@ -247,82 +247,77 @@
(define (space-quad? q) (equal? (quad-elems q) (list " ")))
(define (fill-line-wrap qs ending-q line-q)
(let loop ([align-value (and (pair? qs)
(quad-ref (car qs) (if ending-q
:line-align-last) "left"))])
(match align-value
;; for inner & outer: pretend we're on right-side page now,
;; adjust later when actual page side is known
["inner" (loop "left")]
["outer" (loop "right")]
;; words may still be in hyphenated fragments
;; (though soft hyphens would have been removed)
;; so group them (but no need to consolidate — that happens elsewhere)
(define-values (word-space-sublists word-sublists) (partition* space-quad? qs))
(match (length word-sublists)
[1 #:when (equal? align-value "justify") qs] ; can't justify single word
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size line-q))
(define hung-word-sublists
(match word-sublists
[(list sublists ... (list prev-qs ... last-q))
#:when (pair? (quad-elems last-q))
(define last-char-str (regexp-match #rx"[.,:;’-]$" (car (quad-elems last-q))))
(match last-char-str
[#false word-sublists]
[_ (define hanger-q (quad-copy last-q
[elems null]
[size (let ([p (make-size-promise last-q (car last-char-str))])
(match-define (list x y) (force p))
(pt (- x) y)))]))
(define last-sublist (append prev-qs (list last-q hanger-q)))
(append sublists (list last-sublist))])]
[_ word-sublists]))
(define word-width (sum-of-widths hung-word-sublists))
(define word-space-width (sum-of-widths word-space-sublists))
(define empty-hspace (- line-width
(quad-ref (car qs) :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref (car qs) :inset-right 0)))
(define line-overfull? (negative? (- empty-hspace word-space-width)))
[(or (equal? align-value "justify")
;; force justification upon overfull lines
(and line-overfull? (> word-count 1)))
(define justified-space-width (/ empty-hspace (sub1 word-count)))
(apply append (add-between hung-word-sublists (list (make-quad
#:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:size (pt justified-space-width line-height)))))]
(define space-multiplier (match align-value
["left" 0]
["center" 0.5]
["right" 1]))
;; subtact space-width because that appears between words
;; we only care about redistributing the space on the ends
(define end-hspace (- empty-hspace word-space-width))
;; make filler a leading quad, not a parent / grouping quad,
;; so that elements can still be reached by consolidate-runs
(define fq (make-quad #:type filler-quad
#:id 'line-filler
#:from-parent (quad-from-parent (car qs))
#:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:size (pt (* end-hspace space-multiplier) 0)
#:attrs (let ([attrs (quad-attrs (car qs))])
(hash-set! attrs 'end-hspace end-hspace)
(list* fq
(let ([q (car qs)])
(set-quad-from-parent! q #f)
(cdr qs))])])])))
(match (and (pair? qs)
(quad-ref (car qs) (if ending-q
:line-align-last) "left"))
;; words may still be in hyphenated fragments
;; (though soft hyphens would have been removed)
;; so group them (but no need to consolidate — that happens elsewhere)
(define-values (word-space-sublists word-sublists) (partition* space-quad? qs))
(match (length word-sublists)
[1 #:when (equal? align-value "justify") qs] ; can't justify single word
(match-define (list line-width line-height) (quad-size line-q))
(define hung-word-sublists
(match word-sublists
[(list sublists ... (list prev-qs ... last-q))
#:when (pair? (quad-elems last-q))
(define last-char-str (regexp-match #rx"[.,:;’-]$" (car (quad-elems last-q))))
(match last-char-str
[#false word-sublists]
[_ (define hanger-q (quad-copy last-q
[elems null]
[size (let ([p (make-size-promise last-q (car last-char-str))])
(match-define (list x y) (force p))
(pt (- x) y)))]))
(define last-sublist (append prev-qs (list last-q hanger-q)))
(append sublists (list last-sublist))])]
[_ word-sublists]))
(define word-width (sum-of-widths hung-word-sublists))
(define word-space-width (sum-of-widths word-space-sublists))
(define empty-hspace (- line-width
(quad-ref (car qs) :inset-left 0)
(quad-ref (car qs) :inset-right 0)))
(define line-overfull? (negative? (- empty-hspace word-space-width)))
[(or (equal? align-value "justify")
;; force justification upon overfull lines
(and line-overfull? (> word-count 1)))
(define justified-space-width (/ empty-hspace (sub1 word-count)))
(apply append (add-between hung-word-sublists (list (make-quad
#:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:draw-end q:string-draw-end
#:size (pt justified-space-width line-height)))))]
(define space-multiplier (match align-value
["left" 0]
["center" 0.5]
;; fill inner & outer as if they were right,
;; they will be corrected later, when pagination is known.
[(or "right" "inner" "outer") 1]))
;; subtact space-width because that appears between words
;; we only care about redistributing the space on the ends
(define end-hspace (- empty-hspace word-space-width))
;; make filler a leading quad, not a parent / grouping quad,
;; so that elements can still be reached by consolidate-runs
(define fq (make-quad #:type filler-quad
#:id 'line-filler
#:from-parent (quad-from-parent (car qs))
#:from 'bo
#:to 'bi
#:size (pt (* end-hspace space-multiplier) 0)
#:attrs (quad-attrs (car qs))))
(list* fq
(let ([q (car qs)])
(set-quad-from-parent! q #f)
(cdr qs))])])]))
(define-quad offsetter-quad quad ())