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#lang pitfall/racket
(provide text-mixin)
(define (text-mixin [% mixin-tester%])
(class %
(field [_lineGap #f]
[_textOptions #f])
7 years ago
(define/contract (initText this)
(->m void?)
(set-field! x this 0)
(set-field! y this 0)
(lineGap this 0)
(define/contract (lineGap this _lineGap)
(number? . ->m . object?)
(set-field! _lineGap this _lineGap)
(define/contract (moveDown this [lines 1] #:factor [factor 1])
(() (number? #:factor number?) . ->*m . object?)
(increment-field! y this (* factor (send this currentLineHeight #t) (+ lines (· this _lineGap))))
(define/contract (moveUp this [lines 1])
(() (number?) . ->*m . object?)
(moveDown this #:factor -1))
(define/contract (_text this text x y options lineCallback)
(string? number? number? hash? procedure? . ->m . object?)
(set! options (send this _initOptions options x y))
;; Convert text to a string
;; q: what else might it be?
(set! text (format "~a" text))
;; if the wordSpacing option is specified, remove multiple consecutive spaces
(when (hash-ref options 'wordSpacing #f)
(set! text (string-replace text #px"\\s{2,}" " ")))
;; word wrapping
#;[(hash-ref options 'width #f)
] ; todo
[else ; render paragraphs as single lines
(for ([line (in-list (string-split text "\n"))])
(lineCallback line options))])
(define (text this text-string [x 0] [y 0] [options (mhash)])
(send this _text text-string x y options (curry _line this)))
7 years ago
(define/contract (widthOfString this string [options (mhash)])
((string?) (hash?) . ->*m . number?)
42 ; todo
(define/contract (_initOptions this [options (mhash)] [x #f] [y #f])
(() (hash? (or/c number? #f) (or/c number? #f)) . ->*m . hash?)
;; clone options object
(set! options (hash-copy options))
;; extend options with previous values for continued text
(when (· this _textOptions)
(for ([(key val) (in-hash (· this _textOptions))]
#:unless (equal? (key "continued")))
(hash-ref! options key val)))
;; Update the current position
(when x (set-field! x this x))
(when y (set-field! y this y))
;; wrap to margins if no x or y position passed
(unless (not (hash-ref options 'lineBreak #t))
(define margins (· this page margins))
(hash-ref! options 'width (λ () (- (· this page width) (· this x) (· margins right)))))
(hash-ref! options 'columns 0)
(hash-ref! options 'columnGap 18) ; 1/4 inch in PS points
(define/contract (_line this text [options (mhash)] [wrapper #f])
((string?) (hash? (or/c procedure? #f)) . ->*m . void?)
(send this _fragment text (· this x) (· this y) options)
(define lineGap (or (hash-ref options 'lineGap #f) (· this _lineGap) 0))
(if (not wrapper)
(increment-field! x this (send this widthOfString text))
7 years ago
(increment-field! y (+ (send this currentLineHeight #t) lineGap)))
(define/contract (_fragment this text x y options)
(string? number? number? hash? . ->m . void?)
7 years ago
(define align (hash-ref options 'align 'left))
(define wordSpacing (hash-ref options 'wordSpacing 0))
(define characterSpacing (hash-ref options 'characterSpacing 0))
;; text alignments ; todo
;; calculate the actual rendered width of the string after word and character spacing ; todo
;; create link annotations if the link option is given ; todo
;; create underline or strikethrough line ; todo
;; flip coordinate system
(send this save)
(send this transform 1 0 0 -1 0 (· this page height))
(set! y (- (· this page height) y (* (/ (· this _font ascender) 1000) (· this _fontSize))))
7 years ago
;; add current font to page if necessary
(hash-ref! (· this page fonts) (· this _font id) (λ () (· this font ref)))
7 years ago
;; begin the text object
(send this addContent "BT")
;; text position
(send this addContent (format "1 0 0 1 ~a ~a Tm" (number x) (number y)))
;; font and font size ; todo
;; rendering mode
(define mode (cond
[(and (hash-ref options 'fill #f) (hash-ref options 'stroke #f)) 2]
[(hash-ref options 'stroke #f) 1]
[else 0]))
(when (and mode (not (zero? mode)))
(send this addContent (format "~a Tr" mode)))
;; Character spacing
(when (and characterSpacing (not (zero? characterSpacing)))
(send this addContent (format "~a Tc" characterSpacing)))
;; Add the actual text
;; If we have a word spacing value, we need to encode each word separately
;; since the normal Tw operator only works on character code 32, which isn't
;; used for embedded fonts.
;; todo
;; Adds a segment of text to the TJ command buffer ; todo
;; Flushes the current TJ commands to the output stream ; todo
;; Flush any remaining commands ; todo
;; end the text object
(send this addContent "ET")
;; restore flipped coordinate system
(send this restore)
(display 'end-fragment))