; N Psi ; B 15 0 781 684 ;
C 90 ; WX 611 ; N Zeta ; B 44 0 636 673 ;
C 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B 86 -155 299 674 ;
C 92 ; WX 863 ; N therefore ; B 163 0 701 487 ;
C 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B 33 -155 246 674 ;
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C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B -2 -125 502 -75 ;
C 96 ; WX 500 ; N radicalex ; B 480 881 1090 917 ;
C 97 ; WX 631 ; N alpha ; B 41 -18 622 500 ;
C 98 ; WX 549 ; N beta ; B 61 -223 515 741 ;
C 99 ; WX 549 ; N chi ; B 12 -231 522 499 ;
C 100 ; WX 494 ; N delta ; B 40 -19 481 740 ;
C 101 ; WX 439 ; N epsilon ; B 22 -19 427 502 ;
C 102 ; WX 521 ; N phi ; B 28 -224 492 673 ;
C 103 ; WX 411 ; N gamma ; B 5 -225 484 499 ;
C 104 ; WX 603 ; N eta ; B 0 -202 527 514 ;
C 105 ; WX 329 ; N iota ; B 0 -17 301 503 ;
C 106 ; WX 603 ; N phi1 ; B 36 -224 587 499 ;
C 107 ; WX 549 ; N kappa ; B 33 0 558 501 ;
C 108 ; WX 549 ; N lambda ; B 24 -17 548 739 ;
C 109 ; WX 576 ; N mu ; B 33 -223 567 500 ;
C 110 ; WX 521 ; N nu ; B -9 -16 475 507 ;
C 111 ; WX 549 ; N omicron ; B 35 -19 501 499 ;
C 112 ; WX 549 ; N pi ; B 10 -19 530 487 ;
C 113 ; WX 521 ; N theta ; B 43 -17 485 690 ;
C 114 ; WX 549 ; N rho ; B 50 -230 490 499 ;
C 115 ; WX 603 ; N sigma ; B 30 -21 588 500 ;
C 116 ; WX 439 ; N tau ; B 10 -19 418 500 ;
C 117 ; WX 576 ; N upsilon ; B 7 -18 535 507 ;
C 118 ; WX 713 ; N omega1 ; B 12 -18 671 583 ;
C 119 ; WX 686 ; N omega ; B 42 -17 684 500 ;
C 120 ; WX 493 ; N xi ; B 27 -224 469 766 ;
C 121 ; WX 686 ; N psi ; B 12 -228 701 500 ;
C 122 ; WX 494 ; N zeta ; B 60 -225 467 756 ;
C 123 ; WX 480 ; N braceleft ; B 58 -183 397 673 ;
C 124 ; WX 200 ; N bar ; B 65 -293 135 707 ;
C 125 ; WX 480 ; N braceright ; B 79 -183 418 673 ;
C 126 ; WX 549 ; N similar ; B 17 203 529 307 ;
C 160 ; WX 750 ; N Euro ; B 20 -12 714 685 ;
C 161 ; WX 620 ; N Upsilon1 ; B -2 0 610 685 ;
C 162 ; WX 247 ; N minute ; B 27 459 228 735 ;
C 163 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 526 639 ;
C 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -180 -12 340 677 ;
C 165 ; WX 713 ; N infinity ; B 26 124 688 404 ;
C 166 ; WX 500 ; N florin ; B 2 -193 494 686 ;
C 167 ; WX 753 ; N club ; B 86 -26 660 533 ;
C 168 ; WX 753 ; N diamond ; B 142 -36 600 550 ;
C 169 ; WX 753 ; N heart ; B 117 -33 631 532 ;
C 170 ; WX 753 ; N spade ; B 113 -36 629 548 ;
C 171 ; WX 1042 ; N arrowboth ; B 24 -15 1024 511 ;
C 172 ; WX 987 ; N arrowleft ; B 32 -15 942 511 ;
C 173 ; WX 603 ; N arrowup ; B 45 0 571 910 ;
C 174 ; WX 987 ; N arrowright ; B 49 -15 959 511 ;
C 175 ; WX 603 ; N arrowdown ; B 45 -22 571 888 ;
C 176 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 385 350 685 ;
C 177 ; WX 549 ; N plusminus ; B 10 0 539 645 ;
C 178 ; WX 411 ; N second ; B 20 459 413 737 ;
C 179 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 29 0 526 639 ;
C 180 ; WX 549 ; N multiply ; B 17 8 533 524 ;
C 181 ; WX 713 ; N proportional ; B 27 123 639 404 ;
C 182 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 26 -20 462 746 ;
C 183 ; WX 460 ; N bullet ; B 50 113 410 473 ;
C 184 ; WX 549 ; N divide ; B 10 71 536 456 ;
C 185 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 15 -25 540 549 ;
C 186 ; WX 549 ; N equivalence ; B 14 82 538 443 ;
C 187 ; WX 549 ; N approxequal ; B 14 135 527 394 ;
C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 111 -17 889 95 ;
C 189 ; WX 603 ; N arrowvertex ; B 280 -120 336 1010 ;
C 190 ; WX 1000 ; N arrowhorizex ; B -60 220 1050 276 ;
C 191 ; WX 658 ; N carriagereturn ; B 15 -16 602 629 ;
C 192 ; WX 823 ; N aleph ; B 175 -18 661 658 ;
C 193 ; WX 686 ; N Ifraktur ; B 10 -53 578 740 ;
C 194 ; WX 795 ; N Rfraktur ; B 26 -15 759 734 ;
C 195 ; WX 987 ; N weierstrass ; B 159 -211 870 573 ;
C 196 ; WX 768 ; N circlemultiply ; B 43 -17 733 673 ;
C 197 ; WX 768 ; N circleplus ; B 43 -15 733 675 ;
C 198 ; WX 823 ; N emptyset ; B 39 -24 781 719 ;
C 199 ; WX 768 ; N intersection ; B 40 0 732 509 ;
C 200 ; WX 768 ; N union ; B 40 -17 732 492 ;
C 201 ; WX 713 ; N propersuperset ; B 20 0 673 470 ;
C 202 ; WX 713 ; N reflexsuperset ; B 20 -125 673 470 ;
C 203 ; WX 713 ; N notsubset ; B 36 -70 690 540 ;
C 204 ; WX 713 ; N propersubset ; B 37 0 690 470 ;
C 205 ; WX 713 ; N reflexsubset ; B 37 -125 690 470 ;
C 206 ; WX 713 ; N element ; B 45 0 505 468 ;
C 207 ; WX 713 ; N notelement ; B 45 -58 505 555 ;
C 208 ; WX 768 ; N angle ; B 26 0 738 673 ;
C 209 ; WX 713 ; N gradient ; B 36 -19 681 718 ;
C 210 ; WX 790 ; N registerserif ; B 50 -17 740 673 ;
C 211 ; WX 790 ; N copyrightserif ; B 51 -15 741 675 ;
C 212 ; WX 890 ; N trademarkserif ; B 18 293 855 673 ;
C 213 ; WX 823 ; N product ; B 25 -101 803 751 ;
C 214 ; WX 549 ; N radical ; B 10 -38 515 917 ;
C 215 ; WX 250 ; N dotmath ; B 69 210 169 310 ;
C 216 ; WX 713 ; N logicalnot ; B 15 0 680 288 ;
C 217 ; WX 603 ; N logicaland ; B 23 0 583 454 ;
C 218 ; WX 603 ; N logicalor ; B 30 0 578 477 ;
C 219 ; WX 1042 ; N arrowdblboth ; B 27 -20 1023 510 ;
C 220 ; WX 987 ; N arrowdblleft ; B 30 -15 939 513 ;
C 221 ; WX 603 ; N arrowdblup ; B 39 2 567 911 ;
C 222 ; WX 987 ; N arrowdblright ; B 45 -20 954 508 ;
C 223 ; WX 603 ; N arrowdbldown ; B 44 -19 572 890 ;
C 224 ; WX 494 ; N lozenge ; B 18 0 466 745 ;
C 225 ; WX 329 ; N angleleft ; B 25 -198 306 746 ;
C 226 ; WX 790 ; N registersans ; B 50 -20 740 670 ;
C 227 ; WX 790 ; N copyrightsans ; B 49 -15 739 675 ;
C 228 ; WX 786 ; N trademarksans ; B 5 293 725 673 ;
C 229 ; WX 713 ; N summation ; B 14 -108 695 752 ;
C 230 ; WX 384 ; N parenlefttp ; B 24 -293 436 926 ;
C 231 ; WX 384 ; N parenleftex ; B 24 -85 108 925 ;
C 232 ; WX 384 ; N parenleftbt ; B 24 -293 436 926 ;
C 233 ; WX 384 ; N bracketlefttp ; B 0 -80 349 926 ;
C 234 ; WX 384 ; N bracketleftex ; B 0 -79 77 925 ;
C 235 ; WX 384 ; N bracketleftbt ; B 0 -80 349 926 ;
C 236 ; WX 494 ; N bracelefttp ; B 209 -85 445 925 ;
C 237 ; WX 494 ; N braceleftmid ; B 20 -85 284 935 ;
C 238 ; WX 494 ; N braceleftbt ; B 209 -75 445 935 ;
C 239 ; WX 494 ; N braceex ; B 209 -85 284 935 ;
C 241 ; WX 329 ; N angleright ; B 21 -198 302 746 ;
C 242 ; WX 274 ; N integral ; B 2 -107 291 916 ;
C 243 ; WX 686 ; N integraltp ; B 308 -88 675 920 ;
C 244 ; WX 686 ; N integralex ; B 308 -88 378 975 ;
C 245 ; WX 686 ; N integralbt ; B 11 -87 378 921 ;
C 246 ; WX 384 ; N parenrighttp ; B 54 -293 466 926 ;
C 247 ; WX 384 ; N parenrightex ; B 382 -85 466 925 ;
C 248 ; WX 384 ; N parenrightbt ; B 54 -293 466 926 ;
C 249 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrighttp ; B 22 -80 371 926 ;
C 250 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrightex ; B 294 -79 371 925 ;
C 251 ; WX 384 ; N bracketrightbt ; B 22 -80 371 926 ;
C 252 ; WX 494 ; N bracerighttp ; B 48 -85 284 925 ;
C 253 ; WX 494 ; N bracerightmid ; B 209 -85 473 935 ;
C 254 ; WX 494 ; N bracerightbt ; B 48 -75 284 935 ;
C -1 ; WX 790 ; N apple ; B 56 -3 733 808 ;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
StartFontMetrics 4.1
Comment Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Comment Creation Date: Thu May 1 15:14:13 1997
Comment UniqueID 43082
Comment VMusage 45775 55535
FontName ZapfDingbats
FullName ITC Zapf Dingbats
FamilyName ZapfDingbats
Weight Medium
ItalicAngle 0
IsFixedPitch false
CharacterSet Special
FontBBox -1 -143 981 820
UnderlinePosition -100
UnderlineThickness 50
Version 002.000
Notice Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Zapf Dingbats is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.
EncodingScheme FontSpecific
StdHW 28
StdVW 90
StartCharMetrics 202
C 32 ; WX 278 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
C 33 ; WX 974 ; N a1 ; B 35 72 939 621 ;
C 34 ; WX 961 ; N a2 ; B 35 81 927 611 ;
C 35 ; WX 974 ; N a202 ; B 35 72 939 621 ;
C 36 ; WX 980 ; N a3 ; B 35 0 945 692 ;
C 37 ; WX 719 ; N a4 ; B 34 139 685 566 ;
C 38 ; WX 789 ; N a5 ; B 35 -14 755 705 ;
C 39 ; WX 790 ; N a119 ; B 35 -14 755 705 ;
C 40 ; WX 791 ; N a118 ; B 35 -13 761 705 ;
C 41 ; WX 690 ; N a117 ; B 34 138 655 553 ;
C 42 ; WX 960 ; N a11 ; B 35 123 925 568 ;
C 43 ; WX 939 ; N a12 ; B 35 134 904 559 ;
C 44 ; WX 549 ; N a13 ; B 29 -11 516 705 ;
C 45 ; WX 855 ; N a14 ; B 34 59 820 632 ;
C 46 ; WX 911 ; N a15 ; B 35 50 876 642 ;
C 47 ; WX 933 ; N a16 ; B 35 139 899 550 ;
C 48 ; WX 911 ; N a105 ; B 35 50 876 642 ;
C 49 ; WX 945 ; N a17 ; B 35 139 909 553 ;
C 50 ; WX 974 ; N a18 ; B 35 104 938 587 ;
C 51 ; WX 755 ; N a19 ; B 34 -13 721 705 ;
C 52 ; WX 846 ; N a20 ; B 36 -14 811 705 ;
C 53 ; WX 762 ; N a21 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 54 ; WX 761 ; N a22 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 55 ; WX 571 ; N a23 ; B -1 -68 571 661 ;
C 56 ; WX 677 ; N a24 ; B 36 -13 642 705 ;
C 57 ; WX 763 ; N a25 ; B 35 0 728 692 ;
C 58 ; WX 760 ; N a26 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
C 59 ; WX 759 ; N a27 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 60 ; WX 754 ; N a28 ; B 35 0 720 692 ;
C 61 ; WX 494 ; N a6 ; B 35 0 460 692 ;
C 62 ; WX 552 ; N a7 ; B 35 0 517 692 ;
C 63 ; WX 537 ; N a8 ; B 35 0 503 692 ;
C 64 ; WX 577 ; N a9 ; B 35 96 542 596 ;
C 65 ; WX 692 ; N a10 ; B 35 -14 657 705 ;
C 66 ; WX 786 ; N a29 ; B 35 -14 751 705 ;
C 67 ; WX 788 ; N a30 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
C 68 ; WX 788 ; N a31 ; B 35 -14 753 705 ;
C 69 ; WX 790 ; N a32 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
C 70 ; WX 793 ; N a33 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
C 71 ; WX 794 ; N a34 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
C 72 ; WX 816 ; N a35 ; B 35 -14 782 705 ;
C 73 ; WX 823 ; N a36 ; B 35 -14 787 705 ;
C 74 ; WX 789 ; N a37 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 75 ; WX 841 ; N a38 ; B 35 -14 807 705 ;
C 76 ; WX 823 ; N a39 ; B 35 -14 789 705 ;
C 77 ; WX 833 ; N a40 ; B 35 -14 798 705 ;
C 78 ; WX 816 ; N a41 ; B 35 -13 782 705 ;
C 79 ; WX 831 ; N a42 ; B 35 -14 796 705 ;
C 80 ; WX 923 ; N a43 ; B 35 -14 888 705 ;
C 81 ; WX 744 ; N a44 ; B 35 0 710 692 ;
C 82 ; WX 723 ; N a45 ; B 35 0 688 692 ;
C 83 ; WX 749 ; N a46 ; B 35 0 714 692 ;
C 84 ; WX 790 ; N a47 ; B 34 -14 756 705 ;
C 85 ; WX 792 ; N a48 ; B 35 -14 758 705 ;
C 86 ; WX 695 ; N a49 ; B 35 -14 661 706 ;
C 87 ; WX 776 ; N a50 ; B 35 -6 741 699 ;
C 88 ; WX 768 ; N a51 ; B 35 -7 734 699 ;
C 89 ; WX 792 ; N a52 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
C 90 ; WX 759 ; N a53 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 91 ; WX 707 ; N a54 ; B 35 -13 672 704 ;
C 92 ; WX 708 ; N a55 ; B 35 -14 672 705 ;
C 93 ; WX 682 ; N a56 ; B 35 -14 647 705 ;
C 94 ; WX 701 ; N a57 ; B 35 -14 666 705 ;
C 95 ; WX 826 ; N a58 ; B 35 -14 791 705 ;
C 96 ; WX 815 ; N a59 ; B 35 -14 780 705 ;
C 97 ; WX 789 ; N a60 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 98 ; WX 789 ; N a61 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 99 ; WX 707 ; N a62 ; B 34 -14 673 705 ;
C 100 ; WX 687 ; N a63 ; B 36 0 651 692 ;
C 101 ; WX 696 ; N a64 ; B 35 0 661 691 ;
C 102 ; WX 689 ; N a65 ; B 35 0 655 692 ;
C 103 ; WX 786 ; N a66 ; B 34 -14 751 705 ;
C 104 ; WX 787 ; N a67 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
C 105 ; WX 713 ; N a68 ; B 35 -14 678 705 ;
C 106 ; WX 791 ; N a69 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
C 107 ; WX 785 ; N a70 ; B 36 -14 751 705 ;
C 108 ; WX 791 ; N a71 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
C 109 ; WX 873 ; N a72 ; B 35 -14 838 705 ;
C 110 ; WX 761 ; N a73 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
C 111 ; WX 762 ; N a74 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 112 ; WX 762 ; N a203 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
C 113 ; WX 759 ; N a75 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 114 ; WX 759 ; N a204 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 115 ; WX 892 ; N a76 ; B 35 0 858 705 ;
C 116 ; WX 892 ; N a77 ; B 35 -14 858 692 ;
C 117 ; WX 788 ; N a78 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 118 ; WX 784 ; N a79 ; B 35 -14 749 705 ;
C 119 ; WX 438 ; N a81 ; B 35 -14 403 705 ;
C 120 ; WX 138 ; N a82 ; B 35 0 104 692 ;
C 121 ; WX 277 ; N a83 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 122 ; WX 415 ; N a84 ; B 35 0 380 692 ;
C 123 ; WX 392 ; N a97 ; B 35 263 357 705 ;
C 124 ; WX 392 ; N a98 ; B 34 263 357 705 ;
C 125 ; WX 668 ; N a99 ; B 35 263 633 705 ;
C 126 ; WX 668 ; N a100 ; B 36 263 634 705 ;
C 128 ; WX 390 ; N a89 ; B 35 -14 356 705 ;
C 129 ; WX 390 ; N a90 ; B 35 -14 355 705 ;
C 130 ; WX 317 ; N a93 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
C 131 ; WX 317 ; N a94 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
C 132 ; WX 276 ; N a91 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 133 ; WX 276 ; N a92 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
C 134 ; WX 509 ; N a205 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
C 135 ; WX 509 ; N a85 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
C 136 ; WX 410 ; N a206 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
C 137 ; WX 410 ; N a86 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
C 138 ; WX 234 ; N a87 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
C 139 ; WX 234 ; N a88 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
C 140 ; WX 334 ; N a95 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
C 141 ; WX 334 ; N a96 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
C 161 ; WX 732 ; N a101 ; B 35 -143 697 806 ;
C 162 ; WX 544 ; N a102 ; B 56 -14 488 706 ;
C 163 ; WX 544 ; N a103 ; B 34 -14 508 705 ;
C 164 ; WX 910 ; N a104 ; B 35 40 875 651 ;
C 165 ; WX 667 ; N a106 ; B 35 -14 633 705 ;
C 166 ; WX 760 ; N a107 ; B 35 -14 726 705 ;
C 167 ; WX 760 ; N a108 ; B 0 121 758 569 ;
C 168 ; WX 776 ; N a112 ; B 35 0 741 705 ;
C 169 ; WX 595 ; N a111 ; B 34 -14 560 705 ;
C 170 ; WX 694 ; N a110 ; B 35 -14 659 705 ;
C 171 ; WX 626 ; N a109 ; B 34 0 591 705 ;
C 172 ; WX 788 ; N a120 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 173 ; WX 788 ; N a121 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 174 ; WX 788 ; N a122 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 175 ; WX 788 ; N a123 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 176 ; WX 788 ; N a124 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 177 ; WX 788 ; N a125 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 178 ; WX 788 ; N a126 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 179 ; WX 788 ; N a127 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 180 ; WX 788 ; N a128 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 181 ; WX 788 ; N a129 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 182 ; WX 788 ; N a130 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 183 ; WX 788 ; N a131 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 184 ; WX 788 ; N a132 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 185 ; WX 788 ; N a133 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 186 ; WX 788 ; N a134 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 187 ; WX 788 ; N a135 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 188 ; WX 788 ; N a136 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 189 ; WX 788 ; N a137 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 190 ; WX 788 ; N a138 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 191 ; WX 788 ; N a139 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 192 ; WX 788 ; N a140 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 193 ; WX 788 ; N a141 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 194 ; WX 788 ; N a142 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 195 ; WX 788 ; N a143 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 196 ; WX 788 ; N a144 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 197 ; WX 788 ; N a145 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 198 ; WX 788 ; N a146 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 199 ; WX 788 ; N a147 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 200 ; WX 788 ; N a148 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 201 ; WX 788 ; N a149 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 202 ; WX 788 ; N a150 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 203 ; WX 788 ; N a151 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 204 ; WX 788 ; N a152 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 205 ; WX 788 ; N a153 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 206 ; WX 788 ; N a154 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 207 ; WX 788 ; N a155 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 208 ; WX 788 ; N a156 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 209 ; WX 788 ; N a157 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 210 ; WX 788 ; N a158 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 211 ; WX 788 ; N a159 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
C 212 ; WX 894 ; N a160 ; B 35 58 860 634 ;
C 213 ; WX 838 ; N a161 ; B 35 152 803 540 ;
C 214 ; WX 1016 ; N a163 ; B 34 152 981 540 ;
C 215 ; WX 458 ; N a164 ; B 35 -127 422 820 ;
C 216 ; WX 748 ; N a196 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
C 217 ; WX 924 ; N a165 ; B 35 140 890 552 ;
C 218 ; WX 748 ; N a192 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
C 219 ; WX 918 ; N a166 ; B 35 166 884 526 ;
C 220 ; WX 927 ; N a167 ; B 35 32 892 660 ;
C 221 ; WX 928 ; N a168 ; B 35 129 891 562 ;
C 222 ; WX 928 ; N a169 ; B 35 128 893 563 ;
C 223 ; WX 834 ; N a170 ; B 35 155 799 537 ;
C 224 ; WX 873 ; N a171 ; B 35 93 838 599 ;
C 225 ; WX 828 ; N a172 ; B 35 104 791 588 ;
C 226 ; WX 924 ; N a173 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
C 227 ; WX 924 ; N a162 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
C 228 ; WX 917 ; N a174 ; B 35 0 882 692 ;
C 229 ; WX 930 ; N a175 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
C 230 ; WX 931 ; N a176 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
C 231 ; WX 463 ; N a177 ; B 35 -99 429 791 ;
C 232 ; WX 883 ; N a178 ; B 35 71 848 623 ;
C 233 ; WX 836 ; N a179 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
C 234 ; WX 836 ; N a193 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
C 235 ; WX 867 ; N a180 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
C 236 ; WX 867 ; N a199 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
C 237 ; WX 696 ; N a181 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
C 238 ; WX 696 ; N a200 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
C 239 ; WX 874 ; N a182 ; B 35 77 840 619 ;
C 241 ; WX 874 ; N a201 ; B 35 73 840 615 ;
C 242 ; WX 760 ; N a183 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
C 243 ; WX 946 ; N a184 ; B 35 160 911 533 ;
C 244 ; WX 771 ; N a197 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
C 245 ; WX 865 ; N a185 ; B 35 207 830 481 ;
C 246 ; WX 771 ; N a194 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
C 247 ; WX 888 ; N a198 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
C 248 ; WX 967 ; N a186 ; B 35 124 932 568 ;
C 249 ; WX 888 ; N a195 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
C 250 ; WX 831 ; N a187 ; B 35 113 796 579 ;
C 251 ; WX 873 ; N a188 ; B 36 118 838 578 ;
C 252 ; WX 927 ; N a189 ; B 35 150 891 542 ;
C 253 ; WX 970 ; N a190 ; B 35 76 931 616 ;
C 254 ; WX 918 ; N a191 ; B 34 99 884 593 ;

