@ -12,15 +12,6 @@
(define (nonprinting-at-end? x) (not (printable? x 'end)))
(define (default-finish-wrap-func wrap-qs q0 q idx) (list wrap-qs))
(define ((make-finish-wrap finish-wrap-func) qs previous-wrap-ender wrap-idx [wrap-triggering-q (car qs)])
;; reverse because quads accumulated in reverse
;; wrap-triggering-q is ordinarily the last accumulated q
;; unless it's the last wrap, in which case it's #f
;; but we capture it separately because it's likely to get trimmed away by `nonprinting-at-end?`
;; note: we don't trim `soft-break?` or `hard-break?` because that's an orthogonal consideration
;; for instance, a hyphen is `soft-break?` but shouldn't be trimmed.
(finish-wrap-func (reverse (dropf qs nonprinting-at-end?)) previous-wrap-ender wrap-triggering-q wrap-idx))
(define (finalize-reversed-wraps wraps)
(match (append* (reverse wraps))
[(list (list)) (list)]
@ -62,7 +53,15 @@
[(? procedure? proc) proc]
[val (λ (q idx) val)]))
; takes quads in wrap, triggering quad, and wrap idx; returns list containing wrap (and maybe other things)
(define finish-wrap (make-finish-wrap finish-wrap-func))
(define (finish-wrap qs previous-wrap-ender wrap-idx [wrap-triggering-q (car qs)])
;; reverse because quads accumulated in reverse
;; wrap-triggering-q is ordinarily the last accumulated q
;; unless it's the last wrap, in which case it's #f
;; but we capture it separately because it's likely to get trimmed away by `nonprinting-at-end?`
;; note: we don't trim `soft-break?` or `hard-break?` because that's an orthogonal consideration
;; for instance, a hyphen is `soft-break?` but shouldn't be trimmed.
(finish-wrap-func (reverse (dropf qs nonprinting-at-end?)) previous-wrap-ender wrap-triggering-q wrap-idx))
(wrap-proc qs max-distance-proc debug hard-break? soft-break? finish-wrap wrap-count distance-func initial-wrap-idx))
(define (wrap-first qs max-distance-proc debug hard-break? soft-break? finish-wrap wrap-count distance-func initial-wrap-idx)