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6 years ago
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/runtime-path
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-runtime-path quadwriter-fonts-dir "fonts")
(define-runtime-path default-font-face "fonts/default/SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf")
(define default-font-family "default-serif")
6 years ago
(define default-font-size 12)
6 years ago
(define default-line-height 16)
5 years ago
(define default-font-color "black")
6 years ago
(define font-paths (make-hash))
(define (setup-font-path-table! base-path)
;; populate `font-paths` table with font paths
;; search "fonts" subdirectory in project for other subdirectories
;; which are presumed to contain fonts.
;; and link them to their family names & styles.
;; this allows a flexible mapping from internal to external names, like @font-face
;; note that all the semantics are derived from the file system
;; not any metadata fields within the font.
;; this is faster and easier, because you can just muck with the directory and filenames
;; to change the font mapping.
;; though it also creates the potential for mischief,
;; if a font is named something that doesn't reflect its visual reality.
;; but we are not the font police.
;; rules for font naming
;; "fonts" subdirectory on top
;; family directories inside: each named with font family name
;; this makes it possible to give font families generic names (e.g., "body-text")
;; and change the font files without disturbing anything else.
6 years ago
(hash-clear! font-paths)
(define-values (dir path _) (split-path base-path))
(define doc-fonts-dir (build-path dir "fonts"))
;; run doc-fonts-dir first because earlier fonts take precedence
5 years ago
(for* ([fonts-dir (in-list (list quadwriter-fonts-dir doc-fonts-dir))]
6 years ago
#:when (directory-exists? fonts-dir)
[font-family-subdir (in-directory fonts-dir)]
#:when (directory-exists? font-family-subdir)
[font-path (in-directory font-family-subdir)]
5 years ago
#:when (member (path-get-extension font-path) '(#".otf" #".ttf" #".woff")))
6 years ago
(match-define (list font-path-string family-name)
(map (λ (x) (path->string (find-relative-path fonts-dir x))) (list font-path font-family-subdir)))
;; search for subdir in path matching style name
;; note that this will work if fonts are contained in another subdirectory (e.g., real font name)
(define path-parts (map path->string (explode-path (string->path (string-downcase font-path-string)))))
6 years ago
(define key
(cons family-name
[(member "bold-italic" path-parts) 'bi]
[(member "bold" path-parts) 'b]
[(member "italic" path-parts) 'i]
[else 'r])))
6 years ago
;; only set value if there's not one there already.
;; this means that we only use the first eligible font we find.
(hash-ref! font-paths key font-path)))
(define (font-attrs->path font-family bold italic)
;; find the font-path corresponding to a certain family name and style.
(define key (cons font-family
[(and bold italic) 'bi]
[bold 'b]
[italic 'i]
[else 'r])))
(define regular-key (cons font-family 'r))
[(hash-ref font-paths key #false)]
;; if there isn't one, try the regular style.
[(hash-ref font-paths regular-key #false)]
;; If there isn't one, use the default.
[else default-font-face]))
(define (resolve-font-path attrs)
(define this-font-family (hash-ref! attrs 'font-family default-font-family))
(unless (complete-path? this-font-family)
(define this-bold (hash-ref! attrs 'font-bold #false))
(define this-italic (hash-ref! attrs 'font-italic #false))
(hash-set! attrs 'font-path (font-attrs->path this-font-family this-bold this-italic))))
6 years ago
(define (parse-percentage pstr)
(/ (string->number (string-trim pstr "%")) 100.0))
(define (resolve-font-size attrs)
(define this-font-size (hash-ref! attrs 'font-size default-font-size))
(define this-font-size-adjust (parse-percentage (hash-ref! attrs 'font-size-adjust "100%")))
;; we bake the adjustment into the font size...
(hash-set! attrs 'font-size (* this-font-size this-font-size-adjust))
;; and then set the adjustment back to 100% (since it's now accounted for)
(hash-set! attrs 'font-size-adjust "100%"))