a conundrum

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent d7194e75f4
commit 4425b16241

@ -1,60 +1,5 @@
#lang qtest/markdown
# Hyphenate
A simple _hyphenation engine_ that uses the KnuthLiang hyphenation algorithm originally developed for TeX.
I **have added little** to their work. Accordingly, I take no credit, except a spoonful of *snako-bits.*
And now, for something __altogether__ the same. Yes! No?!ß
## 1. Installation
At the command line:
We said `raco pkg install hyphenate` dude
Code block
Goes here
> Hyphenate `xexpr` by calculating hyphenation points and inserting
`joiner` at those points. By default, `joiner` is the soft hyphen
\(Unicode 00AD = decimal 173\). Words shorter than
`#:min-length` `length` will not be hyphenated. To hyphenate words of
any length, use `#:min-length` `#f`.
A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text. A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text. A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text. A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text. A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text.A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text.A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text.A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text.A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their
text.A [list of web colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors).
Certain word processors allow users to [insert soft
hyphens](http://practicaltypography.com/optional-hyphens.html) in their

@ -2,39 +2,37 @@
(require (for-syntax racket/base) txexpr racket/runtime-path racket/string racket/promise racket/match racket/list
pitfall quad sugar/debug pollen/tag)
(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) #%module-begin)
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin] [q-tag q])
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin])
p id strong em attr-list h1 h2 code pre a blockquote)
(define-tag-function (p attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q attrs exprs))
(qexpr attrs exprs))
(define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (cons '(container "bq") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (cons '(container "bq") attrs) exprs))
(define id (default-tag-function 'id))
(define class (default-tag-function 'class))
(define q-tag (default-tag-function 'q))
(define-tag-function (strong attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (cons '(font "charter-bold") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (cons '(font "charter-bold") attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (a attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q `((link ,(cadr (assoc 'href attrs)))(color "MediumVioletRed")) exprs))
(qexpr `((link ,(cadr (assoc 'href attrs)))(color "MediumVioletRed")) exprs))
(define-tag-function (em attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (cons '(font "charter-italic") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (cons '(font "charter-italic") attrs) exprs))
(define-syntax-rule (attr-list . attrs) 'attrs)
(define-tag-function (h1 attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (append '((font "fira")(fontsize "36")(line-height "48")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((font "fira")(fontsize "36")(line-height "48")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (h2 attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (append '((font "fira")(fontsize "24")(line-height "36")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((font "fira")(fontsize "24")(line-height "36")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (code attrs exprs)
(txexpr 'q (append '((font "fira-mono")(fontsize "11")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (append '((font "fira-mono")(fontsize "11")(bg "aliceblue")) attrs) exprs))
(define-tag-function (pre attrs exprs)
;; pre needs to convert white space to equivalent layout elements
@ -42,8 +40,8 @@
(for*/list ([expr (in-list exprs)]
[str (in-list (string-split (car (get-elements expr)) "\n"))])
`(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,str))
'(q "")))
(txexpr 'q attrs new-exprs))
(qexpr attrs new-exprs))
(define q:string (q #:in 'bi
#:out 'bo ;; align to baseline
@ -70,30 +68,33 @@
(define-runtime-path fira-mono "fonts/fira-mono.ttf")
(define (->string-quad doc q)
quad q:string
[attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs q)])
;; attrs hashes are shared between many quads.
;; so the first update will change every reference to the shared hash
;; hence why we ignore if val is already a path
;; but this op should ideally happen earlier
(hash-update! attrs 'font
(λ (val) (if (path? val)
(match (string-downcase (string-replace val " " "-"))
["charter" charter]
["charter-bold" charter-bold]
["charter-italic" charter-italic]
["fira" fira]
["fira-mono" fira-mono]))))
[elems (quad-elems q)]
[size (delay
(define fontsize (string->number (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize)))
(font-size doc fontsize)
(font doc (path->string (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'font)))
(define str (car (quad-elems q)))
(pt (string-width doc str) (current-line-height doc)))]))
[(line-break? q) q]
quad q:string
[attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs q)])
;; attrs hashes are shared between many quads.
