You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

418 lines
13 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require ffi/unsafe
(define-syntax-rule (define+provide id val)
(define id val)
(provide id)))
(define-runtime-lib freetype-lib
[(unix) (ffi-lib "libfontconfig" '("1" ""))]
[(macosx) (ffi-lib "libfreetype.6.dylib")]
[(windows) (ffi-lib "libfreetype-6.dll")])
(define-ffi-definer define-freetype freetype-lib #:provide provide)
;; types
(define _void-pointer (_cpointer 'void-pointer))
(define _char _byte)
(define _char-pointer (_cpointer 'char-pointer))
(define _uchar _ubyte)
(define _FT_Byte _ubyte)
(define _FT_Bytes _bytes)
(define _FT_Char _char)
(define _FT_Int _int)
(define _FT_UInt _uint)
(define _FT_Int16 _short)
(define _FT_UInt16 _ushort)
(define _FT_Int32 _int32)
(define _FT_UInt32 _uint32)
(define _FT_Short _short)
(define _FT_UShort _ushort)
(define _FT_Long _long)
(define _FT_ULong _ulong)
(define _FT_Bool _byte)
(define _FT_Offset _size) ;; equivalent to _size_t?
(define _FT_PtrDist _ptrdiff) ;; equivalent to _longlong?
(define _FT_String _char)
(define _FT_String-pointer (_cpointer 'FT_String-pointer)) ;; char*
(define _FT_Tag _FT_UInt32)
(define _FT_Error _int)
(define _FT_Fixed _long)
(define _FT_Pointer _void-pointer)
(define _FT_Pos _long)
(define _FT_FWord _short)
(define _FT_UFWord _ushort)
(define _FT_F26Dot16 _short)
(define _FT_F26Dot6 _long)
(define _FT_Glyph_Format _int)
(define _FT_Encoding _int)
(define _FT_Generic_Finalizer (_cpointer '_FT_Generic_Finalizer (_fun _void-pointer -> _void)))
(define _FT_LibraryRec (_cpointer 'FT_LibraryRec))
(define _FT_Library (_cpointer 'FT_Library))
(define-cstruct _FT_Bitmap_Size
([height _FT_Short]
[width _FT_Short]
[size _FT_Pos]
[x_ppem _FT_Pos]
[y_ppem _FT_Pos]))
(define-cstruct _FT_CharMapRec
([face _void-pointer] ; should be FT_Face
[encoding _FT_Encoding]
[platform_id _FT_UShort]
[encoding_id _FT_UShort]))
(define _FT_Charmap _FT_CharMapRec-pointer)
(define _FT_CharMap-pointer (_cpointer 'FT_CharMap-pointer))
(define-cstruct _FT_Generic
([data _void-pointer]
[finalizer _FT_Generic_Finalizer]))
(define-cstruct _FT_BBox
([xMin _FT_Pos]
[yMin _FT_Pos]
[xMax _FT_Pos]
[yMax _FT_Pos]))
(provide (struct-out FT_BBox)
_FT_BBox _FT_BBox-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_Glyph_Metrics
([width _FT_Pos]
[height _FT_Pos]
[horiBearingX _FT_Pos]
[horiBearingY _FT_Pos]
[horiAdvance _FT_Pos]
[vertBearingX _FT_Pos]
[vertBearingY _FT_Pos]
[vertAdvance _FT_Pos]))
(provide (struct-out FT_Glyph_Metrics)
_FT_Glyph_Metrics _FT_Glyph_Metrics-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_Vector
([x _FT_Pos]
[y _FT_Pos]))
(provide (struct-out FT_Vector)
_FT_Vector _FT_Vector-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_Bitmap
([rows _int]
[width _int]
[pitch _int]
[buffer (_cpointer 'buffer)]
[num_grays _short]
[pixel_mode _ubyte]
[palette_mode _char]
[palette _void-pointer]))
(define-cstruct _FT_Outline
([n_contours _short]
[n_points _short]
[points _FT_Vector-pointer]
[tags (_cpointer 'tags)]
[contours (_cpointer 'contours)]
