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7 years ago
#lang fontkit/racket
(require fontkit rackunit restructure)
7 years ago
(define fira-path "../pitfall/test/assets/fira.ttf")
7 years ago
(define f (openSync fira-path))
(define ds (send f _getTableStream 'GPOS))
(file-position (· ds _port))
(peek-bytes 4 0 (· ds _port)) ; version
(peek-bytes 2 4 (· ds _port)) ; scriptList pointer
(peek-bytes 2 10 (· ds _port)) ; number of Scriptrecords
(send uint16be decode #"\0\n")
(define h (send GPOS decode ds))
;(check-equal? (· h version) #x00010000)
;(check-equal? (length (· h scriptList)) 4)