@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
(match (regexp-match #px"^(.*)\\[(.*?)\\]$" piece)
[#false (cons (string->key piece) #false)]
[(list _ name arg) (cons (hash-ref preds (string->key name))
(or (string->number arg) (string->symbol arg)))])))
[(string-contains? arg "..") (map string->number (string-split arg ".."))]
[(string->number arg)]
[else (string->symbol arg)]))])))
(define (find-inclusive vec pred start-arg end-arg [count 1])
;; search from lidx to ridx inclusive
@ -67,7 +70,6 @@
(find this-idx maxidx count)])]
[_ #false])))
(define (multiquery? x) (memq x '(* all)))
(define (query quad-or-index query-str [query-q #false])
(define vec (match quad-or-index
@ -80,25 +82,42 @@
;; initial subtree is whole tree
;; each subtree is a pair of start idx (initial node) + end idx (boundary of subtree)
(let loop ([subtrees (list (cons (if query-q (vector-memq query-q vec) 0) (sub1 (vector-length vec))))]
[query-pieces all-query-pieces])
[query-pieces all-query-pieces]
[multimode-query-seen? #false])
;; if subtrees are null, we have eliminated all searchable domains
[(null? subtrees) #false]
[(null? query-pieces)
;; multi mode means one of the query subscripts is a wildcard
(define multi-mode? (for/or ([(_ subscript) (in-dict all-query-pieces)])
(multiquery? subscript)))
(match (for/list ([(idx _) (in-dict subtrees)])
(vector-ref vec idx))
[vals #:when multi-mode? vals] ; in multi mode, return list
[vals #:when multimode-query-seen? vals] ; in multi mode, return list
[(list val) val] ; otherwise return single value
[_ (error 'should-never-have-multiple-vals-in-single-mode)])]
(match-define (cons (cons pred subscript) other-query-pieces) query-pieces)
(define maybe-multimode-proc (match subscript
[(or (== 'all eq?) (== '* eq?)) values]
[(== 'rest eq?) cdr]
[(or (== 'even eq?) (== 'odd eq?))
(λ (xs)
(define proc (if (eq? subscript 'even) even? odd?))
(for/list ([(x idx) (in-indexed xs)]
#:when (proc (add1 idx)))
[(list larg rarg)
(λ (xs)
(define len (length xs))
(define lo (+ larg (if (negative? larg) (add1 len) 0)))
(define hi (min len (+ rarg (if (negative? rarg) (add1 len) 0))))
(define cmp (if (< lo hi) <= >=))
(for/list ([(x idx) (in-indexed xs)]
#:when (cmp lo (add1 idx) hi))
[_ #false]))
(define finish-proc
;; don't need to calculate end-idxs if we're at the end of the query
(if (null? other-query-pieces)
;; don't need to calculate end-idxs if we're at the end of the query
(λ (idx end-idx) 'ignored-value)
(λ (idx end-idx) (cond ;; otherwise calculate new end-idx
[(not idx) end-idx]
;; try searching for next occurence after this one, up to max.
@ -106,15 +125,16 @@
[else end-idx]))))
(for*/list ([(start-idx end-idx) (in-dict subtrees)]
[idx (cond
[(multiquery? subscript)
(in-list (for/list ([idx (in-range start-idx (add1 end-idx))]
#:when (pred (vector-ref vec idx)))
[else (in-value (query-one vec pred subscript start-idx end-idx))])]
[idx (match maybe-multimode-proc
[#false (in-value (query-one vec pred subscript start-idx end-idx))]
(in-list (proc (for*/list ([idx (in-range start-idx (add1 end-idx))]
#:when (pred (vector-ref vec idx)))
#:when idx)
(cons idx (finish-proc idx end-idx)))
(or maybe-multimode-proc multimode-query-seen?))]))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
@ -168,5 +188,17 @@
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[*]:page[1]")) '(41 162 283))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[2]:page[1]:line[*]"))
'(126 127 128 130 131 132 134 135 136 139 140 141 143 144 145 147 148 149 152 153 154 156 157 158 160 161 162))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[rest]")) '(242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[1..2]")) '(121 242))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[2..3]")) '(242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[1..3]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[1..4]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[4..1]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[1..-1]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[-3..-1]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[-1..-3]")) '(121 242 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[1..-2]")) '(121 242))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[odd]")) '(121 363))
(check-equal? (map count (query doc "sec[even]")) '(242))