@ -415,26 +415,34 @@
(define (random-pick xs)
(list-ref xs (random (length xs))))
(define (assign-random-vals csp)
(for/fold ([new-csp csp])
([name (in-var-names csp)])
(assign-val new-csp name (random-pick ($csp-vals csp name)))))
(define (make-min-conflcts-thread csp0 max-steps [main-thread (current-thread)])
(λ ()
;; Generate a complete assignment for all variables (probably with conflicts)
(for/fold ([csp (assign-random-vals csp0)])
([nth-step (in-range max-steps)])
;; Now repeatedly choose a random conflicted variable and change it
(match (conflicted-var-names csp)
[(? empty?) (thread-send main-thread csp) csp]
(define name (random-pick names))
(define val (min-conflicts-value csp name ($csp-vals csp0 name)))
(assign-val csp name val)])))))
(define/contract (min-conflicts csp [max-steps 100])
(($csp?) (integer?) . ->* . generator?)
;; Solve a CSP by stochastic hillclimbing on the number of conflicts.
;; Solve a CSP by stochastic hillclimbing on the number of conflicts.
(generator ()
(let loop ([csp0 csp])
;; Generate a complete assignment for all variables (probably with conflicts)
(define starting-assignment
(for/fold ([csp csp0])
([var (in-vars csp0)])
(define name (var-name var))
(assign-val csp name (random-pick ($csp-vals csp0 name)))))
;; Now repeatedly choose a random conflicted variable and change it
(for/fold ([csp starting-assignment])
([i (in-range max-steps)])
(match (conflicted-var-names csp)
[(? empty?) (yield csp) (loop csp0)]
(define name (random-pick names))
(define val (min-conflicts-value csp name ($csp-vals csp0 name)))
(assign-val csp name val)])))))
(for ([thread-count 4]) ; todo: what is ideal thread quantity?
(make-min-conflcts-thread csp max-steps))
(let loop ()
(yield (thread-receive))
(define/contract (conflicted-var-names csp)
($csp? . -> . (listof name?))