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
PDFFont = require '../font'
PDFObject = require '../object'
class EmbeddedFont extends PDFFont
constructor: (@document, @font, @id) ->
@subset = @font.createSubset()
@unicode = [[0]]
@widths = [@font.getGlyph(0).advanceWidth]
@name = @font.postscriptName
@scale = 1000 / @font.unitsPerEm
@ascender = @font.ascent * @scale
@descender = @font.descent * @scale
@lineGap = @font.lineGap * @scale
@bbox = @font.bbox
encode: (text, features) ->
#console.log(@font.layout text, features + " ")
{glyphs, positions} = @font.layout text, features
#console.log("text=" + text)
#for glyph, i in glyphs
# console.log("glyphs=" + glyph.id)
res = []
for glyph, i in glyphs
gid = @subset.includeGlyph glyph.id
res.push ('0000' + gid.toString(16)).slice(-4)
@widths[gid] ?= glyph.advanceWidth * @scale
@unicode[gid] ?= glyph.codePoints
for key of positions[i]
positions[i][key] *= @scale
positions[i].advanceWidth = glyph.advanceWidth * @scale
#for glyph, i in glyphs
#console.log("gid:res:width = " + glyph.id + ":" + res[i] + ":" + positions[i].advanceWidth)
return [res, positions]
widthOfString: (string, size, features) ->
width = @font.layout(string, features).advanceWidth
scale = size / @font.unitsPerEm
return width * scale
embed: ->
isCFF = @subset.cff?
fontFile = @document.ref()
if isCFF
fontFile.data.Subtype = 'CIDFontType0C'
familyClass = (@font['OS/2']?.sFamilyClass or 0) >> 8
flags = 0
flags |= 1 << 0 if @font.post.isFixedPitch
flags |= 1 << 1 if 1 <= familyClass <= 7
flags |= 1 << 2 # assume the font uses non-latin characters
flags |= 1 << 3 if familyClass is 10
flags |= 1 << 6 if @font.head.macStyle.italic
# generate a random tag (6 uppercase letters. 65 is the char code for 'A')
tag = (String.fromCharCode Math.random() * 26 + 65 for i in [0...6]).join ''
name = tag + '+' + @font.postscriptName
bbox = @font.bbox
descriptor = @document.ref
Type: 'FontDescriptor'
FontName: name
Flags: flags
FontBBox: [bbox.minX * @scale, bbox.minY * @scale, bbox.maxX * @scale, bbox.maxY * @scale]
ItalicAngle: @font.italicAngle
Ascent: @ascender
Descent: @descender
CapHeight: (@font.capHeight or @font.ascent) * @scale
XHeight: (@font.xHeight or 0) * @scale
StemV: 0 # not sure how to calculate this
if isCFF
descriptor.data.FontFile3 = fontFile
descriptor.data.FontFile2 = fontFile
descendantFont = @document.ref
Type: 'Font'
Subtype: if isCFF then 'CIDFontType0' else 'CIDFontType2'
BaseFont: name
Registry: new String 'Adobe'
Ordering: new String 'Identity'
Supplement: 0
FontDescriptor: descriptor
W: [0, @widths]
@dictionary.data =
Type: 'Font'
Subtype: 'Type0'
BaseFont: name
Encoding: 'Identity-H'
DescendantFonts: [descendantFont]
ToUnicode: @toUnicodeCmap()
toHex = (codePoints...) ->
codes = for code in codePoints
('0000' + code.toString(16)).slice(-4)
return codes.join ''
# Maps the glyph ids encoded in the PDF back to unicode strings
# Because of ligature substitutions and the like, there may be one or more
# unicode characters represented by each glyph.
toUnicodeCmap: ->
cmap = @document.ref()
entries = []
for codePoints in @unicode
encoded = []
# encode codePoints to utf16
for value in codePoints
if value > 0xffff
value -= 0x10000
encoded.push toHex value >>> 10 & 0x3ff | 0xd800
value = 0xdc00 | value & 0x3ff
encoded.push toHex value
entries.push "<#{encoded.join ' '}>"
cmap.end """
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
/CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (Adobe)
/Ordering (UCS)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
1 beginbfrange
<0000> <#{toHex entries.length - 1}> [#{entries.join ' '}]
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
return cmap
module.exports = EmbeddedFont

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
AFMFont = require './afm'
PDFFont = require '../font'
fs = require 'fs'
class StandardFont extends PDFFont
constructor: (@document, @name, @id) ->
@font = new AFMFont STANDARD_FONTS[@name]()
{@ascender,@descender,@bbox,@lineGap} = @font
embed: ->
@dictionary.data =
Type: 'Font'
BaseFont: @name
Subtype: 'Type1'
Encoding: 'WinAnsiEncoding'
encode: (text) ->
encoded = @font.encodeText text
glyphs = @font.glyphsForString '' + text
advances = @font.advancesForGlyphs glyphs
positions = []
for glyph, i in glyphs
xAdvance: advances[i]
yAdvance: 0
xOffset: 0
yOffset: 0
advanceWidth: @font.widthOfGlyph glyph
return [encoded, positions]
widthOfString: (string, size) ->
glyphs = @font.glyphsForString '' + string
advances = @font.advancesForGlyphs glyphs
width = 0
for advance in advances
width += advance
scale = size / 1000
return width * scale
@isStandardFont: (name) ->
return name of STANDARD_FONTS
# This insanity is so browserify can inline the font files
"Courier": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Courier.afm", 'utf8'
"Courier-Bold": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Courier-Bold.afm", 'utf8'
"Courier-Oblique": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Courier-Oblique.afm", 'utf8'
"Courier-BoldOblique": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Courier-BoldOblique.afm", 'utf8'
"Helvetica": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Helvetica.afm", 'utf8'
"Helvetica-Bold": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Helvetica-Bold.afm", 'utf8'
"Helvetica-Oblique": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Helvetica-Oblique.afm", 'utf8'
"Helvetica-BoldOblique": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm", 'utf8'
"Times-Roman": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Times-Roman.afm", 'utf8'
"Times-Bold": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Times-Bold.afm", 'utf8'
"Times-Italic": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Times-Italic.afm", 'utf8'
"Times-BoldItalic": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Times-BoldItalic.afm", 'utf8'
"Symbol": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/Symbol.afm", 'utf8'
"ZapfDingbats": -> fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/../font/data/ZapfDingbats.afm", 'utf8'
module.exports = StandardFont

