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7 years ago
#lang restructure/racket
7 years ago
(require "number.rkt" "utils.rkt" "stream.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
7 years ago
(define-subclass Streamcoder (Array type [length_ #f] [lengthType 'count])
(define/augride (decode stream [parent #f])
(define pos (send stream pos))
(define res (make-object RestructureBase))
(define ctx parent)
(define length__
(and length_ (resolveLength length_ stream parent)))
(when (NumberT? length_)
;; define hidden properties
(ref-set*! res 'parent parent
'_startOffset pos
'_currentOffset 0
'_length length_)
(set! ctx res))
[(or (not length__) (eq? lengthType 'bytes))
(define target (cond
[length__ (+ (send stream pos) length__)]
[(and parent (· parent _length))
(+ (· parent _startOffset)
(· parent _length))]
(*length stream)]))
(while (< (send stream pos) target)
#;(define length__ (cond
;; explicit length
[length_ (resolveLength length_ stream parent)]
[else ;; implicit length: length of stream divided by size of item
(define num (send stream length))
(define denom (send type size))
(unless (andmap (λ (x) (and x (number? x))) (list num denom))
(raise-argument-error 'Array:decode "valid length and size" (list num denom)))
(floor (/ (send stream length) (send type size)))]))
#;(define res (caseq lengthType
[(bytes) (error 'array-decode-bytes-no!)]
[(count) (for/list ([i (in-range length__)])
(send type decode stream ctx))]))
7 years ago
(define/override (size [array #f])
(when (and array (not (list? array)))
(raise-argument-error 'Array:size "list" array))
[(not array) (* (send type size) (resolveLength length_ (+DecodeStream) #f))]
[(Number? length_) (send length_ size)]
[else (* (send type size) (length array))]))
7 years ago
(define/augride (encode stream array [parent #f])
7 years ago
(unless (list? array) (raise-argument-error 'Array:encode "list" array))
7 years ago
(for ([item (in-list array)])
7 years ago
(send type encode stream item))))
7 years ago
(define a (+Array uint8))
(define stream (+DecodeStream #"ABCDEFG"))
(send a decode stream)
7 years ago
(define stream (+DecodeStream #"ABCDEFG"))
7 years ago
(define A (+Array uint16be 3))
(check-equal? (send A decode stream) '(16706 17220 17734))
(define os (+EncodeStream))
(send A encode os '(16706 17220 17734))
(check-equal? (send os dump) #"ABCDEF")
(check-equal? (send (+Array uint16be) size '(1 2 3)) 6)
(check-equal? (send (+Array doublebe) size '(1 2 3 4 5)) 40))
(define-subclass object% (InnerLazyArray type [_length #f] [stream #f] [parent #f])
(field [base (and stream (· stream pos))]
[items (mhash)]) ; implement with hash (random add) rather than array
(define/public-final (get index)
(when (or (< index 0) (<= _length index))
(raise-argument-error 'InnerLazyArray:get (format "array index between 0 and ~a" _length) index))
(hash-ref! items index (λ ()
(define stashed-pos (· stream pos))
(send stream pos (+ base (* index (send type size))))
(define new-val (send type decode stream parent))
(send stream pos stashed-pos)
(define/public-final (toArray)
(for/list ([i (in-range _length)])
(get i))))
(define-subclass Array (LazyArray)
(inherit-field length_ type)
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f])
(define len (resolveLength length_ stream parent))
(define res (+InnerLazyArray type len stream parent))
(define lazy-space (* len (send type size)))
(report lazy-space)
(send stream pos (+ (· stream pos) lazy-space)) ; skip the bytes that LazyArray would occupy
(define/override (size [val #f])
(super size (if (InnerLazyArray? val)
(send val toArray)
(define/override (encode stream val)
7 years ago
(super encode stream (if (InnerLazyArray? val)
(send val toArray)
(define bstr #"ABCD1234")
(define ds (+DecodeStream bstr))
(define la (+LazyArray uint8 4))
(define ila (send la decode ds))
(check-equal? (send ds pos) 4)
(check-equal? (send ila get 1) 66)
(check-equal? (send ila get 3) 68)
(check-equal? (send ds pos) 4)
(check-equal? (send ila toArray) '(65 66 67 68))
(define la2 (+LazyArray int16be (λ (t) 4)))
(define es (+EncodeStream))
(send la2 encode es '(1 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (send es dump) #"\0\1\0\2\0\3\0\4")
(check-equal? (send (send la2 decode (+DecodeStream #"\0\1\0\2\0\3\0\4")) toArray) '(1 2 3 4))
7 years ago