casts eliminated

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 7f287a49c0
commit 0d6af821a2

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
(define-type JoinableType (U Quad QuadAttrs HashableList))
(define-type QuadListItem (U String Quad))
(define-type+predicate QuadListItem (U String Quad))
(define-type+predicate QuadList (Listof QuadListItem))
(define-type GroupQuadListItem Quad)
(define-type+predicate GroupQuadListItem Quad)
(define-type+predicate GroupQuadList (Listof GroupQuadListItem))
(define-type (Treeof A) (Rec as (U A (Listof as))))
@ -73,4 +73,6 @@
(define-predicate Font-Weight? Font-Weight)
(define-predicate Font-Style? Font-Style)
(define-predicate Index? Index)
(define-predicate Index? Index)
(define-type+predicate Breakpoint Nonnegative-Integer)

@ -243,5 +243,5 @@
(define-break-type page #t)
(define-break-type column #t)
(define-break-type block #t)
(define-break-type block)
(define-break-type line #t)

@ -150,12 +150,12 @@
(let ([p (apply piece (attr-delete (quad-attrs p) world:word-break-key) (quad-list p))]) ; so it doesn't propagate into subquads
(if the-word-break
(apply piece (quad-attrs p)
(append (quad-list p) (let ([rendered-wb ((if before-break?
word-break->no-break) the-word-break)])
(if (> (string-length (word-string rendered-wb)) 0) ; if rendered-wb is "", don't append it
(list rendered-wb)
(append (quad-list p) (let ([rendered-wb ((if before-break?
word-break->no-break) the-word-break)])
(if (> (string-length (word-string rendered-wb)) 0) ; if rendered-wb is "", don't append it
(list rendered-wb)
@ -250,13 +250,13 @@
(quad (quad-name q) (merge-attrs (or filtered-attrs null) q) (quad-list q)))
(apply line (quad-attrs line-in)
(flatten-quadtree (let ([qs (quad-list line-in)])
(list (if before (copy-with-attrs before (first qs)) null)
(map (λ([q : Quad]) (if (and middle (takes-justification-space? q))
(let ([interleaver (copy-with-attrs middle q)])
(list interleaver q interleaver))
(list q))) qs)
(if after (copy-with-attrs after (last qs)) null))))))
(flatten-quadtree (let ([qs (quad-list line-in)])
(list (if before (copy-with-attrs before (first qs)) null)
(map (λ([q : Quad]) (if (and middle (takes-justification-space? q))
(let ([interleaver (copy-with-attrs middle q)])
(list interleaver q interleaver))
(list q))) qs)
(if after (copy-with-attrs after (last qs)) null))))))
;; installs the width in the quad.
@ -329,10 +329,7 @@
;; a faster line-measuring function used by the wrapping function to test lines.
(define/typed (measure-potential-line ps)
((Listof PieceQuad) . -> . Float)
(cast (for*/sum : (U Float Zero)
([rendered-piece (in-list (render-pieces ps))]
[piece-quad (in-list (quad-list rendered-piece))])
(quad-width (cast piece-quad Quad))) Float))
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (append-map (λ([rp : PieceQuad]) (map quad-width (quad-list rp))) (render-pieces ps))))
(define/typed (vector-break-at vec bps)
@ -346,7 +343,7 @@
;; makes a wrap function by combining component functions.
(define-type Wrap-Proc-Type (((Listof Quad)) (Float) . ->* . (Listof Quad)))
(define-type Wrap-Proc-Type (((Listof Quad)) (Float) . ->* . (Listof LineQuad)))
(define/typed (make-wrap-proc
@ -354,50 +351,48 @@
((Make-Pieces-Type Measure-Quad-Type Compose-Line-Type Find-Breakpoints-Type) () . ->* . Wrap-Proc-Type)
(λ(qs [measure #f])
(let* ([measure : Float (fl+ (cast (or measure (quad-attr-ref/parameter (car qs) world:measure-key)) Float) 0.0)]
[qs : (Listof Quad) (if (quad-has-attr? (car qs) world:measure-key)
(let* ([measure (or measure (assert (quad-attr-ref/parameter (car qs) world:measure-key) flonum?))]
