@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(define qs (let loop ([q q])
(cons q (append* (for/list ([elem (in-list (quad-elems q))]
#:when (quad? elem))
(loop elem))))))
(loop elem))))))
(query-index qs (reverse qs)))
(define (string->key str #:this [this? #false])
@ -31,17 +31,18 @@
(define (parse-query str)
(for/list ([piece (in-list (string-split str ":"))])
(match (regexp-match #px"^(.*)\\[(.*?)\\]$" piece)
[#false (cons (string->key piece) #false)]
[(list _ name arg) (cons (hash-ref preds (string->key name)) (or (string->number arg)
(string->symbol arg)))])))
(match (regexp-match #px"^(.*)\\[(.*?)\\]$" piece)
[#false (cons (string->key piece) #false)]
[(list _ name arg) (cons (hash-ref preds (string->key name)) (or (string->number arg)
(string->symbol arg)))])))
(define (query quad-or-index query-str [querying-q #false])
(define qi (match quad-or-index
[(? quad? q) (make-query-index q)]
[idx idx]))
(for/fold ([qs (query-index-forward qi)]
#:result (and qs (car qs)))
(define vec (list->vector (query-index-forward qi)))
(for/fold ([vidx 0]
#:result (and vidx (vector-ref vec vidx)))
([query-piece (in-list (parse-query query-str))])
(match query-piece
[(cons pred 'this)
@ -50,13 +51,17 @@
;; once we have this-thing, locate it in the forward index and keep going
(memq this-thing (query-index-forward qi))]
[(cons pred count)
(let loop ([qs qs][seen 0])
(define maybe-tail (memf pred qs))
(and maybe-tail
(let loop ([vidx vidx][seen 0])
(define idx (for*/first ([vi (in-range vidx (vector-length vec))]
[val (in-value (vector-ref vec vi))]
#:when (pred val))
(and idx
(let ([seen (add1 seen)])
[(= seen count) maybe-tail]
[else (loop (cdr maybe-tail) seen)]))))])))
[(= seen count) idx]
[else (loop (add1 idx) seen)]))))])))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
@ -65,12 +70,12 @@
(define-syntax-rule (factory type proc)
(make-quad #:type type
#:elems (for/list ([i (in-range 3)])
(set! counter (add1 counter))
(define new-q (proc))
(quad-update! new-q
[tag (format "~a[~a]-~a" 'proc counter (gensym))])
(hash-set! (quad-attrs new-q) 'count counter)
(set! counter (add1 counter))
(define new-q (proc))
(quad-update! new-q
[tag (format "~a[~a]-~a" 'proc counter (gensym))])
(hash-set! (quad-attrs new-q) 'count counter)
(define (line) (make-quad #:type line-quad))
(define (block) (factory block-quad line))