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
class PDFGradient
constructor: (@doc) ->
@stops = []
@embedded = no
@transform = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
@_colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB'
stop: (pos, color, opacity = 1) ->
opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity))
@stops.push [pos, @doc._normalizeColor(color), opacity]
return this
setTransform: (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) ->
@transform = [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy]
return this
embed: (m) ->
return if @stops.length is 0
@embedded = yes
@matrix = m
# if the last stop comes before 100%, add a copy at 100%
last = @stops[@stops.length - 1]
if last[0] < 1
@stops.push [1, last[1], last[2]]
bounds = []
encode = []
stops = []
for i in [0...@stops.length - 1]
encode.push 0, 1
unless i + 2 is @stops.length
bounds.push @stops[i + 1][0]
fn = @doc.ref
FunctionType: 2
Domain: [0, 1]
C0: @stops[i + 0][1]
C1: @stops[i + 1][1]
N: 1
stops.push fn
# if there are only two stops, we don't need a stitching function
if stops.length is 1
fn = stops[0]
fn = @doc.ref
FunctionType: 3 # stitching function
Domain: [0, 1]
Functions: stops
Bounds: bounds
Encode: encode
@id = 'Sh' + (++@doc._gradCount)
shader = @shader fn
pattern = @doc.ref
Type: 'Pattern'
PatternType: 2
Shading: shader
Matrix: (+v.toFixed(5) for v in @matrix)
if (@stops.some (stop) -> stop[2] < 1)
grad = @opacityGradient()
grad._colorSpace = 'DeviceGray'
for stop in @stops
grad.stop stop[0], [stop[2]]
grad = grad.embed(@matrix)
pageBBox = [0, 0, @doc.page.width, @doc.page.height]
form = @doc.ref
Type: 'XObject'
Subtype: 'Form'
FormType: 1
BBox: pageBBox
Type: 'Group'
S: 'Transparency'
CS: 'DeviceGray'
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI']
Sh1: grad
form.write "/Pattern cs /Sh1 scn"
form.end "#{pageBBox.join(" ")} re f"
gstate = @doc.ref
Type: 'ExtGState'
Type: 'Mask'
S: 'Luminosity'
G: form
opacityPattern = @doc.ref
Type: 'Pattern'
PatternType: 1
PaintType: 1
TilingType: 2
BBox: pageBBox
XStep: pageBBox[2]
YStep: pageBBox[3]
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI']
Sh1: pattern
Gs1: gstate
opacityPattern.write "/Gs1 gs /Pattern cs /Sh1 scn"
opacityPattern.end "#{pageBBox.join(" ")} re f"
@doc.page.patterns[@id] = opacityPattern
@doc.page.patterns[@id] = pattern
return pattern
apply: (op) ->
# apply gradient transform to existing document ctm
[m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = @doc._ctm.slice()
[m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy] = @transform
m = [m0 * m11 + m2 * m12,
m1 * m11 + m3 * m12,
m0 * m21 + m2 * m22,
m1 * m21 + m3 * m22,
m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4,
m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5]
@embed(m) unless @embedded and m.join(" ") is @matrix.join(" ")
@doc.addContent "/#{@id} #{op}"
class PDFLinearGradient extends PDFGradient
constructor: (@doc, @x1, @y1, @x2, @y2) ->
shader: (fn) ->
ShadingType: 2
ColorSpace: @_colorSpace
Coords: [@x1, @y1, @x2, @y2]
Function: fn
Extend: [true, true]
opacityGradient: ->
return new PDFLinearGradient(@doc, @x1, @y1, @x2, @y2)
class PDFRadialGradient extends PDFGradient
constructor: (@doc, @x1, @y1, @r1, @x2, @y2, @r2) ->
shader: (fn) ->
ShadingType: 3
ColorSpace: @_colorSpace
Coords: [@x1, @y1, @r1, @x2, @y2, @r2]
Function: fn
Extend: [true, true]
opacityGradient: ->
return new PDFRadialGradient(@doc, @x1, @y1, @r1, @x2, @y2, @r2)
module.exports = {PDFGradient, PDFLinearGradient, PDFRadialGradient}

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var PDFGradient, PDFLinearGradient, PDFRadialGradient,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
PDFGradient = (function() {
function PDFGradient(doc) {
this.doc = doc;
this.stops = [];
this.embedded = false;
this.transform = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
this._colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB';
PDFGradient.prototype.stop = function(pos, color, opacity) {
if (opacity == null) {
opacity = 1;
opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity));
this.stops.push([pos, this.doc._normalizeColor(color), opacity]);
return this;
PDFGradient.prototype.setTransform = function(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) {
this.transform = [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy];
return this;
PDFGradient.prototype.embed = function(m) {
var bounds, encode, fn, form, grad, gstate, i, j, k, last, len, opacityPattern, pageBBox, pattern, ref, ref1, shader, stop, stops, v;
if (this.stops.length === 0) {
this.embedded = true;
this.matrix = m;
last = this.stops[this.stops.length - 1];
if (last[0] < 1) {
this.stops.push([1, last[1], last[2]]);
bounds = [];
encode = [];
stops = [];
for (i = j = 0, ref = this.stops.length - 1; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
encode.push(0, 1);
if (i + 2 !== this.stops.length) {
bounds.push(this.stops[i + 1][0]);
fn = this.doc.ref({
FunctionType: 2,
Domain: [0, 1],
C0: this.stops[i + 0][1],
C1: this.stops[i + 1][1],
N: 1
if (stops.length === 1) {
fn = stops[0];
} else {
fn = this.doc.ref({
FunctionType: 3,
Domain: [0, 1],
Functions: stops,
Bounds: bounds,
Encode: encode
this.id = 'Sh' + (++this.doc._gradCount);
shader = this.shader(fn);
pattern = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'Pattern',
PatternType: 2,
Shading: shader,
Matrix: (function() {
var k, len, ref1, results;
ref1 = this.matrix;
results = [];
for (k = 0, len = ref1.length; k < len; k++) {
v = ref1[k];
return results;
if (this.stops.some(function(stop) {
return stop[2] < 1;
})) {
grad = this.opacityGradient();
grad._colorSpace = 'DeviceGray';
ref1 = this.stops;
for (k = 0, len = ref1.length; k < len; k++) {
stop = ref1[k];
grad.stop(stop[0], [stop[2]]);
grad = grad.embed(this.matrix);
pageBBox = [0, 0, this.doc.page.width, this.doc.page.height];
form = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'XObject',
Subtype: 'Form',
FormType: 1,
BBox: pageBBox,
Group: {
Type: 'Group',
S: 'Transparency',
CS: 'DeviceGray'
Resources: {
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI'],
Pattern: {
Sh1: grad
form.write("/Pattern cs /Sh1 scn");
form.end((pageBBox.join(" ")) + " re f");
gstate = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'ExtGState',
SMask: {
Type: 'Mask',
S: 'Luminosity',
G: form
opacityPattern = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'Pattern',
PatternType: 1,
PaintType: 1,
TilingType: 2,
BBox: pageBBox,
XStep: pageBBox[2],
YStep: pageBBox[3],
Resources: {
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI'],
Pattern: {
Sh1: pattern
ExtGState: {
Gs1: gstate
opacityPattern.write("/Gs1 gs /Pattern cs /Sh1 scn");
opacityPattern.end((pageBBox.join(" ")) + " re f");
this.doc.page.patterns[this.id] = opacityPattern;
} else {
this.doc.page.patterns[this.id] = pattern;
return pattern;
PDFGradient.prototype.apply = function(op) {
var dx, dy, m, m0, m1, m11, m12, m2, m21, m22, m3, m4, m5, ref, ref1;
ref = this.doc._ctm.slice(), m0 = ref[0], m1 = ref[1], m2 = ref[2], m3 = ref[3], m4 = ref[4], m5 = ref[5];
ref1 = this.transform, m11 = ref1[0], m12 = ref1[1], m21 = ref1[2], m22 = ref1[3], dx = ref1[4], dy = ref1[5];
m = [m0 * m11 + m2 * m12, m1 * m11 + m3 * m12, m0 * m21 + m2 * m22, m1 * m21 + m3 * m22, m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4, m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5];
if (!(this.embedded && m.join(" ") === this.matrix.join(" "))) {
return this.doc.addContent("/" + this.id + " " + op);
return PDFGradient;
PDFLinearGradient = (function(superClass) {
extend(PDFLinearGradient, superClass);
function PDFLinearGradient(doc, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.doc = doc;
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
PDFLinearGradient.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
PDFLinearGradient.prototype.shader = function(fn) {
return this.doc.ref({
ShadingType: 2,
ColorSpace: this._colorSpace,
Coords: [this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2],
Function: fn,
Extend: [true, true]
PDFLinearGradient.prototype.opacityGradient = function() {
return new PDFLinearGradient(this.doc, this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2);
return PDFLinearGradient;
PDFRadialGradient = (function(superClass) {
extend(PDFRadialGradient, superClass);
function PDFRadialGradient(doc, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
this.doc = doc;
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.r1 = r1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.r2 = r2;
PDFRadialGradient.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
PDFRadialGradient.prototype.shader = function(fn) {
return this.doc.ref({
ShadingType: 3,
ColorSpace: this._colorSpace,
Coords: [this.x1, this.y1, this.r1, this.x2, this.y2, this.r2],
Function: fn,
Extend: [true, true]
PDFRadialGradient.prototype.opacityGradient = function() {
return new PDFRadialGradient(this.doc, this.x1, this.y1, this.r1, this.x2, this.y2, this.r2);
return PDFRadialGradient;
module.exports = {
PDFGradient: PDFGradient,
PDFLinearGradient: PDFLinearGradient,
PDFRadialGradient: PDFRadialGradient

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
PDFImage - embeds images in PDF documents
By Devon Govett
fs = require 'fs'
Data = require './data'
JPEG = require './image/jpeg'
PNG = require './image/png'
class PDFImage
@open: (src, label) ->
if Buffer.isBuffer(src)
data = src
else if src instanceof ArrayBuffer
data = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src))
if match = /^data:.+;base64,(.*)$/.exec(src)
data = new Buffer(match[1], 'base64')
data = fs.readFileSync src
return unless data
if data[0] is 0xff and data[1] is 0xd8
return new JPEG(data, label)
else if data[0] is 0x89 and data.toString('ascii', 1, 4) is 'PNG'
return new PNG(data, label)
throw new Error 'Unknown image format.'
module.exports = PDFImage

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
PDFImage - embeds images in PDF documents
By Devon Govett
(function() {
var Data, JPEG, PDFImage, PNG, fs;
fs = require('fs');
Data = require('./data');
JPEG = require('./image/jpeg');
PNG = require('./image/png');
PDFImage = (function() {
function PDFImage() {}
PDFImage.open = function(src, label) {
var data, match;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(src)) {
data = src;
} else if (src instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
data = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src));
} else {
if (match = /^data:.+;base64,(.*)$/.exec(src)) {
data = new Buffer(match[1], 'base64');
} else {
data = fs.readFileSync(src);
if (!data) {
if (data[0] === 0xff && data[1] === 0xd8) {
return new JPEG(data, label);
} else if (data[0] === 0x89 && data.toString('ascii', 1, 4) === 'PNG') {
return new PNG(data, label);
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown image format.');
return PDFImage;
module.exports = PDFImage;

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
fs = require 'fs'
class JPEG
MARKERS = [0xFFC0, 0xFFC1, 0xFFC2, 0xFFC3, 0xFFC5, 0xFFC6, 0xFFC7,
0xFFC8, 0xFFC9, 0xFFCA, 0xFFCB, 0xFFCC, 0xFFCD, 0xFFCE, 0xFFCF]
constructor: (@data, @label) ->
if @data.readUInt16BE(0) isnt 0xFFD8
throw "SOI not found in JPEG"
pos = 2
while pos < @data.length
marker = @data.readUInt16BE(pos)
pos += 2
break if marker in MARKERS
pos += @data.readUInt16BE(pos)
throw "Invalid JPEG." unless marker in MARKERS
pos += 2
@bits = @data[pos++]
@height = @data.readUInt16BE(pos)
pos += 2
@width = @data.readUInt16BE(pos)
pos += 2
channels = @data[pos++]
@colorSpace = switch channels
when 1 then 'DeviceGray'
when 3 then 'DeviceRGB'
when 4 then 'DeviceCMYK'
@obj = null
embed: (document) ->
return if @obj
@obj = document.ref
Type: 'XObject'
Subtype: 'Image'
BitsPerComponent: @bits
Width: @width
Height: @height
ColorSpace: @colorSpace
Filter: 'DCTDecode'
# add extra decode params for CMYK images. By swapping the
# min and max values from the default, we invert the colors. See
# section 4.8.4 of the spec.
if @colorSpace is 'DeviceCMYK'
@obj.data['Decode'] = [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
@obj.end @data
# free memory
@data = null
module.exports = JPEG

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
zlib = require 'zlib'
PNG = require 'png-js'
class PNGImage
constructor: (data, @label) ->
#console.log("raw data")
#console.log(data.slice(0, 20))
@image = new PNG(data)
@width = @image.width
@height = @image.height
@imgData = @image.imgData
#console.log("result from png-js")
#console.log(@imgData.slice(0, 20))
@obj = null
embed: (@document) ->
return if @obj
@obj = @document.ref
Type: 'XObject'
Subtype: 'Image'
BitsPerComponent: @image.bits
Width: @width
Height: @height
Filter: 'FlateDecode'
unless @image.hasAlphaChannel
params = @document.ref
Predictor: 15
Colors: @image.colors
BitsPerComponent: @image.bits
Columns: @width
@obj.data['DecodeParms'] = params
if @image.palette.length is 0
@obj.data['ColorSpace'] = @image.colorSpace
# embed the color palette in the PDF as an object stream
palette = @document.ref()
palette.end new Buffer @image.palette
# build the color space array for the image
@obj.data['ColorSpace'] = ['Indexed', 'DeviceRGB', (@image.palette.length / 3) - 1, palette]
# For PNG color types 0, 2 and 3, the transparency data is stored in
# a dedicated PNG chunk.
if @image.transparency.grayscale
# Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
# An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color components.
val = @image.transparency.greyscale
@obj.data['Mask'] = [val, val]
else if @image.transparency.rgb
# Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
# An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color components.
rgb = @image.transparency.rgb
mask = []
for x in rgb
mask.push x, x
@obj.data['Mask'] = mask
else if @image.transparency.indexed
# Create a transparency SMask for the image based on the data
# in the PLTE and tRNS sections. See below for details on SMasks.
else if @image.hasAlphaChannel
#console.log("got alphachannel " + @image.colorType + " in png.coffee")
# For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
# channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an
# SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.
finalize: ->
if @alphaChannel
sMask = @document.ref
Type: 'XObject'
Subtype: 'Image'
Height: @height
Width: @width
BitsPerComponent: 8
Filter: 'FlateDecode'
ColorSpace: 'DeviceGray'
Decode: [0, 1]
sMask.end @alphaChannel
@obj.data['SMask'] = sMask
# add the actual image data
@obj.end @imgData
# free memory
@image = null
@imgData = null
hitme = 0
splitAlphaChannel: ->
#console.log("start splitAlphaChannel in png.coffee")
@image.decodePixels (pixels) =>
#console.log("hitme=" + hitme++)
#console.log("in png.coffee")
#console.log("decoded pixels length=" + pixels.length);
#console.log("decoded pixels=");
colorByteSize = @image.colors * @image.bits / 8
pixelCount = @width * @height
imgData = new Buffer(pixelCount * colorByteSize)
alphaChannel = new Buffer(pixelCount)
i = p = a = 0
len = pixels.length
while i < len
imgData[p++] = pixels[i++]
imgData[p++] = pixels[i++]
imgData[p++] = pixels[i++]
alphaChannel[a++] = pixels[i++]
#console.log("uncompressed imgData length=" + imgData.length)
#console.log("uncompressed imgData=")
#console.log("uncompressed alphaChannel length=" + alphaChannel.length)
#console.log("uncompressed alphaChannel=")
# boomstick temp
#@imgData = imgData
#@alphaChannel = alphaChannel
# end boomstick temp
done = 0
zlib.deflate imgData, (err, @imgData) =>
throw err if err
#console.log("compressed @imgData length=" + @imgData.length)
#console.log("compressed @imgData=")
@finalize() if ++done is 2
zlib.deflate alphaChannel, (err, @alphaChannel) =>
throw err if err
#console.log("compressed @alphaChannel length=" + @alphaChannel.length)
##console.log("compressed @alphaChannel=")
@finalize() if ++done is 2
loadIndexedAlphaChannel: (fn) ->
transparency = @image.transparency.indexed
#console.log("oh hello")
@image.decodePixels (pixels) =>
alphaChannel = new Buffer(@width * @height)
i = 0
for j in [0...pixels.length] by 1
alphaChannel[i++] = transparency[pixels[j]]
zlib.deflate alphaChannel, (err, @alphaChannel) =>
throw err if err
module.exports = PNGImage