;; so the first update will change every reference to the shared hash
;; hence why we ignore if val is already a path
;; but this op should ideally happen earlier
(hash-update! attrs 'font
(λ (val) (if (path? val)
(match (string-downcase (string-replace val " " "-"))
["charter" charter]
["charter-bold" charter-bold]
["charter-italic" charter-italic]
["fira" fira]
["fira-mono" fira-mono]))))
[elems (quad-elems q)]
[size (delay
(define fontsize (string->number (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize)))
(font-size doc fontsize)
(font doc (path->string (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'font)))
(define str (car (quad-elems q)))
(pt (string-width doc str) (current-line-height doc)))])]))
(define draw? #f)
(define (draw-debug q doc [fill-color "#f99"] [stroke-color "#fcc"])
@ -145,15 +146,29 @@
(values (cons new-run runs) rest)))
(struct line-break quad ())
(struct line-break quad () #:transparent)
(define lbr (q #:type line-break
#:elems '("")
#:printable #f))
(struct para-break line-break () #:transparent)
(define pbr (q #:type para-break
#:elems '("¶¶")
#:printable #f))
(module+ test
(check-true (line-break? (second (quad-elems (q "foo" pbr "bar")))))
(check-true (line-break? (second (atomize (q "foo" pbr "bar"))))))
(define (line-wrap xs size)
(wrap xs size
#:hard-break (λ (q) (match (quad-elems q)
[(list (or "¶¶" "")) #t]
[_ #f]))
#R xs
#R (line-break? (second xs))
(wrap xs size 'debug
#:hard-break line-break?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
#:finish-wrap (λ (pcs q idx)
#R pcs
#R q
#R idx
(define new-elems (consolidate-runs pcs))
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
@ -187,6 +202,8 @@
#:draw-start (λ (q doc) (add-page doc))
#:draw-end (λ (q doc)
(font-size doc 10)
(font doc charter)
(fill-color doc "black")
(text doc (format "~a · ~a at ~a" (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'page-number)
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'doc-title)
(date->string (current-date) #t))
@ -265,8 +282,10 @@
#:size "letter")))
(define line-width (- (pdf-width pdf) (* 2 side-margin)))
(define vertical-height (- (pdf-height pdf) top-margin bottom-margin))
(let* ([x (time-name runify (runify (qexpr->quad xs)))]
(let* ([x (time-name atomize #R (atomize #R (qexpr->quad xs)))]
[x (begin #R (line-break? (second x)) x)]
[x (time-name ->string-quad (map (λ (x) (->string-quad pdf x)) x))]
[x (begin #R (line-break? (second x)) x)]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x vertical-height path))]
[x (time-name insert-containers (insert-containers x))]
@ -277,7 +296,7 @@
(syntax-case stx ()
(define qx `(q ((font "Charter") (fontsize "12")) ,@(list . STRS)))
(define qx (list* 'q '((font "Charter") (fontsize "12")) (add-between (list . STRS) pbr)))
(run qx PDF-PATH))]))
(module+ reader
@ -302,7 +321,7 @@
#:inside? #t
#:command-char #\◊))
(define stx (quad-at-reader path-string p))
(define parsed-stx (datum->syntax stx (xexpr->parse-tree (add-between (parse-markdown (apply string-append (syntax->datum stx))) '(q "¶¶")))))
(define parsed-stx (datum->syntax stx (xexpr->parse-tree (parse-markdown (apply string-append (syntax->datum stx))))))
(with-syntax ([PT parsed-stx]
[PDF-PATH (path-replace-extension path-string #".pdf")])

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
(time-name config-pdf
(font pdf (path->string charter))
(font-size pdf 12))
(let* ([x (time-name runify (runify qarg))]
(let* ([x (time-name atomize (atomize qarg))]
[x (time-name quadify (map (λ (x) (quadify pdf x)) x))]
[x (time-name line-wrap (line-wrap x line-width))]
[x (time-name page-wrap (page-wrap x lines-per-page))]

@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/string racket/hash racket/class racket/match racket/list txexpr racket/dict racket/function
"quad.rkt" "param.rkt")
(require racket/string
(provide (all-defined-out))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (update-with base-hash . update-hashes)
;; starting with base-hash, add or update keys found in update-hashes
@ -15,72 +23,8 @@
((hasheq 'foo "bar" 'zim "zam") . update-with . (hasheq 'zim "BANG") (hasheq 'toe "jam") (hasheq 'foo "zay"))
(make-hasheq '((zim . "BANG") (foo . "zay") (toe . "jam")))))
(define (merge-whitespace qs [white-q? (λ (aq) (char-whitespace? (car (quad-elems aq))))])
;; collapse each sequence of whitespace qs to the first one, and make it a space
;; also drop leading & trailing whitespaces
;; (same behavior as web browsers)
(let loop ([acc null][qs qs])
(if (null? qs)
(flatten acc)
(let*-values ([(bs rest) (splitf-at qs (negate white-q?))]
