@ -62,14 +62,19 @@
(values next-key next-attrs)]))
(match (quad-elems x)
[(? pair? elems)
;; we don't use `struct-copy` here because it needs to have the structure id at compile time.
;; whereas with this technique, we can extract a constructor for any structure type.
;; notice that the technique depends on
;; 1) we only need to update attrs and elems
;; 2) we make them the first two fields, so we know to drop the first two fields of x-tail
(define x-maker (let-values ([(x-structure-type _) (struct-info x)])
(struct-type-make-constructor x-structure-type)))
(define x-tail (drop (struct->list x) 2))
(for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'isolate-white))])
(match elem
[(? string?)
(define-values (xtype _) (struct-info x))
(define x-constructor (struct-type-make-constructor xtype))
(list (apply x-constructor (list* next-attrs (list elem) (cddr (struct->list x)))))]
[_ (loop elem next-attrs next-key)])))]
(if (string? elem)
(list (apply x-maker next-attrs (list elem) x-tail))
(loop elem next-attrs next-key))))]
[_ (list x)])))
(module+ test