
Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 12919a9611
commit 1ac4b25b67

@ -183,8 +183,16 @@
(define/public (domain-pop!)
(py-pop! _list))
(define/public (copy)
(define copied-domain (new Domain [set _list]))
(set-field! _hidden copied-domain _hidden)
(set-field! _states copied-domain _states)
(define Domain? (is-a?/c Domain))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Solvers
@ -213,78 +221,107 @@
(define values null)
(define pushdomains null)
(define variable #f)
(let/ec done
;; Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics
(define lst (sort (for/list ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)])
(define lst null)
(define want-to-return #f)
(define return-k #f)
(let/ec break-loop1
(set! return-k break-loop1)
(let loop1 ()
(displayln "starting while loop 1")
;; Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics
(set! lst (sort (for/list ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)])
(list (* -1 (length (hash-ref vconstraints variable)))
(length (get-field _list (hash-ref domains variable)))
variable)) list-comparator))
(report lst)
(let/ec bonk
(if (not (null? lst)) ; ? good translation of forelse?
(for ([item (in-list lst)])
(when (not ((last item) . in? . assignments))
; Found unassigned variable
(set! variable (last item))
(set! values (hash-ref domains variable))
(set! pushdomains
(if forwardcheck
(for/list ([x (in-hash-keys domains)]
#:when (and (not (x . in? . assignments))
(not (x . equal? . variable))))
(hash-ref domains x))
;; No unassigned variables. We've got a solution. Go back
;; to last variable, if there's one.
(generator ()
(yield (hash-copy assignments))
(when (not queue) (done))
(match-define (list variable values pushdomains) (py-pop! queue))
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))))))
(report variable)
(report values)
(report assignments)
(let/ec inner-done
;; We have a variable. Do we have any values left?
(report values)
(when (null? values)
;; No. Go back to last variable, if there's one.
(hash-remove! assignments variable)
(let loop ()
(if (not (null? queue))
(let ()
(define-values (variable values pushdomains) (py-pop! queue))
(when pushdomains
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))
(when values (inner-done))
(hash-remove! assignments variable)
(error 'todo "return from function"))))
;; Got a value. Check it.
(hash-set! assignments variable (send values domain-pop!))
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain pushState)))
;; todo: ok replacement for for/else?
(if (not (null? (hash-ref vconstraints variable)))
(for ([cvpair (in-list (hash-ref vconstraints variable))])
(match-define (cons constraint variables) cvpair)
(when (not (constraint variables domains assignments pushdomains))
;; Value is not good.
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))
;; Push state before looking for next variable.
(py-append! queue (list variable values pushdomains))))
(error 'getSolutionIter "Whoops, broken solver"))
(let/ec break-for-loop
(if (not (null? (report lst))) ; ? good translation of forelse?
(for ([item (in-list lst)])
(when (not ((last item) . in? . assignments))
; Found unassigned variable
(set! variable (last item))
(let ([unassigned-variable variable]) (report unassigned-variable))
(set! values (send (hash-ref domains variable) copy))
(set! pushdomains
(if forwardcheck
(for/list ([x (in-hash-keys domains)]
#:when (and (not (x . in? . assignments))
(not (x . equal? . variable))))
(hash-ref domains x))
;; No unassigned variables. We've got a solution. Go back
;; to last variable, if there's one.
(displayln "solution time")
(generator ()
(yield (hash-copy assignments))
(when (not queue) (break-loop1))
(match-define (list variable values pushdomains) (py-pop! queue))
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))))))
(report variable)
(report assignments)
(let/ec break-loop2
(let loop2 ()
(displayln "starting while loop 2")
;; We have a variable. Do we have any values left?
(displayln (format "values tested ~a" values))
(when (null? (get-field _list values))
;; No. Go back to last variable, if there's one.
(hash-remove! assignments variable)
(let/ec break-loop3
(let loop3 ()
(if (not (null? queue))
(let ()
(define variable-values-pushdomains (py-pop! queue))
(set! variable (first variable-values-pushdomains))
(set-field! _list values (second variable-values-pushdomains))
(set! pushdomains (third variable-values-pushdomains))
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))
(when (not (null? (get-field _list values))) (break-loop3))
(hash-remove! assignments variable)
(set! want-to-return #t)
;; Got a value. Check it.
(let ([values1 values])(report values1))
(report (eq? values (hash-ref domains "a")))
(report (get-field _list (hash-ref domains "a")))
(let ([popped (send values domain-pop!)])
(report popped) (report values)
(hash-set! assignments variable popped))
(report (get-field _list (hash-ref domains "a")))
(let ([values2 values])(report values2))
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain pushState)))
;; todo: ok replacement for for/else?
(if (not (null? (hash-ref vconstraints variable)))
(let/ec break-for-loop
(for ([cvpair (in-list (hash-ref vconstraints variable))])
(match-define (cons constraint variables) cvpair)
(when (not (constraint variables domains assignments pushdomains))
;; Value is not good.
(when (not (null? pushdomains))
(for ([domain (in-list pushdomains)])
(send domain popState)))
;; Push state before looking for next variable.
(py-append! queue (list variable values pushdomains)))
(if want-to-return
(error 'getSolutionIter "Whoops, broken solver")))

@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
queue = []
while True:
print "starting while loop 1"
# Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics
lst = [(-len(vconstraints[variable]),
@ -465,6 +466,7 @@ class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
for item in lst:
if item[-1] not in assignments:
# Found unassigned variable
print "unassigned variable", variable
variable = item[-1]
values = domains[variable][:]
if forwardcheck:
@ -477,6 +479,7 @@ class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
# No unassigned variables. We've got a solution. Go back
# to last variable, if there's one.
print "solution time"
yield assignments.copy()
if not queue:
@ -486,11 +489,11 @@ class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
print "variable", variable
print "values", values
print "assignments", assignments
while True:
print "starting while loop 2"
# We have a variable. Do we have any values left?
print "values", values
print "values tested", values
if not values:
# No. Go back to last variable, if there's one.
del assignments[variable]
@ -506,7 +509,15 @@ class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
# Got a value. Check it.
assignments[variable] = values.pop()
print "values1", values
print "equality", values is domains["a"]
print "(domains[a1])", domains["a"]
popped = values.pop()
print "popped", popped
print "values", values
assignments[variable] = popped
print "(domains[a2])", domains["a"]
print "values2", values
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