[(ws rest) (splitf-at rest white-q?)])
(loop (list acc bs (if (and (pair? rest) ;; we precede bs (only #t if rest starts with bs, because we took the ws)
(pair? bs) ;; we follow bs
(pair? ws)) ;; we have ws
(make-quad (quad-attrs (car ws)) #\space)
null)) rest)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (merge-whitespace (list (q #\space) (q #\newline) (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\newline) (q #\space) (q #\i) (q #\newline)))
(list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i))))
(define (atomize qx)
;; normalize a quad by reducing it to one-character quads.
;; propagate attrs downward.
(define atomic-quads
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (q #f qx) qx)][attrs (current-default-attrs)])
(match x
[(? char? c) (list (q attrs c))]
[(? string?) (append* (for/list ([c (in-string x)]) ;; strings are exploded
(loop c attrs)))]
[(? quad?) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define this-attrs (quad-attrs x))
(define elems (quad-elems x))
(define merged-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list elems)])
(loop elem merged-attrs)))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'atomize "valid item" x)])))
(merge-whitespace atomic-quads))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (atomize (q "Hi")) (list (q #\H) (q #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "Hi " (q "You"))) (list (q #\H) (q #\i) (q #\space) (q #\Y) (q #\o) (q #\u)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (atomize #t)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "H i")) (list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q "H \n\n i")) (list (q #\H) (q #\space) (q #\i))) ;; collapse whitespace to single
;; with attributes
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k "v") "Hi")) (list (q (hasheq 'k "v") #\H) (q (hasheq 'k "v") #\i)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k "v") "Hi " (q "You")))
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\H)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\i)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\space)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\Y)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\o)
(q (hasheq 'k "v") #\u)))
(check-equal? (atomize (q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) "Hi \n\n" (q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k3 "foo") "\n \nYou")))
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\H)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\i)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v1" 'k2 42) #\space)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\Y)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\o)
(q (hasheq 'k1 "v2" 'k2 42 'k3 "foo") #\u))))
(define whitespace-pat #px"\\s+")
(define (merge-and-isolate-white str)
(for/list ([(m idx) (in-indexed (regexp-match* whitespace-pat str #:gap-select? #t))]
#:when (non-empty-string? m))
@ -101,36 +45,54 @@
(define (same-run? qa qb)
(eq? (hash-ref (quad-attrs qa) run-key) (hash-ref (quad-attrs qb) run-key)))
(define (runify qx)
;; runify a quad by reducing it to a series of "runs",
(define (atomize qx)
;; atomize a quad by reducing it to the smallest indivisible formatting units.
;; which are multi-character quads with the same formatting.
