Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 65e73603d9
commit 418c08f060

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#lang quad/typewriter
An expression that is not a value can always be partitioned into two parts: a redex, which is the part that changed in a single-step simplification (highlighted), and the continuation, which is the evaluation context surrounding an expression. In (- 4 (+ 1 1)), the redex is (+ 1 1), and the continuation is (- 4 []), where [] takes the place of the redex. That is, the continuation says how to "continue" after the redex is reduced to a value.
@(dynamic-require 'quad/quad '$quad)[(hasheq 'link "") '("An expression that")] is not a value can always be partitioned into two parts: a redex, which is the part that changed in a single-step simplification (highlighted), and the continuation, which is the evaluation context surrounding an expression. In (- 4 (+ 1 1)), the redex is (+ 1 1), and the continuation is (- 4 []), where [] takes the place of the redex. That is, the continuation says how to "continue" after the redex is reduced to a value.

@ -22,7 +22,13 @@
[else #t])
'draw (λ (q doc)
(send doc fontSize 12)
(send/apply doc text (apply string (elems q)) (origin q)))) (elems q)))
(let ([str (apply string (elems q))])
[(hash-ref (attrs q) 'link #f)
(λ (url-str) (apply as-link doc str url-str (origin q)))]
(send/apply doc text str (origin q))])))) (elems q)))
(struct $line $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $page $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $doc $quad () #:transparent)
@ -44,19 +50,23 @@
(if consolidate-into-runs?
(list ($char (attrs (car pcs)) (append-map elems pcs)))
(define (as-link doc str url-str [x 0] [y 0])
(send doc save)
(send doc fillColor "blue")
(define width (send doc widthOfString str))
(define height (send doc currentLineHeight))
(send doc text str x y)
(send doc link x y width height "")
(send doc restore))
(define pb ($break (hasheq 'printable? #f
'size '(0 0)
'draw (λ (q doc)
(send doc addPage)
(send doc fontSize 10)
(define str (string-append "page " (number->string page-count)))
(send doc save)
(send doc fillColor "blue")
(send doc text str 10 10)
(send doc restore)
(define width (send doc widthOfString str))
(define height (send doc currentLineHeight))
(send doc link 10 10 width height "")
(as-link doc str "" 10 10)
(set! page-count (add1 page-count)))) '(#\page)))
(define (page-wrap xs size [debug #f])
(wrap xs size debug
@ -77,7 +87,7 @@
(define-macro (mb . ARGS)
(with-pattern ([PS (syntax-property #'ARGS 'ps)])
(define q (typeset (map hyphenate (map smart-quotes (list . ARGS)))))
(define q (typeset (list . ARGS)))
(let ([doc (make-object PDFDocument
(hasheq 'compress #t
@ -86,7 +96,7 @@
(send* doc
[pipe (open-output-file PS #:exists 'replace)]
[registerFont "Fira" (path->string fira)]
[font "Fira"]
[font "Courier"]
[fontSize 12])
(draw q doc)
(send doc end))
