@ -54,17 +54,16 @@
;; do this before ->string-quad so that it can handle the sizing promises
(apply append
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
(match (quad-ref q :hyphenate)
[#true #:when (and (pair? (quad-elems q))
(andmap string? (quad-elems q)))
(for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))]
[hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)]
[hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char
#:min-left-length 3
#:min-right-length 3))]
[substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))])
(quad-copy q [elems (list substr)]))]
[_ (list q)]))))
[(and (quad-ref q :hyphenate) (pair? (quad-elems q)) (andmap string? (quad-elems q)))
(for*/list ([str (in-list (quad-elems q))]
[hyphen-char (in-value #\u00AD)]
[hstr (in-value (hyphenate str hyphen-char
#:min-left-length 3
#:min-right-length 3))]
[substr (in-list (regexp-match* (regexp (string hyphen-char)) hstr #:gap-select? #t))])
(quad-copy q [elems (list substr)]))]
[else (list q)]))))
(define (string->feature-list str)
@ -72,20 +71,18 @@
(cons (string->bytes/utf-8 (first kv)) (string->number (second kv)))))
(define (parse-font-features! attrs)
[(match (hash-ref attrs :font-features-adjust #f)
[(? string? str)
;; override any existing features
(define parsed-features (string->feature-list str))
(hash-update! attrs :font-features (λ (fs) (remove-duplicates (append parsed-features fs) equal? #:key car)))
;; adjustment is incorporated, so delete it
(hash-set! attrs :font-features-adjust #false)]
[_ #false])]
[else (match (hash-ref attrs :font-features #f)
[(? string? str)
(define parsed-features (string->feature-list str))
(hash-set! attrs :font-features parsed-features)]
[_ #false])]))
(match (hash-ref attrs :font-features-adjust #f)
[(? string? str)
;; override any existing features
(define parsed-features (string->feature-list str))
(hash-update! attrs :font-features (λ (fs) (remove-duplicates (append parsed-features fs) equal? #:key car)))
;; adjustment is incorporated, so delete it
(hash-set! attrs :font-features-adjust #false)]
[_ (match (hash-ref attrs :font-features #f)
[(? string? str)
(define parsed-features (string->feature-list str))
(hash-set! attrs :font-features parsed-features)]
[_ (void)])]))
(define (parse-dimension-strings! attrs)
@ -102,11 +99,12 @@
(define (handle-cascading-attrs attrs)
(parse-dimension-strings! attrs)
(complete-every-path! attrs)
(resolve-font-path! attrs)
(resolve-font-size! attrs)
(parse-font-features! attrs))
(for ([proc (in-list (list parse-dimension-strings!
(proc attrs)))
(define default-line-height-multiplier 1.42)
(define (setup-qs qx-arg pdf-path)