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#lang debug racket
(require "attrs.rkt"
5 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define ((block-draw-start first-line) q doc)
;; adjust drawing coordinates for border inset
(match-define (list bil bit bir bib)
(for/list ([k (in-list (list :border-inset-left :border-inset-top :border-inset-right :border-inset-bottom))])
(quad-ref first-line k 0)))
(match-define (list left top) (pt+ (quad-origin q) (list bil bit)))
(match-define (list width height) (pt- (size q) (list (+ bil bir) (+ bit bib))))
;; fill rect
(let ([bgc (quad-ref first-line :background-color)])
(when bgc
(rect doc left top width height)
(fill doc bgc)))
;; draw border
(match-define (list bw-left bw-top bw-right bw-bottom)
(map (λ (k) (max 0 (quad-ref first-line k 0)))
;; adjust start and end points based on adjacent border width
;; so all borders overlap rectangularly
(define (half x) (/ x 2.0))
(define right (+ left width))
(define bottom (+ top height))
(define (box-side x1 y1 x2 y2 color stroke-width)
(when (positive? stroke-width)
(move-to doc x1 y1)
(line-to doc x2 y2)
(stroke doc (or color "black") stroke-width)))
(box-side (- left (half bw-left)) top (+ right (half bw-right)) top
(quad-ref first-line :border-color-top) bw-top)
(box-side right (- top (half bw-top)) right (+ bottom (half bw-bottom))
(quad-ref first-line :border-color-right) bw-right)
(box-side (+ right (half bw-right)) bottom (- left (half bw-left)) bottom
(quad-ref first-line :border-color-bottom) bw-bottom)
(box-side left (+ bottom (half bw-bottom)) left (- top (half bw-top))
(quad-ref first-line :border-color-left) bw-left)
(case (quad-ref first-line :block-clip)
(when (eq? (log-clipping?) 'warn)
(for ([line (in-list (quad-elems q))])
(define line-width (pt-x (size line)))
(define line-elem-width (sum-x (quad-elems line)))
(when (< line-width line-elem-width)
(define error-str (apply string-append (for/list ([q (in-list (quad-elems line))])
(match (quad-elems q)
[(list (? string? str)) str]
[_ ""]))))
(log-quadwriter-warning (format "clipping overfull line: ~v" error-str)))))
(save doc)
(rect doc left top width height)
(clip doc)]))
(define ((block-draw-end first-line) q doc)
(case (quad-ref first-line :block-clip)
[(#true) (restore doc)])
(when (draw-debug-block?)
(draw-debug q doc "#6c6" "#9c9")))
(define (insert-blocks lines)
(define groups-of-lines (contiguous-group-by (λ (x) (quad-ref x :display)) lines))
(append* (for/list ([line-group (in-list groups-of-lines)])
(if (quad-ref (car line-group) :display)
(list (lines->block line-group))
(define (lines->block lines)
(match lines
[(cons line _)
#:type block-quad
#:from 'sw
#:to 'nw
#:elems (from-parent lines 'nw)
5 years ago
#:tag 'block
#:attrs (quad-attrs line)
#:size (delay (pt (pt-x (size line)) ;
(+ (sum-y lines)
(quad-ref line :inset-top 0)
(quad-ref line :inset-bottom 0))))
#:shift-elems (pt 0 (quad-ref line :inset-top 0))
#:draw-start (block-draw-start line)
#:draw-end (block-draw-end line))]))