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
LineBreaker = require 'linebreak'
class LineWrapper extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@document, options) ->
@indent = options.indent or 0
@characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing or 0
@wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing is 0
@columns = options.columns or 1
@columnGap = options.columnGap ? 18 # 1/4 inch
@lineWidth = (options.width - (@columnGap * (@columns - 1))) / @columns
@spaceLeft = @lineWidth
@startX = @document.x
@startY = @document.y
@column = 1
@ellipsis = options.ellipsis
@continuedX = 0
@features = options.features
# calculate the maximum Y position the text can appear at
if options.height?
@height = options.height
@maxY = @startY + options.height
@maxY = @document.page.maxY()
# handle paragraph indents
@on 'firstLine', (options) =>
# if this is the first line of the text segment, and
# we're continuing where we left off, indent that much
# otherwise use the user specified indent option
indent = @continuedX or @indent
@document.x += indent
@lineWidth -= indent
@once 'line', =>
@document.x -= indent
@lineWidth += indent
if options.continued and not @continuedX
@continuedX = @indent
@continuedX = 0 unless options.continued
# handle left aligning last lines of paragraphs
@on 'lastLine', (options) =>
align = options.align
options.align = 'left' if align is 'justify'
@lastLine = true
@once 'line', =>
@document.y += options.paragraphGap or 0
options.align = align
@lastLine = false
wordWidth: (word) ->
return @document.widthOfString(word, this) + @characterSpacing + @wordSpacing
eachWord: (text, fn) ->
# setup a unicode line breaker
breaker = new LineBreaker(text)
last = null
wordWidths = Object.create(null)
while bk = breaker.nextBreak()
word = text.slice(last?.position or 0, bk.position)
w = wordWidths[word] ?= @wordWidth word
# if the word is longer than the whole line, chop it up
# TODO: break by grapheme clusters, not JS string characters
if w > @lineWidth + @continuedX
# make some fake break objects
lbk = last
fbk = {}
while word.length
# fit as much of the word as possible into the space we have
l = word.length
while w > @spaceLeft
w = @wordWidth word.slice(0, --l)
# send a required break unless this is the last piece
fbk.required = l < word.length
shouldContinue = fn word.slice(0, l), w, fbk, lbk
lbk = required: false
# get the remaining piece of the word
word = word.slice(l)
w = @wordWidth word
break if shouldContinue is no
# otherwise just emit the break as it was given to us
shouldContinue = fn word, w, bk, last
break if shouldContinue is no
last = bk
wrap: (text, options) ->
# override options from previous continued fragments
@indent = options.indent if options.indent?
@characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing if options.characterSpacing?
@wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing if options.wordSpacing?
@ellipsis = options.ellipsis if options.ellipsis?
# make sure we're actually on the page
# and that the first line of is never by
# itself at the bottom of a page (orphans)
nextY = @document.y + @document.currentLineHeight(true)
if @document.y > @maxY or nextY > @maxY
buffer = ''
textWidth = 0
wc = 0
lc = 0
y = @document.y # used to reset Y pos if options.continued (below)
emitLine = =>
options.textWidth = textWidth + @wordSpacing * (wc - 1)
options.wordCount = wc
options.lineWidth = @lineWidth
y = @document.y
@emit 'line', buffer, options, this
@emit 'sectionStart', options, this
@eachWord text, (word, w, bk, last) =>
if not last? or last.required
@emit 'firstLine', options, this
@spaceLeft = @lineWidth
if w <= @spaceLeft
buffer += word
textWidth += w
if bk.required or w > @spaceLeft
if bk.required
@emit 'lastLine', options, this
# if the user specified a max height and an ellipsis, and is about to pass the
# max height and max columns after the next line, append the ellipsis
lh = @document.currentLineHeight(true)
if @height? and @ellipsis and @document.y + lh * 2 > @maxY and @column >= @columns
@ellipsis = '' if @ellipsis is true # map default ellipsis character
buffer = buffer.replace(/\s+$/, '')
textWidth = @wordWidth buffer + @ellipsis
# remove characters from the buffer until the ellipsis fits
while textWidth > @lineWidth
buffer = buffer.slice(0, -1).replace(/\s+$/, '')
textWidth = @wordWidth buffer + @ellipsis
buffer = buffer + @ellipsis
if bk.required and w > @spaceLeft
buffer = word
textWidth = w
wc = 1
# if we've reached the edge of the page,
# continue on a new page or column
if @document.y + lh > @maxY
shouldContinue = @nextSection()
# stop if we reached the maximum height
unless shouldContinue
wc = 0
buffer = ''
return no
# reset the space left and buffer
if bk.required
@spaceLeft = @lineWidth
buffer = ''
textWidth = 0
wc = 0
# reset the space left and buffer
@spaceLeft = @lineWidth - w
buffer = word
textWidth = w
wc = 1
@spaceLeft -= w
if wc > 0
@emit 'lastLine', options, this
@emit 'sectionEnd', options, this
# if the wrap is set to be continued, save the X position
# to start the first line of the next segment at, and reset
# the y position
if options.continued is yes
@continuedX = 0 if lc > 1
@continuedX += options.textWidth
@document.y = y
@document.x = @startX
nextSection: (options) ->
@emit 'sectionEnd', options, this
if ++@column > @columns
# if a max height was specified by the user, we're done.
# otherwise, the default is to make a new page at the bottom.
return false if @height?
@column = 1
@startY = @document.page.margins.top
@maxY = @document.page.maxY()
@document.x = @startX
@document.fillColor @document._fillColor... if @document._fillColor
@emit 'pageBreak', options, this
@document.x += @lineWidth + @columnGap
@document.y = @startY
@emit 'columnBreak', options, this
@emit 'sectionStart', options, this
return true
module.exports = LineWrapper

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var EventEmitter, LineBreaker, LineWrapper,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
LineBreaker = require('linebreak');
LineWrapper = (function(superClass) {
extend(LineWrapper, superClass);
function LineWrapper(document, options) {
var ref;
this.document = document;
this.indent = options.indent || 0;
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing || 0;
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing === 0;
this.columns = options.columns || 1;
this.columnGap = (ref = options.columnGap) != null ? ref : 18;
this.lineWidth = (options.width - (this.columnGap * (this.columns - 1))) / this.columns;
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth;
this.startX = this.document.x;
this.startY = this.document.y;
this.column = 1;
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
this.continuedX = 0;
this.features = options.features;
if (options.height != null) {
this.height = options.height;
this.maxY = this.startY + options.height;
} else {
this.maxY = this.document.page.maxY();
this.on('firstLine', (function(_this) {
return function(options) {
var indent;
indent = _this.continuedX || _this.indent;
_this.document.x += indent;
_this.lineWidth -= indent;
return _this.once('line', function() {
_this.document.x -= indent;
_this.lineWidth += indent;
if (options.continued && !_this.continuedX) {
_this.continuedX = _this.indent;
if (!options.continued) {
return _this.continuedX = 0;
this.on('lastLine', (function(_this) {
return function(options) {
var align;
align = options.align;
if (align === 'justify') {
options.align = 'left';
_this.lastLine = true;
return _this.once('line', function() {
_this.document.y += options.paragraphGap || 0;
options.align = align;
return _this.lastLine = false;
LineWrapper.prototype.wordWidth = function(word) {
return this.document.widthOfString(word, this) + this.characterSpacing + this.wordSpacing;
LineWrapper.prototype.eachWord = function(text, fn) {
var bk, breaker, fbk, l, last, lbk, shouldContinue, w, word, wordWidths;
breaker = new LineBreaker(text);
last = null;
wordWidths = Object.create(null);
while (bk = breaker.nextBreak()) {
word = text.slice((last != null ? last.position : void 0) || 0, bk.position);
w = wordWidths[word] != null ? wordWidths[word] : wordWidths[word] = this.wordWidth(word);
if (w > this.lineWidth + this.continuedX) {
lbk = last;
fbk = {};
while (word.length) {
l = word.length;
while (w > this.spaceLeft) {
w = this.wordWidth(word.slice(0, --l));
fbk.required = l < word.length;
shouldContinue = fn(word.slice(0, l), w, fbk, lbk);
lbk = {
required: false
word = word.slice(l);
w = this.wordWidth(word);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
} else {
shouldContinue = fn(word, w, bk, last);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
last = bk;
LineWrapper.prototype.wrap = function(text, options) {
var buffer, emitLine, lc, nextY, textWidth, wc, y;
if (options.indent != null) {
this.indent = options.indent;
if (options.characterSpacing != null) {
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing;
if (options.wordSpacing != null) {
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing;
if (options.ellipsis != null) {
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
nextY = this.document.y + this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if (this.document.y > this.maxY || nextY > this.maxY) {
buffer = '';
textWidth = 0;
wc = 0;
lc = 0;
y = this.document.y;
emitLine = (function(_this) {
return function() {
options.textWidth = textWidth + _this.wordSpacing * (wc - 1);
options.wordCount = wc;
options.lineWidth = _this.lineWidth;
y = _this.document.y;
_this.emit('line', buffer, options, _this);
return lc++;
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
this.eachWord(text, (function(_this) {
return function(word, w, bk, last) {
var lh, shouldContinue;
if ((last == null) || last.required) {
_this.emit('firstLine', options, _this);
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth;
if (w <= _this.spaceLeft) {
buffer += word;
textWidth += w;
if (bk.required || w > _this.spaceLeft) {
if (bk.required) {
_this.emit('lastLine', options, _this);
lh = _this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if ((_this.height != null) && _this.ellipsis && _this.document.y + lh * 2 > _this.maxY && _this.column >= _this.columns) {
if (_this.ellipsis === true) {
_this.ellipsis = '…';
buffer = buffer.replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = _this.wordWidth(buffer + _this.ellipsis);
while (textWidth > _this.lineWidth) {
buffer = buffer.slice(0, -1).replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = _this.wordWidth(buffer + _this.ellipsis);
buffer = buffer + _this.ellipsis;
if (bk.required && w > _this.spaceLeft) {
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
wc = 1;
if (_this.document.y + lh > _this.maxY) {
shouldContinue = _this.nextSection();
if (!shouldContinue) {
wc = 0;
buffer = '';
return false;
if (bk.required) {
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth;
buffer = '';
textWidth = 0;
return wc = 0;
} else {
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth - w;
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
return wc = 1;
} else {
return _this.spaceLeft -= w;
if (wc > 0) {
this.emit('lastLine', options, this);
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this);
if (options.continued === true) {
if (lc > 1) {
this.continuedX = 0;
this.continuedX += options.textWidth;
return this.document.y = y;
} else {
return this.document.x = this.startX;
LineWrapper.prototype.nextSection = function(options) {
var ref;
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this);
if (++this.column > this.columns) {
if (this.height != null) {
return false;
this.column = 1;
this.startY = this.document.page.margins.top;
this.maxY = this.document.page.maxY();
this.document.x = this.startX;
if (this.document._fillColor) {
(ref = this.document).fillColor.apply(ref, this.document._fillColor);
this.emit('pageBreak', options, this);
} else {
this.document.x += this.lineWidth + this.columnGap;
this.document.y = this.startY;
this.emit('columnBreak', options, this);
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
return true;
return LineWrapper;
module.exports = LineWrapper;

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
module.exports =
annotate: (x, y, w, h, options) ->
options.Type = 'Annot'
options.Rect = @_convertRect x, y, w, h
options.Border = [0, 0, 0]
options.C ?= @_normalizeColor(options.color or [0, 0, 0]) unless options.Subtype is 'Link' # convert colors
delete options.color
if typeof options.Dest is 'string'
options.Dest = new String options.Dest
# Capitalize keys
for key, val of options
options[key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)] = val
ref = @ref options
@page.annotations.push ref
return this
note: (x, y, w, h, contents, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Text'
options.Contents = new String contents
options.Name = 'Comment'
options.color ?= [243, 223, 92]
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
link: (x, y, w, h, url, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Link'
options.A = @ref
S: 'URI'
URI: new String url
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
_markup: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = @_convertRect x, y, w, h
options.QuadPoints = [x1, y2, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, y1]
options.Contents = new String
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
highlight: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Highlight'
options.color ?= [241, 238, 148]
@_markup x, y, w, h, options
underline: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Underline'
@_markup x, y, w, h, options
strike: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'StrikeOut'
@_markup x, y, w, h, options
lineAnnotation: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Line'
options.Contents = new String
options.L = [x1, @page.height - y1, x2, @page.height - y2]
@annotate x1, y1, x2, y2, options
rectAnnotation: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Square'
options.Contents = new String
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
ellipseAnnotation: (x, y, w, h, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'Circle'
options.Contents = new String
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
textAnnotation: (x, y, w, h, text, options = {}) ->
options.Subtype = 'FreeText'
options.Contents = new String text
options.DA = new String
@annotate x, y, w, h, options
_convertRect: (x1, y1, w, h) ->
# flip y1 and y2
y2 = y1
y1 += h
# make x2
x2 = x1 + w
# apply current transformation matrix to points
[m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = @_ctm
x1 = m0 * x1 + m2 * y1 + m4
y1 = m1 * x1 + m3 * y1 + m5
x2 = m0 * x2 + m2 * y2 + m4
y2 = m1 * x2 + m3 * y2 + m5
return [x1, y1, x2, y2]

