@ -40,16 +40,16 @@
(define consolidate-into-runs? #t)
(define (line-wrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-val (make-break #\newline)
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($line (hasheq 'size (list +inf.0 line-height) 'out 'sw)
;; consolidate chars into a single run (naively)
;; by taking attributes from first (including origin)
;; this only works because there's only one run per line
;; that is, it suffices to position the first letter
(if consolidate-into-runs?
(list ($char (attrs (car pcs)) (append-map elems pcs)))
#:break-val (make-break #\newline)
#:soft-break-proc soft-break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($line (hasheq 'size (list +inf.0 line-height) 'out 'sw)
;; consolidate chars into a single run (naively)
;; by taking attributes from first (including origin)
;; this only works because there's only one run per line
;; that is, it suffices to position the first letter
(if consolidate-into-runs?
(list ($char (attrs (car pcs)) (append-map elems pcs)))
(define (as-link doc str url-str [x 0] [y 0])
(send doc save)
@ -70,24 +70,28 @@
(set! page-count (add1 page-count)))) '(#\page)))
(define (page-wrap xs size [debug #f])
(break xs size debug
#:break-before? #t
#:break-val pb
#:soft-break-proc $break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($page (hasheq) (filter-not $break? pcs))))))
#:break-before? #t
#:break-val pb
#:soft-break-proc $break?
#:finish-wrap-proc (λ (pcs) (list ($page (hasheq) (filter-not $break? pcs))))))
(define (typeset args)
(define (typeset qarg)
(define chars 25)
(define line-width (* 7.2 chars))
(define lines-per-page (* 4 line-height))
(position ($doc (hasheq 'origin '(36 36)) (page-wrap (line-wrap (map charify (atomize (apply quad #f args))) line-width) lines-per-page))))
(position ($doc (hasheq 'origin '(36 36)) (page-wrap (line-wrap (map charify (atomize qarg)) line-width) lines-per-page))))
(require hyphenate racket/runtime-path pollen/unstable/typography)
(require hyphenate racket/runtime-path pollen/unstable/typography pollen/tag)
(provide quad)
(define quad (default-tag-function 'quad))
(define-runtime-path fira "fira.ttf")
(define-macro (mb . ARGS)
(with-pattern ([PS (syntax-property #'ARGS 'ps)])
(define q (typeset (list . ARGS)))
(define q (typeset (qexpr->quad (quad . ARGS))))
(let ([doc (make-object PDFDocument
(hasheq 'compress #t
@ -114,5 +118,6 @@
(define (quad-read-syntax path-string p)
(define quad-at-reader (make-at-reader
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t))
#:inside? #t
#:command-char #\◊))
(syntax-property (quad-at-reader path-string p) 'ps (path-replace-extension path-string #".pdf"))))