[flags _int]))
(define-cstruct _FT_GlyphSlotRec
([library _FT_Library]
[face _void-pointer]
[next _void-pointer]
[reserved _uint]
[generic _FT_Generic]
[metrics _FT_Glyph_Metrics]
[linearHoriAdvance _FT_Fixed]
[linearVertAdvance _FT_Fixed]
[advance _FT_Vector]
[format _FT_Glyph_Format]
[bitmap _FT_Bitmap]
[bitmap_left _FT_Int]
[bitmap_top _FT_Int]
[outline _FT_Outline]
[num_subglyphs _FT_UInt]
[subglyphs _void-pointer]
[control_data _void-pointer]
[control_len _long]
[lsb_delta _FT_Pos]
[rsb_delta _FT_Pos]
[other _void-pointer]
[internal _void-pointer]))
(define _FT_GlyphSlot _FT_GlyphSlotRec-pointer)
(provide (struct-out FT_GlyphSlotRec)
_FT_GlyphSlotRec _FT_GlyphSlotRec-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_Size_Metrics
([x_ppem _FT_UShort]
[y_ppem _FT_UShort]
[x_scale _FT_Fixed]
[y_scale _FT_Fixed]
[ascender _FT_Pos]
[descender _FT_Pos]
[height _FT_Pos]
[max_advance _FT_Pos]))
(define-cstruct _FT_SizeRec
([face _void-pointer]
[generic _FT_Generic]
[metrics _FT_Size_Metrics]
[internal _void-pointer]))
(define _FT_Size _FT_SizeRec-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_FaceRec
([num_faces _FT_Long]
[face_index _FT_Long]
[face_flag _FT_Long]
[style_flags _FT_Long]
[num_glyphs _FT_Long]
[family_name _string] ; probably _string is a better choice
[style_name _string]
[num_fixed_sizes _FT_Int]
[available_sizes _FT_Bitmap_Size-pointer]
[num_charmaps _FT_Int]
[charmaps _FT_CharMap-pointer]
[generic _FT_Generic]
[bbox _FT_BBox]
[units_per_EM _FT_UShort]
[ascender _FT_Short]
[descender _FT_Short]
[height _FT_Short]
[max_advance_width _FT_Short]
[max_advance_height _FT_Short]
[underline_position _FT_Short]
[underline_thickness _FT_Short]
[glyph _FT_GlyphSlot]
[size _FT_Size]
[charmap _FT_Charmap]
[driver _void-pointer]
[memory _void-pointer]
[stream _void-pointer]
[sizes_list_head _void-pointer]
[sizes_list_tail _void-pointer]
[autohint _FT_Generic]
[extensions _void-pointer]
[internal _void-pointer]))
(define _FT_Face _FT_FaceRec-pointer)
(provide (struct-out FT_FaceRec)
_FT_FaceRec _FT_FaceRec-pointer)
(define _FT_Sfnt_Tag _FT_ULong)
(define-cstruct _FT_HoriHeader
([version _FT_Long]
[ascent _FT_Short]
[descent _FT_Short]
[lineGap _FT_Short]))
(provide (struct-out FT_HoriHeader)
_FT_HoriHeader _FT_HoriHeader-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_TT_Postscript
([FormatType _FT_Fixed]
[italicAngle _FT_Fixed]
[underlinePosition _FT_Short]
[underlineThickness _FT_Short]
[isFixedPitch _FT_ULong]
[minMemType42 _FT_ULong]
[maxMemType42 _FT_ULong]
[minMemType1 _FT_ULong]
[maxMemType1 _FT_ULong]))
(provide (struct-out FT_TT_Postscript)
_FT_TT_Postscript _FT_TT_Postscript-pointer)
(define-cstruct _FT_panose
([a _FT_Byte]
[b _FT_Byte]
[c _FT_Byte]
[d _FT_Byte]
[e _FT_Byte]
[f _FT_Byte]
[g _FT_Byte]
[h _FT_Byte]
[i _FT_Byte]
[j _FT_Byte]))
(define-cstruct _FT_VendID
([a _FT_Char]
[b _FT_Char]
[c _FT_Char]
[d _FT_Char]))
(define-cstruct _FT_TT_OS2
([version _FT_UShort]
[xAvgCharWidth _FT_Short]
[usWeightClass _FT_UShort]
[usWidthClass _FT_UShort]
[fsType _FT_Short]
