minor simplifications

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 3c7a58445b
commit 30dc57bf1b

@ -39,14 +39,15 @@
;; using unicode-aware regexps to allow unicode hyphenation patterns
([subpat (in-list (regexp-match* #px"^\\d?|(\\p{L}|\\p{P})\\d?" pat))])
(define str (cond
[(regexp-match #px"(\\p{L}|\\p{P})?" subpat) => car]
[else ""]))
[(regexp-match #px"(\\p{L}|\\p{P})?" subpat) => car]
[else ""]))
(define num (cond
[(regexp-match #px"\\d" subpat) => (compose1 string->natural car)]
[else 0]))
[(regexp-match #px"\\d" subpat) => (compose1 string->natural car)]
[else 0]))
(values str num)))
(list (string-append* strs) nums))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (string->hashpair "2'2") '("'" (2 2)))
@ -55,10 +56,16 @@
(check-equal? (string->hashpair "'ý4") '("" (0 0 4)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair "ý4") '("’ý" (0 0 4)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair "4ý-") '("ý-" (4 0 0)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair ".ach4") '(".ach" (0 0 0 0 4)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair ".ad4der") '(".adder" (0 0 0 4 0 0 0)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair ".af1t") '(".aft" (0 0 0 1 0)))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair ".al3t") '(".alt" (0 0 0 3 0))))
(check-equal? (string->hashpair ".ach4") '(".ach" (0 0 0 0 4))))
(define (apply-map-max patterns)
;; each pattern is a list of numbers
;; all the patterns have the same length
[(empty? patterns) empty] ; special case
[(= 1 (length patterns)) (car patterns)] ; no competition for max
[else (apply map (λ xs (apply max xs)) patterns)])) ; run max against parallel elements
(define (make-points word)
@ -67,30 +74,25 @@
(define word-with-dots (format ".~a." (string-downcase word)))
(define matching-patterns
[(hash-has-key? (current-word-cache) word-with-dots) (list (hash-ref (current-word-cache) word-with-dots))]
[(hash-has-key? (current-exceptions) word-with-dots) (list (hash-ref (current-exceptions) word-with-dots))]
[(or (hash-ref (current-word-cache) word-with-dots #f)
(hash-ref (current-exceptions) word-with-dots #f)) => list]
(let ([word-as-list (string->list word-with-dots)])
;; ensures there's at least one (null) element in return value
(define starting-value (make-list (add1 (length word-as-list)) 0))
(reverse (for*/fold ([acc (cons starting-value null)])
([len (in-range (length word-as-list))]
[index (in-range (- (length word-as-list) len))])
(define substring (list->string (take (drop word-as-list index) (add1 len))))
[(hash-has-key? (current-patterns) substring)
(define value (hash-ref (current-patterns) substring))
;; put together head padding + value + tail padding
(define pattern-to-add (append (make-list index 0) value (make-list (- (add1 (length word-as-list)) (length value) index) 0)))
(cons pattern-to-add acc)]
[else acc]))))]))
(define (apply-map-max xss)
(if (ormap empty? (list xss (car xss)))
(cons (apply max (map car xss))
(apply-map-max (map cdr xss)))))
(define word-as-list (string->list word-with-dots))
(define word-as-list-length (length word-as-list))
;; ensures there's at least one (null) element in return value
(define starting-value (make-list (add1 word-as-list-length) 0))
(reverse (for*/fold ([acc (cons starting-value null)])
([len (in-range word-as-list-length)]
[index (in-range (- word-as-list-length len))])
(define substr (list->string (take (drop word-as-list index) (add1 len))))
[(hash-has-key? (current-patterns) substr)
(define value (hash-ref (current-patterns) substr))
;; put together head padding + value + tail padding
(define pattern-to-add
(append (make-list index 0) value (make-list (- (add1 word-as-list-length) (length value) index) 0)))
(cons pattern-to-add acc)]
[else acc])))]))
(define max-value-pattern (apply-map-max matching-patterns))
(cache-word (cons word-with-dots max-value-pattern))
@ -137,8 +139,7 @@
(make-pieces word)))
;; joiner contract allows char or string; this coerces to string.
(define (joiner->string joiner)
(format "~a" joiner))
(define (joiner->string joiner) (format "~a" joiner))
(define (apply-proc proc x [omit-string (λ(x) #f)] [omit-txexpr (λ(x) #f)])
(let loop ([x x])
