@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/string racket/hash racket/class racket/match racket/list txexpr racket/dict racket/function
"quad.rkt" "param.rkt")
(require racket/string
(provide (all-defined-out))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (update-with base-hash . update-hashes)
;; starting with base-hash, add or update keys found in update-hashes
@ -15,72 +23,8 @@
((hasheq 'foo "bar" 'zim "zam") . update-with . (hasheq 'zim "BANG") (hasheq 'toe "jam") (hasheq 'foo "zay"))
(make-hasheq '((zim . "BANG") (foo . "zay") (toe . "jam")))))
(define (merge-whitespace qs [white-q? (λ (aq) (char-whitespace? (car (quad-elems aq))))])
;; collapse each sequence of whitespace qs to the first one, and make it a space
;; also drop leading & trailing whitespaces
;; (same behavior as web browsers)
(let loop ([acc null][qs qs])
(if (null? qs)
(flatten acc)
(let*-values ([(bs rest) (splitf-at qs (negate white-q?))]
[(ws rest) (splitf-at rest white-q?)])
(loop (list acc bs (if (and (pair? rest) ;; we precede bs (only #t if rest starts with bs, because we took the ws)
(pair? bs) ;; we follow bs
(pair? ws)) ;; we have ws
(make-quad (quad-attrs (car ws)) #\space)
null)) rest)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (merge-whitespace (list (q #\space) (q #\newline) (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\newline) (q #\space) (q #\i) (q #\newline)))
(list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i))))
(define (atomize qx)
;; normalize a quad by reducing it to one-character quads.
;; propagate attrs downward.
(define atomic-quads
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (q #f qx) qx)][attrs (current-default-attrs)])
(match x
[(? char? c) (list (q attrs c))]
[(? string?) (append* (for/list ([c (in-string x)]) ;; strings are exploded
(loop c attrs)))]
[(? quad?) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define this-attrs (quad-attrs x))
(define elems (quad-elems x))
(define merged-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list elems)])
(loop elem merged-attrs)))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'atomize "valid item" x)])))
(merge-whitespace atomic-quads))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (atomize (q "Hi")) (list (q #\H) (q #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "Hi " (q "You"))) (list (q #\H) (q #\i) (q #\space) (q #\Y) (q #\o) (q #\u)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (atomize #t)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "H i")) (list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "H \n\n i")) (list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i))) ;; collapse whitespace to single
;; with attributes
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k "v") "Hi")) (list (q (hasheq 'k "v") #\H) (q (hasheq 'k "v") #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k "v") "Hi " (q "You")))
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\H)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\i)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\space)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\Y)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\o)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\u)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) "Hi \n\n" (q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k3 "foo") "\n \nYou")))
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\H)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\i)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\space)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\Y)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\o)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\u))))
(define whitespace-pat #px"\\s+")
(define (merge-and-isolate-white str)
(for/list ([(m idx) (in-indexed (regexp-match* whitespace-pat str #:gap-select? #t))]
#:when (non-empty-string? m))
@ -101,36 +45,54 @@
(define (same-run? qa qb)
(eq? (hash-ref (quad-attrs qa) run-key) (hash-ref (quad-attrs qb) run-key)))
(define (runify qx)
;; runify a quad by reducing it to a series of "runs",
(define (atomize qx)
;; atomize a quad by reducing it to the smallest indivisible formatting units.
;; which are multi-character quads with the same formatting.
(define first-run-idx (eq-hash-code (current-default-attrs)))
(define first-attrs (hash-copy (current-default-attrs)))
(hash-set! first-attrs run-key first-run-idx)
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (make-quad #f (list qx)) qx)]
[attrs first-attrs]
[key first-run-idx])
(match x
[(? quad?) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define this-attrs (quad-attrs x))
(define elems (quad-elems x))
(define next-key (if (hash-empty? this-attrs) key (eq-hash-code this-attrs)))
(define next-attrs (if (hash-empty? this-attrs) attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs)))
(unless (hash-empty? this-attrs) (hash-set! next-attrs run-key next-key))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'merge-white))])
(if (string? elem)
(list (make-quad next-attrs elem))
(loop elem next-attrs next-key))))]))
(λ (q) (string=? " " (car (quad-elems q))))))
(let loop ([x (make-quad qx)]
[attrs (hash-copy (current-default-attrs))]
[key (eq-hash-code (current-default-attrs))])
(match-define-values (next-key next-attrs)
;; make a new run when we encounter non-empty attrs
(match (quad-attrs x)
[(? hash-empty?) (values key attrs)]
[this-attrs (define next-key (eq-hash-code this-attrs))
(define next-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(hash-set! next-attrs run-key next-key)
(values next-key next-attrs)]))
(match (quad-elems x)
[(? pair? elems)
(for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'isolate-white))])
(match elem
[(? string?)
The conundrum: how to atomize quads that have subtypes and possibly other fields.
We need to make new quads derived from the original.
But we don't have access to the subtype here.
Making the quad mutable doesn't solve the problem: we can change the first one, but we still need copies.
`struct-copy` doesn't work, because it can't see the subtype.
`struct-list` doesn't work, because it can't rely on structs being transparent.
(list (make-quad #:type (quad-type x)
#:attrs next-attrs
#:elems (list elem)))]
[_ (loop elem next-attrs next-key)])))]
[_ (list x)])))
#;(module+ test
;; this test doesn't work because of presence of 'idx and 'run keys
(runify (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one")))
(list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))
(module+ test
(define (filter-private-keys qs)
(for-each (λ (q) (when (hash-has-key? (quad-attrs q) 'run)
(hash-remove! (quad-attrs q) 'run))) qs)
(struct $br quad ())
(define br (q #:type $br (hasheq 'br "time")))
(check-equal? (filter-private-keys (atomize (q (q "a b") br (q "x y"))))
(list (q "a") (q " ") (q "b") br (q "x") (q " ") (q "y")))
(filter-private-keys (atomize (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one"))))
(list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))