line alignment, fixed

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 49c9197715
commit 4cd0819d50

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append '((display "block")
(line-align "center")
#;(line-align "center")
(background-color "#eee")
(font-family "fira") (font-size "10") (line-height "15")
(border-width-top "0.5") (border-color-top "gray") (border-inset-top "8")
@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
(define class (default-tag-function 'class))
(define-tag-function (strong attrs exprs)
(qexpr (list* '(font-bold "true") '(font-size-adjust "120%") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (list* '(font-bold "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (a attrs exprs)
(qexpr `((link ,(cadr (assoc 'href attrs)))(color "MediumVioletRed")) exprs))
(define-tag-function (em attrs exprs)
(qexpr (list* '(font-italic "true") '(font-size-adjust "90%") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (list* '(font-italic "true") '(font-size-adjust "100%") attrs) exprs))
(define-syntax-rule (attr-list . attrs) 'attrs)
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@
(define h6 h3)
(define-tag-function (code attrs exprs)
(qexpr (append '((font-family "fira-mono")(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((font-family "fira-mono")#;(line-align "right")(font-size "10")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (pre attrs exprs)
;; pre needs to convert white space to equivalent layout elements
(define new-exprs (add-between
(for*/list ([expr (in-list exprs)]
[str (in-list (string-split (string-join (get-elements expr) "") "\n"))])
`(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,(string-replace str " " " ")))
`(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,(string-replace str " " " ")))
(qexpr (list* '(display "block") '(background-color "aliceblue")
'(font-family "fira-mono") '(font-size "11") '(line-height "14")
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
(qexpr (list* '(inset-left "20") attrs)
(for/list ([(expr idx) (in-indexed exprs)])
(list* (get-tag expr) (cons (list 'list-index (or bullet-val (format "~a" (add1 idx)))) (get-attrs expr)) (get-elements expr)))
(list* (get-tag expr) (cons (list 'list-index (or bullet-val (format "~a" (add1 idx)))) (get-attrs expr)) (get-elements expr)))
(define-tag-function (ol attrs exprs) (list-base attrs exprs))
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
(restore doc)))
(define line-height 20)
(define dumb-hardcoded-value 380.1234)
(define dumb-hardcoded-value 372)
(define q:line (q #:size (pt dumb-hardcoded-value line-height)
#:inner 'sw
#:out 'sw
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
(define new-run (struct-copy quad q:string
[attrs (quad-attrs (car pcs))]
[elems (merge-adjacent-strings (apply append (for/list ([pc (in-list run-pcs)])
(quad-elems pc))))]
(quad-elems pc))))]
[size (delay (pt (for/sum ([pc (in-list run-pcs)])
(pt-x (size pc)))
(pt-x (size pc)))
(pt-y (size (car pcs)))))]))
(values (cons new-run runs) rest)))
@ -226,13 +226,11 @@
(for* ([k (in-list block-attrs)]
[v (in-value (hash-ref source-hash k #f))]
#:when v)
(hash-set! dest-hash k v))
(hash-set! dest-hash k v))
(define (line-wrap xs wrap-size)
(wrap xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size
(quad-ref q 'inset-left 0)
(quad-ref q 'inset-right 0)))
(wrap xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size (quad-ref q 'inset-left 0) (quad-ref q 'inset-right 0)))
#:nicely #t
#:hard-break line-break?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
@ -270,22 +268,17 @@
;; line width is static
;; line height is the max 'line-height value or the natural height of q:line
[size new-size]
line alignment
naive approach works but:
+ `line-width` is not the right reference value for calculating offset adjust
+ alignment width reference needs to take account of inset due to border
[offset (match (quad-ref elem 'line-align "left")
["left" (pt 0 0)]
[val (define elems-width (pt-x (apply pt+ (map size elems))))
(define h-divisor (match val
["right" 1]
["center" 2]))
(define offset-adjust
(pt (/ (- line-width elems-width) h-divisor) 0))
(pt+ offset-adjust (quad-offset q:line))])]
[offset (let ()
(define elems-width (pt-x (apply pt+ (map size elems))))
(define h-factor (match (quad-ref elem 'line-align "left")
["left" 0]
["center" 0.5]
["right" 1]))
(define empty-hspace (- line-width
(quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0)
(quad-ref elem 'inset-right 0)))
(pt+ (quad-offset q:line) (pt (* empty-hspace h-factor) 0)))]
;; handle list indexes. drop new quad into line to hold list index
;; could also use this for line numbers
[elems (append
@ -313,8 +306,8 @@ naive approach works but:
[prev-ln (in-list (cdr reversed-lines))]
#:when (and (line-spacer? this-ln)
(quad-ref prev-ln 'keep-with-next)))
(make-nobreak! prev-ln)
(make-nobreak! this-ln)))
(make-nobreak! prev-ln)
(make-nobreak! this-ln)))
(define (apply-keeps lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines))
@ -374,7 +367,7 @@ naive approach works but:
#:elems lines
#:size (delay (pt (pt-x (size first-line)) ;
(+ (for/sum ([line (in-list lines)])
(pt-y (size line)))
(pt-y (size line)))
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0)
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-bottom 0))))
#:draw-start (λ (q doc)
@ -448,7 +441,7 @@ naive approach works but:
#:distance (λ (q dist-so-far wrap-qs)
;; do trial block insertions
(for/sum ([x (in-list (insert-blocks wrap-qs))])
(pt-y (size x))))
(pt-y (size x))))
#:finish-wrap (λ (lns q0 q idx)
(list (struct-copy quad q:page
[attrs (let ([page-number idx]
@ -463,9 +456,9 @@ naive approach works but:
(define (insert-blocks lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x 'display)) lines))
(append* (for/list ([line-group (in-list groups-of-lines)])
(match (quad-ref (car line-group) 'display)
[#false line-group]
[_ (list (block-wrap line-group))]))))
(match (quad-ref (car line-group) 'display)
[#false line-group]
[_ (list (block-wrap line-group))]))))
(define font-paths (make-hash))
@ -489,18 +482,18 @@ naive approach works but:
[font-path (in-directory font-family-subdir)]
#:when (or (path-has-extension? font-path #"otf")
(path-has-extension? font-path #"ttf")))
(match-define (list font-path-string family-name)
(map (λ (x) (path->string (find-relative-path fonts-dir x))) (list font-path font-family-subdir)))
(define key
(cons family-name
(match (string-downcase font-path-string)
[(and (regexp "bold") (regexp "italic")) 'bi]
[(regexp "bold") 'b]
[(regexp "italic") 'i]
[_ 'r])))
;; only set value if there's not one there already.
;; this means that we only use the first eligible font we find.
(hash-ref! font-paths key font-path)))
(match-define (list font-path-string family-name)
(map (λ (x) (path->string (find-relative-path fonts-dir x))) (list font-path font-family-subdir)))
(define key
(cons family-name
(match (string-downcase font-path-string)
[(and (regexp "bold") (regexp "italic")) 'bi]
[(regexp "bold") 'b]
[(regexp "italic") 'i]
[_ 'r])))
;; only set value if there's not one there already.
;; this means that we only use the first eligible font we find.
(hash-ref! font-paths key font-path)))
(define (font-attrs->path font-family bold italic)
;; find the font-path corresponding to a certain family name and style.