[qs (if (quad-has-attr? (car qs) world:measure-key)
((inst map Quad Quad) (λ(q) (quad-attr-set q world:measure-key measure)) qs))])
(log-quad-debug "wrapping on measure = ~a" measure)
(define pieces : (Listof PieceQuad) (make-pieces-proc qs))
(define bps : (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) (find-breakpoints-proc (list->vector pieces) measure))
(define broken-pieces : (Listof (Listof PieceQuad)) (break-at pieces bps))
#; (define-type Compose-Line-Type ((Listof Quad) (Quad . -> . Float) . -> . Quad))
(map (λ([broken-piece : (Listof PieceQuad)]) (compose-line-proc broken-piece measure-quad-proc)) broken-pieces)))) ; 80% of runtime
(define pieces (make-pieces-proc qs))
(define bps (find-breakpoints-proc (list->vector pieces) measure))
(define broken-pieces (break-at pieces bps))
(map (λ([broken-piece : (Listof PieceQuad)]) (compose-line-proc broken-piece measure-quad-proc)) broken-pieces))))
(define width? flonum?)
(define measure? flonum?)
(define (breakpoints? x) (and (list? x) (andmap integer? x)))
(define/typed (install-measurement-keys p)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(define basic-width (round-float
(foldl + 0.0 ((inst map Float Quad) quad-width (cast (quad-list p) (Listof Quad))))))
(define p-word-break (cast (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) Quad))
(GroupQuad . -> . Quad)
(define basic-width (round-float
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (map quad-width (quad-list p)))))
(define p-word-break (assert (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) quad?))
(define before-break-width (fl+ basic-width (if p-word-break
(quad-width (word (quad-attrs p-word-break) (cast (quad-attr-ref p-word-break world:before-break-key) QuadListItem)))
(quad-width (word (quad-attrs p-word-break) (assert (quad-attr-ref p-word-break world:before-break-key) QuadListItem?)))
(define no-break-width (fl+ basic-width (if p-word-break
(quad-width (word (quad-attrs p-word-break) (cast (quad-attr-ref p-word-break world:no-break-key) QuadListItem)))
(quad-width (word (quad-attrs p-word-break) (assert (quad-attr-ref p-word-break world:no-break-key) QuadListItem?)))
(quad-attr-set* p (list 'bb-width before-break-width 'nb-width no-break-width)))
(require sugar/debug)
(define/typed (make-piece-vectors pieces)
((Vectorof Quad) . -> . (values (Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float)))
((Vectorof PieceQuad) . -> . (values (Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float)))
(define pieces-measured
(for/list : (Listof (Vector Float Float Float)) ([p (in-vector pieces)])
(define wb (cast (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) (U Quad False)))
(define wb (assert (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) (λ(wb) (or (false? wb) (quad? wb)))))
;; throw in 0.0 in case for/list returns empty
(apply + 0.0 (for/list : (Listof Float) ([qli (in-list (quad-list p))])
(define q (cast qli Quad))
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (for/list : (Listof Float) ([q (in-list (quad-list p))])
(define str (quad->string q))
(if (equal? str "")
(cast (quad-attr-ref q world:width-key 0.0) Float)
(assert (quad-attr-ref q world:width-key 0.0) flonum?)
(apply measure-text (quad->string q) (font-attributes-with-defaults q)))))
(if wb (cast (apply measure-text (cast (quad-attr-ref wb world:no-break-key) String) (font-attributes-with-defaults wb)) Float) 0.0)
(if wb (cast (apply measure-text (cast (quad-attr-ref wb world:before-break-key) String) (font-attributes-with-defaults wb)) Float) 0.0))))
(if wb (apply measure-text (assert (quad-attr-ref wb world:no-break-key) string?) (font-attributes-with-defaults wb)) 0.0)
(if wb (apply measure-text (assert (quad-attr-ref wb world:before-break-key) string?) (font-attributes-with-defaults wb)) 0.0))))
(for/vector : (Vectorof Float) ([p (in-list pieces-measured)])
(fl+ (vector-ref p 0) (vector-ref p 1))) ; first = word length, second = nb length
@ -406,7 +401,7 @@
(define/typed (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths i j)
((Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float) Nonnegative-Integer Nonnegative-Integer . -> . (Vectorof Float))
((Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float) Breakpoint Breakpoint . -> . (Vectorof Float))
(let ([vec (vector-copy pieces-rendered-widths i j)])
(vector-set! vec (sub1 (vector-length vec)) (vector-ref pieces-rendered-before-break-widths (sub1 j)))
@ -415,29 +410,29 @@
((Vectorof Float) . -> . Float)
(round-float (foldl + 0.0 (vector->list line))))
(struct $penalty ([hyphens : Nonnegative-Integer][width : Value-Type]) #:transparent #:mutable)
(struct $penalty ([hyphens : Nonnegative-Integer][width : Value-Type]) #:transparent)
;; top-level adaptive wrap proc.
