@ -8,90 +8,66 @@
(provide PDFPage)
(struct margin (top left bottom right) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define PDFPage
(class object%
(init-field document [page-parent #false] [options (mhash)])
(field [size (hash-ref options 'size "letter")]
[layout (hash-ref options 'layout "portrait")]
;; calculate page dimensions
[dimensions (if (list? size)
(hash-ref page-sizes (string-upcase size)))]
[width (list-ref dimensions (if (equal? layout "portrait") 0 1))]
[height (list-ref dimensions (if (equal? layout "portrait") 1 0))]
[content (send document ref)]
;; Initialize the Font, XObject, and ExtGState dictionaries
[resources (send document ref (mhash 'ProcSet '("PDF" "Text" "ImageB" "ImageC" "ImageI")))]
(let ([margin-value (hash-ref options 'margin #f)])
(init-field @doc [@page-parent #false] [@options (mhash)])
(field [(@size size) (hash-ref @options 'size "letter")]
[(@layout layout) (hash-ref @options 'layout "portrait")]
[@dimensions (if (list? @size)
(hash-ref page-sizes (string-upcase @size)))]
[(@width width) (list-ref @dimensions (if (equal? @layout "portrait") 0 1))]
[(@height height) (list-ref @dimensions (if (equal? @layout "portrait") 1 0))]
[@content (send @doc ref)]
[(@resources resources) (send @doc ref (mhash 'ProcSet '("PDF" "Text" "ImageB" "ImageC" "ImageI")))]
[(@margins margins)
(let ([margin-value (hash-ref @options 'margin #f)])
(if (number? margin-value)
(mhasheq 'top margin-value
'left margin-value
'bottom margin-value
'right margin-value)
(margin margin-value margin-value margin-value margin-value)
;; default to 1 inch margins
(hash-ref options 'margins default-margins)))]
(hash-ref @options 'margins default-margins)))]
;; The page dictionary
(send document ref
[(@dictionary dictionary)
(send @doc ref
(mhash 'Type "Page"
'Parent page-parent
'MediaBox (list 0 0 width height)
'Contents content
'Resources resources))])
;; Lazily create these dictionaries
(define/contract (fonts this)
(->m hash?)
(hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'Font (make-hash)))
'Parent @page-parent
'MediaBox (list 0 0 @width @height)
'Contents @content
'Resources @resources))])
(define/contract (xobjects this)
(->m hash?)
(hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'XObject (make-hash)))
;; Lazily create these dictionaries
(define/public (fonts)
(send @resources get-key! 'Font (make-hasheq)))
(define/contract (ext_gstates this)
(->m hash?)
(hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'ExtGState (make-hash)))
(define/public (xobjects)
(send @resources get-key! 'XObject (make-hasheq)))
(define/contract (patterns this)
(->m hash?)
(hash-ref! (· this resources payload) 'Pattern (make-hash)))
(define/public (ext_gstates)
(send @resources get-key! 'ExtGState (make-hasheq)))
(define/contract (annotations this [annot #f])
(() (any/c) . ->*m . void?)
(if (not annot)
(hash-ref! (· this dictionary payload) 'Annots null)
(hash-update! (· this dictionary payload) 'Annots (λ (val) (cons annot val)) null)))
(define/public (patterns)
(send @resources get-key! 'Pattern (make-hasheq)))
(define/public (annotations [annot #f])
(if annot
(send @dictionary update-key! 'Annots (λ (val) (cons annot val)) null)
(send @dictionary get-key! 'Annots null)))
(define/contract (maxY this)
(->m number?)
(- (· this height) (· this margins bottom)))
(define/public (maxY)
(- @height (margin-bottom @margins)))
(define (write this chunk)
(send (· this content) write chunk)) ; resume here
(define/public (write chunk)
(send @content write chunk))
(define/contract (end this)
(->m void?)
(send (· this dictionary) end)
(send (· this resources) end)
(send (· this content) end))
(define/public (end)
(send @dictionary end)
(send @resources end)
(send @content end))))
(define default-margins (hasheq 'top 72
'left 72
'bottom 72
'right 72))
(define default-margins (margin 72 72 72 72))
(define page-sizes
(hash "4A0" '(4767.87 6740.79)