@ -42,12 +42,13 @@
(define current-text-cache-changed? : (Parameterof Boolean) (make-parameter #f))
(define current-font-cache (make-parameter ((inst make-hash (List String Symbol Symbol) (Instance (Class (init-field)))) '())))
(: update-text-cache-file (-> Void))
(define (update-text-cache-file)
(when (current-text-cache-changed?)
(write-to-file (serialize (current-text-cache)) (get-cache-file-path) #:exists 'replace)
(current-text-cache-changed? #f)))
(: load-text-cache-file (-> Void))
(define (load-text-cache-file)
(define cache-file-path (get-cache-file-path))
(current-text-cache (if (file-exists? cache-file-path)
@ -59,14 +60,23 @@
(define mrt? (make-predicate Measurement-Result-Type))
(define-type MMS-Type ((String String) (Symbol Symbol) . ->* . Measurement-Result-Type))
(: measure-max-size-base MMS-Type)
(define (measure-max-size-base text font [weight 'normal] [style 'normal])
(define font-instance (hash-ref! (current-font-cache) (list font weight style) (λ() (make-font #:size max-size #:style style #:weight weight #:face font))))
;; 'combine' boolean only makes a difference for two or more chars, so use (>= (string-length text) 1) for speed
((inst hash-ref! (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type) (current-text-cache) (list text font weight style) (λ() (current-text-cache-changed? #t)
(define-values (width height descent extra) (send dc get-text-extent text font-instance (>= (string-length text) 1)))
(list (fl width) (fl height) (fl descent) (fl extra)))))
(: measure-max-size-base (String String Symbol Symbol . -> . Measurement-Result-Type))
(define (measure-max-size-base text font weight style)
(: hash-updater (-> Measurement-Result-Type))
(define (hash-updater)
(current-text-cache-changed? #t)
(define font-instance (hash-ref! (current-font-cache) (list font weight style) (λ() (make-font #:size max-size #:style style #:weight weight #:face font))))
;; 'combine' boolean only makes a difference for two or more chars, so use (>= (string-length text) 1) for speed
(define-values (width height descent extra) (send dc get-text-extent text font-instance (>= (string-length text) 1)))
;; avoid `map` here because it requires a cast to ensure the type
;; this seems like a bug in TR: doesn't recognize (List Float Float Float Float) as subtype of (Listof Float)
(list (fl width) (fl height) (fl descent) (fl extra)))
((inst hash-ref! (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type) (current-text-cache) (list text font weight style) hash-updater))
;; todo: why did I add this measure-cache? It helps performance, but why?
;; see https://github.com/mbutterick/quad/commit/294c5b59a3d94afd53a0d9f46202dca38bee256e
;; oh: because I couldn't yet make it work with define/caching
(define measure-cache ((inst make-hash (List String String Symbol Symbol) Measurement-Result-Type)))
(: measure-max-size MMS-Type)