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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base br/syntax) racket/class br/define)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (read-bytes-exact count p)
(define bs (read-bytes count p))
(unless (and (bytes? bs) (= (bytes-length bs) count))
(raise-argument-error 'read-bytes-exact (format "byte string length ~a" count) bs))
7 years ago
(define RBase
(class object%
(abstract decode)
(abstract encode)
7 years ago
#;(abstract size)))
(define-macro (define-subclass SUPERCLASS (ID . INIT-ARGS) . BODY)
#'(define ID (class SUPERCLASS (super-new) (init-field . INIT-ARGS) . BODY)))
7 years ago
(require (for-syntax sugar/debug))
(define-macro (getter-field [ID . EXPRS])
(with-pattern ([_ID (prefix-id "_" #'ID)])
7 years ago
(field [(ID _ID) . EXPRS])
(public (_ID ID))
7 years ago
(#,(if (syntax-property caller-stx 'override) #'define/override #'define) (_ID) ID))))
(define-macro (getter-field/override [ID . EXPRS])
(syntax-property #'(getter-field [ID . EXPRS]) 'override #t))
(define-macro (test-module . EXPRS)
#`(module+ test
(require #,(datum->syntax caller-stx 'rackunit))
7 years ago
(define-macro (define-stub-stop ID)
(with-pattern ([ERROR-ID (suffix-id (prefix-id (syntax-source #'this) ":" #'ID) ":not-implemented")])
#'(define (ID . args)
(error 'ERROR-ID))))
(provide (rename-out [define-stub-stop define-stub]))
(define-macro (define-stub-go ID)
(with-pattern ([ERROR-ID (suffix-id (prefix-id (syntax-source #'this) ":" #'ID) ":not-implemented")])
#'(define (ID . args)
(displayln 'ERROR-ID))))
(define-macro (define-unfinished (ID . ARGS) . BODY)
(with-pattern ([ID-UNFINISHED (suffix-id (prefix-id (syntax-source #'this) ":" #'ID) ":unfinished")])
#'(define (ID . ARGS)
(begin . BODY)
(error 'ID-UNFINISHED))))
(define-macro (unfinished)
(with-pattern ([ID-UNFINISHED (prefix-id (syntax-source caller-stx) ":" (syntax-line caller-stx) ":" #'unfinished)])
7 years ago
#'(error 'ID-UNFINISHED)))
(define-macro (define+provide ID . EXPRS)
(provide ID)
(define ID . EXPRS)))
(require sugar/list)
(define (listify kvs)
(for/list ([slice (in-list (slice-at kvs 2))])
(cons (car slice) (cadr slice))))
(define-syntax-rule (define-hashifier id hasher) (define (id . kvs) (hasher (listify kvs))))
(define-hashifier mhash make-hash)
(define-hashifier mhasheq make-hasheq)
7 years ago
(define-hashifier mhasheqv make-hasheqv)
(define (port-position port)
(define-values (l c p) (port-next-location port))
(define-syntax (· stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ x ref)
[(object? x) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:object? (λ (exn) (send x ref))])
(get-field ref x))]
[(hash? x) (hash-ref x 'ref #f)]
[else (raise-argument-error '· (format "~a must be object or hash" 'x) x)])]
[(_ x ref0 . refs) #'(· (· x ref0) . refs)]))