@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
{PDFGradient, PDFLinearGradient, PDFRadialGradient} = require '../gradient'
module.exports =
initColor: ->
# The opacity dictionaries
@_opacityRegistry = {}
@_opacityCount = 0
@_gradCount = 0
_normalizeColor: (color) ->
if color instanceof PDFGradient
return color
if typeof color is 'string'
if color.charAt(0) is '#'
color = color.replace(/#([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])/i, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3") if color.length is 4
hex = parseInt(color.slice(1), 16)
color = [hex >> 16, hex >> 8 & 0xff, hex & 0xff]
else if namedColors[color]
color = namedColors[color]
if Array.isArray color
if color.length is 3
color = (part / 255 for part in color)
else if color.length is 4
color = (part / 100 for part in color)
return color
return null
_setColor: (color, stroke) ->
color = @_normalizeColor color
return no unless color
op = if stroke then 'SCN' else 'scn'
if color instanceof PDFGradient
@_setColorSpace 'Pattern', stroke
space = if color.length is 4 then 'DeviceCMYK' else 'DeviceRGB'
@_setColorSpace space, stroke
color = color.join ' '
@addContent "#{color} #{op}"
return yes
_setColorSpace: (space, stroke) ->
op = if stroke then 'CS' else 'cs'
@addContent "/#{space} #{op}"
fillColor: (color, opacity = 1) ->
set = @_setColor color, no
@fillOpacity opacity if set
# save this for text wrapper, which needs to reset
# the fill color on new pages
@_fillColor = [color, opacity]
return this
strokeColor: (color, opacity = 1) ->
set = @_setColor color, yes
@strokeOpacity opacity if set
return this
opacity: (opacity) ->
@_doOpacity opacity, opacity
return this
fillOpacity: (opacity) ->
@_doOpacity opacity, null
return this
strokeOpacity: (opacity) ->
@_doOpacity null, opacity
return this
_doOpacity: (fillOpacity, strokeOpacity) ->
return unless fillOpacity? or strokeOpacity?
fillOpacity = Math.max 0, Math.min 1, fillOpacity if fillOpacity?
strokeOpacity = Math.max 0, Math.min 1, strokeOpacity if strokeOpacity?
key = "#{fillOpacity}_#{strokeOpacity}"
if @_opacityRegistry[key]
[dictionary, name] = @_opacityRegistry[key]
dictionary =
Type: 'ExtGState'
dictionary.ca = fillOpacity if fillOpacity?
dictionary.CA = strokeOpacity if strokeOpacity?
dictionary = @ref dictionary
id = ++@_opacityCount
name = "Gs#{id}"
@_opacityRegistry[key] = [dictionary, name]
@page.ext_gstates[name] = dictionary
@addContent "/#{name} gs"
linearGradient: (x1, y1, x2, y2) ->
return new PDFLinearGradient(this, x1, y1, x2, y2)
radialGradient: (x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) ->
return new PDFRadialGradient(this, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2)
namedColors =
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255]
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215]
aqua: [0, 255, 255]
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212]
azure: [240, 255, 255]
beige: [245, 245, 220]
bisque: [255, 228, 196]
black: [0, 0, 0]
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205]
blue: [0, 0, 255]
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226]
brown: [165, 42, 42]
burlywood: [222, 184, 135]
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160]
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0]
chocolate: [210, 105, 30]
coral: [255, 127, 80]
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237]
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220]
crimson: [220, 20, 60]
cyan: [0, 255, 255]
darkblue: [0, 0, 139]
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139]
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11]
darkgray: [169, 169, 169]
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0]
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169]
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107]
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139]
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47]
darkorange: [255, 140, 0]
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204]
darkred: [139, 0, 0]
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122]
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143]
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139]
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79]
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79]
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209]
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211]
deeppink: [255, 20, 147]
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255]
dimgray: [105, 105, 105]
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105]
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255]
firebrick: [178, 34, 34]
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240]
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34]
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255]
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220]
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255]
gold: [255, 215, 0]
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32]
gray: [128, 128, 128]
grey: [128, 128, 128]
green: [0, 128, 0]
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47]
honeydew: [240, 255, 240]
hotpink: [255, 105, 180]
indianred: [205, 92, 92]
indigo: [75, 0, 130]
ivory: [255, 255, 240]
khaki: [240, 230, 140]
lavender: [230, 230, 250]
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245]
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0]
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205]
lightblue: [173, 216, 230]
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128]
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255]
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210]
lightgray: [211, 211, 211]
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144]
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211]
lightpink: [255, 182, 193]
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122]
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170]
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250]
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153]
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153]
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222]
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224]
lime: [0, 255, 0]
limegreen: [50, 205, 50]
linen: [250, 240, 230]
magenta: [255, 0, 255]
maroon: [128, 0, 0]
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170]
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205]
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211]
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219]
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113]
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238]
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154]
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204]
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133]
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112]
mintcream: [245, 255, 250]
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225]
moccasin: [255, 228, 181]
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173]
navy: [0, 0, 128]
oldlace: [253, 245, 230]
olive: [128, 128, 0]
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35]
orange: [255, 165, 0]
orangered: [255, 69, 0]
orchid: [218, 112, 214]
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170]
palegreen: [152, 251, 152]
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238]
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147]
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213]
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185]
peru: [205, 133, 63]
pink: [255, 192, 203]
plum: [221, 160, 221]
powderblue: [176, 224, 230]
purple: [128, 0, 128]
red: [255, 0, 0]
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143]
royalblue: [65, 105, 225]
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19]
salmon: [250, 128, 114]
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96]
seagreen: [46, 139, 87]
seashell: [255, 245, 238]
sienna: [160, 82, 45]
silver: [192, 192, 192]
skyblue: [135, 206, 235]
slateblue: [106, 90, 205]
slategray: [112, 128, 144]
slategrey: [112, 128, 144]
snow: [255, 250, 250]
springgreen: [0, 255, 127]
steelblue: [70, 130, 180]
tan: [210, 180, 140]
teal: [0, 128, 128]
thistle: [216, 191, 216]
tomato: [255, 99, 71]
turquoise: [64, 224, 208]
violet: [238, 130, 238]
wheat: [245, 222, 179]
white: [255, 255, 255]
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245]
yellow: [255, 255, 0]
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]

@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var PDFGradient, PDFLinearGradient, PDFRadialGradient, namedColors, ref;
ref = require('../gradient'), PDFGradient = ref.PDFGradient, PDFLinearGradient = ref.PDFLinearGradient, PDFRadialGradient = ref.PDFRadialGradient;
module.exports = {
initColor: function() {
this._opacityRegistry = {};
this._opacityCount = 0;
return this._gradCount = 0;
_normalizeColor: function(color) {
var hex, part;
if (color instanceof PDFGradient) {
return color;
if (typeof color === 'string') {
if (color.charAt(0) === '#') {
if (color.length === 4) {
color = color.replace(/#([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])/i, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3");
hex = parseInt(color.slice(1), 16);
color = [hex >> 16, hex >> 8 & 0xff, hex & 0xff];
} else if (namedColors[color]) {
color = namedColors[color];
if (Array.isArray(color)) {
if (color.length === 3) {
color = (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = color.length; i < len; i++) {
part = color[i];
results.push(part / 255);
return results;
} else if (color.length === 4) {
color = (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = color.length; i < len; i++) {
part = color[i];
results.push(part / 100);
return results;
return color;
return null;
_setColor: function(color, stroke) {
var op, space;
color = this._normalizeColor(color);
if (!color) {
return false;
op = stroke ? 'SCN' : 'scn';
if (color instanceof PDFGradient) {
this._setColorSpace('Pattern', stroke);
} else {
space = color.length === 4 ? 'DeviceCMYK' : 'DeviceRGB';
this._setColorSpace(space, stroke);
color = color.join(' ');
this.addContent(color + " " + op);
return true;
_setColorSpace: function(space, stroke) {
var op;
op = stroke ? 'CS' : 'cs';
return this.addContent("/" + space + " " + op);
fillColor: function(color, opacity) {
var set;
if (opacity == null) {
opacity = 1;
set = this._setColor(color, false);
if (set) {
this._fillColor = [color, opacity];
return this;
strokeColor: function(color, opacity) {
var set;
if (opacity == null) {
opacity = 1;
set = this._setColor(color, true);
if (set) {
return this;
opacity: function(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(opacity, opacity);
return this;
fillOpacity: function(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(opacity, null);
return this;
strokeOpacity: function(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(null, opacity);
return this;
_doOpacity: function(fillOpacity, strokeOpacity) {
var dictionary, id, key, name, ref1;
if (!((fillOpacity != null) || (strokeOpacity != null))) {
if (fillOpacity != null) {
fillOpacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, fillOpacity));
if (strokeOpacity != null) {
strokeOpacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, strokeOpacity));
key = fillOpacity + "_" + strokeOpacity;
if (this._opacityRegistry[key]) {
ref1 = this._opacityRegistry[key], dictionary = ref1[0], name = ref1[1];
} else {
dictionary = {
Type: 'ExtGState'
if (fillOpacity != null) {
dictionary.ca = fillOpacity;
if (strokeOpacity != null) {
dictionary.CA = strokeOpacity;
dictionary = this.ref(dictionary);
id = ++this._opacityCount;
name = "Gs" + id;
this._opacityRegistry[key] = [dictionary, name];
this.page.ext_gstates[name] = dictionary;
return this.addContent("/" + name + " gs");
linearGradient: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return new PDFLinearGradient(this, x1, y1, x2, y2);
radialGradient: function(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
return new PDFRadialGradient(this, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2);
namedColors = {
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255],
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215],
aqua: [0, 255, 255],
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212],
azure: [240, 255, 255],
beige: [245, 245, 220],
bisque: [255, 228, 196],
black: [0, 0, 0],
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205],
blue: [0, 0, 255],
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226],
brown: [165, 42, 42],
burlywood: [222, 184, 135],
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160],
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0],
chocolate: [210, 105, 30],
coral: [255, 127, 80],
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237],
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220],
crimson: [220, 20, 60],
cyan: [0, 255, 255],
darkblue: [0, 0, 139],
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139],
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11],
darkgray: [169, 169, 169],
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0],
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107],
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139],
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
darkorange: [255, 140, 0],
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204],
darkred: [139, 0, 0],
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143],
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139],
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79],
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79],
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209],
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211],
deeppink: [255, 20, 147],
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255],
dimgray: [105, 105, 105],
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105],
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255],
firebrick: [178, 34, 34],
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240],
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34],
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255],
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220],
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255],
gold: [255, 215, 0],
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32],
gray: [128, 128, 128],
grey: [128, 128, 128],
green: [0, 128, 0],
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47],
honeydew: [240, 255, 240],
hotpink: [255, 105, 180],
indianred: [205, 92, 92],
indigo: [75, 0, 130],
ivory: [255, 255, 240],
khaki: [240, 230, 140],
lavender: [230, 230, 250],
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245],
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0],
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205],
lightblue: [173, 216, 230],
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128],
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210],
lightgray: [211, 211, 211],
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211],
lightpink: [255, 182, 193],
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122],
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170],
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250],
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153],
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153],
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222],
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224],
lime: [0, 255, 0],
limegreen: [50, 205, 50],
linen: [250, 240, 230],
magenta: [255, 0, 255],
maroon: [128, 0, 0],
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170],
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205],
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211],
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219],
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113],
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238],
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154],
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204],
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133],
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112],
mintcream: [245, 255, 250],
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225],
moccasin: [255, 228, 181],
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173],
navy: [0, 0, 128],
oldlace: [253, 245, 230],
olive: [128, 128, 0],
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35],
orange: [255, 165, 0],
orangered: [255, 69, 0],
orchid: [218, 112, 214],
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170],
palegreen: [152, 251, 152],
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238],
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147],
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213],
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185],
peru: [205, 133, 63],
pink: [255, 192, 203],
plum: [221, 160, 221],
powderblue: [176, 224, 230],
purple: [128, 0, 128],
red: [255, 0, 0],
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143],
royalblue: [65, 105, 225],
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19],
salmon: [250, 128, 114],
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96],
seagreen: [46, 139, 87],
seashell: [255, 245, 238],
sienna: [160, 82, 45],
silver: [192, 192, 192],
skyblue: [135, 206, 235],
slateblue: [106, 90, 205],
slategray: [112, 128, 144],
slategrey: [112, 128, 144],
snow: [255, 250, 250],
springgreen: [0, 255, 127],
steelblue: [70, 130, 180],
tan: [210, 180, 140],
teal: [0, 128, 128],
thistle: [216, 191, 216],
tomato: [255, 99, 71],
turquoise: [64, 224, 208],
violet: [238, 130, 238],
wheat: [245, 222, 179],
white: [255, 255, 255],
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245],
yellow: [255, 255, 0],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
PDFFont = require '../font'
module.exports =
initFonts: ->
# Lookup table for embedded fonts
@_fontFamilies = {}
@_fontCount = 0
# Font state
@_fontSize = 12
@_font = null
@_registeredFonts = {}
# Set the default font
@font 'Helvetica'
font: (src, family, size) ->
if typeof family is 'number'
size = family
family = null
# check registered fonts if src is a string
if typeof src is 'string' and @_registeredFonts[src]
cacheKey = src
{src, family} = @_registeredFonts[src]
cacheKey = family or src
cacheKey = null unless typeof cacheKey is 'string'
@fontSize size if size?
# fast path: check if the font is already in the PDF
if font = @_fontFamilies[cacheKey]
@_font = font
return this
# load the font
id = 'F' + (++@_fontCount)
#console.log("src=" + src)
#console.log("family=" + family)
@_font = PDFFont.open(this, src, family, id)
# check for existing font familes with the same name already in the PDF
# useful if the font was passed as a buffer
if font = @_fontFamilies[@_font.name]
@_font = font
return this
# save the font for reuse later
if cacheKey
@_fontFamilies[cacheKey] = @_font
@_fontFamilies[@_font.name] = @_font
return this
fontSize: (@_fontSize) ->
return this
currentLineHeight: (includeGap = false) ->
@_font.lineHeight @_fontSize, includeGap
registerFont: (name, src, family) ->
#console.log(" " + name + " " + src + " " + family)
@_registeredFonts[name] =
src: src
family: family
return this

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
PDFImage = require '../image'
module.exports =
initImages: ->
@_imageRegistry = {}
@_imageCount = 0
image: (src, x, y, options = {}) ->
if typeof x is 'object'
options = x
x = null
x = x ? options.x ? @x
y = y ? options.y ? @y
if typeof src is 'string'
image = @_imageRegistry[src]
if not image
if src.width and src.height
image = src
image = @openImage src
unless image.obj
image.embed this
@page.xobjects[image.label] ?= image.obj
w = options.width or image.width
h = options.height or image.height
if options.width and not options.height
wp = w / image.width
w = image.width * wp
h = image.height * wp
else if options.height and not options.width
hp = h / image.height
w = image.width * hp
h = image.height * hp
else if options.scale
w = image.width * options.scale
h = image.height * options.scale
else if options.fit
[bw, bh] = options.fit
bp = bw / bh
ip = image.width / image.height
if ip > bp
w = bw
h = bw / ip
h = bh
w = bh * ip
else if options.cover
[bw, bh] = options.cover
bp = bw / bh
ip = image.width / image.height
if ip > bp
h = bh
w = bh * ip
w = bw
h = bw / ip
if options.fit or options.cover
if options.align is 'center'
x = x + bw / 2 - w / 2
else if options.align is 'right'
x = x + bw - w
if options.valign is 'center'
y = y + bh / 2 - h / 2
else if options.valign is 'bottom'
y = y + bh - h
# Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
@y += h if @y is y
@transform w, 0, 0, -h, x, y + h
@addContent "/#{image.label} Do"
return this
openImage: (src) ->
if typeof src is 'string'
image = @_imageRegistry[src]
if not image
image = PDFImage.open src, 'I' + (++@_imageCount)
if typeof src is 'string'
@_imageRegistry[src] = image
return image