[ySubscriptXSize _FT_Short]
[ySubscriptYSize _FT_Short]
[ySubscriptXOffset _FT_Short]
[ySubscriptYOffset _FT_Short]
[ySuperscriptXSize _FT_Short]
[ySuperscriptYSize _FT_Short]
[ySuperscriptXOffset _FT_Short]
[ySuperscriptYOffset _FT_Short]
[yStrikeoutSize _FT_Short]
[yStrikeoutPosition _FT_Short]
[sFamilyClass _FT_Short]
[panose _FT_panose]
[ulUnicodeRange1 _FT_ULong]
[ulUnicodeRange2 _FT_ULong]
[ulUnicodeRange3 _FT_ULong]
[ulUnicodeRange4 _FT_ULong]
[achVendID _FT_VendID]
[fsSelection _FT_UShort]
[usFirstCharIndex _FT_UShort]
[usLastCharIndex _FT_UShort]
[sTypoAscender _FT_Short]
[sTypoDescender _FT_Short]
[sTypoLineGap _FT_Short]
[usWinAscent _FT_UShort]
[usWinDescent _FT_UShort]
[ulCodePageRange1 _FT_ULong]
[ulCodePageRange2 _FT_ULong]
[sxHeight _FT_Short]
[sCapHeight _FT_Short]
[usDefaultChar _FT_UShort]
[usBreakChar _FT_UShort]
[usMaxContext _FT_UShort]
[usLowerOpticalPointSize _FT_UShort]
[usUpperOpticalPointSize _FT_UShort]))
(provide (struct-out FT_TT_OS2)
_FT_TT_OS2 _FT_TT_OS2-pointer)
(define _full-path
(make-ctype _path
(define-freetype FT_Init_FreeType (_fun (ftl : (_ptr o _FT_Library))
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (if (zero? err) ftl (error 'FT_Init_FreeType))))
(define-freetype FT_New_Face (_fun _FT_Library _full-path _FT_Long
(ftf : (_ptr o (_or-null _FT_Face)))
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (if (zero? err) ftf (error 'FT_New_Face (format "error ~a" err)))))
(define-freetype FT_Done_Face (_fun _FT_Face
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (unless (zero? err) (error 'FT_Done_Face (format "error ~a" err)))))
(define-freetype FT_Done_FreeType (_fun _FT_Library -> (err : _FT_Error) -> (if (zero? err) (void) (error 'FT_Done_FreeType))))
(define-freetype FT_Get_Kerning (_fun _FT_Face _FT_UInt _FT_UInt _FT_UInt
(ftv : (_ptr o _FT_Vector))
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (if (zero? err) ftv (error 'FT_Get_Kerning (format "error ~a" err)))))
(define-freetype FT_Get_Char_Index (_fun _FT_Face _FT_ULong
-> _FT_UInt))
(define-freetype FT_Load_Glyph (_fun _FT_Face _FT_UInt _FT_Int32
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (unless (zero? err)
(error 'FT_Load_Glyph "failed, try using FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE flag instead"))))
(define-freetype FT_Load_Char (_fun _FT_Face _FT_ULong _FT_Int32
-> (err : _FT_Error)))
(define+provide FT_KERNING_UNSCALED 2)
(define+provide FT_LOAD_DEFAULT 0)
(define+provide FT_LOAD_RENDER (expt 2 2))
(define+provide FT_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN (expt 2 13))
(define+provide FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE (expt 2 10))
(define-freetype FT_Get_Postscript_Name (_fun _FT_Face -> _string))
(define-freetype FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (_fun _FT_Face _FT_Sfnt_Tag _FT_Long
(buffer : (_ptr io _FT_Byte))
(len : (_ptr io _FT_ULong))
7 years ago
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (and (zero? err) #t)))
7 years ago
(define+provide _FT_Gettable_Sfnt_Tag (_enum '(ft_sfnt_head = 0
