@ -692,13 +692,48 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:string%].
Generate an instance of @racket[x:string%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:string%]) with certain optional attributes.
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the length of the string. If this argument is an integer, the string is limited to that length. If it's another value, the string has variable length.
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the maximum length in bytes of the encoded string.
@item{If this argument is an integer, the string is limited to that length. The length is not directly encoded.
@item{If it's a @racket[xenomorphic?] type, the length is variable, but limited to the size that can be represented by that type. For instance, if @racket[len-arg] is @racket[uint8], then the string can be a maximum of 255 bytes. The length is encoded at the beginning of the byte string.}
@item{If it's another value, like @racket[#f], the string has variable length, and is null-terminated.}
@racket[enc-arg] or @racket[enc-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[enc-arg] takes precedence) determines the encoding of the string. Default is @racket['utf8]. See also @racket[supported-encoding?].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.