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var PDFImage;
PDFImage = require('../image');
module.exports = {
initImages: function() {
this._imageRegistry = {};
return this._imageCount = 0;
image: function(src, x, y, options) {
var base, bh, bp, bw, h, hp, image, ip, name, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, w, wp;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
if (typeof x === 'object') {
options = x;
x = null;
x = (ref = x != null ? x : options.x) != null ? ref : this.x;
y = (ref1 = y != null ? y : options.y) != null ? ref1 : this.y;
if (typeof src === 'string') {
image = this._imageRegistry[src];
if (!image) {
if (src.width && src.height) {
image = src;
} else {
image = this.openImage(src);
if (!image.obj) {
if ((base = this.page.xobjects)[name = image.label] == null) {
base[name] = image.obj;
w = options.width || image.width;
h = options.height || image.height;
if (options.width && !options.height) {
wp = w / image.width;
w = image.width * wp;
h = image.height * wp;
} else if (options.height && !options.width) {
hp = h / image.height;
w = image.width * hp;
h = image.height * hp;
} else if (options.scale) {
w = image.width * options.scale;
h = image.height * options.scale;
} else if (options.fit) {
ref2 = options.fit, bw = ref2[0], bh = ref2[1];
bp = bw / bh;
ip = image.width / image.height;
if (ip > bp) {
w = bw;
h = bw / ip;
} else {
h = bh;
w = bh * ip;
} else if (options.cover) {
ref3 = options.cover, bw = ref3[0], bh = ref3[1];
bp = bw / bh;
ip = image.width / image.height;
if (ip > bp) {
h = bh;
w = bh * ip;
} else {
w = bw;
h = bw / ip;
if (options.fit || options.cover) {
if (options.align === 'center') {
x = x + bw / 2 - w / 2;
} else if (options.align === 'right') {
x = x + bw - w;
if (options.valign === 'center') {
y = y + bh / 2 - h / 2;
} else if (options.valign === 'bottom') {
y = y + bh - h;
if (this.y === y) {
this.y += h;
this.transform(w, 0, 0, -h, x, y + h);
this.addContent("/" + image.label + " Do");
return this;
openImage: function(src) {
var image;
if (typeof src === 'string') {
image = this._imageRegistry[src];
if (!image) {
image = PDFImage.open(src, 'I' + (++this._imageCount));
if (typeof src === 'string') {
this._imageRegistry[src] = image;
return image;

@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
LineWrapper = require '../line_wrapper'
{number} = require '../object'
module.exports =
initText: ->
# Current coordinates
@x = 0
@y = 0
@_lineGap = 0
lineGap: (@_lineGap) ->
return this
moveDown: (lines = 1) ->
@y += @currentLineHeight(true) * lines + @_lineGap
return this
moveUp: (lines = 1) ->
@y -= @currentLineHeight(true) * lines + @_lineGap
return this
_text: (text, x, y, options, lineCallback) ->
options = @_initOptions(x, y, options)
# Convert text to a string
text = '' + text
# if the wordSpacing option is specified, remove multiple consecutive spaces
if options.wordSpacing
text = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ')
# word wrapping
#console.log("options.width=" + options.width)
if options.width
wrapper = @_wrapper
unless wrapper
wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options)
wrapper.on 'line', lineCallback
@_wrapper = if options.continued then wrapper else null
@_textOptions = if options.continued then options else null
wrapper.wrap text, options
# render paragraphs as single lines
#console.log("line callback!")
lineCallback line, options for line in text.split '\n'
return this
text: (text, x, y, options) ->
@_text text, x, y, options, @_line.bind(this)
widthOfString: (string, options = {}) ->
@_font.widthOfString(string, @_fontSize, options.features) + (options.characterSpacing or 0) * (string.length - 1)
heightOfString: (text, options = {}) ->
{x,y} = this
options = @_initOptions(options)
options.height = Infinity # don't break pages
lineGap = options.lineGap or @_lineGap or 0
@_text text, @x, @y, options, (line, options) =>
@y += @currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap
height = @y - y
@x = x
@y = y
return height
list: (list, x, y, options, wrapper) ->
options = @_initOptions(x, y, options)
midLine = Math.round (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize) / 2
r = options.bulletRadius or Math.round (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize) / 3
indent = options.textIndent or r * 5
itemIndent = options.bulletIndent or r * 8
level = 1
items = []
levels = []
flatten = (list) ->
for item, i in list
if Array.isArray(item)
wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options)
wrapper.on 'line', @_line.bind(this)
level = 1
i = 0
wrapper.on 'firstLine', =>
if (l = levels[i++]) isnt level
diff = itemIndent * (l - level)
@x += diff
wrapper.lineWidth -= diff
level = l
@circle @x - indent + r, @y + midLine, r
wrapper.on 'sectionStart', =>
pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1)
@x += pos
wrapper.lineWidth -= pos
wrapper.on 'sectionEnd', =>
pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1)
@x -= pos
wrapper.lineWidth += pos
wrapper.wrap items.join('\n'), options
return this
_initOptions: (x = {}, y, options = {}) ->
if typeof x is 'object'
options = x
x = null
# clone options object
options = do ->
opts = {}
opts[k] = v for k, v of options
return opts
# extend options with previous values for continued text
if @_textOptions
for key, val of @_textOptions when key isnt 'continued'
options[key] ?= val
# Update the current position
if x?
@x = x
if y?
@y = y
# wrap to margins if no x or y position passed
unless options.lineBreak is false
margins = @page.margins
options.width ?= @page.width - @x - margins.right
options.columns ||= 0
options.columnGap ?= 18 # 1/4 inch
return options
_line: (text, options = {}, wrapper) ->
#console.log("in _line!")
@_fragment text, @x, @y, options
lineGap = options.lineGap or @_lineGap or 0
if not wrapper
@x += @widthOfString text
@y += @currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap
_fragment: (text, x, y, options) ->
text = ('' + text).replace(/\n/g, '')
return if text.length is 0
# handle options
align = options.align or 'left'
wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing or 0
characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing or 0
# text alignments
if options.width
switch align
when 'right'
textWidth = @widthOfString text.replace(/\s+$/, ''), options
x += options.lineWidth - textWidth
when 'center'
x += options.lineWidth / 2 - options.textWidth / 2
when 'justify'
# calculate the word spacing value
words = text.trim().split(/\s+/)
textWidth = @widthOfString(text.replace(/\s+/g, ''), options)
spaceWidth = @widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing
wordSpacing = Math.max 0, (options.lineWidth - textWidth) / Math.max(1, words.length - 1) - spaceWidth
#console.log("momo me" + options.textWidth)
# calculate the actual rendered width of the string after word and character spacing
renderedWidth = (options.textWidth || @widthOfString(text, options)) + (wordSpacing * ((options.wordCount || 0) - 1)) + (characterSpacing * (text.length - 1))
# create link annotations if the link option is given
if options.link
@link x, y, renderedWidth, @currentLineHeight(), options.link
#console.log("mama me")
# create underline or strikethrough line
if options.underline or options.strike
#console.log("enter underline")
@strokeColor @_fillColor... unless options.stroke
lineWidth = if @_fontSize < 10 then 0.5 else Math.floor(@_fontSize / 10)
@lineWidth lineWidth
#console.log("lineWidth" + lineWidth)
d = if options.underline then 1 else 2
lineY = y + @currentLineHeight() / d
lineY -= lineWidth if options.underline
@moveTo x, lineY
@lineTo x + renderedWidth, lineY
# flip coordinate system
@transform 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, @page.height
y = @page.height - y - (@_font.ascender / 1000 * @_fontSize)
# add current font to page if necessary
@page.fonts[@_font.id] ?= @_font.ref()
#console.log("mercy me")
# begin the text object
@addContent "BT"
# text position
@addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x)} #{number(y)} Tm"
# font and font size
@addContent "/#{@_font.id} #{number(@_fontSize)} Tf"
# rendering mode
mode = if options.fill and options.stroke then 2 else if options.stroke then 1 else 0
@addContent "#{mode} Tr" if mode
# Character spacing
@addContent "#{number(characterSpacing)} Tc" if characterSpacing
# Add the actual text
# If we have a word spacing value, we need to encode each word separately
# since the normal Tw operator only works on character code 32, which isn't
# used for embedded fonts.
if wordSpacing
words = text.trim().split(/\s+/)
wordSpacing += @widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing
wordSpacing *= 1000 / @_fontSize
encoded = []
positions = []
for word in words
[encodedWord, positionsWord] = @_font.encode(word, options.features)
encoded.push encodedWord...
positions.push positionsWord...
# add the word spacing to the end of the word
positions[positions.length - 1].xAdvance += wordSpacing
[encoded, positions] = @_font.encode(text, options.features)
scale = @_fontSize / 1000
commands = []
last = 0
hadOffset = no
# Adds a segment of text to the TJ command buffer
addSegment = (cur) =>
if last < cur
hex = encoded.slice(last, cur).join ''
advance = positions[cur - 1].xAdvance - positions[cur - 1].advanceWidth
commands.push "<#{hex}> #{number(-advance)}"
last = cur
# Flushes the current TJ commands to the output stream
flush = (i) =>
addSegment i
if commands.length > 0
@addContent "[#{commands.join ' '}] TJ"
commands.length = 0
for pos, i in positions
# If we have an x or y offset, we have to break out of the current TJ command
# so we can move the text position.
#console.log("pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset=" + (pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset))
if pos.xOffset or pos.yOffset
# Flush the current buffer
flush i
# Move the text position and flush just the current character
@addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x + pos.xOffset * scale)} #{number(y + pos.yOffset * scale)} Tm"
flush i + 1
hadOffset = yes
# If the last character had an offset, reset the text position
if hadOffset
@addContent "1 0 0 1 #{number(x)} #{number(y)} Tm"
hadOffset = no
# Group segments that don't have any advance adjustments
unless pos.xAdvance - pos.advanceWidth is 0
addSegment i + 1
x += pos.xAdvance * scale
# Flush any remaining commands
flush i
# end the text object
@addContent "ET"
# restore flipped coordinate system

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
SVGPath = require '../path'
{number} = require '../object'
# This constant is used to approximate a symmetrical arc using a cubic
# Bezier curve.
KAPPA = 4.0 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0) / 3.0)
module.exports =
initVector: ->
@_ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] # current transformation matrix
@_ctmStack = []
save: ->
@_ctmStack.push @_ctm.slice()
# TODO: save/restore colorspace and styles so not setting it unnessesarily all the time?
@addContent 'q'
restore: ->
@_ctm = @_ctmStack.pop() or [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
@addContent 'Q'
closePath: ->
@addContent 'h'
lineWidth: (w) ->
@addContent "#{number(w)} w"
lineCap: (c) ->
c = @_CAP_STYLES[c.toUpperCase()] if typeof c is 'string'
@addContent "#{c} J"
lineJoin: (j) ->
j = @_JOIN_STYLES[j.toUpperCase()] if typeof j is 'string'
@addContent "#{j} j"
miterLimit: (m) ->
@addContent "#{number(m)} M"
dash: (length, options = {}) ->
return this unless length?
if Array.isArray length
length = (number(v) for v in length).join(' ')
phase = options.phase or 0
@addContent "[#{length}] #{number(phase)} d"
space = options.space ? length
phase = options.phase or 0
@addContent "[#{number(length)} #{number(space)}] #{number(phase)} d"
undash: ->
@addContent "[] 0 d"
moveTo: (x, y) ->
@addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} m"
lineTo: (x, y) ->
@addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} l"
bezierCurveTo: (cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) ->
@addContent "#{number(cp1x)} #{number(cp1y)} #{number(cp2x)} #{number(cp2y)} #{number(x)} #{number(y)} c"
quadraticCurveTo: (cpx, cpy, x, y) ->
@addContent "#{number(cpx)} #{number(cpy)} #{number(x)} #{number(y)} v"
rect: (x, y, w, h) ->
@addContent "#{number(x)} #{number(y)} #{number(w)} #{number(h)} re"
roundedRect: (x, y, w, h, r = 0) ->
r = Math.min(r, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)
# amount to inset control points from corners (see `ellipse`)
c = r * (1.0 - KAPPA)
@moveTo x + r, y
@lineTo x + w - r, y
@bezierCurveTo x + w - c, y, x + w, y + c, x + w, y + r
@lineTo x + w, y + h - r
@bezierCurveTo x + w, y + h - c, x + w - c, y + h, x + w - r, y + h
@lineTo x + r, y + h
@bezierCurveTo x + c, y + h, x, y + h - c, x, y + h - r
@lineTo x, y + r
@bezierCurveTo x, y + c, x + c, y, x + r, y
ellipse: (x, y, r1, r2 = r1) ->
# based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2172798/how-to-draw-an-oval-in-html5-canvas/2173084#2173084
x -= r1
y -= r2
ox = r1 * KAPPA
oy = r2 * KAPPA
xe = x + r1 * 2
ye = y + r2 * 2
xm = x + r1
ym = y + r2
@moveTo(x, ym)
@bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y)
@bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym)
@bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye)
@bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym)
circle: (x, y, radius) ->
@ellipse x, y, radius
polygon: (points...) ->
@moveTo points.shift()...
@lineTo point... for point in points
path: (path) ->
SVGPath.apply this, path
return this
_windingRule: (rule) ->
if /even-?odd/.test(rule)
return '*'
return ''
fill: (color, rule) ->
if /(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/.test(color)
rule = color
color = null
@fillColor color if color
@addContent 'f' + @_windingRule(rule)
stroke: (color) ->
@strokeColor color if color
@addContent 'S'
fillAndStroke: (fillColor, strokeColor = fillColor, rule) ->
isFillRule = /(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/
if isFillRule.test(fillColor)
rule = fillColor
fillColor = null
if isFillRule.test(strokeColor)
rule = strokeColor
strokeColor = fillColor
if fillColor
@fillColor fillColor
@strokeColor strokeColor
@addContent 'B' + @_windingRule(rule)
clip: (rule) ->
@addContent 'W' + @_windingRule(rule) + ' n'
transform: (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) ->
# keep track of the current transformation matrix
m = @_ctm
[m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = m
m[0] = m0 * m11 + m2 * m12
m[1] = m1 * m11 + m3 * m12
m[2] = m0 * m21 + m2 * m22
m[3] = m1 * m21 + m3 * m22
m[4] = m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4
m[5] = m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5
values = (number(v) for v in [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy]).join(' ')
@addContent "#{values} cm"
translate: (x, y) ->
@transform 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y
rotate: (angle, options = {}) ->
rad = angle * Math.PI / 180
cos = Math.cos(rad)
sin = Math.sin(rad)
x = y = 0
if options.origin?
[x, y] = options.origin
x1 = x * cos - y * sin
y1 = x * sin + y * cos
x -= x1
y -= y1
@transform cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y
scale: (xFactor, yFactor = xFactor, options = {}) ->
if arguments.length is 2
yFactor = xFactor
options = yFactor
x = y = 0
if options.origin?
[x, y] = options.origin
x -= xFactor * x
y -= yFactor * y
@transform xFactor, 0, 0, yFactor, x, y

