@ -47,13 +47,13 @@
;; all values that break our variable's constraints.
[(= (length unassigned-variables) 1)
(define unassigned-variable (car unassigned-variables))
(define domain (hash-ref domains unassigned-variable))
(for ([value (in-list (send domain get-values))])
(define unassigned-variable-domain (hash-ref domains unassigned-variable))
(for ([value (in-list (send unassigned-variable-domain get-values))])
(hash-set! assignments unassigned-variable value)
(when (not (call variables domains assignments))
(send domain hide-value value)))
(send unassigned-variable-domain hide-value value)))
(hash-remove! assignments unassigned-variable)
(not (send domain values-empty?))]
(not (send unassigned-variable-domain values-empty?))] ; if domain had no remaining values, the constraint will be impossible to meet, so return #f
[else #t]))
@ -62,8 +62,10 @@
(define function-constraint%
(class constraint%
(init-field func [assigned #t])
(field [_func func][_assigned assigned])
(field [_func func][_assigned assigned])
(inherit forward-check)
@ -74,14 +76,12 @@
(and (or _assigned (apply _func parms))
(or (not forward-check?) (not (= missing 1))
(forward-check variables domains assignments)))
(apply _func parms)))
(apply _func parms)))))
(define function-constraint%? (is-a?/c function-constraint%))
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(define all-different-constraint%
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(class constraint%
@ -99,13 +99,10 @@
(send unassigned-var-domain values-empty?))) #f] ; if domain had no remaining values, the constraint will be impossible to meet, so return #f
[else #t]))))
(define all-different-constraint%? (is-a?/c all-different-constraint%))
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(define all-equal-constraint%
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(class constraint%