(define-freetype FT_Get_Sfnt_Table (_fun _FT_Face _FT_Gettable_Sfnt_Tag
-> (p : (_cpointer/null 'table-ptr))
-> (or p (error 'sfnt-table-not-loaded))))
7 years ago
(define-freetype FT_Select_Charmap (_fun _FT_Face _FT_Encoding
-> (err : _FT_Error)
-> (and (zero? err) #t)))
(provide tag->int)
7 years ago
(define (tag->int tag)
(define signed? #f)
(define big-endian? #t)
(integer-bytes->integer tag signed? big-endian?))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define ft-library (FT_Init_FreeType))
7 years ago
(define face (FT_New_Face ft-library "../pitfall/test/assets/charter.ttf" 0))
(check-equal? (FT_Get_Postscript_Name face) "Charter")
7 years ago
(check-equal? (FT_FaceRec-units_per_EM face) 1000)
(check-true (FT_Load_Sfnt_Table face (tag->int #"cmap") 0 0 0))
(check-false (FT_Load_Sfnt_Table face (tag->int #"zzap") 0 0 0))
(check-true (cpointer? (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table face 'ft_sfnt_hhea)))
(define charter-hhea-table (cast (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table face 'ft_sfnt_hhea) _pointer _FT_HoriHeader-pointer))
(check-equal? (FT_HoriHeader-ascent charter-hhea-table) 980)
(check-equal? (FT_HoriHeader-descent charter-hhea-table) -238)
(check-equal? (FT_HoriHeader-lineGap charter-hhea-table) 0)
(let ([bbox (FT_FaceRec-bbox face)])
(list (FT_BBox-xMin bbox)
(FT_BBox-yMin bbox)
(FT_BBox-xMax bbox)
(FT_BBox-yMax bbox))) '(-161 -236 1193 963))
(define H-gid 41)
(FT_Load_Glyph face H-gid FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE)
; want bearingX (lsb) and advanceX (advance width)
(define g (FT_FaceRec-glyph face))
(define metrics (FT_GlyphSlotRec-metrics g))
(define bearingX (FT_Glyph_Metrics-horiBearingX metrics))
(check-equal? bearingX 33)
(define advanceX (FT_Glyph_Metrics-horiAdvance metrics))
(check-equal? advanceX 738)
(define charter-post-table (cast (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table face 'ft_sfnt_post) _pointer _FT_TT_Postscript-pointer))
(check-equal? (FT_TT_Postscript-italicAngle charter-post-table) 0)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_Postscript-underlinePosition charter-post-table) -178) ; -207 + 1/2 of thickness = -207 + 29
(check-equal? (FT_TT_Postscript-underlineThickness charter-post-table) 58)
(define os2-table (cast (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table face 'ft_sfnt_os2) _pointer _FT_TT_OS2-pointer))
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-fsType os2-table) #b1000)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-yStrikeoutSize os2-table) 61)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-yStrikeoutPosition os2-table) 240)
(check-equal? (FT_panose->list (FT_TT_OS2-panose os2-table)) '(2 0 5 3 6 0 0 2 0 4))
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-sTypoAscender os2-table) 762)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-sTypoDescender os2-table) -238)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-sCapHeight os2-table) 671)
(check-equal? (FT_TT_OS2-sxHeight os2-table) 481)
(FT_Done_Face face)
7 years ago