
Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent 70ad28046c
commit 40043496e5

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(for-syntax racket/base)
@ -58,35 +57,38 @@
(define/override (string-width str size [features null])
; #f disables features ; null enables default features ; list adds features
(match-define (list _ posns) (encode str features))
(define scale (/ size (+ (font-units-per-em font) 0.0)))
;; use `encode` because it's cached.
;; we assume that the side effects of `encode`
;; (e.g., appending to `widths` and `unicode`)
;; are ok because every string that gets measured is going to be encoded eventually
(match-define (list _ posns) (encode str features))
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector posns)]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
(* width scale))
(define layout-cache (make-hash))
(define encoding-cache (make-hash))
;; called from text.rkt
(define/override (encode str [features null])
(hash-ref! (hash-ref! layout-cache features make-hash) str
(define/override (encode str [features null])
(define features-key (and features (sort features string<?)))
(hash-ref! encoding-cache (cons features-key str)
(λ ()
(define glyph-run (layout font str features))
(define glyph-run (layout font str features-key))
(define glyphs (glyphrun-glyphs glyph-run))
(define positions (glyphrun-positions glyph-run))
(define-values (subset-idxs new-positions)
(for/lists (idxs posns)
([(g i) (in-indexed glyphs)]
([g (in-list glyphs)]
[posn (in-list positions)])
(define gid (subset-add-glyph! subset (glyph-id g)))
(define subset-idx (to-hex gid))
(set-glyph-position-advance-width! posn (glyph-advance-width g))
(hash-ref! widths gid (λ () (glyph-position-advance-width posn)))
(hash-ref! unicode gid (λ () (glyph-codepoints g)))
(scale-glyph-position! posn scale)
(values subset-idx posn)))
(list (list->vector subset-idxs) (list->vector new-positions)))))
(define/override (embed)
;; no CFF support
(define isCFF #false) #;(is-a? subset CFFSubset)
@ -202,11 +204,11 @@ HERE
(module+ test
(require rackunit fontland sugar/unstable/js)
(define ef (make-object embedded-font% "../ptest/assets/charter.ttf"))
(check-equal? (send ef string-width "f" 1000) 321.0)
(check-equal? (· ef ascender) 980)
(check-equal? (· ef descender) -238)
(check-equal? (· ef line-gap) 0)
(check-equal? (bbox->list (· ef bbox)) '(-161 -236 1193 963))
(define H-gid 41)
(check-equal? (· ef widths) (mhasheqv 0 278))
(check-equal? (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph (· ef font) H-gid)) 738))
(check-equal? (send ef string-width "f" 1000) 321.0)
(check-equal? (glyph-advance-width (get-glyph (· ef font) H-gid)) 738))

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang debug racket/base
@ -62,19 +62,25 @@
(define/public (get-kern-pair left right)
(hash-ref @kern-pairs (make-kern-table-key left right) 0))
(define/override (encode text [options #f])
(define encoded (for/vector ([c (in-string text)])
(define cint (char->integer c))
(number->string (hash-ref win-ansi-table cint cint) 16)))
(define glyphs (glyphs-for-string text))
(define positions (for/vector ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]
[advance (in-list (advances-for-glyphs glyphs))])
(+glyph-position advance 0 0 0 (glyph-width glyph))))
(list encoded positions))
(define encoding-cache (make-hash))
(define/override (encode str [options #f])
(hash-ref encoding-cache str
(λ ()
(define encoded
(for/vector ([c (in-string str)])
(define cint (char->integer c))
(number->string (hash-ref win-ansi-table cint cint) 16)))
(define glyphs (glyphs-for-string str))
(define positions
(for/vector ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]
[advance (in-list (advances-for-glyphs glyphs))])
(+glyph-position advance 0 0 0 (glyph-width glyph))))
(list encoded positions))))
(define/override (string-width str size [options #f])
(define glyphs (glyphs-for-string str))
(define width (apply + (advances-for-glyphs glyphs)))
(match-define (list _ posns) (encode str options))
(define width (for/sum ([p (in-vector posns)]) (glyph-position-x-advance p)))
(define scale (/ size 1000.0))
(* width scale))))