(define first-run-idx (eq-hash-code (current-default-attrs)))
(define first-attrs (hash-copy (current-default-attrs)))
(hash-set! first-attrs run-key first-run-idx)
(let loop ([x (if (string? qx) (make-quad #f (list qx)) qx)]
[attrs first-attrs]
[key first-run-idx])
(match x
[(? quad?) ;; qexprs with attributes are recursed
(define this-attrs (quad-attrs x))
(define elems (quad-elems x))
(define next-key (if (hash-empty? this-attrs) key (eq-hash-code this-attrs)))
(define next-attrs (if (hash-empty? this-attrs) attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs)))
(unless (hash-empty? this-attrs) (hash-set! next-attrs run-key next-key))
(append* (for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'merge-white))])
(if (string? elem)
(list (make-quad next-attrs elem))
(loop elem next-attrs next-key))))]))
(λ (q) (string=? " " (car (quad-elems q))))))
(let loop ([x (make-quad qx)]
[attrs (hash-copy (current-default-attrs))]
[key (eq-hash-code (current-default-attrs))])
(match-define-values (next-key next-attrs)
;; make a new run when we encounter non-empty attrs
(match (quad-attrs x)
[(? hash-empty?) (values key attrs)]
[this-attrs (define next-key (eq-hash-code this-attrs))
(define next-attrs (attrs . update-with . this-attrs))
(hash-set! next-attrs run-key next-key)
(values next-key next-attrs)]))
(match (quad-elems x)
[(? pair? elems)
(for/list ([elem (in-list (merge-adjacent-strings elems 'isolate-white))])
(match elem
[(? string?)
The conundrum: how to atomize quads that have subtypes and possibly other fields.
We need to make new quads derived from the original.
But we don't have access to the subtype here.
Making the quad mutable doesn't solve the problem: we can change the first one, but we still need copies.
`struct-copy` doesn't work, because it can't see the subtype.
`struct-list` doesn't work, because it can't rely on structs being transparent.
(list (make-quad #:type (quad-type x)
#:attrs next-attrs
#:elems (list elem)))]
[_ (loop elem next-attrs next-key)])))]
[_ (list x)])))
#;(module+ test
;; this test doesn't work because of presence of 'idx and 'run keys
(runify (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one")))
(list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))
(module+ test
(define (filter-private-keys qs)
(for-each (λ (q) (when (hash-has-key? (quad-attrs q) 'run)
(hash-remove! (quad-attrs q) 'run))) qs)
(struct $br quad ())
(define br (q #:type $br (hasheq 'br "time")))
(check-equal? (filter-private-keys (atomize (q (q "a b") br (q "x y"))))
(list (q "a") (q " ") (q "b") br (q "x") (q " ") (q "y")))
(filter-private-keys (atomize (q (hasheq 'foo 42) (q "Hi" " idiot" (q (hasheq 'bar 84) "There") "Eve" "ry" "one"))))
(list (q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Hi")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) " ")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "idiot")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42 'bar 84) "There")
(q (hasheq 'foo 42) "Everyone"))))

@ -1,49 +1,59 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require xml
"quad.rkt" sugar/debug)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(define/contract (qexpr? x)
;; a qexpr is like an xexpr, but more lenient in some ways (allows single char as body element)
;; and less in others (only allows 'q or 'quad as tag names)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(define (valid-tag? tag) (and (memq tag '(q quad)) #t))
;; should we allow quads within a qexpr? I say yes
(define permissive-qexprs (make-parameter #t))
(define (valid-tag? tag) (and (memq tag '(q quad)) #t))
(define (qexpr? x)
;; a qexpr is like an xexpr, but more lenient in some ways (possibly allows quads)
;; and less in others (only allows 'q or 'quad as tag names, only allows strings or qexprs as elements)
;; attrs are open-ended
(match x
[(? txexpr?) #t]
[(list (? symbol? tag) (? char? c)) #t]
[(cons (? valid-tag?) rest)
(match rest
[(list (? txexpr-attrs?) (? qexpr?) ...) #t]
[(list (? qexpr?) ...) #t]
[_ #f])]
[(? string?) #t]
[else #f]))
[(? quad?) (permissive-qexprs)]
[_ #f]))
(module+ test
(check-true (qexpr? "Hello world"))
(check-true (qexpr? '(q "Hello world")))
(check-true (qexpr? '(quad "Hello world")))
#;(check-false (qexpr? '(div "Hello world")))
(check-true (qexpr? '(q #\H)))
(check-true (qexpr? '(quad #\H)))
#;(check-false (qexpr? '(span #\H)))
(check-false (qexpr? '(div "Hello world")))
(check-false (qexpr? '(q #\H)))
(check-false (qexpr? '(quad #\H)))
(check-false (qexpr? '(span #\H)))
(check-true (qexpr? '(quad "Hello world")))
(check-false (qexpr? 'q)))
(check-true (qexpr? `(quad "Hello " ,(q "world")))))
(define (quad-name q) (string->symbol (string-trim (symbol->string (object-name q)) "$")))
(define/contract (qexpr #:clean-attrs? [clean-attrs? #f]
#:name [name 'q]
attrs . elems)
((txexpr-attrs?) (#:clean-attrs? any/c #:name txexpr-tag?) #:rest (or/c txexpr-elements? (list/c char?)) . ->* . qexpr?)
