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7 years ago
#lang fontkit/racket
(require restructure)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass VersionedStruct (Rpost))
(define post (let ()
(define header-fields
(dictify 'italicAngle fixed32be ;; Italic angle in counter-clockwise degrees from the vertical.
'underlinePosition int16be ;; Suggested distance of the top of the underline from the baseline
'underlineThickness int16be ;; Suggested values for the underline thickness
'isFixedPitch uint32be ;; Whether the font is monospaced
'minMemType42 uint32be ;; Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 42 font
'maxMemType42 uint32be ;; Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 42 font
'minMemType1 uint32be ;; Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 font
'maxMemType1 uint32be ;; Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 font
(make-object Rpost
1 (append header-fields null)
2 (append header-fields (dictify 'numberOfGlyphs uint16be
'glyphNameIndex (+Array uint16be 'numberOfGlyphs)
;; this field causes problems due to deficiency in String class
;; 'names (+Array (+String uint8))
2.5 (append header-fields (dictify 'numberOfGlyphs uint16be
'offsets (+Array uint8)))
3 (append header-fields null)
7 years ago
4 (append header-fields (dictify 'map (+Array uint32be (λ (t) (· t parent maxp numGlyphs)))))))))
7 years ago
(define ip (open-input-file charter-path))
(define dir (deserialize (read (open-input-file charter-directory-path))))
(define offset (· dir tables post offset))
(define len (· dir tables post length))
(check-equal? offset 41520)
(check-equal? len 514)
(define ds (+DecodeStream (peek-bytes len offset ip)))
(define version (send fixed32be decode ds)) ; version = 2
7 years ago
(send post force-version! version)
(define table-data (send post decode ds))
(check-equal? (· table-data underlineThickness) 58)
(check-equal? (· table-data underlinePosition) -178))