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6 years ago
#lang debug racket/base
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
7 years ago
(provide PDFDocument)
6 years ago
(define PDFDocument
(class (annotation-mixin (image-mixin (text-mixin (fonts-mixin (color-mixin (vector-mixin object%))))))
(init-field [(@options options) (mhasheq)])
(field [@pages null]
[@offsets (mhasheqv)] ; The PDF object stores
[ref-gen (generator ()
(let loop ([refid 1])
(hash-set! @offsets refid #f)
(yield refid)
(loop (add1 refid))))]
[(@root _root) (ref (mhasheq 'Type "Catalog"
'Pages (ref (mhasheq 'Type "Pages"
'Count 0
'Kids empty))))] ; top object
[(@x x) 0]
[(@y y) 0]
[(@info info) (mhasheq
'Producer "PITFALL"
'Creator "PITFALL"
'CreationDate (seconds->date (if (test-mode)
(current-seconds)) #f))]) ; Initialize the metadata
;; Initialize mixins
(send this initColor)
(send this initVector)
(inherit-field _ctm)
(send this initFonts)
(inherit-field @font-families)
(send this initText)
(send this initImages)
;; initialize params
(current-compress-streams? (hash-ref @options 'compress #t))
(current-auto-first-page (hash-ref @options 'autoFirstPage #t))
(current-doc-offset 0)
(define/public (page) (first @pages))
(define/public (ref [payload (mhasheq)])
(make-object PDFReference this (ref-gen) payload))
(define/public (write x)
(define bstr (if (bytes? x) x (string->bytes/latin-1 (string-append x "\n"))))
(write-bytes bstr)
(current-doc-offset (file-position (current-output-port))))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define/public (addPage [options-arg @options])
;; end the current page if needed
(unless (hash-ref @options 'bufferPages #f)
;; create a page object
(set! @pages (cons (make-object PDFPage this options-arg) @pages))
7 years ago
6 years ago
;; in Kids, store page dictionaries in correct order
;; this determines order in document
(define pages (get-field payload (hash-ref (get-field payload @root) 'Pages)))
(hash-update! pages 'Kids (λ (val) (append val (list (get-field dictionary (page))))))
(hash-set! pages 'Count (length (hash-ref pages 'Kids)))
;; reset x and y coordinates
(set! @x (hash-ref (get-field margins (page)) 'left))
(set! @y (hash-ref (get-field margins (page)) 'top))
;; flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in
;; the top left rather than the bottom left
(set! _ctm default-ctm-value)
(send this transform 1 0 0 -1 0 (get-field height (page)))
(define/public (flush-pages)
(for-each (λ (p) (send p end)) @pages)
(set! @pages empty))
(define/public (addContent data)
(send (page) write data)
(define/public (_refEnd aref)
(hash-set! @offsets (get-field id aref) (get-field offset aref)))
(define/public (end) ; called from source file to finish doc
(write (format "%PDF-~a" (current-pdf-version)))
(write (string-append "%" (list->string (map integer->char (make-list 4 #xFF)))))
(define doc-info (ref))
(for ([(key val) (in-hash @info)])
;; upgrade string literal to String struct
(hash-set! (get-field payload doc-info) key (if (string? val) (String val) val)))
(send doc-info end)
6 years ago
6 years ago
(for ([font (in-hash-values @font-families)])
(send font finalize))
(send @root end)
(send (hash-ref (get-field payload @root) 'Pages) end)
(define xref-offset (current-doc-offset))
(match-define (list this-idxs this-offsets)
(match (sort (hash->list @offsets) < #:key car) ; sort by refid
[(list (cons idxs offsets) ...) (list idxs offsets)]))
(write "xref")
(write (format "0 ~a" (add1 (length this-offsets))))
(write "0000000000 65535 f ")
(let ([missing-offsets (for/list ([offset (in-list this-offsets)]
[idx (in-list this-idxs)]
#:unless (number? offset))
(unless (empty? missing-offsets)
(raise-argument-error 'document:end "numerical offsets" missing-offsets)))
(for ([offset (in-list this-offsets)]
[idx (in-list this-idxs)])
(write (string-append (~r offset #:min-width 10 #:pad-string "0") " 00000 n ")))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(write "trailer")
(write (convert
(mhash 'Size (add1 (length this-offsets))
'Root @root
'Info doc-info)))
(write "startxref")
(write (numberizer xref-offset))
(write "%%EOF"))
; if no 'info key, nothing will be copied from (hash)
(for ([(key val) (in-hash (hash-ref @options 'info (hash)))])
(hash-set! @info key val))
;; Add the first page
(when (current-auto-first-page) (addPage))))
(module+ test
(define d (new PDFDocument)))