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#lang fontkit/racket
(require "ot-processor.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass object% (GlyphInfo font-in id-in [codePoints-in empty] [features-in (mhasheq)])
(field [_font font-in]
[codePoints codePoints-in]
[_id id-in]
[features (mhasheq)])
[(list? features-in)
(for ([feature (in-list features-in)])
(hash-set! features feature #t))]
[(object? features-in)
(hash-set! features (· features-in features))])
(field [ligatureID #f]
[ligatureComponent #f]
[ligated #f]
[isLigated #f] ;todo: is this deliberate or accidental? see gsub-processor
[cursiveAttachment #f]
[markattachment #f]
[shaperInfo #f]
[substituted #f])
(define/public (id [id-in #f])
[(not id-in) _id]
[else (set! _id id-in)
(set! substituted #t)
[(and (· this _font GDEF) (· this _font GDEF glyphClassDef))
(define classID (send (+OTProcessor) getClassID id-in (· this _font GDEF glyphClassDef)))
(set-field! isMark this (= classID 3))
(set-field! isLigature this (= classID 2))]
(set-field! isMark this (andmap is-mark? (· this codePoints)))
(set-field! isLigature this (> (length (· this codePoints)) 1))])])))