;(define ti (block '(measure 54.0 leading 18.0) "Meg is an ally."))
(define(ti2)(block'(leading10.0measure400.0size13x-alignleftx-align-last-lineleftfont"Equity Text B")(block'()"Foo-d"(word'(size13)"og ")"and "(box)"Zu"(word-break'(nb"c"bb"k-"))"kerman’s. Instead of a circle, the result is a picture of the code that, if it were used as an expression, would produce a circle. In other words, code is not a function, but instead a "(block'(styleitalic)"new syntactic form")" for creating pictures; the bit between the opening "(block'(weightbold)"parenthesis")" with code is not an expression, but instead manipulated by the code syntactic form. "(word'(font"Triplicate T4"size22.5color"Orchid"background"Yellow")"Bangazoom!")" This helps explain what we meant in the previous section when we said that racket provides require and the function-calling syntax.")(block-break)(block'()"Libraries are not restricted to exporting values, such as functions; they can also define new syntactic forms. In this sense, Racket isn’t exactly a language at all; it’s more of an idea for how to structure a language so that you can extend it or create entirely new ones.")))
(define(ti2)(block'(leading10.0measure400.0size13.0x-alignleftx-align-last-lineleftfont"Equity Text B")(block'()"Foo-d"(word'(size13.0)"og ")"and "(box)"Zu"(word-break'(nb"c"bb"k-"))"kerman’s. Instead of a circle, the result is a picture of the code that, if it were used as an expression, would produce a circle. In other words, code is not a function, but instead a "(block'(styleitalic)"new syntactic form")" for creating pictures; the bit between the opening "(block'(weightbold)"parenthesis")" with code is not an expression, but instead manipulated by the code syntactic form. "(word'(font"Triplicate T4"size22.5color"Orchid"background"Yellow")"Bangazoom!")" This helps explain what we meant in the previous section when we said that racket provides require and the function-calling syntax.")(block-break)(block'()"Libraries are not restricted to exporting values, such as functions; they can also define new syntactic forms. In this sense, Racket isn’t exactly a language at all; it’s more of an idea for how to structure a language so that you can extend it or create entirely new ones.")))
(define(ti3)(block'(measure54.0leading18.0)"Meg is an ally."))