put in basic pdf renderer
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
#lang quad/text test 300
Produces a list of three-element lists, where each three-element list represents a set of consecutive code points for which the Unicode standard specifies character properties. Each three-element list contains two integers and a boolean; the first integer is a starting code-point value (inclusive), the second integer is an ending code-point value (inclusive), and the boolean is #t when all characters in the code-point range have identical results for all of the character predicates above. The three-element lists are ordered in the overall result list such that later lists represent larger code-point values, and all three-element lists are separated from every other by at least one code-point value that is not specified by Unicode.
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#lang quad/dev
(require racket/class racket/contract sugar/debug sugar/cache racket/list racket/file racket/draw data/gvector)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (world:paper-width-default) 612)
(define (world:paper-height-default) 792)
(define renderable-quads '(word box))
(define (render-pdf [qs #f] [path-string "test.pdf"])
(send* (current-ps-setup) (set-margin 0 0) (set-scaling 1.0 1.0))
(define dc-output-port (open-output-bytes))
(define dc (new pdf-dc% [interactive #f][use-paper-bbox #f][as-eps #f]
[output dc-output-port]
[width (world:paper-width-default)][height (world:paper-height-default)]))
(send dc start-doc "boing")
(send dc set-pen "black" 1 'solid)
(send dc set-brush "black" 'transparent) ; no fill by default
#;(for ([q (in-vector qs)] #:when (member (quad-name q) renderable-quads))
(define p (quad-attr-ref q world:page-key))
(gvector-set! page-quad-vector p (cons q (gvector-ref page-quad-vector p null))))
#;(for/list ([pq (in-gvector page-quad-vector)])
(send dc start-page)
(map/send render-element (filter-not whitespace/nbsp? elements))
(send dc end-page))
(define (print-status)
(send dc draw-text (format "foobar ~a" (current-milliseconds)) 0 0))
(define f (make-font #:face "Source Code Pro" #:size 10))
(send dc set-font f)
(send dc start-page)
(when qs
(for/fold ([page-pos 0]
[x-pos 40]
[y-pos 40])
([q (in-vector qs)])
[(eq? (quad-dim q) 'page-break)
(send dc end-page)
(send dc start-page)
(values page-pos 40 40)]
[(quad-printable? q)
(send dc draw-text (format "~a" (quad-val q)) x-pos y-pos)
(values page-pos (+ x-pos (quad-dim q)) y-pos)]
[else (values page-pos x-pos y-pos)])))
(send dc end-page)
(send dc end-doc)
(define result-bytes (get-output-bytes dc-output-port))
(display-to-file result-bytes path-string #:exists 'replace #:mode 'binary))
#;(define (render-element q)
[(word? q) (render-word q)]
[else q]))
(define/caching (make-font/caching font size style weight)
(make-font #:face font #:size size #:style style #:weight weight))
#;(define (render-word w)
(define word-font (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-name-key))
(define word-size (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-size-key))
(define word-style (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-style-key))
(define word-weight (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-weight-key))
(define word-color (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-color-key))
(define word-background (quad-attr-ref/parameter w world:font-background-key))
(send dc set-font (make-font/caching word-font word-size word-style word-weight))
(send dc set-text-foreground (send the-color-database find-color word-color))
(define background-color (send the-color-database find-color word-background))
(if background-color ; all invalid color-string values will return #f
(send* dc (set-text-mode 'solid) (set-text-background background-color))
(send dc set-text-mode 'transparent))
(define word-text (quad-car w))
(send dc draw-text word-text (quad-attr-ref w world:x-position-key)
;; we want to align by baseline rather than top of box
;; thus, subtract ascent from y to put baseline at the y coordinate
(- (quad-attr-ref w world:y-position-key) (quad-attr-ref w world:ascent-key 0)) #t))
(module+ test
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