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
PDFObject - converts JavaScript types into their corrisponding PDF types.
By Devon Govett
class PDFObject
pad = (str, length) ->
(Array(length + 1).join('0') + str).slice(-length)
@pad = pad
escapableRe = /[\n\r\t\b\f\(\)\\]/g
@escapableRe = escapableRe
escapable =
'\n': '\\n'
'\r': '\\r'
'\t': '\\t'
'\b': '\\b'
'\f': '\\f'
'\\': '\\\\'
'(': '\\('
')': '\\)'
@escapable = escapable
# Convert little endian UTF-16 to big endian
swapBytes = (buff) ->
l = buff.length
if l & 0x01
throw new Error("Buffer length must be even")
for i in [0...l - 1] by 2
a = buff[i]
buff[i] = buff[i + 1]
buff[i+1] = a
return buff
@swapBytes = swapBytes
@convert: (object) ->
# String literals are converted to the PDF name type
if typeof object is 'string'
'/' + object
# String objects are converted to PDF strings (UTF-16)
else if object instanceof String
# Escape characters as required by the spec
string = object.replace escapableRe, (c) ->
return escapable[c]
# Detect if this is a unicode string
isUnicode = false
for i in [0...string.length] by 1
if string.charCodeAt(i) > 0x7f
isUnicode = true
# If so, encode it as big endian UTF-16
if isUnicode
string = swapBytes(new Buffer('\ufeff' + string, 'utf16le')).toString('binary')
'(' + string + ')'
# Buffers are converted to PDF hex strings
else if Buffer.isBuffer(object)
'<' + object.toString('hex') + '>'
else if object instanceof PDFReference
else if object instanceof Date
'(D:' + pad(object.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +
pad(object.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) +
pad(object.getUTCDate(), 2) +
pad(object.getUTCHours(), 2) +
pad(object.getUTCMinutes(), 2) +
pad(object.getUTCSeconds(), 2) +
else if Array.isArray object
items = (PDFObject.convert e for e in object).join(' ')
'[' + items + ']'
else if {}.toString.call(object) is '[object Object]'
out = ['<<']
for key, val of object
out.push '/' + key + ' ' + PDFObject.convert(val)
out.push '>>'
out.join '\n'
else if typeof object is 'number'
PDFObject.number object
'' + object
@number: (n) ->
if n > -1e21 and n < 1e21
return Math.round(n * 1e6) / 1e6
throw new Error "unsupported number: #{n}"
module.exports = PDFObject
PDFReference = require './reference'

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
PDFObject - converts JavaScript types into their corrisponding PDF types.
By Devon Govett
(function() {
var PDFObject, PDFReference;
PDFObject = (function() {
var escapable, escapableRe, pad, swapBytes;
function PDFObject() {}
pad = function(str, length) {
return (Array(length + 1).join('0') + str).slice(-length);
PDFObject.pad = pad;
escapableRe = /[\n\r\t\b\f\(\)\\]/g;
PDFObject.escapableRe = escapableRe;
escapable = {
'\n': '\\n',
'\r': '\\r',
'\t': '\\t',
'\b': '\\b',
'\f': '\\f',
'\\': '\\\\',
'(': '\\(',
')': '\\)'
PDFObject.escapable = escapable;
swapBytes = function(buff) {
var a, i, j, l, ref;
l = buff.length;
if (l & 0x01) {
throw new Error("Buffer length must be even");
} else {
for (i = j = 0, ref = l - 1; j < ref; i = j += 2) {
a = buff[i];
buff[i] = buff[i + 1];
buff[i + 1] = a;
return buff;
PDFObject.swapBytes = swapBytes;
PDFObject.convert = function(object) {
var e, i, isUnicode, items, j, key, out, ref, string, val;
if (typeof object === 'string') {
return '/' + object;
} else if (object instanceof String) {
string = object.replace(escapableRe, function(c) {
return escapable[c];
isUnicode = false;
for (i = j = 0, ref = string.length; j < ref; i = j += 1) {
if (string.charCodeAt(i) > 0x7f) {
isUnicode = true;
if (isUnicode) {
string = swapBytes(new Buffer('\ufeff' + string, 'utf16le')).toString('binary');
return '(' + string + ')';
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(object)) {
return '<' + object.toString('hex') + '>';
} else if (object instanceof PDFReference) {
return object.toString();
} else if (object instanceof Date) {
return '(D:' + pad(object.getUTCFullYear(), 4) + pad(object.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + pad(object.getUTCDate(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCHours(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + 'Z)';
} else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
items = ((function() {
var k, len, results;
results = [];
for (k = 0, len = object.length; k < len; k++) {
e = object[k];
return results;
})()).join(' ');
return '[' + items + ']';
} else if ({}.toString.call(object) === '[object Object]') {
out = ['<<'];
for (key in object) {
val = object[key];
out.push('/' + key + ' ' + PDFObject.convert(val));
return out.join('\n');
} else if (typeof object === 'number') {
return PDFObject.number(object);
} else {
return '' + object;
PDFObject.number = function(n) {
if (n > -1e21 && n < 1e21) {
return Math.round(n * 1e6) / 1e6;
throw new Error("unsupported number: " + n);
return PDFObject;
module.exports = PDFObject;
PDFReference = require('./reference');

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
PDFPage - represents a single page in the PDF document
By Devon Govett
class PDFPage
constructor: (@document, options = {}) ->
@size = options.size or 'letter'
@layout = options.layout or 'portrait'
# process margins
if typeof options.margin is 'number'
@margins =
top: options.margin
left: options.margin
bottom: options.margin
right: options.margin
# default to 1 inch margins
@margins = options.margins or DEFAULT_MARGINS
# calculate page dimensions
dimensions = if Array.isArray(@size) then @size else SIZES[@size.toUpperCase()]
@width = dimensions[if @layout is 'portrait' then 0 else 1]
@height = dimensions[if @layout is 'portrait' then 1 else 0]
@content = @document.ref()
# Initialize the Font, XObject, and ExtGState dictionaries
@resources = @document.ref
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI']
# Lazily create these dictionaries
Object.defineProperties this,
get: => @resources.data.Font ?= {}
get: => @resources.data.XObject ?= {}
get: => @resources.data.ExtGState ?= {}
get: => @resources.data.Pattern ?= {}
get: => @dictionary.data.Annots ?= []
# The page dictionary
@dictionary = @document.ref
Type: 'Page'
Parent: @document._root.data.Pages
MediaBox: [0, 0, @width, @height]
Contents: @content
Resources: @resources
maxY: ->
@height - @margins.bottom
write: (chunk) ->
@content.write chunk
end: ->
top: 72
left: 72
bottom: 72
right: 72
'4A0': [4767.87, 6740.79]
'2A0': [3370.39, 4767.87]
A0: [2383.94, 3370.39]
A1: [1683.78, 2383.94]
A2: [1190.55, 1683.78]
A3: [841.89, 1190.55]
A4: [595.28, 841.89]
A5: [419.53, 595.28]
A6: [297.64, 419.53]
A7: [209.76, 297.64]
A8: [147.40, 209.76]
A9: [104.88, 147.40]
A10: [73.70, 104.88]
B0: [2834.65, 4008.19]
B1: [2004.09, 2834.65]
B2: [1417.32, 2004.09]
B3: [1000.63, 1417.32]
B4: [708.66, 1000.63]
B5: [498.90, 708.66]
B6: [354.33, 498.90]
B7: [249.45, 354.33]
B8: [175.75, 249.45]
B9: [124.72, 175.75]
B10: [87.87, 124.72]
C0: [2599.37, 3676.54]
C1: [1836.85, 2599.37]
C2: [1298.27, 1836.85]
C3: [918.43, 1298.27]
C4: [649.13, 918.43]
C5: [459.21, 649.13]
C6: [323.15, 459.21]
C7: [229.61, 323.15]
C8: [161.57, 229.61]
C9: [113.39, 161.57]
C10: [79.37, 113.39]
RA0: [2437.80, 3458.27]
RA1: [1729.13, 2437.80]
RA2: [1218.90, 1729.13]
RA3: [864.57, 1218.90]
RA4: [609.45, 864.57]
SRA0: [2551.18, 3628.35]
SRA1: [1814.17, 2551.18]
SRA2: [1275.59, 1814.17]
SRA3: [907.09, 1275.59]
SRA4: [637.80, 907.09]
EXECUTIVE: [521.86, 756.00]
FOLIO: [612.00, 936.00]
LEGAL: [612.00, 1008.00]
LETTER: [612.00, 792.00]
TABLOID: [792.00, 1224.00]
module.exports = PDFPage

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
PDFPage - represents a single page in the PDF document
By Devon Govett
(function() {
var PDFPage;
PDFPage = (function() {
function PDFPage(document, options) {
var dimensions;
this.document = document;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
this.size = options.size || 'letter';
this.layout = options.layout || 'portrait';
if (typeof options.margin === 'number') {
this.margins = {
top: options.margin,
left: options.margin,
bottom: options.margin,
right: options.margin
} else {
this.margins = options.margins || DEFAULT_MARGINS;
dimensions = Array.isArray(this.size) ? this.size : SIZES[this.size.toUpperCase()];
this.width = dimensions[this.layout === 'portrait' ? 0 : 1];
this.height = dimensions[this.layout === 'portrait' ? 1 : 0];
this.content = this.document.ref();
this.resources = this.document.ref({
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI']
Object.defineProperties(this, {
fonts: {
get: (function(_this) {
return function() {
var base;
return (base = _this.resources.data).Font != null ? base.Font : base.Font = {};
xobjects: {
get: (function(_this) {
return function() {
var base;
return (base = _this.resources.data).XObject != null ? base.XObject : base.XObject = {};
ext_gstates: {
get: (function(_this) {
return function() {
var base;
return (base = _this.resources.data).ExtGState != null ? base.ExtGState : base.ExtGState = {};
patterns: {
get: (function(_this) {
return function() {
var base;
return (base = _this.resources.data).Pattern != null ? base.Pattern : base.Pattern = {};
annotations: {
get: (function(_this) {
return function() {
var base;
return (base = _this.dictionary.data).Annots != null ? base.Annots : base.Annots = [];
this.dictionary = this.document.ref({
Type: 'Page',
Parent: this.document._root.data.Pages,
MediaBox: [0, 0, this.width, this.height],
Contents: this.content,
Resources: this.resources
PDFPage.prototype.maxY = function() {
return this.height - this.margins.bottom;
PDFPage.prototype.write = function(chunk) {
return this.content.write(chunk);
PDFPage.prototype.end = function() {
return this.content.end();
top: 72,
left: 72,
bottom: 72,
right: 72
'4A0': [4767.87, 6740.79],
'2A0': [3370.39, 4767.87],
A0: [2383.94, 3370.39],
A1: [1683.78, 2383.94],
A2: [1190.55, 1683.78],
A3: [841.89, 1190.55],
A4: [595.28, 841.89],
A5: [419.53, 595.28],
A6: [297.64, 419.53],
A7: [209.76, 297.64],
A8: [147.40, 209.76],
A9: [104.88, 147.40],
A10: [73.70, 104.88],
B0: [2834.65, 4008.19],
B1: [2004.09, 2834.65],
B2: [1417.32, 2004.09],
B3: [1000.63, 1417.32],
B4: [708.66, 1000.63],
B5: [498.90, 708.66],
B6: [354.33, 498.90],
B7: [249.45, 354.33],
B8: [175.75, 249.45],
B9: [124.72, 175.75],
B10: [87.87, 124.72],
C0: [2599.37, 3676.54],
C1: [1836.85, 2599.37],
C2: [1298.27, 1836.85],
C3: [918.43, 1298.27],
C4: [649.13, 918.43],
C5: [459.21, 649.13],
C6: [323.15, 459.21],
C7: [229.61, 323.15],
C8: [161.57, 229.61],
C9: [113.39, 161.57],
C10: [79.37, 113.39],
RA0: [2437.80, 3458.27],
RA1: [1729.13, 2437.80],
RA2: [1218.90, 1729.13],
RA3: [864.57, 1218.90],
RA4: [609.45, 864.57],
SRA0: [2551.18, 3628.35],
SRA1: [1814.17, 2551.18],
SRA2: [1275.59, 1814.17],
SRA3: [907.09, 1275.59],
SRA4: [637.80, 907.09],
EXECUTIVE: [521.86, 756.00],
FOLIO: [612.00, 936.00],
LEGAL: [612.00, 1008.00],
LETTER: [612.00, 792.00],
TABLOID: [792.00, 1224.00]
return PDFPage;
module.exports = PDFPage;

