@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(require sugar/unstable/class
(require xenomorph)
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -13,26 +10,26 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/fontkit/blob/master/src/tables/hmtx.js
(define hmtx-entry (x:struct 'advance uint16be 'bearing int16be))
(define hmtx (x:struct 'metrics (x:lazy-array #:type hmtx-entry
#:length (λ (arr) (· arr parent hhea numberOfMetrics)))
#:length (λ (arr) (hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref arr 'parent) 'hhea) 'numberOfMetrics)))
'bearings (x:lazy-array #:type int16be
#:length (λ (arr) (- (· arr parent maxp numGlyphs)
(· arr parent hhea numberOfMetrics))))))
#:length (λ (arr) (- (hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref arr 'parent) 'maxp) 'numGlyphs)
(hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref arr 'parent) 'hhea) 'numberOfMetrics))))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit racket/serialize racket/stream)
(require rackunit racket/serialize racket/stream "../helper.rkt")
;; same as hmtx but doesn't require resolution of function to get length
(define hmtx-test (x:struct
'metrics (x:lazy-array hmtx-entry (λ (t) 229))
'bearing (x:lazy-array int16be (λ (t) 0))))
(define ip (open-input-file charter-path))
(define dir (deserialize (read (open-input-file charter-directory-path))))
(define hmtx-offset (· dir tables hmtx offset))
(define hmtx-length (· dir tables hmtx length))
(define hmtx-offset (hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref dir 'tables) 'hmtx) 'offset))
(define hmtx-length (hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref dir 'tables) 'hmtx) 'length))
(check-equal? hmtx-offset 456)
(check-equal? hmtx-length 916)
(define hmtx-bytes (peek-bytes hmtx-length hmtx-offset ip))
(define hmtx-data (decode hmtx-test hmtx-bytes))
(check-equal? (size hmtx-test) (* 229 (size hmtx-entry)))
(define H-gid 41) (define OE-gid 142)
(check-equal? (stream-ref (· hmtx-data metrics) H-gid) (make-hasheq '((bearing . 33) (advance . 738))))
(check-equal? (stream-ref (· hmtx-data metrics) OE-gid) (make-hasheq '((bearing . 43) (advance . 993)))))
(check-equal? (stream-ref (hash-ref hmtx-data 'metrics) H-gid) (make-hasheq '((bearing . 33) (advance . 738))))
(check-equal? (stream-ref (hash-ref hmtx-data 'metrics) OE-gid) (make-hasheq '((bearing . 43) (advance . 993)))))