;; first-fit and best-fit are variants.
(define-type Find-Breakpoints-Type ((Vectorof Quad) Float . -> . (Listof Nonnegative-Integer)))
(define-type Find-Breakpoints-Type ((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float . -> . (Listof Breakpoint)))
(define/typed (adaptive-fit-proc pieces measure [use-first? #t] [use-best? #t])
(((Vectorof Quad) Float) (Boolean Boolean) . ->* . (Listof Nonnegative-Integer))
(((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float) (Boolean Boolean) . ->* . (Listof Nonnegative-Integer))
;; this is the winning performance strategy: extract the numbers first, then just wrap on those.
;; todo: how to avoid re-measuring pieces later?
;; todo: how to retain information about words per line and hyphen at end?
(define-values (pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths)
(make-piece-vectors pieces))
(define pieces-with-word-space ((inst vector-map Boolean Quad) (λ(piece) (and (quad-has-attr? piece world:word-break-key) (equal? (quad-attr-ref (cast (quad-attr-ref piece world:word-break-key) Quad) 'nb) " "))) pieces))
(define pieces-with-word-space (vector-map (λ([piece : PieceQuad]) (and (quad-has-attr? piece world:word-break-key) (equal? (quad-attr-ref (assert (quad-attr-ref piece world:word-break-key) quad?) 'nb) " "))) pieces))
(define (make-first-fit-bps-and-widths)
(define-values (folded-bps folded-widths)
(for/fold ([bps : (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) '(0)][line-widths : (Listof Float) empty])([j-1 (in-range (vector-length pieces))])
(for/fold ([bps : (Listof Breakpoint) '(0)][line-widths : (Listof Float) empty])([j-1 : Breakpoint (in-range (vector-length pieces))])
(define line-width (get-line-width (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths
(car bps) (cast (add1 j-1) Nonnegative-Integer))))
(car bps) (add1 j-1))))
(if (fl> line-width (fl* world:allowed-overfull-ratio measure))
(values (cons (cast j-1 Nonnegative-Integer) bps) (cons line-width line-widths))
(values (cons j-1 bps) (cons line-width line-widths))
(values bps line-widths))))
(values (cdr (reverse folded-bps)) (reverse folded-widths)))
@ -446,10 +441,10 @@
[(<= line-count 2) 1.0] ; signals that first-fit is always OK with 1 or 2 lines
[else ; only measure middle lines. we know bps has at least 2 bps
(define looseness-stddev (stddev ((inst map Float Float) (λ(x) (calc-looseness x measure)) (drop-right (drop trial-line-widths 1) 1))))
(define looseness-stddev (fl (stddev ((inst map Float Float) (λ(x) (calc-looseness x measure)) (drop-right (drop trial-line-widths 1) 1)))))
(define piece-count (vector-length pieces-rendered-widths))
(define pieces-per-line (fl/ (fl piece-count) (sub1 (fl line-count)))) ; todo: more accurate to count only pieces in middle
(apply + (list 2.2 (fllog (flabs (cast looseness-stddev Float))) (* 0.09 pieces-per-line)))])) ; the FU FORMULA
(define pieces-per-line (/ piece-count (sub1 line-count))) ; todo: more accurate to count only pieces in middle
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (list 2.2 (fllog (flabs looseness-stddev)) (fl* 0.09 (fl pieces-per-line))))])) ; the FU FORMULA
;; only buy first-fit-bps if use-first? is true.
;; use (values '(0) '(0.0)) as void-ish values that will typecheck properly.