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
class SVGPath
@apply: (doc, path) ->
commands = parse path
apply commands, doc
parameters =
A: 7
a: 7
C: 6
c: 6
H: 1
h: 1
L: 2
l: 2
M: 2
m: 2
Q: 4
q: 4
S: 4
s: 4
T: 2
t: 2
V: 1
v: 1
Z: 0
z: 0
parse = (path) ->
ret = []
args = []
curArg = ""
foundDecimal = no
params = 0
for c in path
if parameters[c]?
params = parameters[c]
if cmd # save existing command
args[args.length] = +curArg if curArg.length > 0
ret[ret.length] = {cmd,args}
args = []
curArg = ""
foundDecimal = no
cmd = c
else if c in [" ", ","] or (c is "-" and curArg.length > 0 and curArg[curArg.length - 1] isnt 'e') or (c is "." and foundDecimal)
continue if curArg.length is 0
if args.length is params # handle reused commands
ret[ret.length] = {cmd,args}
args = [+curArg]
# handle assumed commands
cmd = "L" if cmd is "M"
cmd = "l" if cmd is "m"
args[args.length] = +curArg
foundDecimal = (c is ".")
# fix for negative numbers or repeated decimals with no delimeter between commands
curArg = if c in ['-', '.'] then c else ''
curArg += c
foundDecimal = true if c is '.'
# add the last command
if curArg.length > 0
if args.length is params # handle reused commands
ret[ret.length] = {cmd, args}
args = [+curArg]
# handle assumed commands
cmd = "L" if cmd is "M"
cmd = "l" if cmd is "m"
args[args.length] = +curArg
ret[ret.length] = {cmd,args}
return ret
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0
apply = (commands, doc) ->
# current point, control point, and subpath starting point
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0
# run the commands
for c, i in commands
runners[c.cmd]?(doc, c.args)
cx = cy = px = py = 0
runners =
M: (doc, a) ->
cx = a[0]
cy = a[1]
px = py = null
sx = cx
sy = cy
doc.moveTo cx, cy
m: (doc, a) ->
cx += a[0]
cy += a[1]
px = py = null
sx = cx
sy = cy
doc.moveTo cx, cy
C: (doc, a) ->
cx = a[4]
cy = a[5]
px = a[2]
py = a[3]
doc.bezierCurveTo a...
c: (doc, a) ->
doc.bezierCurveTo a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy, a[4] + cx, a[5] + cy
px = cx + a[2]
py = cy + a[3]
cx += a[4]
cy += a[5]
S: (doc, a) ->
if px is null
px = cx
py = cy
doc.bezierCurveTo cx-(px-cx), cy-(py-cy), a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]
px = a[0]
py = a[1]
cx = a[2]
cy = a[3]
s: (doc, a) ->
if px is null
px = cx
py = cy
doc.bezierCurveTo cx-(px-cx), cy-(py-cy), cx + a[0], cy + a[1], cx + a[2], cy + a[3]
px = cx + a[0]
py = cy + a[1]
cx += a[2]
cy += a[3]
Q: (doc, a) ->
px = a[0]
py = a[1]
cx = a[2]
cy = a[3]
doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0], a[1], cx, cy)
q: (doc, a) ->
doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy)
px = cx + a[0]
py = cy + a[1]
cx += a[2]
cy += a[3]
T: (doc, a) ->
if px is null
px = cx
py = cy
px = cx-(px-cx)
py = cy-(py-cy)
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, a[0], a[1])
px = cx-(px-cx)
py = cy-(py-cy)
cx = a[0]
cy = a[1]
t: (doc, a) ->
if px is null
px = cx
py = cy
px = cx-(px-cx)
py = cy-(py-cy)
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, cx + a[0], cy + a[1])
cx += a[0]
cy += a[1]
A: (doc, a) ->
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a)
cx = a[5]
cy = a[6]
a: (doc, a) ->
a[5] += cx
a[6] += cy
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a)
cx = a[5]
cy = a[6]
L: (doc, a) ->
cx = a[0]
cy = a[1]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
l: (doc, a) ->
cx += a[0]
cy += a[1]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
H: (doc, a) ->
cx = a[0]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
h: (doc, a) ->
cx += a[0]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
V: (doc, a) ->
cy = a[0]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
v: (doc, a) ->
cy += a[0]
px = py = null
doc.lineTo(cx, cy)
Z: (doc) ->
cx = sx
cy = sy
z: (doc) ->
cx = sx
cy = sy
solveArc = (doc, x, y, coords) ->
[rx,ry,rot,large,sweep,ex,ey] = coords
segs = arcToSegments(ex, ey, rx, ry, large, sweep, rot, x, y)
for seg in segs
bez = segmentToBezier seg...
doc.bezierCurveTo bez...
# from Inkscape svgtopdf, thanks!
arcToSegments = (x, y, rx, ry, large, sweep, rotateX, ox, oy) ->
th = rotateX * (Math.PI/180)
sin_th = Math.sin(th)
cos_th = Math.cos(th)
rx = Math.abs(rx)
ry = Math.abs(ry)
px = cos_th * (ox - x) * 0.5 + sin_th * (oy - y) * 0.5
py = cos_th * (oy - y) * 0.5 - sin_th * (ox - x) * 0.5
pl = (px*px) / (rx*rx) + (py*py) / (ry*ry)
if pl > 1
pl = Math.sqrt(pl)
rx *= pl
ry *= pl
a00 = cos_th / rx
a01 = sin_th / rx
a10 = (-sin_th) / ry
a11 = (cos_th) / ry
x0 = a00 * ox + a01 * oy
y0 = a10 * ox + a11 * oy
x1 = a00 * x + a01 * y
y1 = a10 * x + a11 * y
d = (x1-x0) * (x1-x0) + (y1-y0) * (y1-y0)
sfactor_sq = 1 / d - 0.25
sfactor_sq = 0 if sfactor_sq < 0
sfactor = Math.sqrt(sfactor_sq)
sfactor = -sfactor if sweep is large
xc = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) - sfactor * (y1-y0)
yc = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) + sfactor * (x1-x0)
th0 = Math.atan2(y0-yc, x0-xc)
th1 = Math.atan2(y1-yc, x1-xc)
th_arc = th1-th0
if th_arc < 0 && sweep is 1
th_arc += 2*Math.PI
else if th_arc > 0 && sweep is 0
th_arc -= 2 * Math.PI
segments = Math.ceil(Math.abs(th_arc / (Math.PI * 0.5 + 0.001)))
result = []
for i in [0...segments]
th2 = th0 + i * th_arc / segments
th3 = th0 + (i+1) * th_arc / segments
result[i] = [xc, yc, th2, th3, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th]
return result
segmentToBezier = (cx, cy, th0, th1, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th) ->
a00 = cos_th * rx
a01 = -sin_th * ry
a10 = sin_th * rx
a11 = cos_th * ry
th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0)
t = (8 / 3) * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) / Math.sin(th_half)
x1 = cx + Math.cos(th0) - t * Math.sin(th0)
y1 = cy + Math.sin(th0) + t * Math.cos(th0)
x3 = cx + Math.cos(th1)
y3 = cy + Math.sin(th1)
x2 = x3 + t * Math.sin(th1)
y2 = y3 - t * Math.cos(th1)
return [
a00 * x1 + a01 * y1, a10 * x1 + a11 * y1,
a00 * x2 + a01 * y2, a10 * x2 + a11 * y2,
a00 * x3 + a01 * y3, a10 * x3 + a11 * y3
module.exports = SVGPath

@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var SVGPath;
SVGPath = (function() {
var apply, arcToSegments, cx, cy, parameters, parse, px, py, runners, segmentToBezier, solveArc, sx, sy;
function SVGPath() {}
SVGPath.apply = function(doc, path) {
var commands;
commands = parse(path);
return apply(commands, doc);
parameters = {
A: 7,
a: 7,
C: 6,
c: 6,
H: 1,
h: 1,
L: 2,
l: 2,
M: 2,
m: 2,
Q: 4,
q: 4,
S: 4,
s: 4,
T: 2,
t: 2,
V: 1,
v: 1,
Z: 0,
z: 0
parse = function(path) {
var args, c, cmd, curArg, foundDecimal, j, len, params, ret;
ret = [];
args = [];
curArg = "";
foundDecimal = false;
params = 0;
for (j = 0, len = path.length; j < len; j++) {
c = path[j];
if (parameters[c] != null) {
params = parameters[c];
if (cmd) {
if (curArg.length > 0) {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
ret[ret.length] = {
cmd: cmd,
args: args
args = [];
curArg = "";
foundDecimal = false;
cmd = c;
} else if ((c === " " || c === ",") || (c === "-" && curArg.length > 0 && curArg[curArg.length - 1] !== 'e') || (c === "." && foundDecimal)) {
if (curArg.length === 0) {
if (args.length === params) {
ret[ret.length] = {
cmd: cmd,
args: args
args = [+curArg];
if (cmd === "M") {
cmd = "L";
if (cmd === "m") {
cmd = "l";
} else {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
foundDecimal = c === ".";
curArg = c === '-' || c === '.' ? c : '';
} else {
curArg += c;
if (c === '.') {
foundDecimal = true;
if (curArg.length > 0) {
if (args.length === params) {
ret[ret.length] = {
cmd: cmd,
args: args
args = [+curArg];
if (cmd === "M") {
cmd = "L";
if (cmd === "m") {
cmd = "l";
} else {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
ret[ret.length] = {
cmd: cmd,
args: args
return ret;
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0;
apply = function(commands, doc) {
var c, i, j, len, name;
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0;
for (i = j = 0, len = commands.length; j < len; i = ++j) {
c = commands[i];
if (typeof runners[name = c.cmd] === "function") {
runners[name](doc, c.args);
return cx = cy = px = py = 0;
runners = {
M: function(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
cy = a[1];
px = py = null;
sx = cx;
sy = cy;
return doc.moveTo(cx, cy);
m: function(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
cy += a[1];
px = py = null;
sx = cx;
sy = cy;
return doc.moveTo(cx, cy);
C: function(doc, a) {
cx = a[4];
cy = a[5];
px = a[2];
py = a[3];
return doc.bezierCurveTo.apply(doc, a);
c: function(doc, a) {
doc.bezierCurveTo(a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy, a[4] + cx, a[5] + cy);
px = cx + a[2];
py = cy + a[3];
cx += a[4];
return cy += a[5];
S: function(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
doc.bezierCurveTo(cx - (px - cx), cy - (py - cy), a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
px = a[0];
py = a[1];
cx = a[2];
return cy = a[3];
s: function(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
doc.bezierCurveTo(cx - (px - cx), cy - (py - cy), cx + a[0], cy + a[1], cx + a[2], cy + a[3]);
px = cx + a[0];
py = cy + a[1];
cx += a[2];
return cy += a[3];
Q: function(doc, a) {
px = a[0];
py = a[1];
cx = a[2];
cy = a[3];
return doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0], a[1], cx, cy);
q: function(doc, a) {
doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy);
px = cx + a[0];
py = cy + a[1];
cx += a[2];
return cy += a[3];
T: function(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
} else {
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, a[0], a[1]);
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
cx = a[0];
return cy = a[1];
t: function(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
} else {
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, cx + a[0], cy + a[1]);
cx += a[0];
return cy += a[1];
A: function(doc, a) {
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a);
cx = a[5];
return cy = a[6];
a: function(doc, a) {
a[5] += cx;
a[6] += cy;
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a);
cx = a[5];
return cy = a[6];
L: function(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
cy = a[1];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
l: function(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
cy += a[1];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
H: function(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
h: function(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
V: function(doc, a) {
cy = a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
v: function(doc, a) {
cy += a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
Z: function(doc) {
cx = sx;
return cy = sy;
z: function(doc) {
cx = sx;
return cy = sy;
solveArc = function(doc, x, y, coords) {
var bez, ex, ey, j, large, len, results, rot, rx, ry, seg, segs, sweep;
rx = coords[0], ry = coords[1], rot = coords[2], large = coords[3], sweep = coords[4], ex = coords[5], ey = coords[6];
segs = arcToSegments(ex, ey, rx, ry, large, sweep, rot, x, y);
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = segs.length; j < len; j++) {
seg = segs[j];
bez = segmentToBezier.apply(null, seg);
results.push(doc.bezierCurveTo.apply(doc, bez));
return results;
arcToSegments = function(x, y, rx, ry, large, sweep, rotateX, ox, oy) {
var a00, a01, a10, a11, cos_th, d, i, j, pl, ref, result, segments, sfactor, sfactor_sq, sin_th, th, th0, th1, th2, th3, th_arc, x0, x1, xc, y0, y1, yc;
th = rotateX * (Math.PI / 180);
sin_th = Math.sin(th);
cos_th = Math.cos(th);
rx = Math.abs(rx);
ry = Math.abs(ry);
px = cos_th * (ox - x) * 0.5 + sin_th * (oy - y) * 0.5;
py = cos_th * (oy - y) * 0.5 - sin_th * (ox - x) * 0.5;
pl = (px * px) / (rx * rx) + (py * py) / (ry * ry);
if (pl > 1) {
pl = Math.sqrt(pl);
rx *= pl;
ry *= pl;
a00 = cos_th / rx;
a01 = sin_th / rx;
a10 = (-sin_th) / ry;
a11 = cos_th / ry;
x0 = a00 * ox + a01 * oy;
y0 = a10 * ox + a11 * oy;
x1 = a00 * x + a01 * y;
y1 = a10 * x + a11 * y;
d = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0);
sfactor_sq = 1 / d - 0.25;
if (sfactor_sq < 0) {
sfactor_sq = 0;
sfactor = Math.sqrt(sfactor_sq);
if (sweep === large) {
sfactor = -sfactor;
xc = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) - sfactor * (y1 - y0);
yc = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) + sfactor * (x1 - x0);
th0 = Math.atan2(y0 - yc, x0 - xc);
th1 = Math.atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc);
th_arc = th1 - th0;
if (th_arc < 0 && sweep === 1) {
th_arc += 2 * Math.PI;
} else if (th_arc > 0 && sweep === 0) {
th_arc -= 2 * Math.PI;
segments = Math.ceil(Math.abs(th_arc / (Math.PI * 0.5 + 0.001)));
result = [];
for (i = j = 0, ref = segments; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
th2 = th0 + i * th_arc / segments;
th3 = th0 + (i + 1) * th_arc / segments;
result[i] = [xc, yc, th2, th3, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th];
return result;
segmentToBezier = function(cx, cy, th0, th1, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th) {
var a00, a01, a10, a11, t, th_half, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;
a00 = cos_th * rx;
a01 = -sin_th * ry;
a10 = sin_th * rx;
a11 = cos_th * ry;
th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0);
t = (8 / 3) * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) / Math.sin(th_half);
x1 = cx + Math.cos(th0) - t * Math.sin(th0);
y1 = cy + Math.sin(th0) + t * Math.cos(th0);
x3 = cx + Math.cos(th1);
y3 = cy + Math.sin(th1);
x2 = x3 + t * Math.sin(th1);
y2 = y3 - t * Math.cos(th1);
return [a00 * x1 + a01 * y1, a10 * x1 + a11 * y1, a00 * x2 + a01 * y2, a10 * x2 + a11 * y2, a00 * x3 + a01 * y3, a10 * x3 + a11 * y3];
return SVGPath;
module.exports = SVGPath;

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
PDFReference - represents a reference to another object in the PDF object heirarchy
By Devon Govett
zlib = require 'zlib'
stream = require 'stream'
class PDFReference extends stream.Writable
constructor: (@document, @id, @data = {}) ->
super decodeStrings: no
@gen = 0
@deflate = null
@compress = @document.compress and not @data.Filter
@uncompressedLength = 0
@chunks = []
initDeflate: ->
@data.Filter = 'FlateDecode'
@deflate = zlib.createDeflate()
@deflate.on 'data', (chunk) =>
# console.log("got data event for ref " + @id + " from " + this.toString())
@chunks.push chunk
@data.Length += chunk.length
@deflate.on 'end', () =>
#console.log("got end event for ref " + @id + " from " + this.toString())
_write: (chunk, encoding, callback) ->
unless Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)
chunk = new Buffer(chunk + '\n', 'binary')
@uncompressedLength += chunk.length
@data.Length ?= 0
if @compress
@initDeflate() if not @deflate
@deflate.write chunk
@chunks.push chunk
@data.Length += chunk.length
end: (chunk) ->
#console.log("end! " + @id)
# console.log(@chunks)
if @deflate
finalize: =>
#console.log("finalize! " + @id)
@offset = @document._offset
@document._write "#{@id} #{@gen} obj"
@document._write PDFObject.convert(@data)
if @chunks.length
@document._write 'stream'
for chunk in @chunks
@document._write chunk
@chunks.length = 0 # free up memory
@document._write '\nendstream'
@document._write 'endobj'
toString: ->
return "#{@id} #{@gen} R"
module.exports = PDFReference
PDFObject = require './object'

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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
