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6 years ago
#lang debug racket
(struct $csp (variables domains neighbors constraints initial curr_domains nassigns) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define/contract (make-csp variables domains neighbors constraints)
((listof symbol?) hash? hash? procedure? . -> . $csp?)
(define/contract (assign csp var val assignment)
($csp? symbol? any/c hash? . -> . void?)
;; Add {var: val} to assignment; Discard the old value if any.
(hash-set! assignment var val)
(set-$csp-nassigns! csp (add1 ($csp-nassigns csp))))
(define/contract (unassign csp var assignment)
($csp? symbol? hash? . -> . void?)
;; Remove {var: val} from assignment.
;; DO NOT call this if you are changing a variable to a new value;
;; just call assign for that.
(hash-remove! assignment var))
(define/contract (nconflicts csp var val assignment)
($csp? symbol? any/c hash? . -> . number?)
;; Return the number of conflicts var=val has with other variables."""
;; Subclasses may implement this more efficiently
(define (conflict var2)
(and (hash-has-key? assignment var2)
(not (($csp-constraints csp) var val var2 (hash-ref assignment var2)))))
(for/sum ([v (hash-ref ($csp-neighbors csp) var)]
#:when (conflict v))
(define (display csp assignment)
(displayln "todo"))
(define/contract (support_pruning csp)
($csp? . -> . void?)
;; Make sure we can prune values from domains. (We want to pay
;; for this only if we use it.)
(when (false? ($csp-curr_domains csp))
(let ([h (make-hash)])
(for ([v ($csp-variables csp)])
(hash-set! h v (hash-ref ($csp-domains csp) v)))
(define/contract (suppose csp var value)
($csp? symbol? any/c . -> . (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)))
;; Start accumulating inferences from assuming var=value
(support_pruning csp)
(define removals
(for/list ([a (hash-ref ($csp-curr_domains csp) var)]
#:when (not (equal? a value)))
(cons var a)))
(hash-set! ($csp-curr_domains csp) var (list value))
(define/contract (prune csp var value removals)
($csp? symbol? any/c (or/c #f (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c))) . -> . (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)))
;; Rule out var=value
(hash-update! ($csp-curr_domains csp) var
(λ (vals) (remove value vals)))
(and removals
(append removals (list (cons var value)))))
(define/contract (choices csp var)
($csp? symbol? . -> . (listof any/c))
;; Return all values for var that aren't currently ruled out.
(hash-ref (or ($csp-curr_domains csp) ($csp-domains csp)) var))
(define/contract (infer_assignment csp)
($csp? . -> . hash?)
;; Return the partial assignment implied by the current inferences.
(support_pruning csp)
(let ([a (make-hash)])
(for ([v ($csp-variables csp)]
#:when (= 1 (length (hash-ref ($csp-curr_domains csp) v))))
(hash-set! a v (first (hash-ref ($csp-curr_domains csp) v))))
(define/contract (restore csp removals)
($csp? (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)) . -> . void?)
;; Undo a supposition and all inferences from it.
(for ([removal removals])
(match-define (cons B b) removal)
(hash-update! ($csp-curr_domains csp) B
(λ (vals) (append vals (list b))))))
;; ______________________________________________________________________________
;; CSP Backtracking Search
;; Variable ordering
(define/contract (first_unassigned_variable assignment csp)
(hash? $csp? . -> . symbol?)
;; The default variable order.
(for/first ([var ($csp-variables csp)]
#:when (not (hash-has-key? assignment var)))
;; Value ordering
(define/contract (unordered_domain_values var assignment csp)
(symbol? hash? $csp? . -> . (listof any/c))
;; The default value order.
(choices csp var))
;; Inference
(define/contract (no_inference csp var value assignment removals)
($csp? symbol? any/c hash? (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c)) . -> . boolean?)
(define/contract (backtracking_search csp
[select_unassigned_variable first_unassigned_variable]
[order_domain_values unordered_domain_values]
[inference no_inference])
(($csp?) (procedure? procedure? procedure?) . ->* . (or/c #f hash?))
(require rackunit)
(define vs '(wa nsw t q nt v sa))
(define ds (for/hash ([k vs])
(values k '(red green blue))))
(define ns (for*/hash ([k vs]
[k2 (cdr vs)])
(values k (list k2))))
(define csp (make-csp vs ds ns void))
(check-true ($csp? csp))
(define a (make-hash))
(assign csp 'key 42 a)
(check-equal? (hash-ref a 'key) 42)
(unassign csp 'key a)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (hash-ref a 'key)))
(check-equal? 0 (nconflicts csp 'wa 'red (hasheq 'wa 42)))
(support_pruning csp)
(check-true (hash? ($csp-curr_domains csp)))
(suppose csp 'wa 'red)
'((wa . green) (wa . blue)))
(hash-ref ($csp-curr_domains csp) 'wa) '(red))
(check-equal? (prune csp 'v 'red empty) '((v . red)))
(check-equal? (choices csp 'v) '(green blue))
(check-equal? (choices csp 'wa) '(red))
(check-equal? (infer_assignment csp)
(make-hash '((wa . red))))
(check-equal? (suppose csp 'v 'blue) '((v . green)))
(check-equal? (infer_assignment csp)
(make-hash '((v . blue) (wa . red))))
(restore csp '((wa . green)))
(check-equal? (infer_assignment csp)
(make-hash '((v . blue))))
(check-equal? (first_unassigned_variable (hash) csp) 'wa)
(check-equal? (unordered_domain_values 'wa (hash) csp) '(red green))
(backtracking_search csp)