@ -479,11 +474,11 @@
(> j (vector-length pieces))) ; exceeds available pieces
($penalty 0 (fl* -1.0 (fl i)))] ; ocm out of bounds signal
(define penalty-up-to-i (cast (ocm-min-entry ocm i) $penalty))
(define penalty-up-to-i (assert (ocm-min-entry ocm i) $penalty?))
(define last-piece-to-test (vector-ref pieces (sub1 j)))
(define new-hyphen?
(and (quad-has-attr? last-piece-to-test world:word-break-key)
(equal? (cast (quad-attr-ref (cast (quad-attr-ref last-piece-to-test world:word-break-key) Quad) world:before-break-key) String) "-")))
(equal? (assert (quad-attr-ref (assert (quad-attr-ref last-piece-to-test world:word-break-key) quad?) world:before-break-key) string?) "-")))
(define cumulative-hyphens (if (not new-hyphen?)
(add1 ($penalty-hyphens penalty-up-to-i))))
@ -511,7 +506,7 @@
;; 0 penalty means any length is ok.
;[(< (length pieces-to-test) (world:minimum-last-line-pieces)) 50000]
[else 0.0]))))))]))
(define ocm : OCM-Type (make-ocm penalty (cast $penalty->value Entry->Value-Type) initial-value))
;; starting from last position, ask ocm for position of row minimum (= new-pos)
@ -519,8 +514,8 @@
;; until you reach first position.
(define first-position 0)
(define last-position (vector-length pieces))
(define result (let loop : (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) ([pos : Nonnegative-Integer last-position][acc : (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) null])
(let ([next-pos (cast (ocm-min-index ocm pos) Nonnegative-Integer)]) ; first look ahead ...
(define result (let loop : (Listof Breakpoint) ([pos : Breakpoint last-position][acc : (Listof Breakpoint) null])
(let ([next-pos (assert (ocm-min-index ocm pos) Breakpoint?)]) ; first look ahead ...
(if (= next-pos first-position) ; therefore we're done
(loop next-pos (cons next-pos acc))))))
@ -539,14 +534,14 @@
(λ(x y) (adaptive-fit-proc (cast x (Vectorof Quad)) (cast y Float) #t #f))))
(λ([x : (Vectorof PieceQuad)] [y : Float]) (adaptive-fit-proc x y #t #f))))
;; wrap proc based on penalty function
(define+provide wrap-best (make-wrap-proc
(λ(x y) (adaptive-fit-proc (cast x (Vectorof Quad)) (cast y Float) #f #t)))) ; note difference in boolean args
(λ([x : (Vectorof PieceQuad)] [y : Float]) (adaptive-fit-proc x y #f #t)))) ; note difference in boolean args
(define+provide wrap-adaptive (make-wrap-proc
@ -565,8 +560,8 @@
;; and broaden type from just LineQuad
(define/typed+provide (fill starting-quad [target-width? #f])
((LineQuad) ((Option Float)) . ->* . LineQuad)
(define target-width (fl (or target-width? (cast (quad-attr-ref starting-quad world:measure-key) Float))))
(define subquads (cast (quad-list starting-quad) (Listof Quad)))
(define target-width (or target-width? (assert (quad-attr-ref starting-quad world:measure-key) flonum?)))
(define subquads (quad-list starting-quad))
(define-values (flexible-subquads fixed-subquads) (partition spacer? subquads)) ; only puts fill into spacers.
(define width-used (apply + ((inst map Float Quad) quad-width fixed-subquads)))
(define width-remaining (round-float (- target-width width-used)))
@ -587,10 +582,9 @@
;; add x positions to a list of fixed-width quads
;; todo: adjust this to work recursively, so that positioning operation cascades down
(define/typed+provide (add-horiz-positions starting-quad)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(GroupQuad . -> . GroupQuad)
(define-values (new-quads final-width)
(for/fold ([new-quads : (Listof Quad) empty][width-so-far : Float 0.0])([qi (in-list (quad-list starting-quad))])
(define q (cast qi Quad))
(for/fold ([new-quads : (Listof Quad) empty][width-so-far : Float 0.0])([q (in-list (quad-list starting-quad))])
(values (cons (quad-attr-set q world:x-position-key width-so-far) new-quads) (round-float (fl+ (quad-width q) width-so-far)))))
(quad (quad-name starting-quad) (quad-attrs starting-quad) (reverse new-quads)))