(txexpr name (if clean-attrs? (remove-duplicates attrs #:key car) attrs) (match elems
[(list (? char? c)) (list (string c))]
[else elems])))
(define (qexpr #:clean-attrs? [clean-attrs? #f]
#:name [name 'q]
attrs . elems)
(define new-attrs (if clean-attrs? (remove-duplicates attrs #:key car) attrs))
(define new-elems (match elems
[(list (? char? c)) (list (string c))]
[(list (? list? xs)) xs]
[else elems]))
[(empty? new-attrs) (list* name new-elems)]
[else (list* name new-attrs new-elems)]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (qexpr null "foo") '(q "foo"))
@ -53,30 +63,38 @@
(define (hash->qattrs attr-hash)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-dict (hash->list attr-hash))])
(list k (format "~a" v))))
(list k (format "~a" v))))
(define/contract (quad->qexpr q)
(quad? . -> . qexpr?)
(define (quad->qexpr q)
(let loop ([x q])
[(quad? x) (apply qexpr #:name (quad-name x) #:clean-attrs? #t (hash->qattrs (quad-attrs x)) (map loop (quad-elems x)))]
[else x])))
(define/contract (qexpr->quad x)
(qexpr? . -> . quad?)
(if (txexpr? x)
(q #:attrs (attrs->hash (get-attrs x))
#:elems (map qexpr->quad (get-elements x)))
(define (qexpr->quad x)
(unless (qexpr? x)
(raise-argument-error 'qexpr->quad "qexpr" x))
(let loop ([x x])
(match x
[(cons (? valid-tag?) rest)
(match rest
[(list (? txexpr-attrs? attrs) (? qexpr? elems) ...)
(q #:attrs (attrs->hash attrs) #:elems (map loop elems))]
[(list (? qexpr? elems) ...)
(q #:elems (map loop elems))])]
[_ x])))
(module+ test
(qexpr->quad `(q ((font "Charter") (fontsize "12")) (q "Foo bar") ,(make-quad "zzz") (q "Zim Zam")))
(q (hasheq 'font "Charter" 'fontsize "12") (q "Foo bar") (q "zzz") (q "Zim Zam"))))
(define/contract (qml->qexpr x)
(string? . -> . qexpr?)
(define (qml->qexpr x)
(parameterize ([permissive-xexprs #t]
[xexpr-drop-empty-attributes #t])
(string->xexpr x)))
(define/contract (qexpr->qml x)
(qexpr? . -> . string?)
(define (qexpr->qml x)
(xexpr->string x))
(module+ test

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
;; and compare them key-by-key
(hashes-equal? (quad-attrs q1) (quad-attrs q2))))
(struct quad (attrs
(struct quad (type
@ -84,12 +85,16 @@
#:draw [draw default-draw]
#:draw-end [draw-end void]
. args)
(unless (andmap (λ (x) (not (pair? x))) elems)
(raise-argument-error 'make-quad "elements that are not lists" elems))
(match args
[(list (== #false) elems ...) (make-quad #:elems elems)]
[(list (? hash? attrs) elems ...) (make-quad #:attrs attrs #:elems elems)]
[(list (? dict? assocs) elems ...) assocs (make-quad #:attrs (make-hasheq assocs) #:elems elems)]
[(list elems ..1) (make-quad #:elems elems)]
[null (type attrs
;; all cases end up below
[null (type type

@ -280,7 +280,8 @@
(define (visual-wrap str int [debug #f])
(for/list ([x (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([atom (atomize str)])
(for/list ([x (in-list (linewrap (for/list ([c (in-string str)])
(define atom (q c))
(if (equal? (quad-elems atom) '(#\space))
(struct-copy quad sp)
(struct-copy quad q-one
