@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
;; TODO: family->path doesn't work because it relies on ffi into fontconfig
;; which has broken in cs, I guess
#;(unless (hash-has-key? font-paths regular-key)
(display "(fontconfig lookup unimplemented)")
#;(for* ([bold (in-list (list #false #true))]
[italic (in-list (list #false #true))])
(hash-set! font-paths
(make-key font-family bold italic)
(family->path font-family #:bold bold #:italic italic))))
(display "(fontconfig lookup unimplemented)")
#;(for* ([bold (in-list (list #false #true))]
[italic (in-list (list #false #true))])
(hash-set! font-paths
(make-key font-family bold italic)
(family->path font-family #:bold bold #:italic italic))))
[(hash-ref font-paths (make-key font-family bold italic) #false)]
;; try regular style if style-specific key isn't there for b i or bi
@ -118,12 +118,12 @@
;; convert references to a font family and style to an font path on disk
;; we trust it exists because we used `setup-font-path-table` earlier,
;; but if not, fallback fonts will kick in, on the idea that a missing font shouldn't stop the show
(define this-font-family (hash-ref! attrs (attr-key-name :font-family) default-font-family))
(define this-font-family (hash-ref! attrs :font-family default-font-family))
(match (string-downcase this-font-family)
[(? font-path-string? ps) (path->complete-path ps)]
(define this-bold (hash-ref! attrs (attr-key-name :font-bold) #false))
(define this-italic (hash-ref! attrs (attr-key-name :font-italic) #false))
(define this-bold (hash-ref! attrs :font-bold #false))
(define this-italic (hash-ref! attrs :font-italic #false))
(font-attrs->path font-paths this-font-family this-bold this-italic)]))
(define-pass (resolve-font-paths qs)
@ -137,17 +137,18 @@
#:which-attr :font-family
#:attr-proc (λ (ak av attrs) (resolve-font-path font-paths av attrs))))
(define (resolved-font-for-family val #:bold [bold #f] #:italic [italic #f])
(define qs (list (make-quad #:attrs (make-hasheq
(list (cons :font-family (string-downcase val))
(cons :font-bold bold)
(cons :font-italic italic))))))
(last (explode-path (quad-ref (car (resolve-font-paths qs)) :font-family))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define-attr-list debug-attrs
[:font-family (attr-uncased-string-key 'font-family)])
(parameterize ([current-attrs debug-attrs])
(define (resolved-font-for-family val #:bold [bold #f] #:italic [italic #f])
(define qs (list (make-quad #:attrs (make-hasheq
(list (cons 'font-family (string-downcase val))
(cons 'font-bold bold)
(cons 'font-italic italic))))))
(last (explode-path (quad-ref (car (resolve-font-paths qs)) 'font-family))))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "Heading") (string->path "fira-sans-light.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "CODE") (string->path "fira-mono.otf"))
(check-equal? (resolved-font-for-family "blockquote" #:bold #t) (string->path "fira-sans-bold.otf"))