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804 B

7 years ago
#lang restructure/racket
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define pointer-ks (make-hash))
(define results (make-hash))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define vals '(a b (h) d e f g h i j))
7 years ago
(for ([(val i) (in-indexed vals)]
#:unless (hash-has-key? results val))
(hash-set! results i (let/cc pointer-k
[(hash-ref pointer-ks val #f) => (λ (pk)
(hash-remove! pointer-ks val)
(pk (format "~a@~a" val i)))]
[(pair? val) (hash-set! pointer-ks (car val) pointer-k) 'tbd]
[else val]))))
(for/list ([i (in-range (length (hash-keys results)))])
(hash-ref results i))
'(a b "h@7" d e f g h i j)))